My Main

By naruuu21

111K 2.2K 246

Completed. Beginner's Luck. ☺ More

The Breakup
Locksmith's Bar
Make a slip
The Audition
Just Quickie
My Housemate
Make Out
Make out Part II
Double Trouble
Taste your own medicine - meet the alligator
Just Perfect
Typical Girlfriend
When the Expert meet the Naive
Making Love with My Main
Writer to Readers -Hints
Soo the Spy
Say You Won't Let Go
I Was Made for Loving You
My New Story

The Heiresses

3.8K 94 19
By naruuu21

Evening. In a fancy restaurant. Taeyeon and Tiffany were having a dinner together. Almost done with their main course and wine.

"I'm happy that you, Jessica and Sooyoung are finally friends. Let's cheer to that!" Taeyeon lift her glass 

Tiffany tossed her glass to Taeyeon and they sipped the wine.

"I'm happy too. And I'm happy that our dads accepted our relationships. Ours, Jessica and Yuri. I'm contented with my life now. Nothing to ask for more." Tiffany genuinely said and she held Taeyeon's hand

"That's good. Me, after I graduate I'll train as pastry chef. And I will put up a business here." Taeyeon intertwined her hand to Tiffany

"How about your singing career Tae? You're doing great."

"Maybe after the contract, I will stop. I just need the allowance that's why I tried this. And the schedule, it's so hectic y'know. I want to make time for you." Taeyeon winked

"Sweet. Okay... I wont force you. And I'll support you with your decisions."

"Thank you Pani ah. I really need your support."

"Wait, how about your family? You didn't tell anything. Hmm. Can you tell something about them?" Tiffany requested

Taeyeon suddenly choked and she drank water. 

*cough cough*"My family?"

Tiffany nodded and smiled.

"Oh, they... They lived in Jeonju, my- my parents. I'm the only child." Taeyeon looked down

"Oh really? So what your parents do?"

"My- my father is a businessman. Just a... Small business... Yeah! And my mother- Just a typical wife. Helping her husband in the business."

"What's the business of your father? And why are you here in Seoul?"

"Actually..." Taeyeon cleared her throat "As you see, I'm independent now. We don't have connection anymore because my father, um, don't support me with what I want in my life. I always obey him when I was young, but  I have my limits." She paused for a while "I can't take it anymore and I don't want him to run my whole life. I'm her daughter, yes- but I'm not her puppet." she coldly said, sadness clouded her face

"I'm sorry TaeTae" Tiffany gave her empathy

"It's okay, my mom was... his opposite though. She's very supportive. And I know one day, when I introduce you to her she will support us." Taeyeon miserably smiled "I know. Anyway, how about you? Your parents? You only mentioned your dad, how about your mom?" changing the topic to Tiffany

"My mom? She..." Tiffany paused and she was cheerless "She passed away when I was 19 years old."

"Oh I'm sorry Tiffany for that." Taeyeon with her 'apologetic look'

"It's okay TaeTae, I'm over it." Tiffany gave her eye smile "My dad was living in america, I have older brother and he's married and lived with his wife in the Philippines."

"I want to meet them one day."

"Yes, we will for sure." Tiffany guaranteed

A man came in the side of their table. The man was wearing black-super slim suit with white necktie.

"Taeyeon?" The man asked

Taeyeon eyes widen and Tiffany was giving them once-over. The latter was familiar to Tiffany. He's handsome, look smart and rich.

"So it's really you Kim Taeyeon." The man confirmed

Taeyeon remained silent. 

"Excuse me? Who are you? Are you a fan?" Tiffany asked as she was observing the man

The man slightly laugh "Maybe I am, don't you want to introduce me Taeyeon?"

"No need. You're not even my friend. So please don't disturb us and leave." Taeyeon glared at him

"So rude" the man looked at Tiffany "I'm her boyfriend, I'm Byun Baekhyun from GY Entertainment. And I know you, you're Hwang Tiffany. The CEO of J and H Entertainment."

Tiffany was stunned and she froze.

"Excuse me?" Taeyeon irritably said "You're not my boyfriend anymore. Not even my friend! And let me introduce her, Hwang Tiffany... My girlfriend."

"What? Girlfriend?? Geez. I don't believe you. You just want to avoid me. You know I'll do everything to win you back Kim Taeyeon." Baekhyun flinty said

"I love Tiffany. And only her. Nothing will change. Do you want a proof?" Taeyeon leaned forward and pecked Tiffany in her lips

The moment she got back to her seat, Baekhyun left them. Tiffany was just quiet and she blanched with what happened.

