I Will Never Give Up! [Naruto...

Από filianore

88.5K 2.8K 732

-OLD (2013), BEWARE CRINGE- Hi! My name is Aiko Uchiha Senju, Yes you heard right, I am both, My father was... Περισσότερα

I Will Never Give Up! [Naruto Love Story]
Ichi 一
Ni 二
San 三
Yon 四
Go 五
Nana 七
Hachi 八
Kyû 九
Jû 十
Jūichi 十一 (Kind of Filler?)
Jūni 十二
Jūsan 十三
Jūyon 十四
Jūgo 十五
Jūroku 十六
Jūnana 十七
Authors Note

Roku 六

4.8K 195 35
Από filianore

You probably hate when I'm talking so much in the beginning of each chapter but...I'm just going to say that I'M NEVER DOING THAT VOTE THINGY AGAIN!!!! I just realised that I was kind of forcing you to vote for my story...And I don't like that, So vote if you want, Don't do it if you don't want to and yeah! I'm making Naruto say 'ttebayo now instead of Believe it! Oh and one more thing! This story will be a little AU but not too much! So...I don't really remember this part very well...You'll see what part I'm talking about later in this chapter :D



Roku 2 Years Later....

Aiko's POV

''Aiko you're going to be late! Hurry up!'' Kakashi yelled from the kitchen.

Says who!? =_= Not like he's never late...

''I'M ON MY WAY CALM YO TITS WOMAN!!!!'' I yelled and put on my grey/dark blue vest over my blue shirt, After that I quickly ran out of my room and into the kitchen plopping down on a chair, ''SEE I'M HERE!!!!''

''Finally!" Kakashi muttered.

''OI!!! DO NOT DITCH THE FABULOUS-NESS PERVY-SPOON!!!!'' I yelled gaining an anime vein, Yes I still call him that, And he seems to be starting to get used to it.

It has been EXACTLY 2 years since my Parent's death and that creepy ass dream, So I was not in the best mood today, Because I literally felt like kicking someone out a window and flip five tables...Don't ask why, I have a temper...

Kakashi got a eye twitch but sighed in annoyance, I smirked and stuck my tongue out at him in victory.

''Well if you won't hurry now you're going to get late for the Academy'' Kakashi stated pointing at me ''And you don't want Iruka shouting at you today will you?''

I sighed in annoyance, Yes I MIGHT most all the time TRY to get on Iruka-Sensei's nerves but it's fun! X3

Plus I'm 7 years old so I can do whatever I want~

''Um...No!'' I said groaning and leaning on the table crossing my arms over it and putting my head on it ''But I'm laaaazy~...I don't feel like going anywhere today'' I muttered tiredly, I'm not a morning person, Believe it!!!

"I don't actually care!" Kakashi stated giving me a a closed eye smile making me sweatdrop.

''Gaaaah, Fiiine~'' I groaned and slapped myself making me wake up, Believe it or not that's the only way to wake me up...Slap me...Now isn't that lovely?


''Well! Hurry up then! Oh and come home EXACTLY when you're done at the Academy!'' Kakashi yelled after me as I ran out of the house.

''HAI HAI!!!!'' I rolled my eyes, Man he is a little protective, But it feels good to have someone take care of me! ^w^

In a few minutes I kicked the door to the classroom open and yelled ''OHAYO GOZAIMASU, MINNA~!!!!! (Good morning everyone)'' With a big grin on my face.

''...Do you ALWAYS have to do that?'' Iruka-Sensei deadpanned.

''NOPE~!! But I want to!'' I said smirking.

Iruka-Sensei got an eye twitch but sighed ''Just sit down''

I laughed a little and ran up to a seat next to Naruto and grinned at him ''Ohayo Naru-chan~!''

''Hm? Oh! Hi Aiko-chan!'' Naruto grinned at me.

''So how's it going?'' I asked leaning back in my seat as I crossed my arm over my chest, Still grinning at Naruto.

