Quicksilver (X-men) One shots

By vrededromer

85.7K 1.5K 394

A selection of one shots about our favorite fast X-men, with emphasis on Dadneto, and other family relationsh... More

The Big Secret
A Big Day
A New Mutant
He left again
Experiment Part 1
Experiment Part 2
Experiment Part 3
Family Ties
Father's day
Where's Peter?
The Argument
Growing Up
Finding out (An alternative Scenario)
Return of the Stepfather
The Road Trip
Meet the Brother


4.8K 84 15
By vrededromer

Christmas was always Peter's favorite holiday; there was lots of food happy memories at his grandma's home, presents and decorating the tree with his mom and sisters. And of course the never ending snow ball fights with Wanda. As Christmas was coming closer he was getting more and more excited about it. He had already done his gift shopping long before thanksgiving. A beautiful silk scarf for his mom, special custom made bracelet for Claire and a pair of ruby earrings for Wanda because she always wore red.

He had been trying to convince his dad to come home with him for Christmas since the beginning of November. But so far he had had no luck. By now, about 2 weeks before Christmas, many of the kids had already gone home, back to their families to celebrate the holidays. As he was walking through the large halls of the mansion he realized how quiet it was, and easily picked up the sound of a young girl crying. He stopped in his tracks and followed the sound. Soon he found the source. A young girl, about 9 years old, sitting in a window still, her legs pulled up and crying into her hands. She reminded him of her little half-sister, Claire. Peter moved towards her, and sat down on the window still.

'Hey, what's wrong?' He asked, in his best attempt to smile.

She sniffled and looked up at him, eyes questioning.

Peter looked down at his hands before meeting her eyes again. 'I'm Peter, what's your name.'

'Jenny.' She mumbled, and sniffled again.

'Why are you crying, Jenny? It's the holidays.' He shrugged. 'A time to be happy, right?'

'Because I have no family to go back home to...'

Peter's smiled faded. 'Did they die?' He carefully asked.

She shook her head. 'No. they kicked me out when I got my powers. Thought I was dangerous. I came here, and the professor took me in. But everyone was so happy to go home. Today Katie, my best friend, went home. And I just became really sad...' She looked down at her hands, and Peter thought about all the other kids that were still at the Mansion, and had given no indication to pack at all.

Peter placed his hand on Jenny's. 'Don't worry Jenny. I'm sure Christmas here will be fun as well. Don't worry about it.' He gave her a quick wink and ran off as fast as he could.

As on every given afternoon, Erik and Charles were having tea, and playing a game of chess. It was always difficult to determine who was winning until the final move was made, and today was no different. But just as Erik was planning to make his next move they were interrupted by Peter rushing into the office.

'Peter, how can we help you today?' Charles asked, somewhat annoyed by the boy's inability to knock.

'We need a Christmas Party!'

Erik and Charles looked somewhat confused.

'Why do we need a Christmas party, Peter?' Erik asked.

Peter sighed. 'I just saw a little girl crying because she can't go home to celebrate Christmas with her parents, cause they have kicked her out. And I've seen all the other kids around who are not going home, and don't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with.' He sighed again. 'We can't let that happen to them. Christmas is a happy Time, and we should make them feel happy.'

Erik smiled. He might not celebrate Christmas, but he was happy to see his son care about others and be so selfless.

Charles smiled. 'Well then, what are we waiting for?'

Over the next week all the X-men did their best to make it a happy Christmas for everyone. They bought toys and games for all the kids. Got a few more Christmas trees and decorated the entire mansion. They planned an entire day full of breakfast, dinner and fun activities. It was at the end of this hectic week of planning that Erik heard a knock on his door around 1 in the morning. As most nights, Erik was still reading as most nights.

'Yes?' he asked, indicating for the person to come in.

The door slowly opened and Peter walked into the room. 'Hey dad.' Peter looked slightly nervous. 'do you have a minute?'

Erik had no idea what Peter wanted, but decided to follow his son anyway. He put down the book and slowly got up. He followed his son out of the room, down the stairs and into the library.

As Erik walked into the room a surprised, nostalgic and overjoyed smile forming on his face as his eyes fell on a menorah on the table.

