Mysterious Ways

By Aniya_C

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Mari , loosing her parents to a house fire changed her life forever. Little does she know after the storm Go... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Two

198 11 0
By Aniya_C

Mari | 2007

It had been a month now since I settled in the foster home. It was now winter break for the three of us but we did nothing but sit in the house while our foster parents went and shopped but not for us. I sat in the window looking down as I watched the other kids on the block play , wishing I could go outside I decided to raise the window up and talk to them.

"Hey Tearia" I yelled as I cupped around my mouth so that my voice projected down and she would hear me.  "Girl come out chicken" She sassed putting her hand on her hips, although I wasn't allowed to go outside I sure wasn't going out there while it was cold.

"Get out the window before you get us in trouble" Brandon said making me roll my eyes and face towards him. "Shut up Brandon your the reason why we couldn't go on the porch today" I said to him as I put my hair into a pony tail sitting on top of my head just anyway since I wasn't doing anything today. Looking out the window the house across the street turned into flames and a women that had the same hair as my mom but with no face banged on the window looking directly at me in my eyes. The man with no face tried prying the window open but no luck with that. Tears streamed down my face as I hopped up grabbing my coat and sliding my house shoes on with the house phone quickly dialing 911.

"Yes there is a fire across the street from my house the man and lady are trapped" I panicked in the phone as the phone was snatched out my hand I looked up to see Brandon. "Why are you out here ? You gone get us in trouble" He said grabbing me by the hood of my coat. I heard sirens from a distance glancing at the house across the street that sat perfectly fine, watching the women glance at me then close the curtains. I sighed in disappointment slightly looking up to see the fire fighters hoping out their trucks walking up to my house with a officer behind them who eventually cut in front of them.

I had no type of luck. Here comes Peggy and Shelby rushing out their car to see what was going on. "Excuse me ma'am ar-"

"Oh god what happened ? We went to the store for ten minutes" Shelby said making me roll my eyes mentally, ten minutes ? They had been gone all day long. "Are you the little girl that made the phone call ?" I slowly looked up nodding my head as my heart started to pound out my chest. "You can't play like that okay ?"


"You understand ?" The officer said with base in his voice as I turned around receiving death glares from Shelby and Peggy. "Sorry. I understand sir" I said as tears burned the brim of my eyes, not only because I was embarrassed I know I wouldn't be eating tonight. Slowly walking in the house I watched as Brandon stood there with a shock look and Brayden stood there glaring at Shelby as I was swept up off my feet pinned against the wall.

"Do you know how much trouble your dumb ass could get us in ?" I shook my head yes as the tears started to fall and my hair started to fall down from being shook. Thank god I wasn't an infant because of the way he shook me I would've had baby shaking syndrome. "Get your ass upstairs don't say nothing for the rest of the night. Don't even get in the shower you hard headed ass little girl! I should break your fingers for touching my phone"I nodded my head not having anything to say hurrying up the steps going into my room closing the door climbing under the covers.

I wondered why my mom and dad just would leave me like this ? It had only been a month and I was ready for this to be over with. I raised up seeing that it was starting to get dark outside living being that the weather changed it got dark quickly making the nights longer and longer for me to be here. Hearing car doors slam I looked to see Peggy and Shelby leaving I creeped out my bed looking down the hall walking to Brayden's room well attempting.

I heard small sniffles coming from Brandon's room as I peeked through seeing him wipe his behind as he looked at the towel I saw a spot of red. Brandon has a period ? He walked slowly to his bed as if his butt was itching. He sat there looking at the ceiling laying back as he wiped his eyes barging in I jumped on the bed with him making him slowly raise up.

"What's wrong ?" I frowned climbing under his covers as he set on the foot of his bed. He said nothing. He did nothing. Tears just kept falling seeing that he probably didn't want to be bothered I got up closing the door.

"Brayden ?"

I sighed when I seen his window open. For a month now Brayden had been leaving for the hours Shelby and Peggy had been gone. The house was quite besides the small snuggles from Brandon's room.

Climbing under my covers I forced myself to go to sleep, wishing this break would go by fast so I could go back to school anything was better then sitting in the house all day with absolutely nothing to do but think and I was starting to getting tired of thinking.

Considering the fact that I only took a four hour nap and would be up all night I got my notebook writing to my parents.

