Cowboys and Angels (A Dean Wi...

By SilverRaine

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Grayson had always preferred hunting alone. Ever since her family was killed long ago, she knew she wouldn't... More

Chapter 1: Hey Pretty Girl
Chapter 2: Headstrong
Chapter 3: If You Ever Get Lonely
Chapter 4: Move Along
Chapter 5: I Dare You
Chapter 6: Why Am I The One
Chapter 7: My Sacrifice
Chapter 8: 21 Guns
Chapter 9: Stay
Chapter 10: The Great Escape
Chapter 11: Wherever I May Roam
Chapter 13: Carry On
Chapter 14: Miss Murder
Chapter 15: Some Nights
Chapter 16: A Little Faster
Chapter 17: Just One Yesterday
Chapter 18: The Phoenix
Chapter 19: Apocalyptic
Chapter 20: Dust
Chapter 21: September
Chapter 22: Dirt
Chapter 23: Nashville Without You
Chapter 24: Angel with a Shotgun

Chapter 12: For My Sake

11.5K 333 75
By SilverRaine

Chapter 12: For My Sake

It was a relatively quiet night. Dean was still quietly sleeping beside me. He hadn’t moved at all in the last four hours, which is rather surprising seeing as we were using some rather bumpy back roads to avoid the traffic that usually caught up with us on the highway. Thanks to Sam’s fast thinking (and driving for that matter), he had cut our remaining travel time in half.

Now we only had a few hours left, but the longer we drove, the heavier I felt my eyelid’s grow. I really couldn’t figure out why I was, so tired. I could understand why Dean was, but this was strange on my end. I leaned forward, turning the radio up, jumping when my hand slipped and turned the volume up way too loud. Dean sprang up into a sitting position, grabbing my hand, his eyes wide. I scrambled to turn the volume down, leaning back in my seat and taking a deep breath.

“Jesus Christ Grayson,” Dean sighed running his hand through his hair.

“Sorry babe,” I sighed, laughing. “How was your nap?”

“Surprisingly peaceful,” he replied, laughing along with me. “But I encountered a rather abrupt awakening.”

“Again, my bad,” I replied rolling my eyes. “I was basically falling asleep and figured music would fix that.

“Are you wide awake now?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Then it worked,” he retorted flicking my shoulder playfully. “For both of us.” I smiled, leaning forward against the steering wheel, trying to stretch out my aching back.

“You’d think after going on, so many cases and traveling from place to place constantly, that I’d get used to being in a car for long periods of time,” I said, flinching when my back popped.

“I could give you a massage,” Dean suggested, winking.

“I’ve watched enough porn to know where that’s going,” I laughed “And I’d be totally cool with it.” Dean eyed me, seductively biting his lower lip. I gently, but playfully pushed his face away.

“Down boy-- not now,” I scoffed, and he gave a throaty growl in protest. I smirked, quickly, but gracefully leaning over and placing a gentle, provoking kiss on his jaw.

“Do you really wanna start this now,” he huffed “Because I will make you stop this car right here, right now, drag you outside, and fuck you senseless on the hood.” I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, tempted to slam on the brakes and take him up on his offer, but I forced myself to keep driving.

Just then, Sam, who was driving in front of us slammed on the brakes, sending the Impala sliding into the ditch.  I copied Sam’s movements when my headlights reflected off of what appeared to be human eyes, jerking the wheel sideways and sending my Camaro spiraling into the ditch in front of the Impala, hoping I hadn’t hit whoever was standing in the middle of the road.

“You okay,” I asked looking over at Dean. He nodded, surprise evident in his bright green eyes. Unbuckling, I opened my door, climbing out and stepping over the small ridge that sat at the top of the ditch and up onto the road.

Just then, a shadow appeared in front of me, bursting out of the darkness that enveloped us, dashing towards me. The next thing I knew, punches were being thrown, one just barely missing my face. I jumped back out of my attackers reach, turning on my heel and throwing a powerful roundhouse kick when the shadow shot forward after me. I nailed whoever it was in the ribs, sending them flying sideways.

That was when I felt a hand clutch the back of my leather jacket, jerking me back, spinning me around, and pinning me against the door of my Camaro, knocking the air out of my lungs. I gasped for a breath, flinching when I felt the cold tip of a blade against my neck.

