Infantilism Blaine

By multifandoms23

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Warnings for: infantilism, nappies, bottles, sippy cups, crib, dummies, oversized high chair, stroller, car s... More

Blaine's story
Bringing Blaine home
Blaine's Muslins
Meeting the Warblers
Little Dribbler
Learning how to sit up.
First Words
Birthday Boy!!!
Blaine's new room
Blaine's day at the zoo
Introducing Blankie and visiting the Doctors
The joys of babysitting Blaine and Britt
2 Doctor's Visit
Blaine's Firsts Steps
Barbecue and pool party
Blaine starts to get sick
Bad Nights
Blaine starts to get better
Finn babysits
Tired Babies and Temper Tantrums
Shopping with Blaine
Tantrum in the pushchair and saying a bad word
Cooper comes to visit
Blaine and Daddy Time
Day out at the Museum
Girls' Night In
Trying new things
Trouble Maker
Tummy Bug
Ignored by Daddy
Ignored by Daddy 2
Meeting Mummy
A Trip to the Hospital
The next day
Safety and Park Fairground
Helping mummy move
Meeting the Warblers...Again
No nappy and rainy days
Sick Again...But Worse
Car accident
Ellen Degeneres
Trick or Treat!
Christmas Shopping and Feeling Poorly
Christmas Eve and Seeing Santa
Mean Brittany
Unexpected News - Part 1
Packing and Suspious - Part 2
Flying - Part 3
Jet lag and Swimming - Part 4
Off to Disney - Part 5
Swimming and Packing for home - Part 6
Grandparents Babysit
Blaine's 2nd Birthday
Terrible Twos
2 Year Check Up
2 Year Check Up - Part 2
Looking for a Nursery
Looking for a Nursery - Part 2
Auntie Santana Babysits
Seeing the Warblers
Beach Day
Glee Choir Room (Shooting)
Glee Choir Room (Nightmares)
First Cinema Experience and Meeting a New Warbler
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 1
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 2
Daddy's Birthday
Haircuts and Shopping for new toys
Kurt's Trip to New York
Blaine and Papa Time
Sebastian's in Hospital
Lego Batman Movie
Not a Proper First Date
Unexpected Guests
Not a Good Day
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 1
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 2
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 3
Flu Shots and Ice Creams
A BBQ at Mummy's
Renewing Vows
Authors Note
Seperation Anxiety
Shoe Shopping and a Night Out
Happy Halloween!
Bad News
Terrible Tantrums
A Warbler Sleepover
A Terrible Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Two Sick Boys
A Day at Santana's
A Week in London
First Day of Nursery
Moving Out
Helping Santana Move and Redecorate
Swimming and Lazy Days
First Fights
Milk and Duck Issues
Another Day at Santana's
Stressed Out and Nappy Explosions
Friends and Barbecues
First Words and Daddy's Operation
A Beach Day
Another Warbler Sleepover
Hey guys
Babysitting Adventures
A Sick Baby
A Day In The Life
Another Wedding?
Visiting the Grandparents
Rainy Days and Sleepovers
Rachel's Birthday Party
One Grumpy Baby
Sick, Sleepy Sebastian
Soft Play and Sleepy Babies
Baby Shopping and A Date Night
New Words and Meeting Parents
A Stalker - Part 1
Reporting and Investigating - Part 2
Interviews and The Court Room - Part 3
Parks and Ice Creams
A Weekend Trip
Another Baby Regressed
Swim and Chill Day
Another Warbler Meet Up
Sleepover at the Grandparent's
More Babysitting Adventures
Growing 4 Months
Sebastian's Week Away
Happy Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas
Lots of Shenanigans
A Surprise Visit for A Sick Baby
Trampoline Park Fun
A Finchel Wedding
Grandparent's Visit
A Joint Birthday Party
Blaine's 2nd 1 Year Appointment
Finn and Rachel Babysit
A Late Night Trip to The ER
First Day Back at Nursery
A Family Photoshoot Gender Reveal
A Bad Bus Expericence
Pamela Babysits
Meeting Finn and Rachel's Baby
Fun Rainy Days with 2 Babies
Blaine's New Habits
A Sick Baby with Smashed Fingers
Blaine's 'No' Day
Looking After Three Kids
Haircuts and Picnics
A Trip to San Francisco
A Warbler Meeting
A Grumpy Baby
A Dinner Date
A Glee Club Reunion
A Proposal
A Marriage
The Aftermath

