Blood Sacrifice || Rick Flag...

By blackcanariies

101K 2.3K 406

[UNDER HEAVY EDITING] "That's what heroes do right?" Elara says, sitting down slowly next to Rick who has his... More

mine but not mine;
dangerous woman;
be afraid;
opening of a bad joke;
make him pay;
missions change;
real good or shitty shot;
is it a hickey;
wanna see something;
she isn't voldemort;
(not) quick to trust a soldier;
I offer you a choice;;
isn't that what heroes do;;
we go our separate ways;

how I justify what I did;

4K 105 21
By blackcanariies

|| EDITED ||

"You knew." Elara storms up to him throwing her staff with a loud clank against the ground, pushing harshly against his chest.

"This whole time you knew that I was definitely going to die tonight" she growls with clenched teeth.

"Ela-" Rick attempts to cut in and explain himself furthur,

"Why in the fucking hell have you saved my life multiple times, if I was supposed to die?" Elara says more to herself than to him, as she looks to the ground confused for a moment before looking back up at Rick.


"Un-fucking-believeable!" she sucks in a deep breath of air, "You're a fucking asshole! Two faced. Fucking. Asshole! Ugh, I'm so confused!"

"Ela-" He tries again, but Elara is burning with rage that she doesn't hear anything that comes out of his mouth.

"Is there a set time? Is now the time you're supposed to blow my head off! Is there a countdown or something?"

"Elara!" He shouts trying again, but is once again ignored

"You know what?" She lets out a humorless laugh, she throws her hands up pathetically and drops them loose to her sides.

"I'm not even mad about it, or about the Enchantress and her- her whatever the fuck that other thing is to her."

Her voice is loud and intimidating, that Rick can hear it clearly over the pouring rain. Rick can see that her chest is rising and falling rapidly, her words starting to stutter slightly.

"Actually you know what?" She doesn't let him answer, just points at him angrily "I am mad. How could you turn on someone you've trained and fought with?" Elara begins to take her anger out on him again, as she pounds her hands against his chest with every sentence.

"You train with me. Fight alongside me. Lead me. Save my life. Only to end it now! Why?"

"Because you're all criminals Elara! That's wh-" Rick yells at her, but is quickly cut off by Elara,

"Oh cause we're criminals?! That's how you justif-"

"YES! I'm doing what is right for my coun-"

"Oh come on really?!" Elara rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest,

"What the fuck happened to you Flag?! From what little I've seen in your mind I know that you were a half decent guy before you got involved with A.R.G.U.S Marines!" She shouts, she takes a few breaths to calm herself

"So what happened to you that made you see the world differently? As good and bad? Huh? Does it have to do with those scars all over your body?"

Rick tenses at the mention at the topic, taking a step back from her, she takes a few deep breaths before calmly speaking

"Look I don't know what exactly what happened bu-"

"Exactly!" He spits at her, he raises a finger to point at her accusingly,

"You don't know jack shit of what happened!"

Rick's jaw tightens and his teeth clench together, Elara can tell that this topic is stressful and a touchy subject for him, but she needs answers from him. Rick knows all about her and her dark past, she just wants to even the playing field and get to know him a bit more.

"I've never feared death until now, in this moment knowing I had the chance to avenge my family and gain some sort of closure but in a single second, I fucked it up. I missed." Elara explains

"I'm not ready to die" she whispers, "Not until he's dead."

A beat of silence passes and Rick makes no move or hint that's he's going to share his past experiences.

"Rick." She takes a step closer, their bodies a foot apart. "You understand why I do the things I do. I just want to know what your reasons are"

In an instant he replies with "I don't have to explain myself to you"

Elara sighs deeply,

"You and I both know I'm getting an answer one way or another. So you can either do this willingly or not"

Another beat of silence.

"Help me understand"

Rick gingerly lifts up his hand to take hers and unfold the arms from her chest and places them on the sides of his face.

"Okay." is all Rick says, and with no hesitation from Elara she takes his hand looking deep into his mind.

Flashes cloud her vision as images go flying past like a slideshow. They start flashing by rapidly, til they begin slowling down to rest at a memory of a hot sunny day, in front of what looks to be a lake front.

Rick stands on a small stage at least ten men either side of him, clothed in the Marine's Uniform, all standing at attention with thier hands held behind their backs.

A dark skin man with an array of badges pinned to his coat stands before the line of men at a podium in the center of the stage, speaking to a large crowd.