“Grayson,” Dean cried as another shadow, who I assumed had come out of the woods that lined this road, slung the passenger door open and dragged him out, throwing him over the hood of the car. He landed on his back on the ground beside me with a sickening ‘thud’. I cringed, but he eyed me, a mischievous grin gracing his lips. He ever, so slowly reached into his jacket, pulling out a silver blade just enough for me to see it, but not enough for anyone else to see it unless they knew what they were supposed to be looking for. I had seen that type of blade before. When? I don’t know, but the design seemed vaguely familiar.

Sliding he blade back in his jacket, but keeping his hand on it, Dean slid his other hand into my line of sight, holding up three fingers. Realizing what he was about to do, I glanced around, looking for his attacker. She was just now heading around the hood of my car, what looked to be my hand gun in her hand. Looks like I was gonna have to find a new place to hide it.

 Turning my attention back to Dean, he counted down. When the clock on his fingers hit zero, I swung around on one foot, hooking my other leg around my assailant’s leg and pulling it out from under him, causing him to go stumbling backwards.

I ducked out from under his flailing arms, reaching down towards Dean and pulling him up, allowing for the older brother to dive forward and drive the blade he had pulled out of his jacket into the heart of my now floundering adversary. Blood rushed out of the wound the blade had inflicted, and light came rushing out of the vessel’s eyes and mouth. In the dark, you could just barely make out a winged shaped pattern that had been burnt into the asphalt. My eyes widened. They were angels.

“Grayson,” Dean called, tossing the silver blade to me. “Behind you!” I caught it by the blade part, screaming as the metal burned the skin on my palm. Gritting my teeth, trying to ignore the pain, I tossed the blade in the air, flipping it over, grabbing it by the handle and thrusting it backwards into the abdomen of the woman who had originally been Dean’s assailant. A scream erupted from her mouth, followed by white light, some of it spilling over out of her eyes. Pulling the blade out, I stumbled forward, nearly tripping over my original attacker’s body. Dean caught me, helping me right myself.

Looking around, we spotted Sam and Cas a little farther down the road, both of them seemingly unscathed.

“They were angels,” Cas said as we approached. I nodded.

“We noticed.”

“But why did they attack us,” Sam asked, frustrated. “More importantly, how did they find us? We’re all warded.”

“Or, at least, we are,” Cas said gesturing towards both brothers as well as himself.

“Grayson,” Dean said turning towards me, what seemed to be annoyance floating in his seemingly passive green eyes.

“The day my parents died,” I started. “One of the first things I did, once I escaped from the angel’s hell-bent on ruining my life, was ward myself.”

One of the multiple bodies that littered the ground coughed, ever-so-slowly rolling over and facing us, her brown eyes dull and nearly lifeless.

“You can’t ward yourself against something that defines who you are and what you have become,” she hissed, then ever so slowly the light in her eyes faded, and she passed.

My eyebrows furrowed. Dean, Sam, and Cas looked thoroughly confused. I’m sure the expression on my face was similar to theirs, but I didn’t have time to really find out. Suddenly, everything began spinning, and pain split through the burn on my hand. I cried out, grabbing it, falling to my knees. Although the wound itself was small, the pain that amounted was unimaginable.

“Grayson,” Dean inquired, bending down, reaching for my hand. I looked up at him, but my vision was blurry to the point where I could only make out his outline. Soon, even his voice became just another sound, low and almost haunting. Finally, I just let go, and everything faded.


At first, I thought I had just passed out from the pain, but the images that flashed through my head next indicated I was wrong. I was having another vision. It had been awhile since my last one, and to be honest I didn’t know what to expect.

I woke up in a dark alleyway, tall cathedrals standing on both sides, rising high up into the sky. It seemed almost haphazardly familiar, like I had been here before. I found myself sitting against the wall. Bruises covered my shoulders and my upper arms as well as my calves. I had no idea where they had come from; all I really knew was that I could feel them.

When I made a move to get up, my muscles screamed in protest. I flinched, sliding back into a sitting position. My whole body was basically aching. Why? I had no idea. It felt like I had run a marathon a thousand times over nonstop. Shifting into a more comfortable position, my hand brushed up against something cold. Glancing down, a blade similar to the blade Dean had used earlier was lying beside me, the light of the setting sun making it appear as if it was coated in blood. I reached down, picking it up.

This was one strange weapon. Angels were hard to kill, but this thing made killing them look easy. I had seen a weapon like this before, but I couldn’t quite remember where I had seen it. If anything, it seemed like faint memory long forgotten.