"I'm sorry Pani, I ruined our night. Let's go home."

Tiffany just nodded unconsciously.


At Tiffany's house, in the living room. They were sitting on the couch, drinking beers .

Since they left the restaurant, Tiffany didn't say anything. And it bothered Taeyeon so much.

"Pani ah, what's wrong? Are you mad?" Taeyeon pouted and she was worried


"Yes, Baekhyun was my ex-boyfriend-"

"How did you know him?" Tiffany interrupted the blonde


"He's the son of the owner of GY Entertainment. And he's your ex? Are you hiding something Tae? I don't like people who were hiding things from me." Tiffany's eyes were fixed at Taeyeon

"Ah, no, of c-course not! Um. He's my classmate when I was in the middle school with Yuri. That was long time ago Pani." Taeyeon wasn't looking at Tiffany's eyes, avoiding the latter's gazes

"What? Middle school? W-wait! It means that guy was your first kiss?" Tiffany shouted

Taeyeon's forehead furrowed and slack-jawed "Y-yes? He was. Why?"

Tiffany pouted and she gestured like a child, crossing her arms in her chest "To win you back? Though it was a long time ago, he still want you back? He still loves you?" Tiffany was like a 'mad-wifey'

"I don't know and I don't care anymore Pani. It's not important." Taeyeon smiled and hugged Tiffany on the side, putting her chin over her girlfriend's shoulder "Are you jealous?" she chuckled

"He's handsome, he's rich and he looks smart. He was your first love and first kiss. He has a big part of your life-"

"Not anymore Pani. You're so much more Pani ah, don't be insecure. I really don't care about that stuffs, I just need you and only you. He was my first love and first kiss but now, he's just a stranger. Now, you're a big part of me Pani. And the most important person in my life, remember? My main... you're my main." Taeyeon sincerely said "Please always remember that." She looked down "I am the one who's not worthy for you."

Tiffany held Taeyeon's cheek "Hey hey, don't say that. You're exactly what I want. You're enough."

Taeyeon looked back at Tiffany's eyes "Thank you Pani, I love you so much. Always remember that."

"And I love you too TaeTae!" Tiffany pecked the blonde's lips

Taeyeon pouted "That's it? How about a lil'longer and... with tongue?" she chuckled

"ByunTAE!"Tiffany pinched Taeyeon's cheeks "You're so cute"

Taeyeon held Tiffany's hands and pushed her on the couch. She laid Tiffany and she was on top of the latter. They were gazing on each other's eyes

"Ya, you're so byun-TaeTae!" Tiffany softly said

"What if I am? Are you going to stop me?" Taeyeon smirked and kissed Tiffany's lips briefly but over and over

Between the kisses "No, hmm..." Tiffany smiled "I will PUSH you to do it"

Taeyeon kissed Tiffany slowly, lip-locking, intensely but gently, with overflowing love. The blonde opened her eyes and she saw Tiffany was looking at her, she smiled between the kisses. This is one of the best feelings, kissing your other half with all your heart. Sharing the feelings that became one. They could not ask for more. They're contented with each other.


In a exclusive hotel in Seoul, there's a gathering for rich families within the country. Most of them were the family ties of highly respected businessmen. Krystal was there in behalf of J & H Entertainment. Jessica and Tiffany didn't want to go so by forced, Krystal was obliged to attend even if she didn't want to go either.

Krystal was sitting near on the stage, she was alone. She was wearing red empire waist dress matching with her red hair and red lips. She was stunning among all women in the place. She greets every person in the event but she doesn't have that kind of plastic personality unlike the people around her. She didn't talk much but she smiles a lot.

"This is terrible! I'm going to sink in my seat! Jessica must pay me double for letting me go here alone." Krystal sighed and she sipped her wine to release her stress. She looked around, all people were chatting. Their clothes were distinct sophisticated and elegant. Their smile was obviously just to counterfeit for being sociable. For them it's being sociable.

Krystal senselessly shook her head in disbelief. She was just continue to look around. And she saw something unexpected. The woman was wearing blue tea-length dress entered the main door and took her seat in the middle. Krystal stood up and her wine spilled on the ground. She rushed and went to the woman's table to confirm what she saw. She can't believe it, she was right. She rubbed her eyes like a fool. Still, the same.

"Oh... Unnie?" Krystal whispered

The woman turned around, maybe she felt Krystal's presence at her back. When she saw Krystal, she was deadpanned. Krystal has bug eyes. She was shocked.


