Chapter Five: The Struggle is Real!

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Well, I've been here a few days now, and let me just say, the people here are AWESOME! They have super-powers, that Thorne guy is a great leader, and me and Jen have been training constantly to prepare for this invasion. It turns out, I can control the gem with my mind. I can will it to shoot towards me, land on my chest, and make that suit. Also, I've come up with code names for me and Jen. I'm Hawk and she's Mindbender.

Oh, and that reminds me, those nine I met earlier also have code names. Ghost is just Ghost. The living poison lady is Plague. The guy with a burnt face is Kaiju. The guy with no face is Salvation, but we were told that earlier by Damon. He is Dart, of course. Noelle, who turned out to be Damon's cousin, is Fang. Keith is Bullet. Finn is Rogue. Finally, Zachariah is Traverse. Boy, that's a mouthful. Also, they all fought FREAKING SATAN!!! That's a whole new level of awesomeness for me.

But I had horrible experiences during the night, though. That guy kept appearing in my dreams, telling me the exact same thing over and over again. I mean, I should do it, right? This guy is holding humanity hostage against me, and depending on what I might do, the world might die. He promises an invasion, and only I can stop it. I know I should talk to someone, but what would they say? Would they interrogate me, see how long I've been having these dreams? Would I get in trouble if I told them how long? No. No, I'm gonna talk to the only person I know I can trust: my girlfriend.

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