I Love You - Kiseop of U-Kiss...

By kissme_b1a4

4.2K 179 6

Kiseop and Yuri met in a park in New York City. He was there due to promotions. She was stuck there because s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [End]

Chapter 7

183 10 0
By kissme_b1a4

Alexander's POV

I still have feelings for Yuri. My usual playboy self isn't working. That guy has changed her. I need a different tactic to get her.

I've been following her a lot to get a way to tell how much I need and want her. She has made me realize how great of a person she is and how to treat girls. Yuri has changed me; I'm still in love with her.

I've been hanging around her apartment a lot lately. Lucky enough I see her coming my way. I hide in an alley and as she walks by I grab her arm.

"Yuri, let me talk to you. I still have feelings for you. I love you dearly and you made me realize how much you mean to me. I will change for the better, I promise."

"I can't trust you...or at least not yet. So much has happened to me lately. I need space. Please stop hanging around me. Please just let me be for awhile," she pleads.

She walks away leaving me. I guess she really does love that guy. Am I nothing to her now? This is what I have to done to myself; dug myself deeper in this endless hole of a problem of mine.

Maybe I just need to move on with my life. Maybe I really should...

Kiseop's POV

I practice with the guys with the article stuck in my head.

"Kiseop, are you sick? You are so out of it. You keep on messing up your lines and moves," Kevin asks me on break.

"I'm mentally sick," I reply.

"It's Yuri, isn't it?"

"Yeah...there is an article on us. It's going to turn into a scandal. What am I going to do with myself?! I'm trapped."

"Don't sweat it. It will be over soon. Just state the truth and the fans will understand."

"Some people will not let it go."

"Dude, stop worrying for the time being. We have to perform for the fans. Just think about making our fans happy. We are doing this for them and you know how much this means to us and yourself."

"I'm worried about Yuri though."

"The fans can't get ahold of her."

"And also her ex is after her..."

"She has her brother, right?"

"Right...thanks for the support though."

"Anytime," Kevin slaps my back and walks away.

Kevin is such a positive thinker but how do I truly know that Yuri is safe? Should I text her to make sure she's okay? I don't want to get myself in a huge mess though...

Yuri's POV

I truly hope Alexander stays away this time. I just have to focus on my studies.

I end up walking to the park where memories flood back. I feel pain because Kiseop and I have history together here.

My feelings overpower me and I feel hot tears flow down my cheeks. I feel myself falling onto my knees crying harder and harder.

After a few moments I get ahold of myself.

Seriously Yuri! You will never see him again! Get ahold of yourself.

I head back to my apartment and after entering my phone starts ringing.

I look at the caller ID. It reads...


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