The old man interrupted Krystal "Jung Krystal? The second daughter of former CEO of J & H Entertainment. So, are you a friend of my daughter?"

"What? Daughter?" Krystal remained silent. A lot of things was running in her mind.

"Honey, please introduce us to her?" The old woman said

"Taeyeon unnie? You're the daughter of Kmall chairman?" Krystal asked in quizzical

Taeyeon gulped "Krystal?"

The old man was Taeyeon's father, Mr.Kim "Yes, she's my daughter. Kim Taeyeon."

"And I'm her mother." Mrs. Kim added "Nice to meet you Krystal, you're her former manager right?"

"They know all about Taeyeon. They have eyes everywhere, I guess." (But not at all)

Taeyeon stood up "Come on, let's talk somewhere out here." She grabbed Krystal's hand and rushed out to the place. She ignored her parents who were asking where she'll go.


Outside the hotel. Krystal and Taeyeon were sitting on the bench.

The place was calm and it was soothing but the cold breeze was touching their bare skin. Taeyeon keep glancing on the girl who was stolid beside her. She was panicking inside.

"Taeyeon unnie..." Krystal said in thrilled

"Yes, I'm the heiress of the Kmall but not anymore. My dad disowned me, abandoned, denied?" She chuckled "I'm not her daughter anymore." Taeyeon was looking straight at Krystal's eyes 

Krystal could see the blonde was in pained "W-what do you mean?"

Taeyeon looked away " I don't want to run the company. I don't like his BIG business. I like pastry, and I'm pursuing it. He didn't support me and he disowned me as his daughter. That's why I'm independent now."

"But why are you here?"

"Just because of my mom, she was totally opposite of my dad. She still supports me and she asked me one last time to go here. That's why I'm here. I know Jessica and Tiffany wouldn't come in such events." Taeyeon explained

"Are you keeping this forever?" Krystal asked in disbelief

"I want to keep this from y'all but there are no secrets that time doesn't reveal. I will share it with y'all and planning to tell it after I graduate."

"Just tell it before they find out. Is Yuri unnie know about it?"

Taeyeon shook her head "She knows that I'm from a wealthy family but that's it."

"You must tell them the truth. And I know Tiffany unnie, she's not gonna like it. I swear." Krystal insisted

"I don't like her to know by now. I'm still fixing so-something." Taeyeon bowed her head

"What is it?"

"Promise me, you won't tell them?"

Krystal don't want to hide things, she didn't answer Taeyeon.

"Please Krystal..." Taeyeon inhaled and exhaled before she looked at Krystal's eyes "Okay, I promise to tell them after I fix this mess."

Krystal gave a questioning look.

"My dad wants me to get married to the son of GY entertainment, Byun Baekhyun."

"WHAT? MARRIED? You're engaged?"

"But I don't want to! I will talk to them later about that matter. I won't allow him to ruin my life now. And I will tell them that I have my girlfriend, Hwang Tiffany. I'm happy with my life and contented. I don't understand why my dad he keeps bothering me." Taeyeon looked away and  she was fighting back tears "I am her daughter but this is my f*cking life!"

Krystal hugged Taeyeon and the latter burst her tears. Krystal was rubbing her palm to Taeyeon's back. She was comforting the blonde.

"Okay, Taeyeon unnie. I won't tell them but promise me that you'll tell them as soon as possible."

"Thank you Krystal. Thank you."


Kim's Mansion. In the living room.

Mr.and Mrs. Kim were sitting together on the couch. And Taeyeon was sitting opposite in front of them. Mr. Kim was angry because she left the event without saying anything.

"That's really unprofessional Taeyeon! Baekhyun's father was waiting for you!" Mr. Kim shouted and he was glowering

"Honey, don't be mad at her. Please, keep calm." Mrs. Kim said in her sweet voice

"I don't want to get married to Baekhyun. You can't force me besides, I'm no longer in your consent now. So why bothering me?" Taeyeon sternly said

"You're a wayward and stubborn daughter as always! You're just giving our family shame and dishonor! I was asking for your cooperation, this is the only thing you can do for our family and you don't want to do it!?" Mr. Kim said in wrathful

"This is my life, I don't want to marry Baekhyun. And I have my girlfriend."

"WHAT?" Her parents said in the same time

"Girlfriend? Are you serious?" Mr.Kim shrieked

"You've heard it. I have a girlfriend, Hwang Tiffany." Taeyeon gulped but she has a' straight face'

"The owner of J & H Entertainment? She's your girlfriend?" Mrs. Kim asked

Taeyeon nodded.

