Mimic *ON HOLD*

By stfuximshelli495

5.2K 119 69

I watched as my brush went through my long black hair in the mirror. I was getting ready to go to bed, and ma... More

A New Year
A New Face Amoung Old Ones
Not Everything Is What It Seems
Awkward Silences Are The Best
Easy Confessions
What A Horrible Day To Wear Grandma Clothes
You're Not The Only One Sneaking Through My Window
A Good Ending to a Better Day
Dancing With Temptation

Curiousity Killed The Cat

400 8 3
By stfuximshelli495

Please vote, and comment!

I'm looking forward to some feedback. Hopefully this chapter would be longer than my other ones because I felt bad not uploading for a while.

Picture of Aaron on the side.

Enjoy my awesome readers :]



After third and forth period, which was Government and Computer Graphics, I walked with Aaron towards our table for lunch. Carrie was also in our forth period, but she wasn't able to sit next to us then after, she left right when the bell rang. Aaron was walking close enough to where we were walking together, but far enough to where we couldn't talk. Lately he has been acting weird around me, and it's starting to get on my nerves.

"Out with it Aaron." I said stopping in my tracks.

He stopped mid step then turned around not meeting my eyes. "Out with what?"

"Whatever the fuck crawled up your ass and is now stuck there!" I said almost yelling. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side of the hallway so we weren't in other students way. "These last couple of months you've been not acting like yourself."

"I... I don't know what you're talking about Becca-"

"Like hell you don't." I said interrupting him.

"Everything ok over here?" I looked up and saw James with Hayden walking towards us.

I huffed then adjusted my bag that was on my shoulder. "Peachy. Hayden, check your phone in one minute. James, I need to talk with you."

"My phone? Why should I-"

"Hayden just count to sixty then take it out. I'll see you in a little bit." I said smiling while shaking my head at him.

"What's up with her?" I heard Hayden whisper to Aaron as I turned around to walk with James.

"Fuck if I know dude." Aaron replied not so quietly.

I just rolled my eyes, and fell into step with James without saying a word. He understood that sometimes I needed to gather my thoughts before voicing how I was feeling, because when I vent without thinking, it all comes out wrong.

I pulled out my phone and opened up a new text message screen. I typed in Haydens name then selected his number and typed my message to him.

BECCA: Find out what's wrong with Aaron. I know he'll be honest with you.

I hit send then sighed as I put my phone back into my pocket.

A couple of months after school started Aaron started to act how he did when we had just started high school. Before we were acting friends, and could joke around with each other, but now it's like he's walking on eggshells around me. I know in middle school we had a little thing, but nothing too serious and I thought we were both over it. That also caused a lot of problems between him and Chloe when they first started going out. They've gotten better, but at first when she asked him to stop talking to me, we talked through private messages that we hid from Chloe and Patrick. I got tired of being paranoid about Patrick finding out so I just stopped them, and things went back to normal.

Over break though, we started talking again. Nothing that would be considered bad, but I know for a fact that Chloe nor Patrick would be too thrilled about it. I haven't stopped talking to him yet, but if things keep going the way they are, I definitely will.

"Aaron and I are talking to each other again." I said quietly to James as I turned my head slightly to see his reaction.

"Again? What do you mean...." He trailed off as realization crossed his features. "Becca what's wrong with you? Are you trying to cause drama?"

"Nothing's wrong with me." I said getting defensive. "He just messaged me over break and we just kept talking. I really don't see what the big deal is."

"You don't? Well how about I just go tell Patrick and Chloe what's going on. I'm sure they'll see it being a huge deal to them." He said staring hard at me.

"You know that's not what I meant. I was trying to say is that I don't see why we should hide it. I shouldn't have to hide talking to a friend from my boyfriend and best friend."

"Becs, I love you like a sister, but sometimes you are so dumb it makes me want to cry." He said as we stood in line to get something to eat. "You two are basically exes."

"But we aren't. You know that."

"Well there was still that emotional connection you guys had and Chloe gets jealous of it. Same with Patrick. My advice is to leave him alone. Nothing good could come out of this."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my bangs. "I guess you're right. Please don't tell anyone about this."

He shrugged and grabbed two wrapped pre-made sandwiches. "Did I last time?"

I picked up two bags of chips then two waters as we walked to the cashier. James handed the lunch lady the money for all of our stuff and we walked back to the center of the quad.

"So how's everything going with 'Operation Kelly'?" I asked trying to get my mind off of thoughts about Aaron.

James smiled slightly then replied. "Very good actually. We're going to the movies Friday to see that new movie 'The Caves'."

"Well, fucking finally. I told you she would like you." I said nudging him with my elbow. "And you doubted my skills."

"I didn't doubt your girl skills. I just didn't think she would like someone like me." He countered putting his head down slightly.

"Turn that frown upside down, buddy. You have a date with a girl you've been crushing on since what, middle school? You should be doing cart wheels in fields of sunflowers." I said trying to make him laugh.