Going Home - Part 7

696 10 0
By multifandoms23

Today is the day we go home. It is late night/early morning. I quietly get out of bed, trying not to disturb anyone, I go for a quick shower incase Blaine wakes up and start crying for me once he notices that I'm not there, but thankfully he didn't and just slept through. Once I finished up, I quietly wake Santana up as she wanted me to wake her.

"San, Santana" I quietly whisper her name as I shook her lightly trying not to disturb the kids as we both wanted them to sleep in as long as possible.

"Hmm" she mumbles.

"Come on, we've got to get ready" I try again and this time she wakes up a bit more. She starts to get out of bed but Britt moves.

"Mummy" she mumbles as she turns toward us.

"Dum" she whined so Santana quickly tries to find her dummy.

"Dummy" she starts to cry and put her hands on the mattress as if she were to get up.

"Here, here, shh sweetheart, shh" Santana sat down on the bed and rubbed her back until she fell back into a proper sleep.

"I'll go shower and get ready, don't mind watching her do you?" She asks as she starts to get her stuff ready.

"No not at all, I have nothing to do except probably change Blaine's nappy before we go and also do him a bottle, did you want me to Britt a bottle as well?"

"Um yes please, that way we don't have to do it on the way down or when we're on the road, so yes thank you"

"Ok, I'll let you go shower" I say to her. She goes to the bathroom while I double check rooms, cupboards and under beds for anything that we could of missed or didn't put back into the suitcases. I decide to start doing the kids' bottles ready so that they could just go back to sleep if they woke up on the way down to the car or on the road. So all we had to do was change both nappies, put jackets on them and possibly a blanket over them to keep them all nice and cosy. Santana finished up and we all took it in turns to go down and have breakfast and making sure to pack something for the kids.

"Just need to change Brittany and Blaine and get them in to their jackets and we'll be done" Santana says to everyone. I carefully move Blaine closer to the edge of the bed and start to change his nappy. Once both nappies were done, we put their jackets on and head down. As we were heading down, Brittany woke up, Santana tried to see if she would go back to sleep but she didn't want to so when we got downstairs, San put her down and she was just running around and giggling.

"Anyone know where Britt's shoes are?" San asks.

"We packed them away, remember?" I tell her.

"Oh great" she sighs.

"Right, come on sweetie" San says as she picks her up.

"Down mummy" she whines as she wriggles in Santana's arms to get down.

"No sweetie, we are now going and your socks are going to get dirty if you walk outside" she explains.

"Noooo" she whines as she rubbed her eyes.

"Getting tired again?" I ask San.

"Mmmm" she nods.

"She'll probably sleep in the car once we get going again" dad says to her.

"Let's just hope" she responds. We walk out to the car and everyone let me and Santana put the kids in first. As soon as I went to put Blaine's arms in, he stirred so I quickly stopped what I was doing.

"Daddy" he mumbled as he shuffled in his seat. Dad quickly passed me his bottle, so I take his dummy out and quickly put the bottle in his mouth. I make sure to prop some of his blanket under neath so he doesn't have to hold it then I make sure that the rest of his blanket is wrapped round him.

"Phew" I say once I managed to clip him in and do everything else. We all finally get in and head toward the airport.

"How's Britt holding up?" I ask Santana.

"Uhh she keeps nodding off and then waking her self up again" I hear San chuckle lightly at her movements.

"Sweetie go to sleep" I hear soothe Brittany.

"Tay 'ake" she mumbles as she starts to nod off again.

"Sweetie, I know you're tired, don't try and stay awake sweetheart, just go to sleep" she soothes again.

"Tay, dum?" She asks.

