Baby Dolan (book 2)

By violentkarma

224K 5.3K 1.9K

Sequel to Stepbrothers Warning contains, self harming do not read if feel triggered I DO NOT OWN NONE OF THES... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Another N/a

Chapter 22

4.4K 112 15
By violentkarma

Grayson's POV

Right now I'm sitting in my room, at my moms place, and I'm laying on my bed

I took a shower and changed into a white tee with some jogging pants

I'm just laying wondering how i didn't figure it out, how I didn't know what was wrong with Lilly, she's my best friend

I should of known, she changed or something about her was different, how come I didn't notice she was sad

Maybe if I noticed we wouldn't be where we are now, I remember she told Sara was tweeting mean things

I grabbed my phone off the charger, and go on the twitter, I typed in GraysonMain

And I scrolled down to read the tweets
GraysonMain: @KyleThePenguin lol sleepy boy

GraysonMain: I love Christmas

GraysonsMain: @LillyG your fat lol

GraysonsMain: @LillyG seriously trying to loose the extra pounds lol #pathetic

GraysonsMain: @LillyG Grayson won't stay for long you fat bitch lol

I closed the app, I didn't want to read all that bullshit about Lilly

What do Grayson Dolan do when somebody attack someone I love?

I get up and put some shoes on, and a hoodie with a beanie

I put my phone in my pocket and walked down the stairs and sneaked out the and quietly closed the door

I walked off the porch and onto the sidewalk and kept on walking, I put my hands in hoodie pocket since its a little chilly


My destination was across the street, I quickly across the street, and jog onto the porch

I see there's some lights on, so somebody have to be here

I clicked the door bell and waited

I only waited for a while cause someone came and open the door to see Sara, she was dresses in a Christmas sweater with matching pajamas pants

"Grayson?, What are you doing here?" She asked

"Can we talk out here for a minute" I say

"Sure" she says walking onto the porch and closing the screen door

"What's Up?" She says a crossing her arms

"so I was just on Twitter, and I find your account and I seen all these tweets you tweeted tagging Lilly calling her a "fat bitch"" I say looking at her

She looking down biting her lip, I could tell she was trying to avoid eye contact

"Sara" I say

She look up at me

"Why?" I asked

"I was just teasing her I swear" she says

"Just teasing?" I asked

"Yeah, I mean she knew I was, if she didn't she would of respond" she says

"Last midnight, Lilly was found underwater unconscious, she took some diet pills and threw up her food the doctor told me she was anorexic, I didn't want to believe him, but now reading the tweets you tagged her in and the situation she was going through, you did this to her, your the reason why she's in the hospital, and I don't fucking care if  you say you were just playing or teasing her, cause put her in danger" I say

By the time I was done, she crying a little

I go say something else, but the door open and Kyle walked out he was wearing the exact same thing as Sara

"What's Going On?" He asked

"Nothing" I say

He looked at Sara, Sara walked back inside the house, Kyles step onto the porch

"If you got something to say, you come to me" he says getting into my face

"Kyle" Sara calls him

"Get Off My Porch!" He says before walking back inside the house

I can knock on the door, and beat his ass but that's not why I came here for

I walked off this porch, and started walking back home


I slowly opened the door and walked and quietly shut it and lock it, I turn around to see my mom standing there

"Hey Mom" I whispered

"Where were you?" She asked

"I just had to take some business" I say walking up the stairs

"Grayson" my mom called me

I stopped and looked at her

"Promise me you didn't do anything you'll regret?" She asked

"I didn't " I say

"Alright go to bed" she says

I continue walking upstairs, and to my room I take off my hoodie and put my phone onto the charger and laid in my bed


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Love, E 💞

Bye Fam ✌

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