He welcomes the new Marines, thanks them for their service and praise their choice to help defend their country. With a handshake from the leader, Rick becomes a proud Marine.

Another set of flashes go by rapidly, stopping in a blank dark grey office. Rick stands before his Colonel, straight back and legs shoulder length apart.

The new mission they have been ordered to carry out is on a secluded island near Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean. There is an ancient artifact buried within the island that the Russian's, who have landed there, are close to locating.

This artifact when combined with the rigth amount of temperature can cause a lethal air borne diesease that could kill almost instantly. If the Russian's get their hands on this artifact, their first target would be America.

Colonel Carter wishes for Rick to be his Lieutenant in the dangerous mission, which he knows many may not come back from.

Accepting the position and possible fate, Charlie Alpha Squadron began their mission to the Island called 'Wu Chu Ke Tao' which loosley translate to 'No Escape'.

Upon arrival, they thought they had the advantage of surprise on their side. They were wrong. Charlie Alpha under estimated just how many Russian Soldiers would be on this Island.

Many lost their lives, and those who had survived were captured for information or ofered a choice to work under the Russian's command on the Island til they found the artifact.

Rick was tortured everyday by the leaders. They liked the way he fought and lead. They wanted him as a soldier in their ranks.

Everyday they would ask, and everyday Rick would decline. So they continued the torture, cutting some fresh skin, but stuck to hurting him in the same place.

Repeatitive punishment they called it.

Elara can feel on her body how weak, fatigue and powerless he felt during his time on the god forsaken Island. She can feel different lengths of pain travel over her body as she watches as another blade is dragged down his calf muscle.

Rick welcomed the torture for five days, he gave the Russian's no information on the artifact or any sign that we was going to surrender.

Til one day, he gave up.

The Colonel greeted his choice with open arms, some men were still wary of the American watching his every move closely.

Rick was patched up, and bought to a large green, mess hall tent. Inside to his right had a chair, with bindings and many blades and tools on a silver rack next to it,

That was obviously used for torture.

But was it his torture? They did enough of that? He thought.

Many soldiers spilled into the room as one yelled to bring in the suspect. A young pale skinned American boy was bought out, he looked no more than 12.

His skin was sickly white, with a red tinge of tiredness below his eyes. The boy was strapped to a chair, he began pleading with Rick to help him.

"please, can you understand me? E-English? Please" He begged, his voice is gravely and quiet like he hasn't spoken in days.

Rick stands in front of him, all the muscles in his body go tight as the Colonel comes before him.

"This man knows information on the artifact. If you want to be one of us, you need to get that information" he says in what best english he can. With that he steps back to join all the other soldiers that have gathered to watch the great American be initiated.

Rick had devised a plan to save himself and his country, this was not part of the plan.

Torturing a kid.

But he needed to contact A.R.G.U.S and get the hell off this Island with the artifact. So to do that, he'll need the Russian's trust.

Picking up a small blade, he looks the boy in the eyes with a calm voice he says,

"What do you know about the artifact buried within this Island"

The boy begins stuttering, "I d-don't kno-ow!"

Rick lets out a sigh before digging the knife deeply into the boys knee.


Rick tortured that kid for hours, it was silent in the hall the entire process besides the screams and pleas of the young boy.

His answer was always, "I don't know" or "Help me". Until finally, he gave up information on where the artifact is located.

The boy was dragged away and many applauded and congratulated Rick. All while he felt sick to his stomach.

The boy had been the child of an ex Russian soldier that had died, trying to locate the artifact, so they recruited his son, who stumbled upon the artifact but knew what would happen if the Russian's woud find it.

Who knew what would happen to his home and family in America.

He was a soldier, for country without even realising it.


They soon found where the boy had relocated the artifact, and began searching for it.

The next memories all play out in a blur, he contacts A.R.G.U.S who have an extraction team in place for him.

After a well fought battle with the Colonel, Rick manages to retrieve the artifact and reach the extraction point before the entire island is set ablaze by A.R.G.U.S' bombs.

Seeing the Russian's below him fight the fire, he realises there are only good and bad people in this world.

Rick hopes to god that he's on the good side.


Rick lays in a hospital bed, hooked up to many machines, new clean stitches to heal his scars. A dark skin woman enters his room, a briefcase and clipboard in hand.

"Rick Flag. I am Amanda Waller" she says, moving to sit at the chair beside his bed.

"I heard what you did on 'Wu Chu Ke Tao' "

Rick remains silent,

"That was brave. Not any soldier could do what you did"

Silence again,

"I want you to work for me." she offers, "As a Colonel for my A.R.G.U.S Marine Squad; Alpha Bravo"

She hands Rick a few files, that contain information on his new squad members and what their first mission would be.

