I Am Joanna

By BrokenxXxJigsaw

284 21 1


~~The First Day Back~~
~~Bad luck? Good luck? Or no luck at all?~~
~~ The Days I Wished Would Never End ~~

I Am Joanna

123 8 0
By BrokenxXxJigsaw


Hi my name is Joanna, Joanna Jameson. I am 16 years old and today is my first day back in school since the accident 2 months ago. Ever since the accident I have become so anti-social that I have gotten rid of any possible way to be in communication when I'm not at school. Facebook, MySpace and my cell phone used to be my life. Not anymore. I haven't said a single word to anyone since the fatal accident which took my parents lives. Losing two of the people I'm closest to has brought me into this crazy depression that has consumed me. My 17 year old brother has been looking after me. He has been worried about me. He's never said it but I can see it in the way he looks at me.~~

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