''I'm good! You?'' Naruto asked.

''Hmm, I'm alright, Just the usual I guess'' I shrugged and looked forward as Iruka-Sensei began talking again, Man...This is going to be a LONG day =_=

After a long day of Iruka-Sensei talking...And talking...And talking- Alright, You get the point!

FINALLY after HOURS of boredom the Academy day is over and I quickly stood up, Jumped on the table and yelled ''FOR NARNIA!!!!!!'' And ran out...

Sorry when I sit and don't move for a long time is like pulling something back and when it's hold long enough it shoot's like a mother fluffing laser forwards!

Story of my life! XD

Not really but you get the point...

So just as I exited the classroom Naruto came running after me with a huge goofy grin on his face and shortly after Sasuke followed, Surprisingly...They are rivals so...Weird....



''Alright you two! I have to hurry home, Tell Pervy-Spoon that I'm going out and I'll meet you guys at the playground, Sound good?'' I asked smiling.

''Alright! 'ttebayo!'' Naruto yelled grinning.

''I have to do the same! So I'll meet you guys!'' Sasuke also grinned and ran away towards his house.

Sure, Sometimes the two of them are friends but...Not always...

''I'll be only a few minutes! Wait for us!'' I said to Naruto and quickly ran towards my house.

As soon as I got to the streets I felt stares at me, If you're wondering why everyone are staring at me, Then well...Since my parents died it has spread that they were my real parents and...Well I think they're scared of me for some reason....

I quickly got home and opened the door ''Yo! Pervy-Spoon!? You home!?'' I yelled closing the door behind me.

''Yup!'' I heard coming from the living room where he was probably reading his Porn book =_=

''Alright! I'm going out!'' I yelled quickly grabbing a few cookies from the kitchen.

''Wait!!!! Where!?'' Kakashi yelled after me.

''JUST TO PLAY WITH NARUTO AND SASUKE!!!!'' I yelled as I closed the door behind me and ran towards the playground.

When I got to it I spotted Naruto by a tree and Sasuke just coming, So I quickly ran up to them and grinned.

''Oi! Hey guys!'' I yelled waving making them look at me.

''Eh? Oh! Hey Aiko-chan!'' Sasuke grinned.

''Finally! You two took so long! 'ttebayo!'' Naruto whined.

''Oi! I don't live near here 'ttebayo!'' I laughed and copied his habit of saying 'ttebayo in the end of most time he speaks.

Sasuke then also laughed but I quickly smacked the beck of his head and stopped laughing, But then cleared my throat ''Anyways! Sorry about that Naru-chan''

''Meh it's fine! 'ttebayo'' Naruto laughed.

"So! What should we do first?" I smiled at the two.

They were about to reply when a loud 'ELLO~!!!!' Came from behind me making me jump.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!?!?!?" I shouted startled at a girl that was standing behind me with a big grin on her face.

"Um! I was wondering if you could tell us where a good food shop is!" The girl asked.

"Us? 'ttebayo!" Naruto asked confused.

"Yeah! me and my brother!" The girl sweatdropped as a guy who looked EXACTLY like the girl except that he had shorter a messier hair.

The girl had mid-back length blue hair and dark red eyes that were almost black as she was a little tall but I reached her chin.

So I'm still small...

The boy like I said was EXACTLY like her, Except his blue hair was short and messy...And he was tall...

"WaIt!!! who are you?" Sasuke asked.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry!!" Forgot to introduce ourselves!" The girl laughed "I'm Shimizu Izuki and this is my twin brother! Shimizu Ryuu!"

"Nice to meetcha' Izuki-chan and Ryuu-san! There's a good Ramen Shop at the other end of that street! named Ichiraku's Ramen! It's really good!" I smiled at them "Oh! and I'm Aiko!"

"Ah! Nice to meetcha' too Aiko-chan!" Izuki grinned, The two kinda looked like kids our age...

