Not Living With The Biggest K...

By StormyRawr

84.9K 3.4K 1K

Last time Naruto and Harmony talked, it was when she confessed her feelings for him. Even though she's nervou... More

Not Living With The Biggest Knuckle Headed Ninja Anymore!
Do You Know What It's Like To Give Birth?
What Was That Old Sag?
Off On A Mission To Save A Hair Color Stealing Punk!
Ironic Ninja Situations
A Promise To A Friend
Can I Make Having No Kazekage Jokes? Too Soon?
Shut Up No Pupils Boy
I Can Kick My Own Ass
One Thousand Chances Technique
Philosophical Usagi
13. No Matter What It Takes
14. A Live Kazekage
15. A Crash Course in Manners
16. Test Subject Friends
17. Do the Ninja Thing
18. To be stupid with Pride or stupid with Anger?
19. A week in Prison
20. Whatever we are
Chapter 21. Learning to Carry Others
Chapter 22. No Matter How Difficult Things Become
Chapter 23. More People to Guide
Chapter 24. Wrecking Things
Chapter 25. A Reunion of Idiots
Chapter 26. He's Surprisingly On Time For Once
Chapter 27. One Stubborn Human Vs. Another Stubborn Human.
Chapter 29. Hokage Fangirl
Chapter 30. Trying to Impress Naruto's Dead but not Dead Dad.

Naruto Recieves Private Lessons From Kaka-Sensei

5.5K 208 71
By StormyRawr

I should have known it would be stupid to prepare a homemade dinner for Naruto. He was a dedicated fan to Ichiraku ramen and seemed quite eager to it. When he had asked me what was in the bag, I told him that it was food for something I had wanted to eat tomorrow. Kiba snickered at me for the white lie.

That was why when nobody was looking, I pushed him off of Akamaru in hopes that he felt agonizing pain.

"It's just so great to be back!" Cheerfully, Naruto said loudly as we walked around. It was only then that I had realized how tall he had gotten.

"So puberty finally hit you?" I asked him with a raised eye brow as I use my hands to compare our heights. "Good, you're taller. Now I have somebody to use as a shield if needed."

At first Naruto sweat dropped, but then he grinned and spoke a sentence that made butterflies swarm inside of my intestines. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." I said with a smile, but then grinned mischievously. "I bet that you have also missed the memories of Kiba streaking. Well no need to try to remember them, because the memories are going to be created again in no time."

"What's she talking about?" In a confused tone, Naruto asked Kiba, who's face had begun to turn red.

"We made a stupid bet and the loser has to go streaking." Kiba muttered and defensively crossed his arms over his chest. Naruto's eyes widened and he began to laugh.

"Ha! You have to go streaking, again!" Naruto said as he pointed at his friend and began to laugh.

Instead of acting bitter about it, Kiba had a new out look. "I've already done it once. This time, I will do it right without  any help." He said and looked at me.

"It's not my fault that you were a scaredy-cat the first time." I said and put my hands up in defense as a playful grin spread across my face. "Besides, I thought that you needed some help."

"You don't just touch a man there!" Kiba exclaimed and pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Boy." I said, and a confused look was on Kiba's face. "You were a boy, not a man." Kiba was about to say something else, but Naruto cut him off.

"Shikamaru!" Naruto said and began to run towards our lazy friend. I followed Naruto, but Kiba had seemed to have gotten bored by us and just kept walking. "I haven't see-" He began, but then noticed that Temari was also with Shikamaru.

"It's been two years and you're still as loud as ever." Shikamaru said and exhaled as if he had become an old man instead of a teenager.

"Are you two?" Naruto asked and motioned his hands to ask if they were dating.

"What?!" In shock, Shikamaru asked but then regained his composure. "No. She's just helping with the Chunin exams and I'm stuck with having to guide her around."

Temari snickered before she talked. "As if this lazy ass could ever date me."

I just smirked  as she said that. Since she was visiting for a while, we had gotten to hang out and talk a bit. She told me that she had a small crush on the lazy ninja. It wasn't as if she was the only one who talked about who she had feelings for. Naruto and I did come up in that conversation.

"I like men, not boys." She said with a smirk and Shikamaru rolled his eyes at her.

"So is everybody a Chunin?" Curiously, Naruto asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, some people even became Jonin." Shikamaru said and Naruto had shock on his face.

"I'm just still a Genin..." Naruto said and the fact began to set in with him. A sad aura began to form around him and he sat down.

"It's okay Naruto." I said and began to comfort him. "This just means that in missions you will have to listen to all of us and do whatever we say. So we basically own you." Temari snickered at the scene and Naruto's aura got even darker.

"You're not helping." Naruto said to me and laid on the ground as he curled up in a ball.

"Did we mention that Gaara is now the Kazekage?" I asked with a grin on my face. "Come on, I know you're proud of him for that."

Saying that gave a chance of Naruto's mood improving. He would either focus on the fact that Gaara had achieved something wonderful, or he would mope because he was still a Genin and one of his friends had already become a Kage.

At first, Naruto looked as if he did not know how to react. A few seconds later he stood up and grinned.

