My Brother's Best Friend

By Blossom_Peaches

4.2M 81.6K 17.4K

Sophie's parents have shipped her off to a boarding school in Spain that can provide a better education for h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

146K 3.2K 718
By Blossom_Peaches

[[All over again]]

"Ahhh!" I screamed in the middle of the girls changing rooms causing them all to look over at me, Tina and Kat were hiding their giggles behind their hands. Glaring at them, I threw back on the white blouse I had been wearing and marched through the now empty hall way.

I couldn't care that I was about to walk into a class room which had just began teaching. I threw the door open and stood so I was standing infront of Zac's desk, his eyes simmering with mischief.

"Zac!" I said ingoring the comment made from a teacher. I knew what lesson Zac had this period and was happy that he had it with Miss Hensaw. She really couldn't handle a class and she was too scared to report it to the head.

"Yes?" He asked innocently. I was very aware of everyone watching us.

"You ruined my top! Again." I said throwing what was once my white shirt.

"Actually, I think it looks better." He shrugged whilst holding it up infront of him.

"Really? Well, lets see how you're xbox looks when I drop it out of the window." I smirked back crossing my arms.

"You wouldn't." He said leaning back in his chair.

"You wanna try me Zac? As I remember you didn't think I'd remove all the towels from the bathroom when you were showering, you didn't think I'd steal your clothes after football practice, you didn't think I'd post them photo's of you covered in Jam over Facebook, you-"

"I get your point." He said cutting me off. I smiled sweetly and put hands on his desk leaning over. His eyes travelled down my face as he looked down my top getting a view of my cleavage. I smirked and started talking seductively.

"Good becuase you wouldn't want me sending that recording around school now would you. I mean, that would really ruin your reputation." He swallowed and looked up to my face.

"What recording?" I heard one of his friends lean over and whisper.

"Just Zac here, dancing aroun-Ah!" I started but was cut off when Zac stood up, walked around his desk and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I pounded on his back but he didn't even flinch.

"Excuse me Miss, I'll be back in a few minutes." He turned around and I saw the teacher just nodding before turning back to the class.

"Zac, I swear if you don't put me down, I'll rip off your balls and feed them to the lions!"

"Lions?" he said and I heard him chuckled.

"Yes Lions! Would you prefer monkeys?" I said in all seriousness.

"You have such a weird sense of humor." He said and placed my feet on the ground.  He'd only walked us to the end of the coridor, away from his classroom. I glared at him and crossed my arms. "Phone." He said holding his hand out.

"Nope." I said empathising the 'p'.

"Hand it over Sophie." He said taking a step closer. I shook my head.

"After you ruined my shirt, threw me in a pond, left me in the middle of a field, locked me in a room, woke me up at 5am in the morning knowing I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep and then putting a snake in my room! You have got to be kidding me." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"The snake was harmless. Delete it." He warned.

"No." I snapped back.

"Yes." He said he voice turning much more colder.

"No." I said taking a step forward proving I wasn't about to back down.

"Sophie." He all but growled my name.

"Zac." I copied. "You know, even if you delete it off my phone. I have copies." I said completely bluffing. But damn, why didn't I think about making copies before.

"Call it quits?" I let out a harsh laugh and rolled my eyes.

"We've been pulling these stupid pranks on each other for a week. Now, because I have something that could ruin you 'status'," I air quoted, "you want to call it quits?" I shook my head. "You have an amazingly high ego Zac, how do you do it?" I questioned sarcastically.

"I'll only offer it once more, quits?" he asked still serious. I looked at him for another second before huffing and nodding my head. I was getting sick of all these jokes we kept playing on each other.

"Fine." I threw my phone at him and with his quick reaction skills he caught it one handed. "Show off." I huffed and he smirked. Damn him and his impressive muscles.

"Stop checking me out." He said whilst taping on my phone.

"You wish Sanders. Not every girl is going to find you goodlooking." I said and looked at the lockers.

"Tell me bout it." I heard him mumble. I glanced at him and caught him staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your phone." He said snapping out of his thoughts. "You'll delete the other copies." I smirked at him. "You didn't make any copies did you?" My smile widened.

"See, you're not as dumb as I thought." I said and walked passed him.

Don't ask me what happened the day after we looked after Poppy because I couldn't tell you. That Monday was the day he pulled the first prank on me and it just went on from there. He never brought up the kiss and my dislike for him is increasing every day.

Kat and Tina found the whole sitiuation hilairious until they got caught in the middle of one. Matt normally just stirs things up by giving us both information about the other. I was glad that we could come to a compromise and stop the silly jokes. I wouldn't have to watch my back as much.