"Here" Santana smiles at her as she pops it in her mouth and within the next few minutes, she was asleep. An hour later, we were finally there. Dad sets up the pushchair, Carole gets a trolley thing to put everything on and Finn starts to unload the car and put everything on the trolley. We get the kids out of the car seats and lie them in the pushchair. We head in and sort everything out to find out that our flight is delayed and we have to wait another 4 hours.

"Great, what are we going to do now?" I sigh as everyone sits down.

"Well our next flight isn't till 8:00" Finn says.

"Which means Blaine will either stay asleep or soon wake up and if he wakes up just as we're leaving, he'll want breakfast but that will probably be until we get on the plane but knowing Blaine, he's going to be whiney and fussy because he hasn't had breakfast" I stress, because I really do not want to put up with a fussy, hungry 1 year old at 8:00 in the morning until we board our plane.

"Hey it's alright kiddo, he will only have to wait a couple more minutes and once we're seated, he'll be alright again, look people are going to stare because they don't know the real reason why an 18 year old is acting like a toddler, he will only act like that because it's the morning, he's a little groggy, he's just woke up and he's hungry, it's normal for people to feel like that, so we are going to sit here until our flight is called, relax and perhaps even wander around a little, ok?"

"Ok" I smile at my dad as I hug him. It's now 5:30, it's only been an hour and a half and I'm bored out of my brains. Blaine soon stirs and starts to wake up.

"Daddy" he mumbles as he rubs his eyes and tries to sit up, I get up and lift his seat up before getting him out and sitting him on my lap.

"Hi sweetie" I coo as I reach over into his pushchair and grab his muslin square to wipe his mouth a little. I then feel that his pyjama trousers were wet back to front so I remove his blanket from his seat to see that he must of dropped his bottle in his sleep and it leaked and got all over his seat. 

"I'm just gonna change Blaine into some new pyjama bottoms" I say as I stand up with him still in my arms.

"Ok, but why?" Carole asks.

"He must of spilt his milk while he was sleeping and it's leaked all on his seat" I tell them.

"Ok, see you in a bit then kiddo" dad says as I walk off to the closest toilet.

"Right mister we have ages until our flight, what do you wanna do for a while?" I ask him as I try to distract him from his wet trousers, which will make him upset if he found out.

"Bwitt?" He asks as I start to put a clean nappy on him.

"She's asleep" I tell him as I put one leg through the trousers before putting the other one in and pulling them up.

"Pad?" He asks.

"Yeah, you can play on the iPad if you want sweetie" I tell him as I pick him and the wet trousers as well, making sure to throw the nappy in the bin on the way out. I get back and set the iPad up for Blaine to play on, whilst he's on that I then his trousers separately to everything else.

"They were completely soaked" I sighed.

"Oh god"

"Mmmm I know" I say as I watch what he was playing.

"What animal is that Blaine?" Santana asks him.

"Abbit?" He asks.

"No, try again sweetie" she says as she smiles at him.

"Uhhh 'ouse"

"Yeah, good job" she praises him and he smiles up at her with his dummy between his lips.

"What about this one?" She points to a random animal and help learn his animals a bit more. I decide to let Santana play with Blaine a little bit while I go on my phone. After a nearly half an hour, I interrupt what they were doing to see if Blaine wanted something to eat.

"Blaine, do you want anything to eat?" I ask him.

"Eah pwease" he says.

"What do you want, some dry cereal?" I ask him as I managed to do Blaine and Brittany a pot of dry cereal incase they didn't want anything else.

"Eah pwease" he says again.

"Here you go" I say as managed to pull it out of one of the bags and open the lid for him. I then set it aside next to him so he can be entertained and eating so if he does get want to go to sleep, he can then later on have a bottle again. After a long wait of just over 4 hours, we were allowed to finally board our plane and by this time, Blaine started to get a little fussy. Surprisingly, Brittany was asleep the whole time, even when Santana picked her up so we could board the plane.

"Brittany must of been really tired" I chuckle to Santana as Brittany was just passed out in her arms.

"I know, looks like someone else is heading that way" she chuckles back as Blaine kept yawning and nodding off like Britt did earlier in the car.

