The Indispensable | Jason McC...

By ericasomerhall

9.2K 292 67

COMPLETED Arabella Bourdelle always thought she was an average 20 year old girl, but one night, everything ch... More

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Five Years Later


157 3 0
By ericasomerhall

Jason's POV

We pull up outside headquarters just as Bella starts to wake up.
I get out of the truck and slide open the big door, revealing her lying there.

"Come on Bella" I say, holding out my hand to help her up.
I'm not sure why, but part of me expected her to take my hand.
I wish she would.
Instead she just glares at me, her stare burning straight through me.
It kills me to see the pain in her eyes.
I would do anything to just kiss her one last time.
I wish I could say a proper goodbye.

"It's fine Jase, I've got it" Scarlett says, helping her up.
I don't know why, but Bella still seems to have a small amount of respect for Scarlett.
I wish she could still have respect for me.

"Jase, are you okay?" Cody asks, looking concerned.
I look down to see my hands trembling uncontrollably.
I'd barely even noticed.
Honestly, no, I'm not okay, I'm far from it, but I can't say that.

"Yeah, I'm f-fine" I say, my voice cracking slightly as I do.
"No, you're not. Don't lie to me" Cody says.
It's already hard enough to keep my emotions buried, without having someone digging for them.

I try to control my breathing and stop shaking, but it's no use.
I don't think I can stand to watch her die.
"You don't have to come in, Jase, we can take her" Cody suggests.
"No, I have to come in" I say, knowing that I must.
Maybe, if I watch this, it can be a way for me to say goodbye to her.

Blake's truck comes in, and pulls up beside us.
I'm surprised he's actually turned up today, seeing as he has lost.
"Lets go" I say, and we begin to walk towards the building before Blake's gang has time to get out of their truck.

Arabella's POV

We walk towards a big double door in the front of the building.
Jason types in the passcode on a little keypad, and the doors open.
The building is big, and has a business look.
It reminds me of the big workplaces you get in movies, where people just talk on the phone all day.

We walk up to a big desk directly in front of the doors.
The lady behind it is dressed very formally, and sends a joyful smile our way.
"We're here to see Mr and Mrs Bieber" Jason says, resting his forearm on the desk.
"Ah, yes, of course. Right this way please" She says, ushering us towards an escort.
We're led along a corridor, up some stairs, and along another corridor, until we reach a door reading Mr and Mrs Bieber.
The escort knocks, and opens the door, before leaving us.

The office is fairly big, and is set out very nicely.
Behind a desk, there sits a man, probably old enough to be Jason's father.
He looks very dull and formal.
"Hello Jason. Please, take a seat, make yourself at home." He says

Jason nods, and we all walk in, sitting down on leather sofas around the room.
"So, this must be her then?" The man asks, staring at me.
"Yes, it is" Scarlett answers, before Jason gets the chance.

"She's here!" He yells, in the direction of another door.
A lady, about the same age as him, walks in and sits beside him.
She gives me a smile, and looks me up and down.
"Hello" She says sweetly.
"What's she called?" She asks the man.
The man looks towards Jason, waiting for an answer.
"B-bel-Arabella" He mutters in response.

"Well Arabella, it's nice to eventually meet you. My name is Mrs Bieber, and this is my husband." She says, somewhat suspiciously.

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