Dear , Momma & Daddy

How did he allow you both to leave me like this ? I hate this whole foster home thing. Really wish I had family that could just come pick me up and take me far away this past month has been the worst here and I know as time past things will get worser. I still plan to go to colleg-

"Why are you still up" I quickly closed my notebook seeing Shelby standing in the way of my door piercing my face with his eyes. He inched towards me making my heart nearly fall as I could smell the strong smell of cigarettes and liquor that reeked off his body.

"You been a good girl today ?" He asked making me talk over the lump that formed in the middle of my throat. "That's what I liked to hear"He said reaching over and shutting my door now it was just me and him no type of lights or anything on which made me wish I never took that nap wanting to make the day go fast.

Feeling the bed dip I closed my eyes saying the quick prayer Brayden had taught me. Now I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck making me pull away only for me to be pulled back, he planted a small kiss on my forehead then one on my lips making me jump up.

"I am the only one to kiss you there. You understand baby girl ?" He said placing another kiss on my lips making me tilt my head back further so he could be out of my face.

"And you are to keep this to yourself. You hear me baby girl"He placed his hands on my legs making his way up to my gown pushing it up still running on my legs as tears started to fall and my lips sat tucked together knowing I couldn't say anything.

"Good night baby girl" Hearing the door finally close I got up getting into the closet crying my eyes out. I thought when people die they watch over you ? I thought God was supposed to protect me ! I thought my parents was supposed to wrap their arms around me and keep all the bad away.

Crying myself all the way to the next morning I stayed in my closet not wanting to get out. I know soon they would be asking for me and coming up here creeping out the closet I was met with a pair of eyes.

"What was you doing in there ?"

"The storm scared me last night" Obviously lying because there wasn't a storm last night just very strong winds. That didn't matter though because she went for it exiting out my room.


Looking over at the store across the street there stood two other niggas that nodded at me making a mug appear on my face. "I need a twenty" I watched as the women fiddled with her ear and couldn't stop moving slapping the dope in her hand taking the twenty dollars I sat there for about twenty more minutes making a few more sells.

Growing up I had it hard still had it hard. Never knew my father and my mom died after a overdose on bathe salt. Since I was nine I had been in and out of foster care homes alone with my little brother Brandon. Growing up in foster homes I was considered the trouble kid cause I wasn't no damn fool them motherfuckers was sick in the head and I refused to be a victim of that shit or my let my little brother be.

Soon enough I'll be eighteen able to get custody of my lil brother and get the fuck away from here and all these people. Today's earnings consisted of five hundred I sold drugs but I wasn't no big time drug dealer, this was something to start with start saving with. Climbing back through the window I spotted Shelby sitting at the end of my bed with his arms folded across his chest.

"Where you been ?"

"None of your damn business that's where I been" I spat making him stand up and raised his chest towards me.

"Aye man not tonight. I don't got time to be beating yo ass and getting moved again so go head and let your old ass out" He said nothing and removed his ass from my room. After locking my door shutting it closed there was knocks at it I swung the door back seeing lil bit in her night gown still.

"What you want Mari ?"

Hearing small sniffles. She closed the door shaking her side to side indicating she didn't want anything, I sighed pulling my chair from the desk sitting down pulling her to me.

"What's wrong man ?" She said nothing but wrapped her arms around my neck and begun to cry.

"I - I- miss my mommy and daddy how could they leave me ?" She cried even harder rubbing her back I sighed pulling back wiping her tears.

"Everything happens for a reason lil bit. You'll be able to get away from here soon okay ?"She nodded her head. But , yet she still cried making my heart drop. I hated being around people that cried I haven't cried since my momma died and didn't plan on it either.

"How about I take you and Brandon some where ? I know y'all tired of sitting in here" She smiled wiping her eyes running out the room I'm guessing to Brandon's as I heard night screams.

"Don't you say shit you little bitch" Looking through the door I seen Shelby with his pants to his ankles. Grabbing my gun I quickly busted in the room seeing my little brother with his pants down too.

Pow. Pow. Pow

I watched as Shelby's body dropped to the ground as I walked over standing over top of him. Pulling the trigga until I seen no type of movement in the nigga at all.

"Oh god" Peggy said attempting to run grabbing her making her turn around I shot her in the head. I sat there mind racing as lil bit looked at me with a terrifying look in her eyes.

"We're going to jail" Brandon mumbled as tears came down his face.


"How the fuck is it a accident ? You just seen hi-"

"It was a accident!" She yelled running to her room grabbing some gloves writing some type of note. Laying it near by she took the gun and the bullets dipping them in a bowl of bleach placing the gun in Peggy's hand.

"She killed herself and him" She said before calling the police.

Ehh what about this ?🙄.

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