"I know, but once we get seated and I settle him with everything, he might go off and probably so will I just to get that extra bit of sleep in" I tell.

"I'll probably do the same, is it alright if we stay a while just to relax a bit before heading back home" she asks.

"Yeah that's absolutely fine, stay as long as you need to don't worry about that as long as you two get as much needed rest, I'll be fine with that and I'm sure dad and Carole would be as well" I explain to her.

"Ok thanks" she smiles as we get on and find our seats.

"Be fine with what?" Dad asks.

"Brittany and Santana staying for a while to rest before going back to theirs" I tell him.

"Yeah that's no problem, I think that's what Rachel is doing is as well, but yeah it's cool, I'm fine with it and Carole won't mind, I mean if she doesn't mind Rachel being there, then I think you two shouldn't be a problem" dad explains as I settle Blaine down with everything and he starts to doze off.

"Ok thank you ever so much Mr. Hummel"

"Hey no problem, but please, call me Burt" he chuckles.

"Sorry Burt, but thank you" she thanks him again.

"Sure kiddo" he smiles as he sits back and relaxes with Carole, telling her how Britt and San are staying for awhile and that was the last thing I heard before going to sleep my self for another hour. Another hour was up and everyone was starting to wake up, but the kids were still asleep so we just left them two to it and waited for the plane to land so we can get off and finally head back home again. Once the plane had landed, we grabbed the children and headed off, making sure to thank the people on the way out.

"It was a brilliant holiday but I'm glad to be back home" Finn says and makes us all laugh.

"Oh Finn" Carole smiles at him and pats his back.

"What?" He says but no one answers him so Rachel just chuckles and puts her arm around him.

"What?" He asks Rachel but still no one wants to answer.

"Come on" Rachel smiles at him and kisses him. We get our suitcases and everything else before heading back to our cars.

"We'll get the kids in then pack everything in the boot" I say to dad as I open Blaine's doors and carefully put him in without disturbing him whereas Santana was having a bit of struggle with Brittany as she started to wake up again.

"Is she making herself go in and out of sleep?" I ask Santana, concerned.

"I don't know, this is the second time she's woken up" San says as she straps Brittany in to her seat once she settled back down again.

"Ome, mummy?" Britt asks her as she rubs her eyes and yawns.

"Yeah, we're going to Uncle Kurt's first though ok?" She tells her.

"Tay" she mumbles.

"Thanks for the help you two" dad chuckles.

"Sorry, Britt was waking up again" I say.

"Is she alright?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, it's just the second time she has woke herself up and stayed awake for a little while, which rarely happens as she is to grumpy to stay awake" Santana tells her. Dad then pokes his head in as Santana left the door open.

"You alright kiddo?" Dad asks her as he pats her leg a couple of times and Britt just nods.

"Yeah? You ok?" Santana asks her again and she nods again.

"Alright let's head home and rest up before unpacking everything" he says and we all get in the car and head back on the road again. Again another hour later, we were finally home and Brittany fell asleep sometime during the ride home again.

"Ugh, it's 10:00am, it feels earlier than that but I think that's because we've been travelling for about 3 hours" Rachel says.

"3?" Finn asks.

"n hour to the airport, hour on the plane and an hour to travel back home, you may think it's longer because we did have to wait another 4 hours at the airport" Rachel explains to him as we head indoors. Santana and I take the kids upstairs to go lie them down. While the kids were asleep, we decided to bring our suitcases in except Santana and Brittany's because Santana said she would do theirs at home, although we did offer as we we offered to do Rachel's for her whilst she was here.

"Let's all go to bed" dad sighs as we all lock up cars and head back inside to go back to sleep and rest for a while. Nearly 3 hours later and we were all up again ready for some lunch.

"Let's change you first sweetie" I say to Blaine as I go into his room as he slept with because it was easier. I lay him on his changing table and start to change his nappy.

"Oh good job honey" I hear Santana praise as she was not long into potty training Brittany.

"I don't think Brittany will be sleeping tonight" San sighs as she walks in the room with Brittany just as I finish up with Blaine and place him on the floor so that those to could go play.

