Daibolik Lovers Boyfriend Sce...

By Animefan446

282K 3.6K 769

Like what it says in the title but I won't put Kino in this because he's a new character but I will put in th... More

How You Met Him
The Two Of You Are Friends
When He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
First Date And First Kiss
He Watches You Do Your Favourite Hobby
You're On You're Period
You Find Out He's A Vampire And He First Bites You
He Meets Your Parents
You Learn About His Past
You're Sick
When He 'Accidentally' Touches Your Butt
When He Sees Your Sleeping Face
When They Randomly Kiss You
When It's Your Birthday
When He Hears You Singing
When You Go To The Beach With Him
When He Sees You Sad
When Someone Catches You Making Out
When He Has A Sleepover At Your Place
Sakamaki (Lemon)
Mukami (Lemon)
Tsukinami (Lemons)
When They Read Your Diary
When You have A Bath With Him
When You Wear His Clothes
Halloween Special
Author's note HELP!!
When He Cheats On You/You Break Up
After The Break Up/ They See You With Someone Else
When He Sees You Hurt And The Two Of You Get Back Together
After You Got Back Together
Christmas Special
New Year Special

When You Two Are Watching A Film On The Kodi Stick

6.4K 50 9
By Animefan446

A/n I'm sorry for the slow updates I kinda ran out of ideas for this book and I've been writing other stories as well however, thanks to Nakura_Sakamaki, I was able to get an inspiration from her. I hope u enjoy this story, and thanks again Nakura.


You were happy since getting back together with Shu things weren't the same since the two of you broke up. After the two of you made love after getting back together you were in the living room with Shu watching a film on the kodi stick that your mother sent through the post when she was in England where her tour was being held. Your dad helped you set it up and afterwards the two of you were curled up together on the couch watching your favourite musical film, The Phantom Of The Opera.

You and Shu ate some more popcorn and Shu said,"You actually love this film?" You nodded your head and said,"Yeah, I like it when I see the Phantom and Christine together I think they make a nice couple." Shu looked at you and he pets your head and said,"You're right, they remind me of me and you in some ways." You giggled and you kissed his cheek. Shu loved it when you did that and he kisses you on the lips. Shu pulled away and he said,"I love you, you're my Christine in my eyes." You smiled and said,"And you're my Phantom of the Opera in my eyes, Shu." Shu smiled and he leaned in to your face and he kisses you.


You and Reiji were back your place and your father had bought a Kodi stick and now you and Reiji were watching a film together since your parents had to go to the hospital to see if your half sister has woken up yet. You and Reiji were watching Everest and (Spoiler alert!) when it got to the part where Rob hall dies you were crying your eyes out. Reiji hands you a handky and you wiped the tears away.

Reiji then said,"I didn't know that you had an emotional side when it comes to the sad parts in the film." You smiled slightly and said,"I can't help it, when it comes to stuff like this in a film I always get like this, sorry you must think I'm silly to be like this." Reiji shook his head for a no and said,"Of course not, I like this side of you." You smiled and you rested your head on Reiji's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder as the two of you watched the rest of the film.

A/N sorry I couldn't think of any other film for Reiji if u have any suggestions on what would suit him better comment on this part if you want.


You got a new kodi stick for your TV after you and Ayato got back together as a treat. The both you decided to watch a comedy called 'Grown ups'. You found funny when it was the funeral scene when higgins did that buzzer sound after Robbie finished singing. Ayato laughed at that part as well and said,"That's one way to ruin a moment." You wiped the tears of laughter from your eyes and said,"Yeah you're right."

As the two of you watched the rest of the film you two did find some funny parts and couldn't stop laughing. The bad memories about the two of you breaking up was nothing more than a thing of the past and the two of you didn't let it bother you that much except, when Yui tried to get his attention again and you would beat the crap out of her.


Your grandmother was finally out of hospital and thankfully she was no longer ill but the doctor said that she needs to take care of herself or else she won't be lucky next time. Your brother bought you a new Kodi stick and the two of you were watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory. When it got to part where the children went into the chocolate room Kanato was piratically drooling when he saw the chocolate river and some of the sweets scattered about the room.

