Bound (H.S)

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Harry loves control and he has no intention of giving it up. Until he meets her. *WARNING* this book will co... Більше

The One where he submits
The one from the beginning.
The one with the grumpy boss and a new secretary
The one with the lunch meeting
The one with the mile high club
The one on the business trip
The one with endless questions
The one at the next level
The one with Nine
The one with plans
The one at the party
The one in London
The One at the Dollhouse
The One with words said
The part at the culmination

The one with the surprise

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Від eforelement

"Do we have to go?" Harry grumbled sitting on the bed. Already showered and dressed he was just waiting for her.

"Well it is your company that's throwing the fundraiser and you are the CEO..." Rory trailed off from inside the closet. She'd been debating between the red dress or the gold dress. Red would make more of a statement but gold complimented her skin tone so well. Decisions decisions.

"But it's always so boring." He whined. "To have to sit there all night and listen to boring rich people drone on and on about the real estate market, it makes me want to go to sleep! No one cares and really they just love listening to themselves talk." He rambled.

"Then why do you throw them?" Rory asked emerging with holding out both dresses. "Red or gold?" She asked him.

"Red." He said. He loved her in red, she looked incredibly sexy. "I throw them because those same rich people could possibly be big developers that hire us to sell their properties." He explained as if they didn't have this conversation every time this event came up.

"Well then don't complain." Rory said tilting her head. "Besides it's a couple of hours, you'll survive." She said with a smile before heading back into the bathroom to get ready.

Leaving her to get ready Harry went downstairs to distract himself with some work he'd left in his office. Knowing it was going to take her a while he made himself comfy.

Finally Rory felt she was ready and that she looked and felt sexy. As she was putting the finishing touches on her makeup, an idea popped into her head. Remembering how Harry had said he wanted to delve deeper into his role as a submissive, Rory began formulating a plan.

"Are you almost ready?" Harry called from downstairs. Looking at his watch he noticed they were only 10 minutes late, she was getting better.

"Almost, hold your horses." She called back. She opened the drawer she set aside for their bedroom activities, a smut drawer if you will. Sifting through the dildos, ball gags, handcuffs, nipple clamps, restraints, cock rings, and eye masks, she finally found what she was looking for.

"Today!" Harry called impatiently.

"Yeesh, someone's impatient." Rory muttered to herself. She looked over the item in her hand before putting it in her clutch.

"Took you long enough. We're going to be late." Harry muttered when she finally made her way down the stairs.

"You're the boss therefore you're never late, everyone else is simply early." She smiled as she passed him.

"You did not just quote Princess Diaries at me." Harry said following her out.

"It was Princess Diaries 2." She sassily corrected him as they got on the elevator.

"Excuse me" Harry said rolling his eyes and smiling as Rory laughed.

The drive over was quiet as Harry was doing a last look over the speech he had to make and Rory was fine tuning the details for her plan tonight. She tried to anticipate every question he'd have so she would have an answer.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as the door opened and Tyler reached his hand inside to help her out.

"I'm sorry Tyler, but can you give us a minute?" Rory smiled at him.

"Of course. Just give a knock when you're ready." He nodded and shut the door.

"What's going on?" Harry asked confused. Rory merely smiled at him and reached into her clutch. Her heart was beating quickly and harshly but she had to keep a calm exterior for his sake. One of them had to be in control of things and it certainly wasn't going to be him.

"I thought about what you said earlier about these events being boring. So, I have a proposition for you." She started.

"Okay." He said slowly. He watched as she pulled out a small metal cock ring.

"Baby, Jesus. What if someone sees that!" He exclaimed becoming flustered looking out the window. The rational part of him knew that there was no way anyone could see inside the car, but the panicked side of him was imagining everyone outside could see.

Rory calmly watched him look around and patiently waited for him to focus back on her.

"Do you want to know what I'm offering?" She asked.

"I'm curious yes but nervous at the same time. This is a work event." He reminded her.

"Do you remember saying you wanted more in regards to your submission?"

"I do."

"Well this would be a different aspect of that; mental submission instead of physical." She explained.

"Mental submission?" He can't remember if he came across that during his research.