"Your skills and talents are what I need for this to work"

With that she stands, stopping at the door she turns back to him.

"I'll give you an hour to decide."

Flicking through the files, Rick opens another file about what his first mission would be if he were to accept.

A young archeologist by the name of June Moone, has unlocked a spirit that inhabits her body.

Mission; Locate Dr. June Moone and bring her back to the A.R.G.U.S base.

Coming out of his mind with a gasp of air, she pulls her hands from Rick who has water gathered in his eyes while Elara's tears fall down her face. Her body burns as she feels the ghost of the blades drag over her flesh, soon subsiding, she feels cold again as the rain pours down upon them both.

They're closer together than before, with every breath her chest touches his.

Rick swallows thickly, Elara takes a step away from him, mouth open.

"You hypocrite" She says, a disbelieving look upon her face

"You see the world as good and bad, and you have the nerve to place yourself on the good side. To look down upon the Squad like we're gum on your shoe. You've convinced yourself you done that for your country."

She scoffs distastfully at him,

"Huh, at least us criminals have the balls to own what we do. You need to take a long hard look at yourself in a mirror, Flag, because whether you see it or not. You're just like us."

"Yeah you're probably right"

Elara is taken aback by his response, eyes widen a bit and she swallows thickly.

"Yeah. You're damn fucking straight I'm right."

A beat of silence is heard before Elara continues to talk, trying to get him to open up more and accept that he needs to stop bullshitting himself that the things he done were 'for the greater good'.

"I may not be a war hero so I don't understan-"

"That's my point! You don't understand the sacrifices you have to make when you're classed as a 'hero', because you're obviously not one. You wouldn't put anothers life before your own, or hold the wire and let the other guy crawl across. I may not be a 'good guy' in your eyes but I am in the eyes of my country."

Wow he's really into this whole, I love my country shit.

"Elara you kill to avenge your family. I kill to protect our world from danger"

"What you did was not for our world. It was to save your own ass."

"Not the whole truth. I tortured that kid to gain trust and intel of a artifact that would infect all of America, killing everyone you know and love. That's how I justify what I did."

"My god, you just bleed red, white and blue don't ya Ranger Rick" he can feel the distaste ooze out of her.

"Look Elara, I need your help with Enchantress. You're the only strong enough to get into her mind and bring June back"

"No" she answers, "I just found out, you torture children and that you're going to kill me and you expect me to still help you?"

"I'm not going to kill you, Elara. I won't let anyone kill you, you have my word"

Elara scoffs, "You're only saying that because you need my abilities to save June"

"I don't need them to save her"

"Well that's great. Good luck getting her back then, Cowboy"

She turns from Rick picking up her staff and holstering it in mini baton form, Elara begins to walk to the entrance of the bar.

"You need my plan for your abilities to save June, to also keep the breathing"

She keeps walking, so Rick explains further.

"Why would A.R.G.U.S kill our greatest chance at defeating the Enchantress all over some non-existent love triangle"

Elara can just hear the smirk in his voice as she stops in her tracks and slowly turns to face him.

"That's your plan to Waller? The 'needed ability' card?"

"You got a better idea to keep you alive Princess?"

A beat of silence is heard as Elara decides to cooperate, and takes a few steps towards a very much smirking Rick.

"I'm still fucked off with you."

He nods, "I know"

The rain still sprinkles down upon them, and Elara bites the inside of her lip to stop herself from smiling back at him. Putting on her best 'pissed off' face she jabs him in the chest with her finger.

"I'm not only doing this for me, but for June. I just. . . remembered that she's helped me through some things, so I actually owe her this"

Rick nods again,

"For June" she repeats,

"For June" he confirms.

"Well we can't do it with just the two of us, so let's go inside and get the others" Elara turns to leave as Rick gently holds her forearm in place.

"I don't think I should" His voice is firm as he speaks.

"Rick we need their help. So you're gonna have to convince them like you did with me"

"I don't think my good looks will work against them"

Elara looks to him with eyebrows raised, as he says that sentence seriously. She can't almost can't believe, til she sees his mouth turn up to a small smile.

"Wow, Rick, wow. It was actually the part about me still breathing that convinced me. Your looks was just a bonus"

She pulls her forearm from his grasp and walks to the bar.

Walking in with Rick close behind, all conversations are stopped short as they enter.