"Yeah!" In excitement, he said and fist bumped in a mini celebration. "Datteboy!"

I grinned as I knew that my plan had worked and Naruto was happy again. He was still the same knuckle head to me. Hopefully he was a bit wiser though. He had shown me that he had not gotten that much wiser though with his boob comment. Not-boob comment. Either way, he still had said a stupid thing to Sakura and I.

Some people might have been shocked that Sakura and I had become great friends over the past two years. I was like the boys, only thought of her as somebody who liked Sasuke and assumed that was her only aspect. She had worked her booty off that past two years to become a great medical ninja. Since Tsunade had taught her, her personality rubbed off on Sakura a bit. Instead of Sakura having an inner voice to express being annoyed, she expressed it outside. That was a similarity that we both had begun to share as it developed.

"So you're back now?" A voice asked as Naruto and I were walking through out the village. He had wanted see everything to see what had changed and what had not changed. It definitely looked better since the improvements.

"Kaka-Sensei!" In an excited tone, Naruto yelled and ran over to our sensei. "You haven't changed a bit either!"

"I think I have at least changed a bit." Kakashi said while he sweat dropped at the knuckle head.

"You're right," Naruto said and put his concentration face on. I grinned like an idiot, because I knew that a stupid comment was about to be said.  "You're older now."

"Why thank you." Dryly, Kakashi said to Naruto with a sweat drop. I walked up to him and put an arm around him in comfort.

"It's okay Kaka-Sensei, we all know you're the same because you read the same books." I said and he sent me a dry look.

"Thanks." He said, and I continued to grin at the situation. It was almost similar to the old times when the whole team was together. Except Sasuke was busy being his Pretty Bitch self and was still with Orochimaru.

"That reminds me, I have something to show Naruto." Kakashi said with a change of mood and a smile showing under his mask.

"Show away. But I swear, if anymore student and teacher inappropriate action goes on, one of you two is going to get pregnant. I will find a way to do so." I said as Kakashi lead Naruto into a different street to show him.

"So Naruto is back?" Shino asked, suddenly appearing beside me.

"Yeah!" Happily I replied and slapped Shino's back. "You should say hello when he comes back. It's been such a long while."

"I already planned on doing so." Shino said in his monotone voice.

"You've thought about this quite a bit, haven't you?" Playfully, yet a bit curiously, I had asked him and raised an eye brow while doing so.

"Of course, he is one of my comrades. One whom I have been on quite a few missions with and had gotten to know him." Shino explained, and moved his head towards me. "I know that you of all people have thought about his arrival home."

"Yeah, I did. A lot of times actually." I said and looked at the ground with a soft smile on my face. "Each time things went differently in my head. There were the cute and happy moments. There were also some crazy moments. However, I like to think that punching him as soon as he had come back is great for us. It shows that our relationship hasn't changed even though time has."

Just then, Naruto walked back to us.

"I don't want to hear about how he has 'given you private lessons' or has 'taught you special things' and especially that he 'helped you discover another side of yourself'." I said in disgust and shook my head from side to side. "Where is our somewhat pervy sensei?" I asked and looked around for him.

"He's just moping because he feels old." Naruto said and looked at Shino with his face all scrunched together. "He just showed me that he can do the Rasengan now. Who's this?" He asked and pointed at Shino.

"So that's what Kaka-Sensei was practicing." I said to myself and then rolled my eyes at Naruto. "Way to make our sensei and Shino feel bad."

"Shino?" Naruto asked and looked around to try to see him.

"You have forgotten me?" Shino asked, and Naruto looked at him in shock. "We went on missions together and bonded as comrades."

"W-What?!" Naruto yelled in shock. "You've covered yourself up so much that I had nothing to look off of!" In protest, he said and tried to explain himself.

"You're a ninja. Looks can just be a mere illusion. You need to have a better bond with your comrades." Shino said and Naruto looked at me for some help.

"Naruto, it's not my fault you're a person who can't recognize their friends." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

Fortunately for Naruto, he did recognize a few of the others that we ran into. We spent of the rest of the day just talking to each other and goofing around. It made me realize it was really good for both of us to have time away from each other. Then we were able to become our own people. We had spent a long while at Ichiraku ramen until Sakura went up to us and said that Tsunade wanted to see Naruto and I.

We were both excited over the news we heard when we had arrived.


Kakashi: Why must you write about me that way?

Me: What way? You mean EXPOSING THE TRUTH?

Kakashi: -sighs- Baka...

Me: Oh well. It's just a theory.... a game theory. Thanks for watching. cx Obviously you guys can tell what I did over break.

I really hope you guys like this chapter. (: I'm going to make sure I'm putting something with good quality and funny moments in there. This story is just making me work my booty off. cx Thank you all so much for commenting on the first chapter. I honestly had no idea that people liked this story so much. o.O I'm so lucky to have you all. ^.^

How's your new years? School sucking? School going good? Got your letter to Hogwarts yet? (It will come, the frog is just slow.) I hope you guys all have a wonderful day, smile, and stay youthful. ^.^ Farewell lovelies!

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