They Don't Know About Us

By juliemarie13

2.7K 79 6

Liam Payne is 17 years old and is a sophomore in high school. Niall Horan is 16 years old and also a sophomor... More

They Don't Know About Us
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

178 4 0
By juliemarie13

Liam's POV

I could have sworn that I passed out from Jay's brutal beating, but I continued to feel pain. My eyes fluttered open and I was still in school. Why? 

I sat up and nobody was around. I went into the bathroom and I looked perfectly fine. I walked out of the bathroom and looked around. I saw no one. I went to where my locker was and right below my locker was a dead Niall! Oh My God! I tried screaming for help, but no one could hear me. I was really scared, what the hell was happening? I was abruptly awoken and I saw Niall...alive. 

"Liam, Liam, wake up it was only a dream dude," he said looking at me with concern in his eyes. I looked around and I was in a hospital room with a bunch of tubes attached to me. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. "Jay almost killed you, but I stopped him and beat the shit out of him." "But Niall what about?" "Don't worry Liam, all that matters right now is that you are alive," he said hugging me. "Niall, did you ever find out how Jay found out about us?" I asked. He pulled away and just looked at me. 

"Liam I don't think you really want to know." "Why not?" "Just because Liam." "Niall tell me, now," I demanded. "I think you should let Jordan tell you," He said as he stepped away from me and Jordan walked in looking guilty. Niall gave her glare and yelled at her, "This is all your fucking fault! If you hadn't said anything he would not be here." 

"Niall stop," I scolded. "No Liam, he is right it is my fault," Jordan said weakly.  "Why?" I aksed. "I-I was the one who told Jay about you and Niall." "But why Jordan?" I asked. "After that little encounter with him I-I started seeing him and he asked me about you, and I wasn't thinking and I needed to tell someone-" I cut her off. "Jordan how could you? You knew you weren't suppose to tell anyone about us! Why would you do that I trusted you!" "Liam I am so sor-" "Sorry isn't going to cut it now Jordan! Just leave...I-I never want to see you ever again!" "But Li-" "You disgust me get out!" 

I had never been so angry at her before and as she walked out I knew she really wasn't my best friend. The fact that I trusted her with my biggest secret and she goes and tells someone I hate. 

Niall's POV

Maybe I shouldn't have told Liam. I felt really bad now, but I didn't want to keep anything from him because then it  might come back to bite me in the bum. Liam's parents came in and embraced him, I felt that that was a good time for me to leave. I drove home and I was hoping to take a shower so that I could clear my mind, but someone was waiting for me when I walked in, my father.

"Hey dad," I greeted him. "Don't hey dad me," he said rudely. "What's wrong dad?" I asked. "You know what is wrong," he said standing up and facing me with a beer bottle in his hand. "You got into a fight at school and put a kid in the hospital, also you have a boyfriend?!? You know how bad that is for a college application?!? Being gay!" "You mean being myself!" I yelled back.

 "No son of mine is going to like guys," he said taking a sip of his beer and throwing it at me. I dodged it and hit the wall shattering instantly. "You are an ungrateful brat Niall!" he yelled. "Why? Because I don't want to play football? Because I don't want to go to UCLA? Because I don't like girls!" I felt a hard slap on my cheek. My dad just slapped me. "Don't you ever say you don't like football or want to go to UCLA and don't you dare say that you don't like girls!" 

"You just want me to go to college because you never did!" he slapped me again. "Your mom would be so disappointed in you!" he screamed. "She would not! She would want me to be happy and right now without Liam I am not happy! Ever since mom died all you have ever done is drink and smoke! I know you are hurting, but have you ever stop to think about anybody but yourself!" 

I stopped myself, those were the exact words Liam said, I was like my father, all I cared about was myself. "Dad why can't I make my own decisions, I want to go to college, but I want to go where I want to go, not where somebody else wants me to go. Also I would like to play a sport that I actually like." "And what would that be?" he slurred. "Soccer." "And dad?" "Yes Niall?" "You can stop me from seeing Liam, but you can't stop me from loving him. This is who I am and you will just have to accept that. Dad I love you and I know we can get through mom's death together." For once my dad actually smiled. "Alright son." I went up to the bathroom to observe my face when my dad said something I never thought he would say, "Niall, I love you too." After my mom's death, I never thought I would hear him say that again. I hid my smile and continued to my room.

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