Fighting for my Love

By EmilyAXO

2.4K 589 65

Why cant you see I love you more than just a friend? You're my best friend & I dont want to lose you if I tol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
02/11/17 Sorry...(A/N)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

99 26 1
By EmilyAXO

Isabella Pov:

I walked away before Ross could even catch me. I don't want to talk to him for the moment. I decided to not attend to any of my classes for the day. I put my backpack as I started walking to the exit door. I don't really cared if I get in trouble all I want is to get out of here. I decided to text Rydel to let her know.

Me-Going home dont feel good 😟

Delly😊- why? You seem fine today...hopr you feel better.

I started walking to my way home. Is not that far anyways, I put on my headphones to hear music.  Not so long ago I reach to my house. I saw no car in my driveway meaning my parents aren't home yet. I got my keys from my backpack and opened the door. "Hey Bella whats up?" I heard Ryland voice as He jogged towards me. "Hey Ry, just came home" I gave him a smile. I went inside. "Want to come in?" He came inside taking a seat on the couch. "What you up to?" I asked him. "Nothing much really just wanted to jog around the neightborhood...why you're here early?" "Oh, well...I sort of don't feel well so I decided to come home" I lied. "Everything ok?" He asked concerned. "Yeah, positive hey you doing anything today?" I asked.

"Not for the meantime" he walked towards the kitchen see if he finds some food. He sometimes does this when he comes over. Its natural. I dont mind neither does my parents. We do this when we we're kids also. "If your finding food you ain't finding some" I said crossing my arms. "Oh, really" he kept on searching the cabinet to find Oreos cookies. "Then whats this?" He said as he hold them up and showed me the box. "I dont share those with anyone but myself' I tried to reach them but Ryland kept on moving them. "Now you do" he said as he open them and took one Oreo out as he showed me. "Don't you dare eat that cookie son" I dont share my cookies. Espescially if there Oreos. "Or what Oreo Lover"  he smirked. "Or else...I-um I get you sick its contacious ya know? I said as I reach for the box of Oreos but he does it again. "Oh, wanna bet?" I asked. "Lets see what you got!..But lets make this interesting" he got off the counter as he still hold the box of Oreos while he sat down. "You like competitions don't you?" I sat down as I looked at him. "Where are you going with this" he put his right arm on the table. "Lets play harmwrestle. If you win you get these babies" he said as he mention the Oreos. "However if I win I get to eat them" I rolled my eyes playfully. "& why all these for Oreos?" 

"Because I like Oreos and Im hungry unless you'll be a nice close friend & share with you're awesome friend"  he smiled. "uh no huh you might be my closest friend but when it comes to Oreos those babies are mine" I put my left arm on the table interwhining my fingers with his. "You're on!" He let out a laugh. "Ah Bella you really going to do this, I've been told I'm good at this" He smirked. Bring it, Lynch on the count on three. 1...2...3!"  "I'll go easy on you" I used all my force and it was back and forth of who was about to win. But luckily I won by one inch. "You we're saying. Now give me my Oreos!" I reached to grab the box of Oreos. I opened them to see five missing. Ry! Not fair, you sneak up five of my Oreos?" He chuckled holding five Oreos with his other hand. "Thank you very much" he ate one Oreo. "Mmmmm...there good!" He said with his mouth full. Just then, I heard my mom voice. "Bella you're home?" I grined at Ryland and began to run towards the living room hearing Ryland steps behind me. I saw my mom putting her purse on the couch. "Mom, Ryland sneak in five Oreos and ate them! I pout like a little kid as I saw Ryland putting another one inside his mouth. "& may I say they are delicious" he said smiling. "Thanks for sharing with me Bella love you" he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Awe, but I dont" I joked.

"Hey before you go, want to hangout sometime"  "sure thing you got my number hit me up" he said as he opened the door. "For sure" I yelled. "See ya Mrs. T!" He yelled as he he pop another Oreo in his mouth. "Bye Ry, tell your mom I said hi" she said. "Sure will" and with that he closed the door. I cant believe he stole five Oreos. I hold the box and opened them. "See?" I showed my mom. "Bella there just cookies" my mom explained. "There not just cookies, there my babies and Im the only one who can eat them" I saw my mom rolled her eyes playfully as she grab one. "Mmmm...they are good" I looked as my mom as she ate one. "Mom!" I gasp. Oh, just wait that boy is gonna get revenge from me on that hangout!

Ryland Pov:

I got home as I closed the door. I saw my mom in the kichen making something to eat. "Mom I'm home" my mom stop what she was doing and looked at me. "Hey honey how was the jog?"  "Went good, saw Bella and her mom. Mrs. T said hi by the way" she continue chopping some carrots. "How is she?" She asked. "Good, she just got home from work" I said as I went to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Love you Mamá, I'll be in the basement playing with my DJ equitment, make new mixes" I said as I headed to the basement. "Love you too sweetheart"


Hey my readers hope you like this chapter. I know its not Friday and Im sorry I was busy. For the up coming week just a heads up I probably wont update next Friday...maybe I will. But if i dont this is a early Chrismas chapter! You just gotta see haha.

Dont forget to

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