"Well there are some physical aspects to it, case in point," She gestured to the cock ring, "but yeah. How good you are at following rules.
Here's what I ask of you, except for a few pre-approved instances, I want you to always be within 100 feet of wherever I am." She said. That certainly wasn't what he was expecting her to say, although he didn't really know what he thought she would say.

"And the cock ring comes in how?" He asked.

"That's for me to know." She said shaking her head. She wasn't about to reveal her whole plan to him.

"No one will know I promise. It'll be a secret between the two of us. Like that time we were at dinner and I took off my panties and stuffed them in your pocket."

"I remember that dinner." He nodded.

"If you make it through dinner then you'll get a very special reward when we get home." She said shifting his focus back to the object at hand.

"So, I just have to stay within 100 feet of you?" He asked.

"That's it. If you stray outside that distance I'll let you know and if you do it enough times you'll get punished." She said. He wasn't sure where she came up with this idea or why she was using the event to execute it, but he would go along with anything she asked of him.

"How will you let me know and how many times is enough?" He asked curiously taking the ring from her. He could do this.

"That's for me to know. Better stay close." Rory smiled giving him one last kiss before knocking on the glass for Tyler.

They walked inside and Harry grabbed two flutes of champagne from a waiter passing by.

"Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Styles." The event coordinator who worked with Rory said walking up to them with a wide smile on her face.

"Good evening Ashley. This all is really spectacular, you've outdone yourself." Rory said looking around. Everything looked incredible, from the tabletop decorations to how seamless the catering staff was moving.

"Thank you. I better get back to work, but holler if you need me." She said before scurrying off.

"Can I go to the bathroom? know..." he motioned towards his pocket.

"Of course baby. Just remember you can always opt out if you're really not comfortable with this." She reminded him gently. She wouldn't be doing her job as his dominant if she didn't give him an out if he wanted it. "I'll be waiting at the table." She said. He gave her a quick kiss before darting towards the toilets. He didn't want to run into another because he was sure they'd be able to figure out what was in his pocket.

Once checking to make sure the coast was clear he entered the car stall and pulled the metal ring out of his pocket. Harry stared at it as if it were something he'd never seen before. There had to be more to Rory's instructions that she wasn't telling him but he trusted her and knew she wouldn't lead him somewhere he didn't want to or wasn't comfortable going.

"Here goes nothing." He mumbled to himself before undoing his pants and pulling his cock out.

As he slid it on the pressure at the base of his dick was instantaneous and he almost let out a moan. His belly felt warm and his cock gave a jump of interest. With one palm flat against the wall behind the toilet and the other tightly gripping his cock he let out a low whimper of pleasure. Making it through the whole night with this thing on would be torture within itself.

He slowly walked to their table as he tried to get used to having a cock ring on in public. While no one knew he was wearing it and nothing in his suit looked out of place, part of him felt like there was a flashing neon sign above him saying 'I'm wearing a cock ring'. Having only worn them a few times before, and never a metal one while soft, he wasn't as used to the sensations running through his body. He was having a hard time completely ignoring them.

"There you are. That took you a bit of time, everything go okay?" Rory mused quietly.

"Yeah, just took...a bit of getting used to." He said shifting in his chair. If he moved too much a certain way and his pants tightened then shockwaves seemed to flow from his now semi-erect cock all the way through his toes and fingertips.

"Remember, just say the word and it's over." Rory wasn't sure if he heard her he first time so she looked him in the eyes as she told him so she knew that he understood.

"I know baby." He smiled and pecked her on the cheek.

Their attention turned as a speaker stepped on stage to introduce the evening before introducing Harry. Amidst the applause from his employees and developer clients Harry stood up, kissed Rory on the head, and made his way on stage.

Rory lovingly watched as Harry confidently spoke to everyone in the room. Any signs of nerves that he might've shown in the car were now gone. He told some jokes, some good and some he only got a pity laugh, thanked everyone for coming, and wished everyone a good time.

Caryn tried to quietly sneak in as Harry was making his speech. She'd watched a bit from the back of the room and practically had to fan herself she was getting so hot. Seeing how he managed to hold the attention of everyone in the room so easily was such a turn on; she absolutely loved his domineering personality. She had to stop herself before she began imagining what it must be like with him in the bedroom ordering her around and telling her what he wants her to do to him.