''I'm Uzumaki Naruto! And I'll be the best Hokage EVAH!!! 'ttebayo!'' Naruto grinned at them waving.

''Ello Naru-chan!'' Izuki laughed.

''Hm? Oh, Hey'' Ryuu looked at us...Did he just? ...you know what...Never mind...

Then Izuki's stomach growled making us all except Ryuu -Who looked bored- Sweatdrop.

Izuki laughed and took Ryuu's hand then started running towards Ichiraku's ''SEE YA' LATER!!!" she shouted as the two kept running.

''Well...that was weird'' Sasuke stated shrugging.

''Nah, Looked fine to me! What now???" I asked.

''Hmm...We could prank! 'ttebayo!'' Naruto grinned.

''Eeeh? Whyyyy???" Sasuke whined.

''BECAUSE IT'S FUN!!! ('ttebayo)'' Naruto and I laughed at the same time.

''Um, I don't wanna do it'' Sasuke muttered.

''ALRIGHT!!! Then we wont! We should do what everyone want to do!'' I suggested grinning.

''Hai! What should we do?'' Sasuke smiled.

''Hmm...We could play Hide n' Seek! 'ttebayo!'' Naruto suggested grinning.

Sasuke and I grinned back as we both yelled ''GOOD IDEA!!!''


After probably hours of playing Hide n' Seek...And me being cached first EVERY single time...I know I suck at this XD But it's just so fun!

When we stopped and the two were laughing at me failed attempt to hide behind a pole...

Alright maybe I tried that, But what can I say? I like entertaining others!

after we stopped laughing and me joining in for the last few seconds we noticed everyone were heading home and the sky was dark.

''Oh! I need to get home!'' Sasuke yelled in panic.

I sweatdropped ''Relax Sasu-chan, RELAX WOMAN!!!" I yelled for the second time as he began running around waving his hands around.

Naruto laughed making me facepalm at them both, One panicing and the other laughing at him for it.

''GUYS!!!!!'' I yelled gaining their attention.

''...Hai?'' The both of them stopped looking at me with a O_O face.

I sighed ''Calm down will ya'?'' I pointed at Naruto ''Since you live near here, go home an go to sleep, You need it'' I then pointed at Sasuke ''I'll go with you since I forgot my jacket at your place anyways!'' I smiled ''Sounds like a plan?''

''Sure! 'ttebayo!'' Naruto grinned ''SEE YA'!!" And then ran away towards his house waving at us as Sasuke and I waved back.

~*A Few Minutes Later*~

The sky was starting to get dark and we hurried towards the Uchiha compound, It took us a few minutes since it's almost on the other side of the Village!

When we came there...Everything was silent...No movement or sound...

I gulped and looked at Sasuke who looked as scared at me, When it came to horror of any type...I'm not the one to spring in action.

We quietly walked inside and looked around, No light's were on and no-one was outside, Usually at least some lights were on...

"Sasu-chan...What time is it? I don't think it's over 9PM...So...Someone should be outside...Right?" I whispered to Sasuke.

"I...I think so..." Sasuke muttered gulping.

I saw something on a large wooden pole in the corner of my eye but when I looked it quickly vanished making me shiver.

"Sasu-chan, Did you see something?" I asked quietly still looking at the pole.

"Huh? No.......Or...I don't know..." Sasuke muttered obviously sounding scared, But hey, Who am I to talk?

"Shouldn't we check if Auntie, Uncle and Itachi are alright?" I muttered.

Sasuke quickly nodded as the two of us ran towards his house as fast as we could, Which is not as fast as Shinobi can go, But we're only 7 years old anyways.

As we were running I became more and more scared about what we were going to find but did my best shaking it off.

Just as we ran past houses I spotted a small line of blood on a wall making my eyes widen, ''Sas-chan!'' I whispered/yelled making him look a me, I pointed at where I saw it and we both stopped running, Looking at the small but visible line of blood that was still leaking down, Proven to be new.

