I Love You - Kiseop of U-Kiss...

By kissme_b1a4

4.2K 179 6

Kiseop and Yuri met in a park in New York City. He was there due to promotions. She was stuck there because s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [End]

Chapter 8

173 7 0
By kissme_b1a4

Kiseop's POV

I end up calling Yuri. I can't stay so worried.

"Kiseop?" Her voice. Her beautiful voice answers.

"How are you doing these days?"

"Okay...okay...Alexander found me. He still loves me. He promised to change but I told him to stay away. Hopefully this time he really will."

"I was worried he was going to come after you again. I have been worried sick about you Yuri. I miss you so badly."

"I miss you too Kiseop. I wanted to move on but you are always on my mind and you called me," she says quietly.

"You're always on my mind too."

"Kiseop! Where are you?!" I hear Soohyun call for me.

"Yuri, I need to go. I'm sorry. I'll call you when I can, okay?"

"Sure. Bye."

We hang up and I head back to practice.

Yuri's POV

Talking to Kiseop actually felt good. He's like my best friend now. I can talk to him about my problems and he makes me feel good.

He misses me. He's worried about me. Kiseop cares about me...

Dongho's POV

I currently work on a project as a model. It's for a magazine called CeCi, a fashion magazine. I work with many idols and I have met so many friends through my job.

I met this group called U-Kiss a few months ago and they seemed like pretty cool guys. They were so carefree and such fun guys to talk to. They were my favorite idols to hang out with and hopefully I get to meet them again.

We were working on a project called "She's Mine: U-Kiss the Players." I was the guy who was with the girl which U-Kiss was taking the girl away from me. It was a fun project to work on.

Kiseop's POV

The San Francisco and Los Angeles concerts were a success. I focused on solely performing but in the back of my mind Yuri was placed there.

Now it's time to head back to Korea for our schedules upon schedules upon schedules. Work, perform, practice. Repeat. It's tiring and exhausting but worth it in the end. What we do as idols go pretty far for us and fans.

"Kiseop! Let's go! They called our flight!" Hoon shouts at me.

I'm too engrossed in my gloomy thoughts to realize that our flight was called.

On the plane I can't fall asleep. All of the other members are able to sleep while I'm awake thinking about Yuri.

What is she doing right now? Has she moved on? Am I ever able to see her again? We could have had a chance. I would have been able to take her on dates, treat her well...better than that pabo of a guy. We could stay up late having long conversations on the phone. I could have fallen for her and kissed her...this could have happened if we were together.

Yuri's POV

School had started and everything is back to old boring, normal routine. School. Study. Write essays. Work. Sleep for two hours. Study Korean. Eat. Repeat.

This happens for the rest of the semester. I graduate with high marks and I scout out a job at The New York Times newspaper.

Kiseop's POV

The next few months are hectic as usual. Work. Perform. Fan meetings. Interviews. Travel a bit more. Smile. This all comes naturally. I actually am happy but even quieter than usual.

When we came back from the States there were many interviews with the same type of questions.

Q: What exactly happened between you and the girl?

K: She was a fan and I happened to have a conversation with her.

Q: Who is this girl? Is she your girlfriend?

K: She is not my girlfriend. We had a simple conversation. It was between the idol, me, and the fan, her.

Q: How is this long distance relationship working?

K: We are not dating. We came across each other before our concert. She is just a fan. That is all.

Nobody needs to know the full story. No drama is needed. No information about her needs to be disclosed.

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