Sensing that his speech was winding down Caryn tried to quickly and quietly make her way through the room. Bobbing and weaving through tables she got to her seat, one seat away from Mr. Styles thank you very much, moments after Harry sat down.

"Ms. Richards." Harry smiled as she sat down.

"Good evening Mr. Styles." Caryn flashed a flirty smile at him. "Mrs. Styles." She begrudgingly acknowledged Rory knowing it would be rude otherwise. "I apologize for being late." She said vaguely but Harry paid it no mind.

"Ms. Richards, lovely to see you again." Rory said. "Harry, would you be a dear and get me a glass of wine from the bar?" Rory asked. Harry looked at her silently asking if he would get in trouble because the bar was over the allotted distance. When she shook her head he nodded and went to grab the wine she asked for.

"First time at one of these?" Rory asked Caryn, seeing how bored she already looked. Caryn looked at Rory before nodding her head.

"Are they always this...?" She didn't want to offend her in case she actually enjoyed these events.

"Boring?" Rory guessed. Caryn sheepishly nodded, "Unfortunately yes, boring and seem to go on forever." Rory said.

"Yay." Caryn said unenthusiastically. She longingly looked at the seat separating her and Mr. Styles and wondered who could be more important and lucky enough to sit next to him.

"You get used to it over time. Find ways to entertain yourself." Rory said, mostly to herself. She had found a way to entertain herself and he was standing by the bar chatting with a server.

Rory wasn't as familiar with mental submission as she was with physical submission so she was kind of playing it by ear. However, she knew what she wanted out of him and wasn't afraid to physically punish him until she got it. She just hoped his desire to please her outside the bedroom ran as deep as his desire to please her inside the bedroom.

So far Harry had taken to her orders very well, better than she thought he would, and she was pleased with him. She gave him his space when work was involved but other than that he was faithfully by her side at all times.

However, because he was doing so well she wasn't getting to have any fun and that just would not do. Smirking to herself she purposely waited until he was distracted by a client and quietly slipped away beyond the boundary she had set for him.

She spied Louise, still heavily pregnant, sitting at another table talking with someone from another department, she couldn't remember and at this point she didn't care, and decided to go say hello. After catching up for a quick moment she looked to Harry to make sure he still hadn't noticed her absence and gave herself a mental high five when he hadn't. His client long gone and he was still facing away from her looking at his phone.

"Excuse me one moment." Rory said pulling her phone out. Pulling up the app on her phone she sent several bursts of vibrations to the cock ring that her husband was currently wearing; completely oblivious to its capabilities. One of her better investments, if she did say so herself.

"What the fuck?" Harry jumped in shock. He looked to Rory in question but she was no longer next to him. He looked around and found that she'd busied herself in conversation with Louise over at another table. Well beyond the 100 foot limit she'd set for him.

Oh shit.

"Are you alright Mr. Styles?" Caryn asked.

"Just dandy." Harry gritted out. He held back a gasp as a series of pulses hit his cock. Just when he was finally getting used to wearing the ring. Frantically chewing on his bottom lip he hoped whatever this was would be over soon.

"Are you sure? You look a little tense." She observed. She'd be more than happy to help ease his tension in any way he wanted.

"Excuse me." Harry said turning away from her before all but darting out of his chair and towards his smug looking wife. Just as he was about to reach her the vibrations stopped suddenly. He threw her a look wondering how she was managing to make his cock vibrate from afar.

"Darling hello." She said innocently. "I was just catching up with Louise and her friend," she suddenly frowned and turned to the other woman, "I'm terribly sorry but I didn't catch your name."

"Regina. I work in accounting." The blonde woman smiled at her.

"Louise and Regina." Rory smiled. He was able to see beyond her smile and see her taunting him knowing that he knew he'd been caught.

"I'm sorry I must've been distracted." He apologized.

"It's no problem. I'm sorry ladies, we should probably head back to our table." Rory said.

"I should head back to, I just wanted to say hello to Regina." Louise said standing up to follow them. "We'll catch up some more later." Regina nodded with a smile and waved them all off.

"Is Caryn sitting here as well?" Lou asked seeing an empty seat next to her as she took her customary seat on Harry's left.

"Yes but she must've went off somewhere." Harry said and Lou nodded not surprised at all.