"Wow. That would be really gay for me to do." He said laughed and soon I joined him.

"Finally you guys grace us with your presence!" I looked up and saw Hayden sitting on the table with everyone else sitting on the benches talking, and eating.

"FOOD!" He yelled reaching his arms out to grab my lunch.

"Back off you little stoner. I haven't eaten today." I said hiding the bags of chips behind my back.

"Awe come on." Hayden whined. "I got the munchies and no money because I have to pay for stupid gas."

"But you had enough for bud? Maybe you should have spent your money more wisely." I said sitting down next to Patrick then James passed me one of the sandwiches he was holding.

Hayden turned and sat on the bench like a normal person facing me. His eyes where squinting, but I could still see that they were really red and glossy. "Well if I had spent my money more wisely I wouldn't be in the predicament, now would I?"

"Dude, you just said the exact same thing she just said, but used different words." Chloe said rolling her eyes as everyone laughed at him. "You are frying your brain my dear friend."

"Says the girl who smoked with us this morning." Aaron said laughing at his now blushing girlfriend.

"Details, details." She said waving her hand in front of her.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying. Please let me have your chips." He begged putting his hands together like he way praying. "You don't even like those."

I looked down at my bag of chips and saw they were jalapeno flavored. "Dammit James! Why did you tell me?"

"Hey, you picked them out. I assumed you knew what you were grabbing." He said shrugging then took a huge bite of his sandwich and smiling at me.

"No, I just grabbed anything." I replied throwing it at Hayden.


I just rolled my eyes at him and began to eat my lunch. I couldn't help, but start to think about Aaron again even though I didn't want to. When I looked over at him, he was talking with Chloe as she smiled and laughed at whatever he said. I could tell that he had just smoked with Hayden, but his eyes weren't as bad. How could he go from being so quiet around me to acting like everything is normal with her? I know she's his girlfriend and everything, but what happened between now and the beginning of the break? Did I do something wrong?

All these questions were flowing through my head, and in the end I decided to talk to him tonight. I know I told James that I would stop, but until I figured this out it would bother me to where it would drive me crazy. After everything is out in the open though I will stop talking to him behind Patrick, and Chloes back.

"You ok?" I snapped my head towards the voice so hard it cracked my neck and I winced at the sound. Patrick was next to me with soft expression on his face.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just kind of tired even though it's only half way through the day." I lied leaning into his side.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my arm. "I know. Sorry about earlier. I was being stupid."

I sat up and turned to look at him. "You shouldn't be sorry. I get why you felt that way, just you have to understand nothing will ever happen between James and I. I know I've said this before, but that would be like hooking up with my brother."

He slightly laughed which caused me to relax. "I know that. Just sometimes when you're with him it's like you two are going out and not us, but that doesn't matter. You're my girl and I have nothing to worry about."

He kissed me on the lips and I smiled against his, but in the back of my mind it only made my situation with Aaron make me feel guiltier.

"So when do you want to meet up with Carrie?" Chloe asked breaking my conversation with Patrick. "I told her that she could just follow us to your house then from there we can go to the mall."

"Yeah, that's fine." I shrugged then I noticed that she wasn't with us now. "Where is she?"

"She said something about picking up her gym clothes from the student store. I offered to show her where it was, but she remembered seeing it by the office when she first got here. She's actually really nice when you get to know her." She replied giving James a pointed look.

"I'm sorry! Jeez." James said putting his hands up like he was surrendering. "She just seemed kind of weird in first period."

"Nah man, she is really nice. She's be hotter though if she'd wear something attractive. Ouch!" Aaron yelled rubbing his arm where Chloe had hit him.

"What she wears is fine. Just because she doesn't dress like a skank doesn't mean she isn't attractive." Chloe replied defending Carrie.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't have his woman under control." Patrick said smirking at Aaron and Chloe.

We all laughed and the bell rang soon after. We all intentionally made our fifth period a free one so we all gathered our things and walked towards the library. I took this as a chance to talk with Aaron without it being suspicious. I couldn't wait until tonight when I could message him.

"Hey Aaron?" I called turning my head around because him, Chloe, and Hayden where walking behind us.

"What's up?" He replied nodding his head in my direction.

"Could you help me with our Computer Graphics assignment? The website building layers are fucking me up and I can't get the page to look how I want it to."

"Um, sure." He said looking at Chloe through the corner of his eyes, but she was busy talking with Hayden as he explained to her the proper way to clean her glass pipe using a Q-Tip.

I turned back around and leaned slightly into Patrick while he talked with James as we kept walking to the library. Once we were all inside, we check in by signing our names at the front desk and settled into groups so we could help each other with homework. Well most of us. Chloe and Hayden sat in the back using a proxy on the computer to access Facebook and to check their profiles.

James and Patrick were busy getting books from different selves to do a research paper they had to turn in tomorrow and that left Aaron and myself standing awkwardly near the side computers that we had to use in order access our Computer Graphic teachers website to log in and open up my page. I rolled my eyes as he looked everywhere, but at me and sat in one of the desks that faced the library. I didn't want to face away in case one of our friends came up to us.