Just then, there was a bright flash, and two streaks of light came flying past overhead. My heart started racing. I’m not quite sure why it scared me so much, but my whole body was quaking I fear, my sense screaming for me to run. I did as I was told; ignoring my crying muscles and pushing myself off the wall, bolting to the end of the alleyway.

My eyes widened when I took in the scene laid out below me. Cathedrals and towering castles lined the hills below me, many of them breaking the cloud barrier above them, easily surpassing anything any kind of human could’ve built. Everything shone silver and white, but much of the spectacle was beginning to disappear as smoke enveloped it. Fires had broken out, the flames jumping from roof to roof, climbing the towers, cinders swirling in the sky, lighting the eerie scene up.

That was when another flash of light swallowed the sky. The two streaks of light I had seen earlier flew overhead once more, circling the fiery scene, seemingly distressed.

Just then, time seemed to slow. The two streaks turned their attention in my direction, and within seconds they were nearly upon me. I screamed, terrified, and turned on my heel, sprinting, making a futile attempt at escaping. It was already too late. They had me within their grasp. I slid to a stop, and turned around, facing my assailants.

“TAKE IT ALL!” And that’s exactly what they did. Pain ripped through my body, and everything went black.


My eyes flew open, and I sat up rather quickly, squeaking when I fell out of the motel bed it seemed I had been placed in, landing face down on the floor.

“Hey look, she’s alive,” I heard Sam say sarcastically from somewhere behind me. I rolled over, facing him.

“How nice of you to notice,” I retorted. He laughed, getting up out of the chair he had been sitting in, walking over to me and extending a hand. I took it, and he pulled me onto my feet. The room started spinning, and I grabbed onto his sleeve, steadying myself. He guided me to the table he had been sitting at, pulling out the other of the two chairs and sitting me down in it.

“Thanks,” I said gratefully, rubbing my eyes, trying to clear my still blurry vision.

“Anytime.” Blinking a couple times, I looked around. This place looked like your average motel room. Two beds sat against the left hand wall, neatly made; a cheap leather couch sat against the wall opposite the beds. The door sat at the other end of the room, and the kitchen took up a small corner to my left, opposite the door. The table and two chairs Sam and I were sitting at took up the corner adjacent to the kitchen. To be honest, this room was pretty cramped, but it had a comforting air to it.

That was when I realized Sam and I were the only two in the room. Dean and Cas were missing.

“Where’d Dean and C-,” I started, but Sam cut me off.

“They went to go and meet Garth and get details on the case,” he replied. “I voted to stay behind and keep an eye on you.” I nodded.

“Why? I would’ve been fine on my own.”

“Better safe than sorry, and besides, you were out cold—if someone ambushed you, you wouldn’t stand a chance.” I sighed, knowing he was right.

“Thanks, again,” I said after awhile. Sam smiled, nodding, then getting up and pouring a cup of coffee, sliding it across the table to me. I caught it, taking a sip, the hot liquid singeing my tongue.

“What time is it,” I asked, glancing around for a clock.

“About ten,” Sam replied sitting back down, taking a sip of his coffee. “You’ve been out for about five hours-- not nearly as long as last time.”

“Still, I’m sure I was a hassle.”

“We were more concerned with trying to get you somewhere safe, but you did whimper for an hour straight after you fell out on us.” I sighed.

“I had another vision—so that’s probably why.”

“You sounded like you were in a hell of a lot of pain. What happened?” I smirked, looking down at my hand, realizing someone had bandaged the burn on my palm. I stroked the bandages, flexing my hand.

“Let’s just say that the angel’s aren’t just targeting Cas.”

A/N:  Another severely overdue update, I know. I am so inexplicably sorry. I planned on updating over winter break, but I ended up going to my grandparent's house, and I didn't quite have time to write. Then, when school started again, we had to study for finals, and we spent the last week taking them, and my anxiety was through the roof, but now that it's all over, I should be able to update more often. 

Now then, I hope this chapter wasn't too boring. I tried to make it more exciting, but I ran out of ideas halfway through, so I don't know how good it is.

Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to ohdearsillyme for the very sweet comment she left on one of my previous chapters. Thanks darling :)

Anyway, once again, I am so sorry for disappearing. I'll try to update soon. So, don't forget to vote and comment! Constructive criticism is always welcome. 


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