They Don't Know About Us

By juliemarie13

2.7K 79 6

Liam Payne is 17 years old and is a sophomore in high school. Niall Horan is 16 years old and also a sophomor... More

They Don't Know About Us
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

199 5 0
By juliemarie13

Niall's POV

I tried avoiding Liam today,  it was so hard though because all I really wanted to do was feel his lips on mine. I knew better not to though. Jay would hurt Liam and tell the whole school that I was gay. 

I went into the bathroom and a few seconds later somebody else walks in. It only took me a second to know who it was because I felt arms wrap around me and warm kisses on my cheek. "Liam stop," I whined. "Why baby?" he asked turning me around leaving me to stare into his chocolate brown eyes. He leaned in, but I stopped him. "Liam I can't. Please don't call me baby cause I'm not," I stopped him and was about to walk out until he grabbed me wrist. 

"Why Niall? What happened? I thought you really liked me?" "I do Liam it is just....Jay knows about us." Liam's eyes widened. "How?" he asked concerned. "I don't know, when I went to the park he confronted about it. He said that he would expose me for being gay to the whole school father," I said with pure terror in my tone. Liam doesn't really know about my family, especially my father, who is the type of parent to live their dreams through their children. 

"Why is it so bad that your father knows?" he asked. "Because Liam, if my father found out I was gay he'd kill me. Plus I would get kicked off of the football team or probably quit because the guys would bully me, and not get a scholarship to UCLA like my father wanted me to. My reputation will be ruined," I said trying to keep it together. 

"What the hell Niall? There you go with your stupid reputation again! How can you even think like that right now? The fact of the matter is do you even like football? Do you even want to go to UCLA? Do you even like me? Because I don't think you do since all you seem to care about is your stupid reputation and getting into UCLA just like your dad wanted you to, but I don't think you even want to go there. Niall this is high school after this you go out into the real world. Once you are out there none of this will matter that is what you don't seem to understand." 

I couldn't even answer him right now. Maybe he was right, do I even like football? Do I really want to go to UCLA? 

"Well since you aren't going to answer me I guess will just go. I'm done Niall. Call me when you snap back into reality," he said storming out of the bathroom. I wanted to chase after him so badly, I wanted him to be mine forever, but I couldn't do that. God damn it. I kicked over a trash can in the bathroom. 

Why did Liam have to be right? Why did he have to be so stubborn too? I was going to to tell him the other reason why I couldn't see him. Now he was mad at me because he thinks all I care about is my dumb reputation, but in reality I don't. I just can't let Jay hurt Liam just because I am dating him. I could hear screaming coming from the hallway I quickly ran outside and saw everyone crowded around something in a huge circle. I ran over to where the commotion was coming from and squeezed threw the crowd and there I saw Liam on the floor with Jay punching him. "LIAM!" I screamed and everybody turned to look at me. That is just great.

Liam's POV

I could not believe what Niall just said to me. The fact that he told me he couldn't see me anymore because he was too worried about his reputation being ruined for being gay, just made my blood boil. And on another note he was scared that his father would find out, also the fact that he would be kicked off of the football team and wouldn't get to go to UCLA just like his father wanted him to. 

I liked Niall so much, but all he seemed to care about was himself. I was not in the mood and I was throwing books in my locker when a familiar face came up to me and shoved me into my locker. It was Jay. My face was in my locker until it wasn't and then my eyes were staring up at the ceiling. My head hurt from hitting the ground. The next thing I know, Jay is on top of me and he whispers in my ear, "Where's lover boy, I thought he would be with you since you know, you two are dating." "We aren't dating anymore," I said as I tried getting up. He pushed me back down and yelled in my face, "STAY DOWN!" He punched me then stood up and kicked me several times. Where was a teacher when you needed one? Everyone quickly crowded around us as they watched as Jay beat the shit out of me. About 5 minutes went by of continuous punching and kicking when I heard someone scream my name. I turned my head and there stood Niall. 

"Niall," I said weakly reaching for him, Jay grabbed my arm and broke it. I groaned in pain and I could hear Niall's terrified voice as well. Pretty soon I couldn't hear anything at all as I slowly passed out. Everything went black after being viciously attacked by Jay. I still remember the look on Niall's face, it showed pain. It hurt him to see Jay hurt me, maybe he really does care...... 

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