"Since when you became a lesbian?" Mrs. Kim asked again in concern toned

"Since I met her. I love her very much and I'm happy with her." 

 Mr. Kim grimaced "You're unbelievable Taeyeon! This is disgusting! I won't allow it! I'll do everything to take you away from her!"

Taeyeon stood up "Don't do anything! You can't control me now Mr. Kim! She is my happiness. I can't imagine my life without her. Don't dare to do stupid things!" She growled

Mr. Kim stood up, walked near to Taeyeon and slapped the blonde. He slapped her on the face with an open hand. "How dare you to disrespect me just because of that Tiffany?"

Mrs. Kim draw near to them. She was worried but she can't do anything about it.

"I said it, don't try to do something stupid. And promise, you'll regret it Mr. Kim."

Mr. Kim laughed "Are you threatening me Taeyeon?"

"No." Taeyeon was expressionless but her eyes swam with tears "She was all I've got, I don't want to lose her... dad." She almost whispered

When Mr. Kim heard the word dad, his heart clenched.

 "If you take her away from me, is like, you take my life away from me." Taeyeon added

Mr. Kim didn't say anything and he walked towards a room and disappeared. Mrs. Kim hugged Taeyeon, and was patting her back head.

"I'm surprised in what you said about you're in a relationship with this Tiffany. At first, it made me sad and disappointed Taeyeon but as I saw you, fighting for her against your father... I know you really love her, and... I'll support you."

Taeyeon looked up at her mother "You're not mad?"

Mrs. Kim shook her head "Love is really unexpected I guess." She chuckled "I'm happy if you're happy. You're my daughter, all I want is to make you happy."

Taeyeon hugged her mother tightly "Thank you mom. I love you."

"I love you too Taeyeon"


After the incident Taeyeon's father didn't talk and bother her anymore. Taeyeon thought that her father was finally had enough with her and not to insist the marriage.


Taeyeon was sitting on the bench in the hallway with Krystal. She told the latter everything, about her fight with her father and the thing that maybe her father leave her finally alone with her life.

"That's a good news Taeyeon unnie, I'm so proud of you. You're brave." Krsytal cheekily smiled

"Thank you Krystal"

"Then... when will you gonna tell them?"

"I'm planning to tell them later, in a dinner."

"Really?? Okay, that's great."

"You can come with us?"

"I would love to.Sure!"

"Do you think they'll be mad, Krystal?"

"If you explain to them, they will understand." Krystal assured Taeyeon

Taeyeon smiled blissfully "That's a relief" she hugged Krystal

Krystal blushed "Tae-Taeyeon u-unnie..."


"Tiffany unnie was looking at us." Krystal whispered

Taeyeon let go of Krystal and looked back, she saw Tiffany deadpanned looking at them.

"Tiffany..." Taeyeon said


Tiffany's office. Tiffany was sitting in front of her working table, glued her eyes to the screen of her laptop, holding the mouse. Scrolling up and down.

"Tiffany... let's eat lunch, I'm hungry. Please please" Taeyeon said in protest and she took her seat in front of Tiffany

"I don't like to eat lunch, you go by yourself."

"Are you mad at me?"


"You're jealous?"


"Oh my gosh, you're jealous when you saw me and Krystal?"

Tiffany glared at Taeyeon.

"It was just nothing, I just miss her you know."

"You miss her huh?" Tiffany rolled her eyes

"Yes, she's a lil'sis for me."


"Anyway, let's have a dinner later with Jessica,Yuri and Krystal. Okay?"

Tiffany raised her eyebrows "Huh?"

"I will tell you about something but please... let's eat lunch first" Taeyeon said the last four words with aegyo "Puuullleeassse?" 

Tiffany hid her smiled and looked back to her laptop. She was scrolling down on her newsfeed in her naver account. And she saw an article that made her leaned forward to the screen of her laptop.


 Jessica's office.

Jessica and Yuri were looking at Jessica's laptop. They were reading something and it made them shocked they were blinking looking at each other. The article was about the daughter of Kmall  was getting married. It stated that Kim Taeyeon the heiress of Kmall will be married to the son of GY entertainment, Byun Baekhyun.

"What? Taeyeon is the daughter of Kmall?" Jessica asked Yuri

"I-I don't know!"

"You're her bestfriend! Of course you know!"