He soon followed my lead and took a seat next to me putting his backpack on his lap then leaning on it to support his head. I logged in and opened up the files that I needed to show him my site I really wasn't having problems with and by the look on his face I knew he had realized it to.

"Well, your page looks perfect. What are you having problems with?" He asked eyeing me with suspicion.

"Nothing. Actually, I'm having a problem with something, but not with my website." I said not breaking his eye contact.

"Ah this again. I told you nothing was wrong."

"And you lied. I know something's wrong. Just come out and say it." I said determined on breaking his facade.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his slightly long, black dyed hair. "Could you please just let it go? It's nothing for you to worry about."

"If it was something I shouldn't worry about, how come you only act weird around me? Obviously it has something to do with me."

He looked at me with pleading eyes before speaking. "I can't."

"Why?" I asked with curiosity lacing my voice.

"It'll just fuck everything up." He said tilting his head back.

"Becca?" I looked up and saw Patrick standing on the other side of the computer.


"Do you have the hand out you got in English? James lost his, and since I don't have it until sixth period, I haven't gotten it yet."

"Why are you working on it now then?" Aaron asked as I searched through my one inch binder for the paper he asked for.

"Because we all have the same teacher so why not work ahead?"

"Here you go." I said extending my arm out so he could grab it.

"Everything ok with you two?" He asked eyeing us as if he caught us doing something wrong, but that could have been my paranoia speaking.

"We're good." I smiled. "He's just helping me with this stupid website format."

"Alright. Thanks for the paper. I'll give it back before sixth period." With that he turned around and walked back to James who made eye contact with me and shook his head.

I quickly looked back at my computer screen and started up our interrupted conversation. "How will it fuck everything up?"

"You're not going to let this go, are you?" He asked letting his shoulders drop.

I shook my head and he took a deep breath. "It's stupid really. I was just going through this old box I found while I was cleaning my room and saw it had all of the stuff, and notes you gave me back in middle school. It just brought back old feelings so I've been trying to avoid them by avoiding you."

I sat there looking at his with a blank expression, and suddenly I felt my face soften after seeing the pained look in his eyes. "So why message me?"

"It was on impulse. Kind of like a junkie taking a hit to curve the urge to do something more drastic, you know?"

"I guess, but where does that leave us. I still want to be friends with you even though we can't be together." I replied hoping that we could stay friends.

"But that's the thing. I don't want to be just friends with you anymore. Just seeing you with Patrick tears me apart even though I'm with Chloe. She's just the drug that curves my urge for you."

After a couple of seconds of me not replying he got up without a word and walked towards James and Patrick. I was in shock though. The guy who I have worked hard on getting fully over these past couple of years just told me he has feelings for me, and that he was using my best friend to hide his feelings. I didn't know what to think, or say at the moment.

"Hey Becca. I didn't know you had a free period also." I looked up from where I was sitting and saw Carrie standing next to me with a smile on her face.

I faked a smile and replied. "Yeah we all do. Do you need to use the computer?"

"Oh no. I just saw you here and decided to say hi. I'm looking forward to after school." She said sitting down where Aaron had been just a few minutes earlier.

I shook my head and tried to not think about what he told me. "I'm glad. Chloe said she told you just to follow us to my house then after you could just hop in the backseat of her car so we could drive to the mall. Is that ok with you?"

"Of course." She said smiling at me. "I can't believe how ugly the gym uniform is."

I laughed at her disgusted face. "I know. They're hideous. I don't know why they won't let us bring our own clothes."

"Pfft, tell me about it. Vomit orange, and rust brown are not my colors."

We joked about the school colors a little bit more and before I knew it the bell that ended class rang throughout the library. I logged out of the computer and slung my bag over my shoulder.

"What class do you have next?" I asked Carrie as she stood up from her seat.

"Well, I get to wear my lovely new clothes." She replied sarcastically.

"Same here. Which coach do you have?"

"Erm, Coach Wilson." She said then put her schedule back into her pocket.

"You got lucky with having Chloe and I in your classes. I have him next also." I said motioning her to follow me.

"Hey babe. Here's the paper you gave me." Patrick said putting the paper into my binder for me.

He leaned forward to kiss me and I caught a glimpse of Aaron staring at us with a hurt expression which made me turn my head away from his lips. They grazed my cheek and I acted as though I didn't know he was going to do that by searching for something in my bag.

Why did I just do that?

Someone put their arm around my shoulder and when I turned saw it was Hayden. "Ready for gym, sit up buddy?"

"No." I said flatly.

"That's the spirit. You joining us new girl?" He asked turning towards Carrie.

"Yeah I am." She said smiling at him then joined us to walk to the gym.

I smiled at Patrick and waved as he walked to his English class that was next to James' calculus class. I faced forward and saw Chloe and Aaron in front of us and I remembered that I had another class with Aaron, again.

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