DC x reader

Robo-Warrior द्वारा

82.7K 1.1K 594

All DC characters x reader These aren't all x readers अधिक

How to piss off members of the DC universe
Impulse x reader
Robin V x reader
Robin I x reader
How I Figured Out Who The Batman Was
Captain Marvel
Robin I x reader
Robin III x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Wally West x reader
Rorschach x reader
Lady Flash meets the team
Female Red Arrow x Robin x Kidflash
Preferences / How you meet
Lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon
The blogger
Star Trek/DC x reader
Riddick comes to Earth
Drunk! Dick Grayson x reader
Roy/Tim x reader 2
A/N 1/1/18

Roy Harper/Tim Drake x reader

1.8K 35 34
Robo-Warrior द्वारा

And this is just another reason why Harley Quinn has the best character development. ^^^ (You gotta read the rest of the comic to get what's going on there)

Roy Harper/Tim Drake x reader

Title - Those Whores


I've always had my eyes on Roy Harper.

But he never seemed to notice me. He ignored me when possible, and only spoke to me when he had too. But I guess, I didn't mind. He was there, and that's all that matters. I'm a part of the Outlaws like him, I'm closer to him then I'll be if I wasn't in the Outlaws. He actually the reason why I joined this little messed up team. That and I love giving criminals what's coming to them.

So, being on the Outlaws I can get closer to Roy. By downside, I'm also closer to Starfire. The alien sex princess. Like seriously, all she cares about is sex! She's had sex with both Jason and Roy! I wouldn't be surprised if she came after me next! (Okay, maybe a little surprised. I'm not exactly the prettiest girl out there.)

So Kori is a big no. I've never liked her, and probably never will. And she feels the same way about me. So we just stay away from each other, and it works out fine. That's the only thing I like about her. She knows to stay away from me.

Today, we didn't have a mission. I was sitting on the couch in one of our many hideouts. I was watching tv. Kori was sitting on the other side of the couch, picking her nails or something. Whatever.

The couch dipped in the middle as someone landed there. Kori and I both looked over and saw a grinning Roy.

"Hey ladies," he purred. I furrowed my eyebrows. He usually never greeted Kori and I as 'ladies'. Because we weren't, not at all.

He scooted over to Kori, and I looked away. Of course. He was here to smooch up Kori.

"Hey Kori," he greeted her lowly. I tried focusing on the tv, but the sound of them talking lowly was distracting me. I looked over, and saw that Roy was kissing her neck.

My breath hitched. He has to do this, in front of me? Seriously? I got up right after he licked her collar bone. I walked to the bathroom, my fists clenched the whole time. Roy was such a whore. He couldn't keep his hands off of Kori for even a second. I'm sure sometimes it must get annoying for Kori, being fawned on by every guy. Ugh, why am I trying to make her a good guy just because she's a girl? She's just as much as a whore as Roy. And Jason, can't forget about that douchewaffle.

I sat in the bathroom for about how long you go the bathroom then made my way to the tv room again. Please God, don't let them be fucking on the couch. My heart can't handle much more of this.

I walked into the room, and stopped short when I saw Jason on the couch with them. He sat on the other side of Kori. I couldn't exactly see what they were doing as Kori's bright red hair blocked my vision.

I heard a moan.

"Okay, guys!" I yelled and walked in front of them. I waved my hand in front of the tv and it turned off. They all looked at me, touching each other somewhere.

But the sound wasn't off. Jason had his stereo going in his room. I ignored it, and continued to talk.

"So, I've been on this team for what, 3 months..."

Where was I going with this?

"And I learned something new while being on this team. It takes 3 months a to get so sick of people that when you see them you mentally throw up." Accurate.

"What I'm trying to say, is that I'm sick of you guys, and I'm sick of this team, so I'm quitting. All you guys do is fuck around with each other, like, I joined this team to hurt some bad guys. I didn't join a fucking team so I could have sex every other night. If you're all so goddamn desperate, start a fucking club. Kori is here to fight, not be your eternal sex toy! She's a princess alien for god's sake! She shouldn't be used like a fucking slut!"

Ugh, why am I defending Kori. That bitch, I've always liked her deep down in my heart.

I took a breath and walked away, not saying anything else.

Jason's stereo was really annoying me now. As I walked past his room, I clenched my fist, and the music was immediately cut off. I heard the stereo fall to the ground, probably crushed.

As soon as I got outside, I stopped and waited a moment. I have no idea what I'm waiting for though.


Be realistic, (y/n). If he has a sexy alien willing to have sex 24/7, why would he want you? Exactly. This is the real world.

