Zodiac world crisis

By Aquariuser02

112K 2.6K 1.2K

The world is crumbling beneath their feet, when the twelve are the last hope of earth, they are kidnapped and... More

Day 1
Day 2 (pt 1)
The beast
Battle (pt 1)
Yay I got tagged!
The past
Fun (pt 1)
Fun (pt 2)
Time to begin
Another tag!😆
Part of the plan
Commence the plan
BFF's! Or...they used to be
I wanted to say...
Sacrifices must be made


1.8K 72 38
By Aquariuser02

Cancer kept her innocent face on but she was ready on the inside. Taurus took the time to retract his wings, he groaned at the slight pain. She could hear the voices of the underworld calling to her, beckoning her.

Taurus flapped high in the air. "Catch me!" He laughed. Cancer squinted and whispered one word. The ground crumbled and split open. A loud hiss was heard as a skeleton emerged from the ground, it was the commander.

"You called masssster?" It hissed. "Capture him." Cancer ordered. Taurus stared, wide eyed, he was too high up to hear anything. "Don't hurt him, just catch him." She clarified. "Your wisssh is my command." The commander chanted foreign words and followers popped up.

They were holding some sort of powder in there hands. Taurus didn't know what was going on so he dived towards her. The commander held out a bony hand, ready to show the signal. "Hold...." His fingers cracked. Taurus was so close and just at the right moment the commander clenched his fists.

The followers threw the scarlet powder right in his face. Taurus coughed and stumbled to the ground. "Paralysis powder." The commander told Cancer. "Thank you, return to where you came." She said. The skeleton bowed and left.

"I win." She smiled at Taurus. She helped him up and walked him out. Gemini's and Cap's battle was quick all he had to do was touch her and it would make her weak, but that was a problem with her zooming around him. Cap rolled his eyes and stuck his foot out. Gemini yelped at the intrusion and fell.

"Sorry!" Cap assessed her scrapes. "It's nothing, I heal quick." Gemini got up with the help of Cap and walked away. "Hey it's our turn." Leo nudged her. "Sure lets get this over with." Aquarius sighed and got in the ring.

Leo was surprised with her lack of interest, she always wanted to beat him up. Leo went invisible. Aquarius couldn't help but try and find him. She squinted and spotted the irregularity in the area. She walked up to it and poked him in the stomach. Leo made a small noise and then moved.

This time he was constantly moving so she couldn't spot him. "Hey what's wrong?" His voice was suddenly behind him and he whispered in her ear. "Go away." She huffed. "Tell me." He moved to the other ear. Aquarius shivered and tried to grab him but she caught air.

"There is that fighting spirit!" His voice echoed. "I'm gonna kill you...." Aquarius rolled up her long sleeved shirt and searched for him. She jumped but then missed, she groaned in frustration.

"I'm not gonna lie she looks really stupid!" Aries laughed. "Over here!" Leo called. Aquarius clenched her hands, you could hear the crack of her bones the tighter she clenched. She felt the brush of fabric against her arm, she took the chance and grabbed it.

Leo tried pulling it back but Aquarius held on tight. "Hey let go!" He whined. "Right after I mangle you." Aquarius moved her hand up so she could grab more of the shirt. "Hey wait! Let go!" Leo said again, he reappeared and grabbed Aquarius's arm.

"Don't touch me!" Aquarius tugged harder. "No wait it's gonna-." A tearing sound interrupted him. "Rip." He finished his sentence. Aquarius looked at the ripped fabric in her hands. "Really? Two shirts?" Leo sighed. "I- uh...um." Aquarius gazed at him and her eyes found the tattoo on his chest.

She suddenly felt angered and threw the torn shirt on the ground and marched off. Gemini cat called him. "Not baaad!" She yelled. Leo took the pieces of his shirt and tried his best to cover up and get inside. Everyone laughed at him, his face burned red.

Leo found Aquarius on her bed. "Why did you rip my shirt! Everyone was laughing at me!" He yelled at her. Aquarius flinched at him but she couldn't say anything. "You always threaten me! Why can't you do it now!" He was huffing and puffing.

Leo sat with his back turned to her and crossed his arms. He didn't have a shirt and that scientist guy wouldn't come till the end of the day. He leaned forward and put his elbow on his knee. "I'm sorry..." Aquarius finally spoke.

Leo turned around, surprised. "You're sorry?" He expected her to punch her for yelling at her. "Ya..." she couldn't bring herself to ask the question so she stayed quiet. "Well...does that mean I can continue to tease you?" He winked.

"You can if you want to die." Aquarius smirked. "Then I'll die happy." He shuffled closer to her. "You need a shirt." Aquarius blinked. "I do don't I? Does me not having a shirt make you nervous, sweetheart?" He said with a low voice.

"Why do you always call me those nicknames?" Aquarius laughed. "I have a lot more babe." He gave a guilty smile. "Ok that's too far." Aquarius chuckled. "Oh is it? Snookums." He winked. "What the hell kind of name is that?! I would rather you call me sweetheart, darling, or love!" She scoffed.

"Ok deal!" He shook her hand. "Wait...I didn't mean it!" She freaked out. "Sorry the deal has been made, darling." He laughed. (OUAT REFERENCE!) Aquarius regret everything that just happened. "Can you just find a shirt please." Aquarius did not want to be distracted at the moment.

"Aw, I was enjoying the air, why you gotta be a downer!" He pouted. "I'm not a downer, I'm just simply stating that seeing you shirtless, in my bed, would one, give people the wrong idea, and two, it makes me uncomfortable." She said.

"Wow ok you just ruined the mood with the way you just spoke." Leo got off the bed went to steal Aries's shirt. "Wait...what mood?" Aquarius asked. "The romantic mood." He made a kissy face.

"Do you think Aries would either punch me or stab me if I took one of his shirts?" Leo picked one out and held it. "Eh, probably torture you first, THEN stab and punch you ." She shrugged.

"Yea you're right." He nearly put it away. "How about Taurus?" He asked. "I think he may be a size too small..." Aquarius recalled. "You callin' me FAT?! How rude!" Leo tried hiding his body to show he was insecure.

"Uh.." The statement he made made her assess his body....she may have gotten carried away. "Hello! Eyes up here!" He called. "Oh sorry! You aren't fat just take Cap's I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Aquarius said.

Leo grabbed the shirt and threw it on but his head got stuck in the head hole. "HELP!" He yelled. "I'm coming I'm coming." Aquarius sighed and came over. "Hurry! I can't breathe! It's suffocating meeee!" He panicked. "Stop over reacting." Aquarius grabbed the sides and tugged on it. "Don't rip this one too!" Leo reminded.

It slowly came off. "What...is happening here?" Gemini froze in the doorway, the rest of the group watching with wide eyes. "Who's there?!" Leo shouted. Aquarius nervously laughed. "Guys...I can explain...it's not what it looks like." She winced.

"It kind of does." Gemini crossed her arms. "I was helping him take his shirt off." Aquarius said. Gemini had an even more surprised face. Aquarius mentally kicked herself at how wrong that sounded. "I was....helping his head get unstuck from the shirt." She made the situation really awkward.

"You guys have a thing?" Cancer asked. "What?! No! Ok you know what someone else help him with the shirt." Aquarius took her hands off. "Noooo!" Leo moved around. "Is that my shirt?" Cap asked. "Uh maybe?" Leo said from under the cloth. Cap sighed and help get the shirt off of him.

"I have a fat head." He looked at the ground. "No I'm just a size too small" cap neatly folded his shirt back. "Dude, you could have just asked to use mine." Aries chucked a shirt at him.

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