Sasuke looked at me and we both nodded then started running again towards his house.

Just as we got there Sasuke yelled ''Okaa-San! Otou-san! Nii-san!''

I quicly followed him inside as we came to the door that lead to the living room, Sasuke slowly put his hand on the door, Ready to push it open when he looked at me.

I nodded and he slowly pushed the door open revealing two shadows on the floor and one over them, The both of us walked in and I gulped.

''OKAA-SAN!!! OTOU-SAN!!!!'' Sasuke yelled but then noticed the shadow over them and he shut his mouth but quickly opened it again ''HOW COME!!! WHY!?!?!??!?!!?" But a shuriken came flying towards us but instead of -Which I was expecting- Two of them to come at each of us only one came but went between us and I just managed to push Sasuke a little from it and took a step to the side making the two of us not get hit.

''That was foolish of you...'' I heard a familia voice say calmly as I noticed the shadow move from his face as he moved his head towards us...


I noticed something starting to swirl in his eyes and qucikly looked away knowing that was a Sharingan since he was teaching me.

Suddenly Sasuke starting yelling and screaming while holding his head making me qucikly look his way and accidentally activated my own Sharingan in the way, Still having onle one comma thingy in each eye of course.

Then Sasuke suddenly fell to the ground and weakly asked ''...Did you Nii-san...Why???...''

I looked back at Itachi unsure what to do and just watched for the moment.

''They were just a measuring stick to test myself, It was very important for me to do so'' Itachi simply stated.

And I realised...My Older Cusin just murdered the who Uchiha Clan...

''That's why you did it...You killed everyone for that?'' Sasuke asked.

''.....Why?? Why'd you do that...'' I quietly asked.

''I do not like repeating myself'' Itachi stated, That was true...But...

''What for...That is...'' Sasuke stood up and suddenly ran towards Itachi shouting something and before I could stop his Itachi had already appeared in front of him and punched Sasuke's stomach making him fall to the ground again.

I was frozen...Again...I was just watching my two older cusin's fight...? Why am I so weak...? Why can't I do anything!?

''You are not even worth killing, Foolish little brother'' Itachi simply said.

This time...Nothing is holding me back...But why am I not interfering?

Suddenly Sasuke stood up again but quicker this time and ran out shouting not to kill him, And shortly after Itachi followed after him and the two disappeared out of the house...Leaving me here with Auntie's and Uncle's bodies...

Not wanting to me here and start crying again I quickly rushed out the door and headed the same direction as my two older cusins and saw Itachi blocking Sasuke's way so I quickly ran to Sasuke's side realising that I still had my Sharingan activated.

''Run...Run...Survive to become stronger and survive, Hate me! And when you posess the same eyes as me...Come to me and avenge the Clan...'' Itachi said and his Sharingan was still activated.

Sasuke glanced at Itachi's eyes, Making a big mistake and before I could warn Sasuke, He passed out...

I didn't know what to do but I quickly bent down beside Sasuke and looked at Itachi as I felt tears come to my eyes and my vision became blurry because of that.

After I had been staring at him for probably a minute just waiting for an attack and tears were now falling down my cheeks "...I don't believe your reason" I chocked out "Nobody could do simething like this for no particular reason!...And especially you!"

I was looking directly into his eyes now when I noticed his usual three comma thingy Sharingan began to spin and upgrated into another form that looked weird I gulped not knowing what it does or what would happen.

I gulped and prepared for the worst.

And sadly...

The worst happened.

The sky turned red and everything went to black, White and red colors...

Then...My nightmare from two years ago replayed in front of me so I did what first came to my mind...

I screamed...


Alright, Thank you SO much for reading but I KNOW that isn't what Itachi said to Sasuke but I do not remember and I'll fix it as quick as possible! Please...





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