Origins Book 2: Hawk: Invasio...

By INFStudios

294 50 30

I was just thrown into an alien invasion along with my psychic fiancé. Great... More

Trailer Song
Chapter One: Darn
Chapter Two: Yay!
Chapter Three: Nightmare
Chapter Four: Creepy Heebie-jeebies
Chapter Five: The Struggle is Real!
Chapter Six: Options
Chapter Seven: Arrangements
Chapter Eight: Whoopsie-Daisy!
Chapter Nine: We Meet Again...
Chapter Ten: Things Are Heatin' Up, Fam
Chapter Eleven: It's Here
Chapter Twelve: The Box That Just Beat Dr. Strange
Chapter Thirteen: New Recruits
Chapter Fourteen: I'm About to Open a Can of Whoop-Ass
Chapter Fifteen: Confrontation
Chapter Sixteen: The Douche
Chapter Seventeen: The Launch
Chapter Eighteen: Liftoff
Chapter Nineteen: Final Battle Part Two
Chapter Twenty: Welcome Back to the Land of the Living
Author's Note
Concept Art

Chapter Nineteen: Final Battle

4 2 0
By INFStudios


And that brings us up to now. In the beginning of this story, I was saying stuff about the apocalypse and crap, and here it is. I have no earthly idea, literally and figuratively, what I'm in for here. And just as the ship comes into view, I realize we are DEFINITELY SCREWED.

Man, that thing was the size of Russia. There's no freaking way we're all gonna be able to take that down. Or will we?

"Ghost and Salvation, search the middle of the ship. Plague and Kaiju, search the back. That thing must have a power source, so I want you guys to find it and wreck it. Nightwatchers, find the main deck and shut everything down. Gem owners, come with me," I order via telepathy.

I shot towards a tube on the side of the ship, the others trailing behind me. I slowed my speed to a moving hover as we entered the tube.

"Keep quiet; we need to have the element of surprise," I told them.

We entered a big-ass hangar with aliens patrolling and hopping into ships. They're preparing for a launch. We don't have much time.

I hurriedly snuck around and stuck to the walls. I checked every few minutes to see if everyone was still following me. I looked up to see Darksteel standing in a huge glass box above the hangar, observing his false empire with his new pet standing loyally by his side. The Douche. I growled quietly under my breath. I turned back to the group.

"Darksteel and The Douche are up there. On my count, we all shoot straight up and kick ass," I whispered. I signaled three, two, one and we all shot straight up, breaking the glass of his box and we all either tackled Darksteel or The Douche. Unfortunately, I forgot about Jen. The big crash woke her up. About time. I let everyone else fight Darksteel and The Douche while I set Jen down and explained the situation.

"Okay, cool. How am I gonna fight, though?" she asked.

"Pick them up with your telekinesis and throw them around or something," Is answered. "I'll try to take out all of the little guys so you won't get hurt."

At that, I took off, impaling, decapitating, and slaughtering aliens. I did a scan of the hangar to make sure there were none left and, once I was sure there were no more, I went to the real fight.

Slice N' Dice caught sight of me and threw Darksteel up in the air and kicked him in my direction. When I got close enough, I gripped him by the throat with both hands and squeezed as hard as I could while diving downwards and slamming him into the ground. I started punching him over and over and over again until his face was seriously deformed. Jen ran over to me and and pulled on my arm, yelling for me to stop. I kept going, hitting him again and again until The Douche caught me by surprise and threw me against the wall.

My sight was blurry and I was seeing double, but I could see Jen holding both hands to her temples and screaming louder than I thought possible and I could see The Douche being crumpled up like a paper ball and suddenly exploded. I, along with Jen, slipped into unconsciousness.

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