Peter walked over to the table and smiled. 'I don't really know a lot about Hanukkah and the professor's library couldn't tell me much. But I did find out that today was the first day, and that you need these special candles... And since I though you probably didn't really celebrate Christmas... I wanted you to get to celebrate Hanukkah a little. I'm sorry that this is the best I could do...' There was still a nervous tone in Peter's voice, but the fact that he wasn't racing through the words he spoke were just another bit of proof, of how much Peter cared about doing this. And soon Erik surprised him with an embrace. He let go and looked at his son.

'It is wonderful, Peter. Thank you.' Erik lighted the first of the seven candles and smiled. 'It might not be exactly how Hanukkah is celebrated, but it is more than I could have ever hoped for. And I am so overwhelmed by the fact you did this for me.'

Peter's face lit up. 'Oh there's one more thing.' Peter pulled a small box from his jacket pocket and gave it to his dad.

Erik slowly opened in, and his smile grew even wider. In the box lay the necklace he had given to Nina, with the picture of his parents, and had once belonged to his mother. He had thought he had lost it in the whole apocalypse debacle. 'How did you get this, Peter. I lost it and don't even know where.'

Peter just chuckled. 'It took a while, but it was worth it, got it patched up. And I guess it's as good as new.'

Erik took out the necklace and held it to his chest. 'Peter, after my wife and daughter's death, I would have never had hoped to be happy again. Thank you so much for healing the whole in my heart, and allowing me to be a part of your life.' He looked down, and took a deep breath, nervous to say his next sentence. 'I love you, Peter.'

Peter's face seemed slightly frozen, taken aback by the comment but then he smiled, happy to hear his father say those words. He realized, a little bit excited, that it was the first time his father had said it to him. He hadn't realized it so far, but he had been waiting for it to happen. And now that it did, it made him really happy.

'I love you too, dad.'

It was Christmas morning when Peter was up at 5 in the morning, finishing the final decorations for the day. By 10:30 in the morning everyone still at the mansion was sitting around a large dining table, eating a massive Christmas brunch. There was laughter, lots of smiles and more food than anyone could imagine. After brunch everyone moved to the large living room and sat around the biggest Christmas tree the children had ever seen. The smiles on the children's faces when they found out they had received gifts on that Christmas days were enough to warm the coldest of hearts. The celebrations went on for hours, and by the time it had turned dark, Erik had gone outside to get some fresh air. After a while, Erik joined him.

'Why are you outside, Peter. You started this whole party, you shouldn't miss it.'

Peter chuckled slightly. 'I just needed some fresh air.'

'Won't your mom and sisters miss you for Christmas?' Erik asked. What he remembered of Marya he couldn't imagine her not being upset about Peter being away at Christmas. He didn't know much yet about Wanda, but the way Peter had talked about his half-sister, Claire, she would probably be upset too.

'I told her about what we were doing for the kids, and she understood. I'm going over tomorrow, to celebrate Christmas with them. Maybe a day late, but not less festive.' He shrugged.

Erik smiled. 'Of course.' Erik took a small gift out from his pocket and handed it to Peter. 'I figured, you deserved a gift as well, after everything you've done.'

Within the blink of an eyes the gift was unwrapped and a surprised and slightly confused look appeared on Peter's face. He looked down at the box in his hand, containing a slightly old, but seemingly expensive wrist watch.

'It was my father's.' Erik said, picking up on Peter's confusion. 'After my father died, my mother gave it to me, telling me to wear it and remember the great man my father was, and let that guide me in my life. I haven't worn it in years, since I am nowhere near the man my father was. You on the other hand... I think you could be. I used to try and live my life the right way in his memory. But lately I have been doing it for you, Peter, to try and be the father you deserve and stay out of trouble so you won't have to break my out of prison again.' They both chuckled. 'Honestly, I couldn't think of anyone better suited to have my father's watch, than his own grandson.'

Erik smiled. It was a smile of love and affection, slight sadness through the memories of his dad. But mostly it was a smile filled with pride, for his son. Peter just looked up at his dad, caught off guard by the heartfelt speech, and his father's pride and faith in him. He just smiled and said. 'Merry Christmas, dad.'

'MerryChristmas, Peter.'

A/N I got inspired to write in the Hanukkah part from another fanfic, I unfortunately don't remember which one, so I can't give direct credit, but I figured I should at least mention it.

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