The Last Librarian

Af EmirAnder

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In a world where imagination isn't only frowned upon, but illegal, someone must safeguard the very thing that... Mere

Author's Note
Part One: The Underslums
1.| Medicine
2.| Holding On
3.| Unstable Ground
4.| A Holiday, But Not Really
5.| Standing Out
6.| We're Tired
7.| What is Happening?
8.| Back to Normal... ish?
9.| I'm Not Crazy, Honest
10.| I Hate Rich People
11.| When We Were Kids
12.| Dr. Scott Saves the Day
13.| a Bushel and a Peck
14.| Tick Tock
15.| Escape 'Hatch'
16.| Decaf, Please
17.| This Isn't the End
Part Two: Enlightenment
18.| Welcome to the Expound
19.| Mr. Smirks-a-lot
20.| The Drowned Boy
21.| Not a Fan of Sage Green
22.| Ah, Glorious Level One
23.| AVILA
24.| Blue Eyes
25.| Lunch with a Conspiracy Theorist
26.| Secret Plans
28.| It's Rough All Over
29.| There Isn't Much Time
30.| Almost There
31.| If it's a Fight You Want
32.| Delirious
Part Three: The Rifts
33.| Recovering
34.| a Whole New World
35. | A New Ultimatum
36.| The Truth Hurts
37.| Something Strange
Extra Chapter: An Eerie Feeling
-- Extras: The Tourist's Guide to Hinge
-- Extras: The Levels of Hinge
-- Extras: Playlist for The Last Librarian

27.| Sneaking Around

149 27 29
Af EmirAnder

Mr. Scott has just finished briefing us for our mission when we hear several Inspectors coming. Reglin glances down the hall, judging where the sounds are coming from and then he quickly hands us each a plastic card.

"If you press that to the lock on your cell door it will disable the security system, locking mechanisms, cameras and all. They won't know anything has been disabled. Now go," he hisses before disappearing further down the hall. Kellan and I hurry back the way we came only fifteen minutes ago, hoping and praying that we don't get caught. Once we reach the end of the hallway Kellan goes one way and I go the other. I'm almost to my cell when Rowan and Marks appear at the end of the hall, glaring at me. I begin playing dumb, looking around the hall, as if I'm lost. When my assigned officers reach me, they're livid.

"Where have you been?" Marks snaps at me. I slowly turn towards him, feeling drowsy. Whatever they put in our food is getting to me, and I don't like that.

"I got lost trying to find my way back to my cell," I lie, staring at the ground. He scoffs.

"I meant before that!" He hisses in response.

"I waited in Dr Yung's office for a while, but you didn't come, and I was hungry, so I found my own way to the cafeteria." Marks is about to lose it on me but Rowan places her hand on his shoulder, telling him to calm down. Then she nods her head towards me, and starts towards my cell. I follow her, and Marks follows me. The whole way down the hall Marks is grumbling inaudible things behind me. Once they've locked me up inside, I can't help but smile. That's three times that I've outsmarted Inspectors. It feels good to know that they're not perfect.

My moment of victory quickly fades away, though, as I remember what we have to do tomorrow. The entire thing is planned out but one wrong move could mean failure for all of us. One mess up, and Uncle Jinx could lose his life. If that happens I'll never forgive myself. I couldn't live with myself. It would be the final nail in my coffin. If something happens to my uncle... I'll let go.
So we can't make a mistake. Everything has got to go as planned. Shutting my eyes, I take in a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the impossible burden that I've been given.
It feels like the weight of the entire world is on my shoulders.


I've been impatiently watching the clock all morning. When the digital time display in my room finally switches from 11:29 to 11:30 I spring into action, stalking towards the door. I pull the plastic card that Mr. Scott gave me out of my pocket, hoping it will work. My hands are shaking as I slide the card against the cold metal. A loud 'pop' echoes off the walls of my cell, and then there's a metallic whirring sound which quickly fades out. Cautiously, I place my fingers on the door handle, testing that the DNA recognition scanners have been shut off. When I don't get stung by electricity I open the door entirely, peeking into the hall. The coast is clear. There aren't any Inspectors or doctors around, and lunch isn't for another half an hour, so all the prisoners are still locked in their cells.

I shut the door behind me quietly, and start towards the Inquisitor's office, where I'm supposed to meet Kellan in exactly two minutes. The typical noises of the Expound fade away and all I can hear is my heart thumping in my chest, threatening to break free. I keep glancing over my shoulder, expecting Merka, or an Inspector, or somebody to be following me. But there's nobody. Whatever distraction Reglin and the others pulled must've have been pretty good to get all the faculty away from the area we needed to be in. Even the security checkpoints are empty. Honestly, it's a little eerie.

As I near the Inquisitor's office I slow my pace, peering around the corner to see if anybody is there. There's no one, so I continue down the hall. A few moments later I'm joined by Kellan who looks equally queasy about doing this. We stop in front of the door to her office and I turn towards Kellan, shaking. I have to keep it together.

