
By Jadiegirl21

118 31 5

Alone and forgotten Nina was destined to be after the death of her only family left, her older sister. With n... More

After math
Haunting past
Surprising hits
Bad news
Walls Up
How can I feel
Tougher than We


9 2 0
By Jadiegirl21

Luke's Pov

      As I watch Chance brutally beat the boy who stole my girl I get a sickening feeling in my stomach. Chance repeatedly slams the bat into the guys head before I yell at him to stop.

"Chance! Stop you're going to kill him!" I yell trying to get him to stop for a moment so the guy can breath.

"Luke he's probably fucking her too! You know it, and she's enjoying it! Do you like seeing her fuck with him?!" Chance spits at me getting furious that I'm not as cruel as he wants me to be. I run a hand through my hair and hesitate to reply.

"Do as you want. I'm no murder." I murmur before walking to the tree next to us and sitting in the grass with my back against the tree. I let my hands support my head as I listen to painful crys escaping the boys lips. As I begin to pick through my head trying to capture what led to this. I begin to remember me and the boys first encounter. I remember Alina trying to help me even though I was hurting her. Then I begin to remember that she yelled his name. His name was James I think. I know she wasn't helping me when she got him to get off me, she was helping James. Just as I start to pick through my brain a little more I feel Chance pulling my body through grass by my shirt. I open my eyes and see headlights speeding down the street towards james' body. I quickly find my way to my feet seeing the unconscious guy laying there. Chance still gripping my shirt I swipe his hand off and jump the fence into another backyard. Chills travel up my spine as I begin to wonder whether or not that Chance killed James. I stop running and I calmly walk across the backyard and hop over the fence. Not caring where my body fell I dropped on to grass but quickly discovered I hadn't fell into a backyard. I begin rolling down a hill as I start to slow down I lye in the grass. Suddenly I feel the weight of Chances body hit me as he rolled down the hill. The blow caused me to begin rolling again. I heard a splash then quickly found myself creating my own splash. Water rushed over my body as I sank in the icy water. Quickly I stopped myself from sinking and got my head above the water. Swimming in a circle searching for chance. As my eyes search the water I swim to a wooden fishing deck. As I reach it I am quickly pulled under. I open my eyes and the cold sandy water causes my eyes to burn. I spot what pulled me under and I see Chance panicking, his foot caught in some type of wire. I quickly reach in my pocket and grab the pocket knife. Swimming towards his feet I cut at the wire as I feel the air leaving my body. Now I am the only thing creating motion in the water. Desperately I stab at the wire. It finally snaps and releases chances unconscious body. As quickly as I can I grab onto chances shirt a swim to the surface. As I hit the surface I gasp for air feeling pain in my lungs. I climb onto the deck and pull Chances motionless body out of the cold water. As he lays their suddenly water slams out his mouth and nose. As he sits up he looks to me he hugs me smiling.

"Thanks little bro." He says still breathing hard.
Nina's Pov

      As I sit beside James' limp unconscious body I lay my head on his chest, our hands hand in hand. I feel a warm hand greet my back rubbing up and down. Quickly I raise my head only to be disappointed when the hand isn't James'. Finding that Cynthia is the owner I force a small smile to tell her not to be worried.

"Nina, it's time to go." She says checking the time on her phone.

"Sissy... I don't want to leave his side. Especially since he's not even awake to see I'm here." I say firmly hoping she would understand my reasoning."Cynthia it's my fault he's here."

"Nina it's not your fault. It was probably someone who was desperate and was looking for something." She tried to argue.

"You have no idea. It's all my fault Cynthia. I have to explain a lot to you." I say burying my face into her stomach and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"We have to go Nina." She says stubbornly but still hugging me back.

"I'll have Jade come sissy. I-I need to be here." Standing my ground I let go of her waist a stand up turning towards her. Before she can argue a deep yet faint voice is heard. Instantly recognizing the voice I turn towards the hospital bed. Placing a hand on his face and looking into his now open hazel eyes.

"Hey." I say not trying to overwhelm him. I feel my eyes getting teary though I am happy he's awake.

"It's fine babe. You don't have to stay with me." He whispers as his hand slowly makes its way to the side of my face. Quickly his mother enters the room and is instantly on the other side of the bed. Hesitant to interrupt us she just stands there.

"I know I don't have to, but James I want to." My eyes still gazing into his. A swift brush of his fingers causes my hair to be behind my ear. His eyes travel to Cynthia then back to my chocolate eyes.

"Go baby girl. I promise I'll be okay." He smirks knowing he won. He breaks eye contact and his gaze focuses on my lips. Knowing what he wanted I connect my lips to his but before it can become passionate I remove them. Replacing them on his forehead. I bury my head into his neck wanting to drift away. Feeling the tap on my back knowing it's time to go I hug him for a second longer. Before I pull away I hear a whisper in my ear.

"I do love you." He hugs me back with the arm without the I.V in it.

"I love you too James." I say pulling away from the comforting hug.

       Getting into Cynthia's white pickup I stare out the window looking at the sunrise. The sequence of red, blues, and orange illuminates the sky creating a perfect illustration. I hear Cynthia yelling at me but I sound her out and take the chance to admire the beauty that most take for granted. Suddenly I feel sissy gripping my arm firmly.

"Alina! Goddamn it! Answer me!" She yells ripping her hand from me and starting the car. Quickly I reach over and buckle her seat belt.

"I don't know what to say." I say leaning back into my seat. She reaches over and buckles my seatbelt.