"I really don't know! I know she's rich but I didn't know that she was very very rich."

"And she's getting married?" Jessica said in her high toned

"I really don't know, don't ask me!" Yuri irritably said. Taeyeon is her bestfriend but she didn't know this things about her.

Jessica looked back on the screen of the laptop and scrolled down. She saw a family picture, father-mother-daughter. The child in the picture was familiar to her. And she looked at Yuri and looked back at the picture.

"Kwon and Kim successful collaboration..." Jessica read the article

Yuri was dumbfounded.

"You're the heiress of the Kwon enterprise? Successfully merged by Kmall, Kim Taeyeon's family huh?"

"I-I don't know, I swear. I don't know about the collaboration and the merge things. But yes, I am the daughter of the former owner of Kwon enterprise." Yuri explained


Back to Tiffany's office. She read the same article and Taeyeon was shocked and confused. Tiffany didn't say anything after reading it.

"Tiffany I can explain. That's not true, I'm not getting married to Baekhyun!"

"Baekhyun is your fiance?"

"NO! HE IS NOT!" Taeyeon shouted. Who made this f*cking article? She was angry because it bypassed her. She's going to tell Tiffany about this later but suddenly it all came up, messed her plan.

"You-you're... you're the heiress of-"

"I'm not the heiress anymore! Yes, my father owned the Kmall but-"

"So, it's true! You're the daughter of this big time businessman, the owner of Kmall?" Tiffany yelled "You hide this from me Taeyeon? Really Taeyeon?"

"I was about to tell you later, but Tiffany-"

"Shut up! Get out of here!"

"Let me explain!" 

"No! Just go Taeyeon!" Tiffany stood up

"Please Tiffany, don't do this. Let me explain first."

"You're fooling me around the whole time? What am I to you? A toy?"

"No Tiffany-!"

"Just go Taeyeon, leave me alone! Please!" Tiffany growled


Jessica's office. 

" I am the daughter of the former owner of Kwon enterprise. But my uncle took over it from me. I was young back then. He greedily took my power over the business because I'm not in my legal age. I just let it happened, I really don't care about the enterprise!"

"Are you going to hide this forever?"

"Yes, if I could but now you know this. It was a nightmare for me. I don't want you to know about this Jessica."

"What?" Jessica's brows drew together

"I don't want you to know about this." Yuri can't say anything but to repeat her words

Jessica shut her eyes "Then, let's stop this Yuri."

"What do you mean?" Yuri looked pale and her eyes widen in horror

Jessica opened her eyes and looked straight to the tan's eyes "I'm breaking up with you."

"What? Are you serious? No way!"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Jessica sternly asked "Leave me alone, we're done."

"No, I won't accept it! You're not breaking up with me! No Jessica! This is not fair!"

"So do you? You don't trust me Yuri. And it really hurts me that you hide things from me!"

"It's just this thing! And now you're letting me go? You're just dumping me because of this bullshit past of mine?" Yuri sniffed and her eyes flooded with tears

"It's not just a thing Yuri. It's your past, your life. And you don't want me to know about this. It means you don't want me in your life."

"You misunderstood Jess-"

"Leave or I leave?

"But Jessica?"

"You don't wanna leave? Fine!" Jessica grabbed her bag and cellphone

"Please Jessica... okay, I'll leave." Yuri rushed out from the office

Jessica leaned down her head to the table and started to cry "This is not happening"


Yuri left the office and wiped her tears. She walked to the hallway and met Taeyeon.

"You jerk" Yuri mumbled

Taeyeon heard it "I am... so you already know it huh?"

"What the heck Taeyeon, you're very rich!" 

"My father is very rich and not me."

"Indeed. Did you know that my uncle was a business partner of your father?" Yuri asked

"No. I really don't have interest in my father's business. Hmm... So your uncle is my father's business partner huh?"

"Yes, Jessica found it, she read an article online. It was everywhere, including yours."

"Fvck that. I thought my father leave me alone. I will talk to him. Maybe he made this all because he don't like Tiffany for me." Taeyeon said and a muscle in her jaw twitched "I was about to confess this later, but he ruined it. And now, there's misunderstanding."

"Jessica broke up with me."

"What? She did that?"

"Maybe she's just angry, I didn't allow her. I will win her back though."

"Are you mad at me Yul? Tiffany was really mad, maybe if I didn't leave she probably insist a break up with me too."

Yuri shook her head "You're my best friend. I know you have your reasons."

"Thank you Yul"

"Let's win them back?"



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