"Do you mind telling me why my cock was vibrating a second ago?" Harry hissed his Rory's ear as the people around him were applauding the current speaker on the stage.

"If you had noticed my abscence then you wouldn't have been more than 100 feet away and your dick wouldn't have vibrated. Think of it as a warning alarm. You get beyond 100 feet you'll get a warning." She explained quietly without looking at him "Remember; just get through the night and you'll get a reward baby." Rory cooed finally looking at him and bringing her finger up to tap his cheek.

"You never mentioned anything about vibrations." He hissed.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I had to run everything by you. I was under the impression that I made the decisions." She responded leaning back. He took a deep breath to compose himself because she was right.

"Of course, I'm sorry." He said. He felt his tummy warm when she gave him a quick kiss.

"It's okay baby." She smiled at him.

As the night continued Caryn watched the two closely as she slowly ate her food. Mr. Styles chatted with various people and of course they all were charmed by him. His wife dutifully stayed by her husbands side during conversation and entertained fellow wives who looked just as bored as Caryn felt.

She did notice, however, that if Mrs. Styles moved somewhere that Mr. Styles was quick to follow her and that it wasn't necessarily the case the other way around. Mrs. Styles almost looked like she couldn't care less if her husband was next to her.

"Such a shame." Caryn muttered to herself. If she were Mrs. Styles she'd make sure that she was always on her man's arm.

Maybe if she could find a way to get him by himself she might be able to get a little conversation with him going. But how would she get his attention without his wife interfering? And how would she get him away from his wife long enough to even start a conversation? She knew just who to ask.

"Excuse me for a moment." Caryn said throwing her napkin on the table and scurrying off. No one was actually paying attention to her.

She was thankful no one was in sight as she pulled her phone out and dialed Melanie.

"Melanie, I need your help." She said into the phone.

"What? What's wrong?" Was Melanie's reply.

"I'm trying to find a moment where I can talk to Mr. Styles but I can't figure out how to get him away from his wife. He's following her around like a puppy no matter where she goes. She goes to talk to someone across the room he's jumping up and following her. She wants a drink from the bar, he's running up and getting it from her. I mean the farthest I think I've seen him is when he gave the opening speech." Caryn said disappointedly. She had been trying to find some sort of lapse where they weren't attached at the hip but she couldn't seem to find one. It was getting incredibly frustrating.

"Well maybe try and get his attention with something work related. It's none of her business so she'll likely leave him alone." Melanie suggested.

"That's a brilliant idea. Thanks Mel!" They hung up and Caryn took an extra few moments to make sure her makeup was on point before heading back to the table.

Seeing the table empty she looked around to see if she could find him but to no avail. Endless people clad in suits walking around mingling with each other; he could be anywhere.

After a minute or two of looking, she spotted him walking a little behind his wife, Caryn seized her opportunity and went for it.

"Mr. Styles!" Caryn called after him. Rory far enough away where she could get an actual word in without her overhearing.

"Yes Ms. Richards?" Harry asked keeping a close eye on Rory.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She said. "I uhh," She stuttered trying to think of something to say. "I had a question regarding an upcoming business trip." She said after a moment. It was the only thing she could think of.

"Ms. Richards, I applaud your work ethic but tonight is about having fun and forgetting about miscellaneous details about upcoming work events." Harry said shaking his head.

Rory, noticing Harry wasn't by her side anymore, looked back to see him and his secretary having a little chat. She would've let it slide, after all work business is work business, but she didn't like the way Caryn was looking at her husband and she specifically gave Harry instructions regarding exceptions to her rules.

Harry jolted as his cock began buzzing in quick succession. He dug his nails into the palm of his hand inside his pocket as he fought the urge to grab his dick. He clenched his jaw as a moan bubbled in his throat.

"Is your phone ringing Mr. Styles?" Caryn asked hearing vibrations.

"I'm sorry?" He croaked.

"I think your phone is vibrating." She said motioning to his pocket.

Rory, watching them, slowed down the vibrations to where she was sure it was quieter just after Caryn pointed at his pants. She saw Harry pull out his phone and tap on the screen before putting it back in his pocket. Her own phone vibrated with a text from Harry.