You giggled at his reaction and said,"You wish you and teddy were there?" Kanato nods his head and you looked down at Sapphire and said to her,"He and Teddy love sweets and chocolate like us don't you think Sapphire?" You looked back at Kanato and he said,"I wish we were there." You said,"Just you and teddy?" Kanato looked at you and he smiled and said,"Well, yes and no but, we want you and Sapphire to be there with us and we can eat all of the candy we wanted."

You smiled and said,"I like that idea and so does Sapphire." Kanato smiled back and he kisses you on the lips and the two of you continued to watch the rest of the film while cuddled up together.


Your dad bought a new Kodi stick and after your parents went out for their dinner date, you invited Laito around to your place. Once he got there he picked out the TV series Game of Thrones. As the two of you watched a few episodes you liked it when Danaryes has her dragons but you did feel a bit awkward when it came to the love making scenes.

Laito looked as if he enjoyed watching those parts but you felt a little bit somewhat grossed out as you watched those parts. You looked at Laito and he really was enjoying those love making scenes. You then said,"Are you seriously enjoying this?" Laito looked at you with a smirk and said,"Why are you asking? could it be that you want to make love right now?"

Laito said as he tried to tackle him. You placed your hands on his chest and you tried to push him away and you said,"Noway! get away from me you perv!!" Laito chuckled and he then starts to tickle your sides making you laugh. You shouted,"L-Laito!! stop it! knock it off!!" Laito grinned and said,"You really are ticklish aren't you? come here let me love you!"

Laito said as he tried to sneakily take off your shirt. You shoved him off you and shouted,"Get off me you pervert!!" Laito chuckled and said,"Sorry Doll-chan, I'm just happy that we're back together now and the way you made love to me after we got back together was kinda interesting, because you were more feisty than usual." You smiled and said,"Maybe it's because I was happy that you helped me at that time and my hero does deserve a reward as well."

Laito then crawled towards you and he got on top of you and said,"I see, well then, let me make love to you, please." You shook your head for a no and said,"No caboose for you!" You said as you pushed him off you and you got up and headed to the kitchen. Laito then said,"Don't tease me like that Doll-chan!! you're being mean!!" You giggled and said,"Being evil is one of my strong points babe." Laito pouted at this and he turned his back to you with his arms folded. You giggled at his behaviour and the two of continued to watch a few more episodes of Game Of Thrones.


Since you and Subaru got back together you've never been more happier because Ayame was now feeling better and it was taking a while for her hair to grow back after that long treatment. As a treat you and Ayame bought the new Kodi stick and after getting it plugged in, your father, Ayame and Subaru decided to watch a film, which was suicide squad.

You did find some funny parts that involve Harly Quin but you did like that character, Diablo. Subaru acted like he wasn't interested but you knew that he was enjoying the film especially when it came to the female character, Katana. After the film ended your father fell asleep and so was Subaru. Ayame said,"Well that was a good film, here want another malteser?" You nodded your head and got another one and ate it.

You and Ayame looked at your sleeping lovers and the two of you got an evil yet a funny idea in mind. Ayame raised her finger to her lips and then the two of you wrapped your lover's arms around each other and once the two of you sat down on the ground, the two of you watched as Subaru and your father snuggled out together. You covered your mouth from laughing and Ayame snickered.

You whispered,"Ayame, you think we should wake them up? it's starting to get too funny." Ayame nods her head and said,"All right, Subaru, (Father's name), the film is finished." Once the two of them woke up, they stared at at each other for a second and they jumped away and they both shouted,"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" You and Ayame then burst out laughing at the situation and your lovers looked over at the two of you laughing and then you gave a high five to Ayame.

Subaru had never been so embarrassed and humiliated in his whole life and he promised himself not to ever fall asleep again while watching a film other wise something evil will happen again.


You were sitting on the couch watching a film with Ruki and you decided to let him pick a film on the Kodi stick that your father sent as a birthday present to your sister, bad choice why? Because Ruki picked out another scary film and it was Krampus that might have one or two jump scares in it. You were shivering in fear as you had your arms wrapped around his neck for dear life.

