The Companions of Time

By abbsofsteele02

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You must not question the story you are about to read. That is if you are courageous enough to in fact read i... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 2

63 1 0
By abbsofsteele02

The afternoon we traveled back was one of the strangest, most perplexing day that I have ever experienced. I will question how all that happened was possible, until the day I die.

That afternoon, I had to face my worst fear.

My grandmother, the last one alive in my family, had passed away. I was so heart broken and I hadn't spoke a word since I had found out. That afternoon was her funeral, and I was supposed to be put in the orphanage that my grandparents had started so many years ago.

Everyone that lived in the orphanage went to the funeral. It was an honorable event, and many people that I hadn't even known came, many people later on in years.

We had a small gathering at the house, were her favorite expensive cheeses were served on little toothpicks, and many people offered their condolences to me.

My agent, that would help me ease into the adoption system, asked for my to go to the basement and get some files out of an old rusty filing cabinet that had some of my information inside.

Let's just say, that agent never received that file.

John volunteered to venture down into the dark, musty basement to retrieve the file.

"I'm sorry about gran," he said awkwardly as we climbed down the steep stairs.

"It was her time," I said "she had done so many important things, and helped many people that she didn't need to, even if she had an attitude and didn't want to be seen associating with someone below her."

"Yea, she didn't seem to like me much, but she was the closest thing I ever had to family," he
Said smiling sadly.

"I think she was starting to kind of like you," I said tossling his dark curls with my hand.

We found the filing cabinet, and John began looking for my file. I didn't help him look, instead I had looked around.

That's when I found it.

The time machine.

"Come look," I said to John.

He stopped his search, and I heard his feet echo across the concrete basement.

"What is it?" He asked.

I looked and could not decipher what in the world the machine was. We then found a handwritten booklet with the title: Time Machine.

"I suppose it's a time machine," I said quite shocked.

"I suppose it is," he breathed.

Opening the booklet, the works were unreadable. Time had eaten away the ink, and the pages had more dust than ink.

The machine looked similar to a bike, it had a bench-like seat and it was made with rusty metal.
I sat down on the bench, and pulled a few levers.

"I don't think that is the best idea," he said to me.

"Nonsense, nothing is happening anyway," I said patting the space next to me, for him to sit.

We both helped pedaling, and still nothing happened.

' What a joke,' I snorted to myself.

I pulled a couple more levers and still nothing happened. Then it caught my eye. A button that had an emerald on top, my had was drawn near it, and I pressed it down.

After I pressed it down the machine Belgian to whir and shake, and little sparks of electricity began to come off of the machine.

"This is not good," we both said at the same time

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