Just as I was rounding the corner I decided to skip this period altogether. There really was no point in joining in gym half way through without the right clothes. Instead I grabbed my bag from the changing room and made my way to the library.


 "School sucks!" Kat complained jumping on the sofa.

"It's exhausting." Tina said falling next to her.

"It's boring." I said and fell next to Tina.

"So what you wanna do for the rest of the day?" Kat said.

"Prank Zac?" Tina sugguested.

"No, we've called it quits. I really don't want to do anything today." I said and they nodded in agreement.

"Your sofa is so comfortable." Tina said pulling her knee's up.

"How about I put in a movie?" I asked and they nodded. "Ok, what do we wanna watch?" we spent half an hour choosing watch film to watch but eventually settled with fright night. I know it's a horror and even though we get scared out of our minds, we get a laugh out of it in the end.

"You know, you and Olly seem close Tina." I frowned as I placed in the DVD and turned around to find Tina blushing.

"Oh, spill!" I said grinning and jumping back on the sofa.

"You're ok with that?" Tina aked nervously.

"Ummm, yeah. Why?" I asked confused.

"Well, you know, you had a thing-"

"Jeeze Tina that was two years ago and we had one date. Look, if you want him, go get him. Steal him from the evil bitch." I wiggled my eyebrows and she giggled.

"Someones crushing!" Kat said throwing a cushion at her.

"Ok, ok. But you guys can't say anything!" She said still blushing. Me and Kat crossed our hearts before tackling her.

"Lets change before we watch the movie." Kat said aready half way up the stairs. We followed and ten minutes later I was in my fabric shorts and eat me shirt. Just as we sat down on the sofa, popcorn and snacks ready the door bursted open and I sighed.

"Can we not watch the film now?" I groaned as Matt and Zac walked in in their basketball kit. Ok, I know I don't like the guy but oh my... does he look good in them shorts. Stop it staring Sophie!

"We're back." Zac said holding his arms open.

"Obviously." I said rolling my eyes.

"Matt broke up with his girlfriend."

"Finally. Did my skills work?" I said and Matt glared at me. "Come on brother, you deserve someone with a brain. Some one who can match your personailty....Like Kat." I said and glanced at her from the corner of my eye. I saw her eyes widening but kept facing forward and avoiding my brother. Matt blushed and I couldn't help but grin.


"I mean, she's knows you as well as I do and she's a perfect match. She balances you out." I said turning and leaning on the back of the sofa so I could face Matt.

"I thought you wanted to watch this movie?" Kat said attempting to change the subject.

"You guys wanna watch with?" I asked smiling at Matt.

"Sure, we'll go change first." Zac answered for him whilst patting him on the back. He must have seen the blush aswell.

"Matt was blushing! He likes you!" Tina said jumping and clapping like a three year old.

Kat didn't answer but she did blush.

"OH! Your blushing!" I said excited and then my face became serious. "Oh my god, your crushing on my brother!" I fake gagged.

"Shudup." She said slamming a pillow into my side.

"Hey, I'm fine with it, so long as you keep the PDA to the bedroom." I smiled sweetly causing her to blush even more.

"Your thinking about Matt in the bedroom." Tina stated giving her a knowing smile.

"EW! UNWANTED IMAGE! NO! KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF!" I screamed with my hands over my ears.

"Shhh!" Kat complained slamming the pillow into me again.

"Ok, ok. Ouch, for a pillow that hurts." I said just as the guys walked into the room. Tina stood up and took the one seater and I rolled off the sofa to sit on the two seater. Kat glared at the both of us.

"What move we watching?" Zac asked jumping over the back of the sofa to sit by Kat. Tina and I groaned and I sent Zac daggers.

"Zac, care to help me with the drinks?" I said and pulled him off the sofa.

"Looks like I don't have a choice." He mumbled as I pushed him forwards. Matt went to sit on the sofa I was sat on but I pushed him back causing him to fall in Zac's spot. Smiling, I skipped after Zac.

"Sooooo, what we having?" Zac asked.

"Huh?" I said confused.


"Ohhhh yeah. Ummm, you get the cups and I'll bring the coke and lemonade!" I smiled and turned to the cuboards. Wow, I'm in a happy mood.

"Don't ruin our plan!" I warned him before he opened the door.

"What plan?"

"I thought you-ugh, nevermind. Matt and Kat. That's sounds weird." I said tilting my head.

"Matt's a player." Zac said holiding up his hands with the cups in.

"So, he likes Kat. Kat likes him. Not everyone is as bad as you, you know. Matt wants a relationship, he just dates girls until he finds the one he wants that relationship with. Don't you see the way he blushes near her? You're meant to be his best friend." I asked him like he was out of his mind.

"No." He frowned.