'Baby please'

Lightly smirking to herself she turned the intensity all the way back up once more. She watched as Harry gripped his pants leg and screwed his face up.

Harry could feel sweat building at his hairline as he clenched his jaw. He didn't know how much longer he could walk around with a vibrating cock before he came in his pants. This might've been worse than her spanking him or ruining his orgasms because at least then he could react.

Watching him try and talk with his secretary was amusing Rory far too much. Harry looked like he was ready to chew through his lip and tear a hole in the side of his pants he was gripping the material so tight. Deciding he'd suffered enough Rory turned off the vibrations and walked over to the duo.

"Hello sweetheart." Rory said stepping up beside Harry. She shot a sweet smile at Caryn before smiling lovingly up at her husband.

"There you are." Harry smiled relieved she'd turned off the ring.

"Yes, I wanted to give you two a chance to talk privately." She said smiling at them. Caryn gave her a weak smile in return before staring off trying to formulate a new plan of attack.

For the rest of the night Rory would continue to duck away from Harry so she would have an excuse to punish him, before having a little mercy and finding him. Other than when she purposely left his side, she noted that Harry was very good at following her directions and she was more than pleased with him.

While she was happy to reward him for making it through the night, they had been more than 100 feet apart enough times to warrant a punishment. Even if it had been because of her doing.

"Are you ready to head out my love?" Harry asked as things were dying down. He couldn't wait to get home.

"Have you done all your rounds? Spoken to everyone you need to?" She asked.

"Yeah and I'm feeling tired." He felt like he had no more energy after Rory had effectively edged him all night long. He wasn't sure how she managed to be able to tell, but she always stopped the vibrations just before he would pass the point of no return.

"Okay, let's head home baby." Rory knew he was tired; his eyes were drooping and he had a slouch to his shoulders. Harry nodded and pulled out his phone to tell Tyler to bring the car around.

"We all good?" Rory asked. Harry nodded and slid his arm around her waist and moved them towards the exit.

"Goodnight Ms. Richards. See you on Monday." Harry said as they past her on their way out.

"Leaving already?" It was barely 11 o'clock and the night was still young.

"We are. See you on Monday." Harry said once more. What business of hers what time they left?

"Have a good night." She said. So much for managing to get him for a one-on-one conversation. She was feeling dejected and would have to come up with a different plan of attack soon. She wasn't going to be ignored for too much longer.

Outside Harry led Rory towards Tyler waiting with the car. He was thankful that his erection managed to soften to a semi because having to walk through that whole building and towards his driver with an obvious erection would be humiliating.

"Thank you Tyler." Rory smiled as she made her way inside. For shits and giggles she tapped the button on her phone once more at the lowest setting, her new favorite because she could tease him for longer, and watched as Harry stumbled over the curb and just barely caught himself on the car.

"Are you alright Mr. Styles?" Tyler said quickly reaching out to catch him need be.

"Yes of course," Harry shot her one last pleading look to have mercy on him, "must've had a bit more to drink than I thought. Thank you Tyler." Harry said ducking into the car.

"Of course Mr. Styles." Tyler nodded and shut the door behind him.

"You strayed too many times." Rory mentioned offhandedly as she turned off the vibrations.

"I did?" Harry asked slumped in his seat. The latest round of torture on his cock nearly did him in. He had been ready to cum for an unhealthy amount of time and frankly he was surprised he had enough blood in the rest of his body to function, let alone form a coherent thought. Rory nodded but still wouldn't look at him. "How many times?"

"Enough." She said simply. Harry's heart began racing as he knew some sort of punishment was coming his way.

"What's my punishment?" He gulped. Part of him was nervous and the other part was extremely excited.

"What's the first number that pops into your head." His face screwed up in confusion. What did numbers have to do with anything.

"9." He threw out randomly.

"You owe me 9 orgasms before you have your next one." She said giving him a side glance.

"What?" He gulped. That would take forever to complete.

"You broke the rules baby therefore you have to be punished." Rory said like it was the most obvious thing.

"It'll take forever to reach 9." Rory gave him a patronizing smile before lightly patting his cheek.

"Better get started tonight."


In honor of Bound One-Off's getting over 1k reads, I wanted to say thank you with another chapter. This was supposed to be out days ago but life got in the way. Stupid life! I'm trying to write here.

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