Elara heads straight behind the bar grabbing a bottle of whiskey and drinking it straight before sitting on the bar facing Harley with her back to the boys and half full bottle. Rick takes a hesitant seat at the bar between Floyd and Diablo.

"We don't want you here" Harley says bluntly, Flag looks to Elara who nods subtly in return.

"Get to the part in that binder, that says i'm sleeping with her"

Elara's eyes squint in disbelief as she listens to Rick's recruiting tactic.

Really, that's what he decides to lead with? She thinks, mentally rolling her eyes. Elara listens carefully but eyes up the wide selection of still standing bottles of alcohol before her.

"Yeah" Floyd drags out, downing his shot quickly. "I never been with a with before what's that like?"

Rick doesn't reply. Floyd looks to the rest of the also drinking Squad.

"Apparently that's why the concrete creatures chase him all the time. Cause, ah, the witch is scared of him"

Rick nods in agreement, running a hand down his face

"In the file it also said that they'd chase you too" Floyd points to Elara who is now finishing a swig of rum.

"Because of your abilities you're now her biggest threat other than him"

"She knows what I can do?" Elara questions.

"Don't know" Floyd shrugs, as she takes a bottle of vodka and takes a long gulp.

"One of the only women I've ever cared about is trapped inside that monster"

Rick's eyes glance at Elara quickly who is still downing the chug of vodka, a small smile appears on his face. He turns back to Floyd who noticed Rick's change in mood.

"If we don't stop the witch it's over. Everything is over"

Rick looks to Harley


Rick looks back to Elara who is now off the counter and searching for another bottle.

"Everything we ever want, everything we ever had... Gone"

Rick takes off his nanite armband, holds it both hands before smashing it roughly against the bar leaner. Elara jumps a little shock, turning on her heel hands going to her side for her weapon, she sees what Rick had done.

"Well that's one way to convince them..." She mumbles, to herself,

Or has he just given up?

"You're free to go" Rick says, throwing the band over the counter to land by Harley's feet.

He's given up.

Boomerang wastes no time in taking as many cans of beer as her can in his arms and running out the front door.

Rick reaches into his vest pulling out what seems to be envelopes of many different colours.

He places them on the table, pushing them to Floyd with a guilty look on his face.

"You're daughter writes to you everyday."

Floyd looks down at them, a sad smile on his face as he sees his daughter's handwriting and drawings

"Every. Single. Day"

Floyd takes hold of one of letters, running his fingers over it, jaw clenching tightly.

Rick now looks to Elara who watches them closely, no alcohol in her hands but rather to elongated metal batons that rest by her side.

"I tried" He says to her, he stands taking his weapon with him, Elara walks out of the bar area to follow him out when Floyd stands abruptly, holding up the letters in Flag's face.

"You had these the whole time?" Floyd's head snaps to Elara. "Did you know about this?"

"Of course not" Elara answers calmly, weapons still at ease.

He looks back to Rick. "You had letters from my daughter the whole damn time"

Floyd sucks in a sharp breath at Ricks slight nod of response. Floyd's fists curl at his sides, mouth twitching in anger, then a few seconds later his breathing calms but his jaw is still clenched tight.

"Imma get you there" He says to Rick "And you're gonna end this. Imma carry your ass if I have to. This shit is gonna be like a chapter in the bible"

Elara smiles at Floyd, happy he's gonna join for the love and sake of his daughter.

"Everybody's gonna know what we did."Floyds says more to Elara before facing Rick once more, leaning into him intimidatingly.

"My daughter is gonna know that her daddy. Ain't a piece of shit"

Floyd moves past Rick tapping shoulders and walks straight out the door. Rick looks to Elara, who stares back with a sad smile. Grabbing his forearm she motions with her head to the door,

Rick walks out and Elara faces the others that remain.


They look to her,

"Let's go. You got nothing better to do" She says with a stern look similar to a mother scolding her child.

With a moment of silence Harley grabs her bat. "I'll come hun"

Elara walks out with a final, "Let's go" and smiles softly as she hears foot steps fall in behind her. Floyd and Rick begin to walk towards the swirling storm of trash in the sky as they see Elara exit the bar followed by Harley.

She walks next to Rick, hands tight on her weapons, ready for a fight when it comes. Boomerang emerges from the shadows to stand by Harley, throwing the now empty can of his last beer over his shoulder falling into a puddle that ripples even more with the help of the heavy rain.

This band of patsies known as the Suicide Squad is about to save the goddamn world.

WORDS: 3,725

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