Connecting my hands in front of me, my feet lifted off of the ground and I flew away.

My feet landed on the ground in front of Wayne manor seconds later. I knocked, and Alfred opened the door slowly.

"Who could possibly be here in the middle of the night?" He said.

He noticed me, and a smile graced his features.

"(Y/n), it's a pleasure to see you again! Would you like to come in?" He opened the door. I smiled at him.

"Yes, please. It's nice seeing you too, Alfred. It's been too long." We both nodded.

He led me to the kitchen.

"You'll have to excuse me. I'm making cocoa for Master Damian. He likes it made especially with little marshmallows and maple syrup, so I have to take my time making it."

I shuffled on my feet. I was gonna offer him my help, but he always says no.

"Well, is Di.. err is Tim here?"

What was I thinking? Dick loves Kori! He wouldn't want to hear me bashing on her! But Tim?

"Tim? Yes, I believe master Tim is in his room."

I thanked him. As I walked to Tim's room, I passed by Dick's room. I stopped and raised my hand. I could hear him in the phone.

"And she just ran out? She didn't even take her stuff?" He said. I leaned in. The other person was mumbled, I couldn't hear them at all.

"I haven't see her, no. This is ridiculous, Jason. She's probably just on her period and had a little breakdown. Nothing to worry about."

It was clear they were talking about me. Anger overwhelmed me. I though Dick was my best friend. But whenever it comes Kori or Jason, I'm always thrown down the gutter first. Bitch.

I raised my hand, and flung his phone across the room. It smashed against the door, and I turned away.

"What? (Y/n)?" He yelled. The door flung open, but I was already around the corner, walking up to Tim's room. I heard his footsteps. I didn't bother knocking as I barged in. I closed the door gently and then ran towards Tim's closet.

"(Y/n)?" He sat up in bed, and pushed his hair back from his face. I gave him a desperate look, and he calmed down.

Dick knocked on the door gently, but I could feel his urgency from here. I slipped into the closet, and sank to my bottom. I shut the door and everything turned black. My eyes burned as tears fell down my face. What have I done?

I heard muffled talking, then the door to the closet opened. Tim stood there, looking confused. I looked up, and wiped the tears away. His looked softened. He held a hand out.

"Dick's gone."

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I embraced him in a hug, and he hugged back. I squeezed his small figure, forcing my tears to go away. He patted my back.

Tim and I were never close. He's like 4 years younger then me, but I have no one else to go to right now. Dick wouldn't understand. Damian's a little brat. My family... let's not talk about my family. No friends. I was so lonely. I thought I had the Outlaws, but now I've gone and left them.    

Good job, (y/n).

Tim pulled me to his bed. We sat down, and he pulled a blanket over me. I smiled at him. Tim was nice. Even after years and years of not speaking to him, he'll come to my aid when I need it. How does he not have a girlfriend?

"So, what's wrong?" He started.

I paused before I answered. He looked like he genuinely cared for me, and that he actually wanted to know what's wrong.

"From what Dick told me, you're running? But from what?"

I sighed.

"I don't know anymore, Tim. I joined the Outlaws to serve justice but now it seems like I don't care about that anymore. I had gotten so infatuated with Roy, and he was so infatuated with Kori. It would never work out..."

"What was I thinking? Falling in love with a teammate. He was the only thing on my mind. I stopped caring about fighting evil, I lost my touch. And then today... when they were touching and kissing... I felt so broken."

What was I doing? Spilling my guts to a 17 year old. A really nice 17 year old, who seemed interested in everything I was saying. He looked at me like... I can't explain it. There was a certain sadness in his eyes. But yet he seems to happy. Happy to see me?

Don't be ridiculous.

"So you quit the Outlaws," he finished. I nodded.

"I feel like I did something horrible. Now Roy will never see me."

I lied back in Tim's bed, being enclosed in the softness. I gripped his sheets.

"This is the most comfortable bed I've ever lied on," I murmured.   Tim smiled at me and lied down next to me. Our shoulders were touching.

"I know we don't talk much, but I know you're a strong woman. And crying over that group of assholes just doesn't seem like you. They're nothing. You don't need them to be happy. You don't even need Roy to be happy. Roy's a self centered asshole who only cares about his dick. He doesn't deserve a great woman like you."

He grabbed my hand and massaged my fingers. I turned to him, and propped my hand up on my hands.

"How have I never noticed you before?" I questioned. Our eyes connected. He had such pretty crystal blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes.

"Because you've always been so worried about Roy. Plus there's 4 years of difference in our ages."

His hair fell into his eyes as he smiled at me. I sat up, and he sat up to. How could I get over Roy so quickly? I'm just over him!

