Elizabeth Salvatore ( An Elij...

By chloe_moretz_fan18

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Elizabeth Salvatore ( An Elijah & Klaus love triangle)
Not a chapter

meeting the Mickaelsons

1.8K 54 20
By chloe_moretz_fan18

Chapter 2

"i haven't seen you in a while, how long has it been? 30 years?" "i don't know, Katherine, i don't keep count of years i was supposed to be dead for" i answered, with a smug attitude.

"you turned out like me after all" "no i didn't!"

she smirked at me, then took my arm and forced me out of the grill.  "what are you doing?" "i've been looking for you for a while and now that i've found you, i'm gonna take you to meet some people," "really, who is that?" "some  friends of mine, their called Klaus and Elijah" my eyes widened. "why are you taking me? shouldn't you be taking Elena?" "yes but Kaus compelled me to take you, and if i didn't take YOU, he would rip my heart out" "so you're just as selfish as you were, you haven't changed at all." she giggled and shoved me into a car.

About 20 minutes later, we arrived at a mansion just outside of Mystic Falls. Again, she took my arm and almost dragged me in the mansion. When we arrived in what seemed like the hallway, i heard footsteps coming our way. their were two. a few seconds later, two men about Damon's age showed up in front of us. "like you told me, i brought her to you," "thank you Katerina, it is awfully kind of you," he looked into her eyes and compelled her " you may go now" with that, she left, but not without sending me a smirk.

i turned around and came face to face with, i think, Klaus. he looked at me and smiled. he looked into my eyes and compelled me "you will not try to leave this house unless me or Elijah tell you to, is that understood?" i nodded without thinking. his eyes were so captivating. Elijah came up to me. "you must be Elizabeth, the girl Katherine's told us so much about." i looked at him with a confused expression. Katherine talked about me? what is going on in this world?

Then, Klaus spoke up with his british accent," you must be wondering why, but she told us that you were quite a special girl," he smiled at me along with Elijah. they were trying to be friendly, but i wasn't buying it. i turned around and headed to what must've been that living room. i looked at the corner of my eye to see them giving each other a confused look. i smirked. maybe i was becoming a tiny but like Katherine but i didn't mind,  actually i kinda liked it. 

" so Elizabeth, we caught your last name?" that stopped me on the spot, i turned around and smirked a little(she smirks like Katherine). "my last name is Salvatore, if you were wondering"  their eyes widened a little. "you're related to those idiots?!" "yes, they are my brothers if you're wondering," i sat down on the sofa. Elijah poured himself a glass of whiskey. " can pour me one as well?" he smirked my way and poured another glass. "you know, i think Katherine's had some influence on you over the years" i smirked, "i haven't seen her in 30 years" "yes you have, you simply do not remember" i turned to look at them and they were smiling at me, cockily. "what are you saying?" Katherine payed us a visit 6 years ago, asking us to erase your memory because, and i know it may seem suprising, she cared for you as a sister" my eyes widened in shock. "i i have to go" i got up and left. i was about to go out when i was blocked by an invisible barrier. " i'm afraid you're stuck with us my dear". then Rebekah walked in.  she looked at me, ran to find a wooden stick and came back, sticking it in my stomach. i groaned. "Rebekah, what are you doing here?" they hadn't seen me yet. "i just walked in and i saw an intruder so i staked her. she walked upstairs leaving me on the floor, trying to get the stake out. Klaus and Elijah both ran to me. Klaus took out the stake. " Brother, go and get a blood bag" Klaus nodded and left. Elijah took this opportunity to jump at me. he smashed his lips to mine. i didn't object but we were pulled apart a few minutes later by Klaus, who was fuming. he looked at me in the eyes and compelled me. "you forgot what just happened, you came here to just talk then you left" i repeated with a monotone voice then left.

i entered the boarding house to find Damon, Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Alaric, Jeremy and Matt standing there calling everybody, panicking. "what did i miss?" they all turned around shocked. "what?" Damon, Stefan and Elena all ran to me, engulfing in a bear hug."thanks, but, why?" "we couldn't find you nobody knew where you were" "i was with Klaus and Elijah" i answered, shrugging. "WHAT?!" "calm down, they just wanted to talk to me! they didn't do anything to me, i'm fine," they sighed in relief.

"now if you guys don't mind i'm going to bed because i'm tired and i don't know why, see you later" they nodded, smiling. i went upstairs. i opened my door and fell on my bed. as soon as i was changed in my pyjamas, somebody jumped on me. i looked and saw Elijah's face smiling at me. i smiled and smashed our lips together. "i'm glad to see you, i couldn't wait another year" he whispered in my ear. you see Elijah met me a few years back when i was finally free of Katherine. we started dating and then it clicked. he trailed kisses down my neck. i let out a moan and he smiled. he came back up to my lips. i pulled on his shirt and he happily took it off. a few minutes later, i took off mine and he smiled. the rest of the night was really hot.

i woke up int he morning, my head was on his chest and i smiled. "why are you staring? it's creepy" "it's romantic" he chuckled and i let out an unwanted giggle. what we didn't expect was my brothers finding me like that. i blushed while they were fuming. "hey big bro! how's it going?" "Elijah, get away from our sister, now!" "sorry boys, but Elijah is my boyfriend and he's not leaving until i tell him too" i smirked. "like i told you, Katherine left a little something on your sister" "is it true that you changed that much?" Damon asked me a bit saddened. "yes it is, why are you sad Damon? i'm still your sister" i smiled. "what happened here?" we all turned around to the origin of the voice. he was angry,  no, not angry, mad, Fuming.


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