"Who is this guy?! What happened with Luke? Why did you sneak and see a boy?! What happened tonight??! How bout you start there Alina Guteriez." She spits at me angrily.

"His name is James and he is very special to me. Luke and I broke up 3 months ago it didn't work out. He tried cheating on me with Jade. I snuck because I didn't want to tell you I met someone really good for me. I can't explain what happened tonight." I instantly replied looking out the window not wanting to face her.

"Okay." She said as I turned to look at her. She was looking straight ahead at the other parked cars in the lot."when did I make you feeling you can't tell me things? When was I ever unsupportive of your decisions?" She asked bluntly.

"Sissy it's not like th-" I try to explain quickly interrupted by her.

"I'm disappointed Alina." She said, hurt in her voice. She pulled out today the parking spot then out of the lot. We sat in silence the whole way home. Silence continued for a while...
2 weeks later
Nina's Pov

       My eyes flutter open as my alarm clock sings 'Set You Free' -Bryson Tiller. Smacking the off button I sit up in my bed not too much later sissy waltz in and jumps into my bed.

"Good morning sleeping booty!" She sings taking the scrunchy out of my hair, releasing a long curly mess.

"Hey sissy." I say groggily. Slowly getting out of bed I pull Cynthia out of my bed then push her out of my room. Before shutting the door I give her a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Walking across my room into my bathroom I find myself in the shower soon enough. Letting the hot water comb through my hair it travels off my head over my face and down my back. After washing up I climb out the shower and begin to pick out an outfit. I pick out a white form fitting long sleeve v neck that says queen in black letters across the shoulder blades. Then I pick out light blue almost white jeans with white timberlands. Quickly getting dressed I blow dry my hair and turn on the flat irons. While I wait for them to heat up I walk over to my bed and pull my phone off the charger. Looking through text messages.

From: Luke😒👎🏼 (23)

From: James😍🤓
Good morning bby girl.😘

From: Jade😜
Hey boo. Don't be late for school!

       Quickly I text back. While  starting to straighten my long hair.

To: James😍🤓
Good morning babe!😌

To: Jade😜
Okay momma!😂😜

     Accidentally clicking on Luke's name I start to read his texts and they all are bipolar as fuck. Some saying he loves me then others saying he wants to kill me. My heart skips a beat when I read

'-I'll have you put in the hospital too.' As I read the paragraph chills travel up my spine. I put my phone down and resume doing my hair.
    Once my hair is perfectly straight I grab my bag and my keys. I walk down the hall and give Cynthia another kiss on the cheek. Walking out the house I jump into my bright red convertible and speed towards the school. As I drive only thing in my mind is the things that Luke texted me. Trying to clear my head I turn on some music. 'Two hearts' by Bryson Tiller blast from the speakers. I begin to sing along as I drive to the school.
James' Pov

     Leaning against my car in the school parking lot I watch as multiple cars pull in, until the red convertible speeds in. A smile instantly appears on my face as the wreck less driver pulls into the parking spot next to me. When the girl gets out her long straight hair blows in the wind as she shuts her car door.

"Wow Alina, why do you always look so good?" I say before pulling her into a hug.

"I don't know babe." She says pecking my lips. I smirk against her lips before she pulls away.

"Nina?" I say as she starts towards the school.

"Yes?" She questions turning to me and grabbing my hand to walk with her. Grabbing her by the waist I throw her over my shoulder and start towards the school.

"Baby girl I wanna take you out to dinner." I state as she giggles and struggles to get down.

"Okay but you have to put me down if you want me to go!" She laughs. Putting her down we walk hand in hand to the school.
Luke's Pov

     As the bell dismisses us to 6th period I remember that me and Alina used to spend free period behind the gym. I shake up with all the guys before making my way there. Before I know it I reach the building, walking around to the back I spot Alina sitting in the grass drawing. My eyes look at the paper only to see a sketch of a girl and a boy laying in flowers.

"You know that could be us right." I say causing her to jump and quickly be on her feet.

"Luke. Go away." She spits at me still holding her pencil.

"Oh shut up. You won't do anything with that besides I just want to talk." I say sitting down in the grass, picking up her book and examining the sketch.

"What's wrong with you?! Why won't you leave me alone?!" She spits not letting her guard down.

"Alina. My mother finally passed away from the lung cancer. I need someone." My head falls into my hands." I'm sure you remember my dad never cared and Chance isn't even strong enough for himself to deal with it."

"Luke, I get that you need someone but why me?" She asks sitting down next to me.

"Your the only one who can understand that." I say fighting back tears.

"I'll be here for you, but only as a friend Luke. Don't you know how you hurt me?" She stated her head finding her hands too.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I never wanted it to go this far." I say tears smacking her book.

"I want you to apologize to James."she says quickly raising her head.

"Alina." I say hesitantly. My eyes lock onto her chocolate ones. Instinctively I lean to her and smash my lips to hers. Suddenly I am ripped off by a strong grip.

"What the fuck did you think this was?!" James spit in my face.

"I-I don't know." I stutter panicking.

"James. Stop. Hurting him won't help." Alina calmly says touching his arm softly. As they look at each other his grip loosens and I run to the school.
Hey guys and gals!😇  sorry this isn't as long as you would like the Monday chapters to be im just extremely tired. How are y'all doing though?!🤓 tell me what you think happens next or what would you like to happen l? I appreciate  the support! Please come share and vote. Love youuuuu

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