I turned to Tim, and smirked at him. He looked slightly unsure. I pushed him over, and then crawled over to him. I crawled into his lap and he started blushing.

"Tim, do you like me?"

"What, like, like like?"

"Yes, because I think I like you," I said.

I leaned down, so our noses were nearly touching.

"I like you too," he whispered. He jerked his head up, and our lips connected sharply. I pressed him back into the bed when he starting getting up. My hands slipped into his hair, and I started massaging his scalp. His hands unsurely gripped my waist. I pulled away for air.

We sat up, me still in his lap.

"Is this wrong?" He questioned.

I tightened my legs around his waist, and pulled him in for another kiss. This time his arms pulled me close to him, so our chests were touching.

He pulled away and kissed my jawbone experimentally. I flushed. He smirked and kissed down my neck. His hair brushed against my cheek, and I leaned into him even more if possible.

The door flung open but I couldn't see who it was because my back was to the door. Tim stopped kissing me and peaked over my shoulder, his face still buried in the crook of my neck.

There was a gasp.


Suddenly I was pulled from Tim and was hugged in a death hug. I hugged him but kept my eyes on Tim. He looked so cute there, his lips swollen and an annoyed look on his face.

"(Y/n)! Why'd you quit the Outlaws! Why'd you run away?" Dick held my arms length away from him, a stern look on his face.

"I don't have to explain anything to you," I said and pulled away. He looked confused and step forward.

"Dick," Tim warned from his spot on the bed. Dick raised an eyebrow. Tim got up, dropping the blanket from his shoulders. We watched as he came up and wrapped a shaky arm around my shoulders. I smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"What? Are you guys dating?"

We both looked at each other.

"We're not dating," I said slowly.

"Not yet anyway," he said. My face flushed.

"I don't even think that's legal," Dick said. He stepped forward but we both glared at him. He raised his hands up.

"Alright, alright. I know when I'm not wanted. I'm gonna go tell Jason where you are. He called to see if you were here. They were all worried about you," he said.

"Bullshit," I hissed.

"Hey, wait! Don't..." he cried as his phone floated out of his pocket. He tried grabbing it, but I had already clenched my fist. His phone floated in the air in a crumpled ball form. I changed the ragged metal into a smooth ball, and it landed in Dick's hand. He looked sullen and rubbed the ball between his hands.

"And don't bother telling them where I am."

He looked sad as he carried the ball out of Tim's room, muttering things.

I turned to Tim, and I kissed him on the nose. I imagined doing that to Roy, and disgust tore threw me.

"What, is my nose really that repulsive?" He said, touching his nose. I laughed.

"No, I'm just thinking about how disgusting it would be to kiss Roy on the nose."

We sat on the bed, holding hands.

"I'm glad you're over him," he said. I smiled.

"Me too."

I suddenly got an idea.

I jumped up and flung my hands in the air.

"I'M BACK BITCHES!" I screamed. Tim's eyes widened and he tugged me down to the bed.

"Shut up! The demon-spawn could have hea-"

He was interrupted as the door was flung open, and an annoyed Damian was standing there. His eyes landed on me.

"Will you two be quiet in here?" He hissed. I stuck my tongue out at him. He looked ready to chop it off so I quickly retracted my tongue back into my mouth.

He slammed the door shut and I jumped up again.


The door knob wiggled open, and I laughed at Damian's attempt to open the door. I held my hand out, stopping the door from moving.

"Ugh! Be quiet! Some of us are trying to sleep!" He yelled. The door stopped rattling.

Tim laughed as he pulled me back into the bed again.

"Can I take you on a date?" He asked, all serious again.


His eyes widened.


"But I'll take you on a date," I said. He looked relieved and squeezed my hand.

"Sounds great," he smiled as we both leaned in.

Ay I was gonna write a Roy one, but then I mentioned Wayne Manor, and I then mentioned Dick and then I thought about Tim... anyways, everyone needs a little Tim in their life.

Is Pewdiepie actually deleting his channel? I've already seen 2 videos about this. I think it's a good thing, though. I've never liked Pewdiepie (he's just annoying to me) and it's time for someone else to be the biggest YouTuber. I wonder who would it be. Markiplier? Cause I can't think of anyone else. Game Theory? Ryan Higa? Idfk.

Oml I missed this so much. But it sucks because I'm going to a packer game today and it's gonna be really cold. 3 hours of football 😰let's see how I last.

So if your name is Draco and you were born in the month of May, we should really meet up.

Ahhh so pretty

What you got coming at ya

Your favorite author - will

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