"I don't know if I can do this," I whisper honestly. My words are dripping with resignation and fear.

"Everything will be fine. Besides, your uncle's life is in our hands, "Kellan reassures, taking my hand in his, squeezing it tight, "We have to do this." His words are reassuring. I give a slight nod before he steps up to the door, using his card to disable the lock on the Inquisitor's door. When nothing happens Kellan breathes a string of vehement curse words.

"Why isn't it working this time?!"

"I don't know. Maybe there's another way in?" I suggest, looking around. There isn't a keypad or a fingerprint scanner or anything. Just a door that requires a traditional key- something that nobody uses anymore.

"That's really odd," I state for no reason other than to have something to say. The silence is bone-chilling.

"Maybe it's not locked," Kellan suggests, placing his fingers on the handle. He stumbles backwards, almost falling to the ground as he gets shocked. He curses as he regains his composure, glaring at me as I stifle my laughter.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" I ask. Kellan nods, flexing his fingers which are probably going numb.

"How are we supposed to get the stupid files if we can't even get into the office?!" Kellan complains, still whispering. He runs his shaky hands through his thick blonde hair, and he begins pacing back and forth, trying to calm himself down. I'm staring at the words written on the door, trying to think of something when I realize that there's a small opening next to the door. It's about the size of the card Mr. Scott gave me. I step forward, taking the card from my pocket and I slip it into the slot. A few seconds pass before we hear the door unlock. I grab the card and Kellan gingerly tests the handle before opening the door.

The office is empty aside from a desk with three chairs and a couple of abstract pictures on the wall. Everything feels so much more sterile in here than in the rest of the Expound. It's sickening.
Kellan lets out a nervous laugh, as if he can't handle the pressure of this. I don't blame him. Neither can I. I'm doing this for Uncle Jinx. I have to remind myself of this as I walk towards her computer, trying to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Scott didn't give us any pass code, did he?" Kellan asks, his words ridden with anxiety. I shake my head.

"No, but I'm willing to bet that these cards he gave us will unlock it. It's opened everything else up so far," I reply, searching for some slot or insert. There's nothing on the keyboard, and I don't see any slots big enough on the actual screen. I cry out in frustration, trying not to pull my hair out. Mr. Scott never should have sent us to do this. It's too much pressure for two mentally unstable people. I mean, whatever medication they give us has really messed me up since I've come here, and I'm sure it's done the same thing to Kellan. This is too much.

"I can't handle this!" I shout, dragging my hands down my face. I'm freaking out right now, shaking and hyperventilating and my heart won't stop pounding. This is the first time I've severely felt the effects of the medicine. Kellan looks like he's going to be sick and he too is shaking. They're starting to get to us. We have to stop.

"They're getting to us, "I affirm, meeting Kellan's gaze. He nods solemnly, staring down at his shoes.

"We need to calm down. We have to get out of here," I add quietly. He swallows and gives a bit of a nod as he tries to think of a way to hack into the computer. Valuable seconds tick by as we try everything we can think of to get into the data base. Nothing is working.

"Maybe this will unlock it," Kellan finally suggests as he reaches into his pocket and produces the small card, handing it to me. I stick the card in the obvious slot for it, and the lock screen fades away, showing the home screen.

"It worked!" I exclaim before staring blankly at the screen. What am I supposed to do now?

"Where do you think the files are kept?" I ask, feeling lost. I've never used a computer before.

"I think I know. You keep watch, I'll download the files." Kellan and I switch places as the usual sirens begin to blare. They know we're not in our cells.

"Oh for dreamer's sake! Are we ever going to catch a break?!"

"Apprently not," Kellan replies through gritted teeth, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he frantically searches for the files we're looking for. I begin searching for something to use as a weapon in case anybody finds us. My only options are a coffee mug or the placard on the Inquisitor's desk. I frown. Neither will do much damage against Kevlar and electro-batons. Looks like we're out of luck. Each painstaking second ticks by, measured by the clock hanging above the door. With each 'tick' my heart pounds faster. Drops of sweat slide down my forehead as I anticipate the most likely end. My chest is tight, my breathing is sporadic and uneven. Why can't I calm down? I wipe my clammy hands against my pants, taking a peek out into the hall. Nobody is coming. Yet.

"Have you found them yet?" I ask, turning towards Kellan. My words are panicked.

"Yeah. Just have to find one more... there you are!" Kellan exclaims victoriously as he downloads the last file. He pulls the card out of the slot and smiles at me.

"Got it!" I smile back, and I can relax a little. But our celebration is short -lived as the door slams shut behind us. Terror has seized every part of my body. Kellan's eyes are wide with fear, telling me that I don't want to know who's behind us. I hear the scuff of their shoes as they step close, letting out a cynical laugh.

"I should be surprised, but given your track records, I assumed that you the two of you would have pulled a stunt like this at some point." I shut my eyes, letting out a deep sigh of defeat. Of all the people who could have walked in on us, it had to be Dr Ripley.

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