"Urm probably not considering she slept nearly the whole way there and back and only woke up twice for a bit before passing out again" I say to her as we make our way into the hallway.

"Great, this should be an interesting night tonight" she says.

"Ah ah ah" I say to Blaine as I grab his arm just in time before he started to head down the stairs.

"You need to hold someone's hand if your going down, remember?" I tell him.

"Sowwy daddy" he says.

"It's ok, now come on let's go get some lunch" I tell him as I take his hand.

"You too Britt, hand please" San says as she grabs Britt's hand too and we make our way down the stairs.

"Go play whilst I make lunch" I say once we get to the bottom and I lock the gate behind, not like Blaine can't still climb them or anything because he can't.

"Want any help?" Santana asks me.

"I mean if you want too but you don't have too, what does Brittany usually have, anything in particular?" I ask.

"Thanks but I'll do Brittany's if you want" she says.

"It's fine, honestly" I tell her.

"Ok she has ham if you have any" she sighs, just giving up on even trying to help me out, which I didn't mind as she was the guest here as well as Rachel but I just assumed that they were either lounging around in Finns bed or she was still asleep.

"I have ham, can you get the kids please" I ask her.

"Sure" she says and gather the kids for lunch while I finish on doing sippy cups and setting Blaine's old seat to the chair for Brittany.

"Brittany's lunch" I say as I pass her, her lunch and sippy cup.

"Tank 'ou" she smiles.

"You're welcome sweetie" I say.

"And Blaine's lunch" I say and give him his lunch and sippy cup as well.

"Ank 'ou" Blaine says.

"You're welcome honey" I tell him. Me and Santana then grab our lunches and sit down. Half way through our lunch, everyone finally descended down the stairs to have their lunch as well and join us.

"Well thanks for doing our lunches" dad jokes.

"You weren't awake therefore I didn't do you any lunch, if you were awake I would of done you some but you weren't so" I joke back.

"Darn it now I wish I were awake sooner" he says as he sits down and starts to eat his lunch as did everyone else.  The day just drags on and Carole does at least 8 washes that day, Santana and Brittany soon left much to Blaine's displeasure as he was playing with Brittany and 'avin 'ood 'ime' which we all thought was hilarious but he didn't. Blaine then had a couple of naps, but getting a bit fussy. We soon eat dinner and have a relaxing evening, Carole just told us she'll do the rest of washing tomorrow.

"Oh dear, what an eventful and long day today" she sighs as she sits down whilst we watching some kid programme that Blaine was too intrigued by.

"It has but I'm glad we're home and settle back into a normal routine" I say.

"That's true, I mean it was a great holiday and all but sometimes you miss your home, especially your bed" she laughs at the end.

"I'm sure Blaine's missed his, I certainly have missed mine it's so comfy" I say.

"Shall we go have bath and bed mister?" I say to Blaine, who was yawning away. All he does is just nod.

"Ok let's go" I say as I pick him up off the sofa.

"Do you want me to do a bottle?" Carole asks.

"Yes please" I say as I take Blaine up to have a bath and get ready for bed. Once we get upstairs, I run a bath making sure to put toys and bubbles in there. I strip Blaine and put him in, I then quickly get to work to wash him. Once I finally finished washing and clearing him of soap and shampoo, I pull him out of the bath and wrap him up in a fluffy towel before taking him to his changing table. I get him into some comfy clothes and quickly clear the bathroom up before settling him down and giving him his bottle that Carole left on the side of his drawers.

"Thanks Carole" I say to her once I get down stairs and start to clear Blaine's toys away.

"No problem sweetie" she calls out from finishing in the kitchen.

"I'm just going to give Santana a call to see how she is with Brittany as she was worrying if she would go to sleep or not" I tell Carole as I start to dial San's number into my phone.

"Hey Santana"


"So how's it going with Britt? Is she asleep or not?" I ask her.

"Yeah, easier than I thought actually, it must of been all of that travelling that's done it for her" she chuckles over the phone.

"Oh wow and yeah probably, Blaine's down after a bath, I find it easier to bath him if he's not that tired as it gets him all sleepy most of the time" I explain to her.