Ruki chuckled and said,"You really are a scaredy cat." You said,"I can't help it! jump scares always frighten the crap out of me!" Ruki held you close and he rubbed circles around your back to comfort you. You blushed and you sat on Ruki's lap and he hugs you close to comfort you. Just then another jump scare came out and you squealed a little and you buried your face in the crook of Ruki's neck.

Ruki chuckled and whispered sweet things in your ear and he kept saying 'everything is all right, I'm here for you.' you smiled at this and you relaxed in Ruki's embrace.


After you and Kou got back together you decided to treat yourself so in doing so thanks to your sister's part time job she was able to give you the money to buy a Kodi stick for your room. You were happy about this so after you got the Kodi set up in your room for your TV, you invited Kou to your room to watch a film.

The film that you picked was the musical Hairspray, which was your favourite musical that you and your sisters used to watched together before the three of you stopped hanging out when school and new boyfriends came around. As you and Kou watched the film you were quietly humming away to some of the songs that were your favourites.

Kou smiled at the fact that you humming to some of the song but you notice him smiling at you, you quickly looked away from with a hint of blush on your cheeks. Kou wrapped an arm around your shoulders and he kisses your cheek and said,"Don't stop humming on my account, I love it when you hum to a song, Keneko-chan." You looked away from slightly.

You then said,"W-whatever..." You then rest your head on his shoulder and the two of you continued to watch the rest of the film.


After you and Yuma got back together, your father got you a new Kodi stick so that you and Yuma can watch some films together so that way he and your mother can get some alone time together. After the Kodi stick was plugged in you invited Yuma over after your parents left for their dinner date and you picked out a film called 'Titanic.' (A/N sorry if this one is crap, but I was going to put in the attack of the titans but I don't know much about the anime series so I decided to pick Titanic instead.)

Yuma looked bored and you said,"I know that look, you're acting bored but you're actually enjoying it, aren't you?" Yuma looked at you with a dumbfounded look and he blushed slightly and said,"No way, besides couldn't you have picked a different film apart from this." You giggled and said,"Nope, besides I love Leonardo DiCaprio I think he's so hot and handsome." Yuma glared at you and said,"What about me?! you don't think of me that way?!"

You laughed at Yuma hysterically and Yuma said,"What's so funny?" You managed to stop laughing and you said,"Yuma, by any chance, are you jealous of Leonardo?" Yuma blushed and he said,"I don't know what you're talking about it's just stupid celebrity crush." You found it amusing that your teddy bear was jealous of your celebrity crush you couldn't stop making fun of him during the rest of the night.


Your father bought you a new Kodi stick as treat after what your Ex boyfriend dumped you. Azusa happily came back to your place and the two of you watched a film together and he wanted to watch something that a little bit of harming so you decided to pick out a film called 'To Write Love On Her Arms'.

You did found some sad parts in the film but Azusa didn't look fazed at all when he watched the film with you. He looked at you said,"What's wrong..? You seem a bit upset..." You looked at Azusa and said,"I'm sorry, watching this film kinda brings back memories when I first saw you hurt yourself, it still breaks my heart when I see other people getting hurt." Azusa smiled and said,"It's fine, (Y/n)-san...she's an angel just like you...I love you.." You smiled at him and you kissed his lips and Azusa wrapped his arms around you to deepen the kiss.


A/N Sorry I can't think of this one, if u have any suggestions for a film for this one plz comment.


Your sister Zoey had sent you a present over the holidays and it was a new Kodi stick that she bought for you. You were happy at this and you and Shin decided to watch a film together and it was Red Riding Hood, which was produced my Leonardo DiCaprio. As the two of you watched the film Shin had his arms wrapped around you and he said,"Does this film remind me of us?"

You looked up at him and said,"It kinda does in some ways probably because you're a werewolf yourself." Shin smirked and he raised your chin a little so that you were looking into his golden eye and he said,"And you've fallen in love with this werewolf." You smiled and said,"I sure have." You leaned to his lips and you kissed him. Shin then kisses you back and the two of you started to make out while the film was still playing in the background.

Suggested by Nakura_Sakamaki

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