"Of course not. You notice the size of girls bra's. You don't notice the little things." I sighed. "Just, don't ruin this for him. I want my brother happy, even if it's with my best friend and I know that I'll probably regret this some time in the furture. "

"Ok." He nodded.

"Ok?" I asked eyeing him.

"Ok." He repeated.

"Ok." I confirmed.

"Can we stop saying Ok now?"

"Ok." I grinned and walked passed him.

"Finally!" Tina said throwing her hands up. "What took you so long?" I saw Matt slightly glaring at Zac as he took his seat next to me.

"Zac was being picky." I lied.

"Well lets just start this damned movie!" Tina said and stared at the blank screen.


"Well? Someone press play!" She screamed and we laughed.

"Whoa, cranky much." I said and pressed play.

"Thank you." She huffed and pulled the blanket around her.


Nearly two hours later, the film finished and I was the only one awake. Well, I thought it was a good film.

I looked across at Tina who was sprawled out across the chair. Legs, arms and head dangling off the side, her mouth was wide open. I giggled, it wasn't a pretty sight. I smiled slightly when I saw Kat and Matt curled up on the other sofa.

I wish I had someone to curl up with. I shook the thoughts from my head, my best friend and brother dating was going to be strange but if their happy, then it'll be worth it...right?

"You're staring." I turned around to find Zac sitting up and squeezing his eyes before opening them again and looking at me. "Spacing out?"

"Pretty much." I shrugged and smiled. "Anyway.." I said and started picking up the empty bowls and cups. I walked into the kitchen and placed them in the sink deciding I'll clean them tomorrow. I washed my hands and looked out the window.

"I've been meaning to talk to you." I jumped when I heard Zac's voice behind me.

"Jeeze." I said turning around. He was closer then I expected, not closer enough to touch but still. He chuckled slightly. "" I said once my heart started beating normal again.

"So, I need some advice." I laughed.

"Wow, your coming to me...for advice?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, there's this girl...."

"Advice on girls? You've got plenty of exprience." I said not really knowing where he was coming from.

"I know but she's different. I only met her a few weeks ago," Don't ask me why but my stomach did an annoying turn like I'd just found out some bad news. "And...I mean...She.."

"Wow, she must really be something if she's left you speechless." I said. A slow smile spread across his face as he scratched the back of his neck. I didn't miss the way his muscle tensed when he did either.

What's gotten into me?!

"She is." He sighed. "She's not like the other girls. She doesn't fall for my charms, or my lame chat up lines. She doesn't blush when I look at her and she doesn't kiss the floor that I walked on. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and even though she can be a pain in my ass at times, it kinda turns me on more." he blurted.

"Ahhh ha." I said processing the words in my head. "Ok, so whats your problem?" I asked.

"What do I do? Like I said, she doesn't fall for my usual charms." I could certainly answer that one.

"She knows about your reputation?" He nodded. "You just gotta prove to her that you'd be commited, you wouldn't cheat nor would you hit on other girls. You'd have to change your player ways.... If you want a relationship cause if your just looking to sleep with her, give up now." I nodded.

"Really why?"

"Cause she'll most likely ruin you if played her like everyone else. She'd bite back."

"You sound so confident."

"Well, it's what I'd do." He smiled, not his player smile, but a proper smile that made me slightly breathless and even made my heart falter slightly. Damn muscles, damn smile! "What?" I asked confused. He shook his head and chuckled.

"I wanted to talk to you about something else aswel, two things actually." he said putting his hands in his pocket.

"Proceed." I said crossing my arms and leaning back on the counter praying it wasn't what I thought it was going to be about.

"First off, the conversation I overheard you and Poppy having." I swallowed hard. I was hoping he wouldn't bring this up.

"What about it?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Zac was serious.. serious, nervous and determind, I'd never seen him like this before.

"Did I really make your life hell before?" He asked taking a step closer.

"Yes." I replied trying to keep my voice sounding smooth.

"Shit." He muttered and rubbed the back of his neck again. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise it had such a huge effect on you. I swear, if I'd known, I wouldn't-"

"Zac, it wouldn't have been any different. Anyway. Past is past and I'd like to keep it that way. So, last thing." Now, he got even more nervous. "Wow, I've never seen you act so...not cocky before."

"The kiss." he said ignoring my comment. I stood up from the counter which only made the gap smaller between us.

"Like I said before past is past." I said hoping that would end our conversation.

"Sophie," obviously it hadn't.

"I know, I know. It doesn't mean anything, it was in the heat of the moment. I got you angry and you have a habit of-" I didn't get to finish my rambling. Before I knew what was happening, Zac cupped my face with his hands and brought his lips to mine.

Not this again.


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