"Oh perhaps that's what I shall try to do with Brittany"

"Probably, anyway glad to hear that it's all ok, I'm gonna head off to bed. Have a great night" I tell her m

"Thanks and so am I, you have a great night too bye" and we both hang up.

"Did it go ok?" Carole asks.

"Yeah apparently she went down without a fuss, Santana just thought it was too much traveling for her"

"Aww bless her, well at least it was all good" she smiles.

"Anyway I'm going to bed, night"

"Night sweetie" she says as I head to bed and going to sleep. It wasn't until around 2:34 Blaine decided to wake me up.

"Daddy" he sobbed.

"Daddy" he called out again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I call to him as I tiredly walk down the hallway to his room.

"What the matter sweetie?" I ask as I pick him up to feel that his bottom was wet again.

"Do you keep spilling your milk?" I ask him and he just shrugs tiredly.

"Ok let's get you all cleared up and into some new pyjamas" I say as I lay him on the changing table and get a nappy, some wipes and a pair of pyjama trousers.

"Here, have your dummy" I say as I pop it into his mouth before getting back to work with cleaning him up.

"Looks like you're in daddy's bed, huh?" I say to him as I finish up, making sure to put his wet pyjamas in his washing basket and the nappy in his bin. I grab everything that he sleeps with and head toward my room.

"Let's go back to sleep" I say as I lay him down and get in bed with him and we both fall asleep. Blaine then decided to wake me up again at 6:20, thinking it was morning time therefore he wanted to play instead of sleep.

"Blaine, sweetie it's too early go back to sleep honey" I tell him as he sits up and starts messing around. I soon decided that he wants to play and I want to sleep therefore I decided to get him a sippy cup, a milk bottle, spare dummy and the iPad, I also lock the stair gate in my room, put the tele on and put the baby rail up along the side of his bed and left him to it knowing that he is safe in my room and on my bed before going back to sleep. It was soon nearing 9:00 when I woke back up, finally getting some rest. I look over at Blaine who is intently watching some baby program but I noticed that he must of spilt some of his cereal by accident.

"Morning baby" I say as I grab him by his waist and hug him, bringing him down so he was lying down.

"Ahh daddy" he squeals.

"Hey sweetie" I kiss his cheek.

"Did you accidentally spill some cereal?" I ask him.

"Sowwy daddy, it akkident" he says.

"That's ok, daddy will clear it up later" I smile at him. Blaine had a different idea instead, he decided to eat the cereal that sat on my bed.

"Blaine! You're a silly boy" I chuckle at him and he giggles.

"You're silly" I tell him again.

"Need a nappy change?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Do.You.Need.A.Nappy.Change" I ask him again, giving him kisses in between each word and he squeals and giggles again.

"No" he says but I check anyway.

"Yes you do, you little liar" I joke as I grab a nappy from near my bed, these were incase Blaine was sick or something but as I can't be asked to take him to his room, I just grab one from under the bed. I quickly change him and let him watch T.V. While I cleaned myself up a bit. After a little while, we head downstairs to see everyone else done there, eating their breakfast.

"Have a good sleep kiddo?" Dad asks.

"Yeah but Blaine woke me twice" I tell them as I get my own breakfast.


"I know but I soon sorted him out and left him to it but don't worry he was totally safe" I tell them as they finish up their breakfast while I only now start mine.

"What about Blaine's?" They ask.

"I've already fed him upstairs" I tell them.

"Um ok" they say. The day drags on and it's soon bedtime again. I settle Blaine down and get ready for bed myself. Once I say night to everyone, I go to Blaine's room and make sure that he isn't going to somehow spill his bottle again, I kiss his head goodnight, turn his night light and the baby monitor on, before tucking him in and heading to bed myself. Before passing out, I hear shuffling which must be everyone else getting ready for bed as well, I could hear them all say night to each other before going their own separate ways. I hear dad come in and kiss my head.

"Love you dad, thanks for the holiday" I tell him.

"No problem kiddo, love you too" he leaves, making sure to leave the gate open before going to bed. I then soon head to sleepy land.

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