I've Waited All My Life (Bria...

By iluvsws_ptv

2.7K 74 9

Jacky is just a normal fifteen-year-old girl until she meets Brian, who instantly falls in love with her. The... More

Can You Find Me In The Midst Of A Crowd?
Do You Think Of Me Now?
You And I Could Be The Best Of Friends
Shouldn't Be So Complicated
Do You Dream Of Me?
Why Did We Say Goodbye?
Begin Again
I'd Turn Around And Come Back To You
Last First Kiss
I Always Give My Love To You

Funny, Cute, and Kissable

263 7 0
By iluvsws_ptv


“You’re coming to the show tonight, right?” Brian questioned, with hope in his eyes. I hated to have to let him down and tell him that I wasn’t planning on going.

“Well, I don’t have tickets…” I trailed off, hoping he wouldn’t be mad. His face immediately fell and his eyes went to the ground as if he was thinking.

“Wait, I can get you in if you want to come,” he exclaimed, his adorable face lighting up again. Again, those beautiful green eyes were full of hope. I looked back at him, still unsure. I’d have to ask my parents and I didn’t know what they would say. “You can being your friend and you can even stand on the side of stage,” he added, as if trying to bribe me.

“Well, I can’t say no to that,” I replied with a smile. He grinned back at me, making me glad I had said yes. He literally had the cutest smile I had ever seen. “Let me just call my parents and tell them not to wait up,” I added taking out my phone and stepping away from him. I could tell Brian was older than me, but I didn’t know how much older. He probably thought I was being childish by calling my parents. I had no idea how old he thought I was, either. I guess now he knew I was kind of young. Most adults don’t need to call their parents before going to a concert.

“Hi, honey,” my mom greeted after a few rings. I could see Brian talking to Jackie, probably asking her if she wanted to go to the show, too.

“Hey, Mom. Would it be ok if I went to a concert tonight with Jackie?” I questioned, hoping she would say yes without too many questions. If I had to tell Brian that my mom said I couldn’t go, I would be really embarrassed.

“Do you have tickets?” she asked. It was obvious by her tone,she didn’t want to give in, but she really couldn’t come up with a good reason to say no.

“Well, no, but we met one of the band members and he’s really nice and he said he could get us in,” I responded uncertainly. I knew she wouldn’t approve of me being friends and maybe having a crush on a band member.

“Jacky, he’s a guy. He most likely just wants to get in-”

“Mom!” I exclaimed, cutting her off. “He does not want to do that! He’s really sweet. He even invited Jackie and I to have lunch with him and the rest of his band,” I responded defensively. I hated when my mom group the whole male population together into one big group of perverts.

“I just don’t want anything to happen to you, Jacky. I’m just looking out for you,” she replied, her voice growing soft. I swear, sometimes my parents still acted like I was a baby.

“Mom, I’m fifteen not five. I can take care of myself and anyway, Jackie will be there,” I argued. I was hoping Brian hadn’t heard me say that I was fifteen. I didn’t need him to think I was a baby when I was thinking that we might be able to become good friends.

“Ok, you can go, Jacky, but be careful and don’t do anything you’re gonna regret,” she said sternly. I let out a sigh, half in relief, half in annoyance.

“Thank you, mom. I’m not sure how many bands there are so don’t wait up,” I told her excitedly. If I could’ve reached through the phone and given her a hug, I would have.

“Ok. Have fun honey,” she told me before we said our goodbyes and hung up. I could feel a smile curl onto my face as I walked back over to Jackie and Brian.


With Jacky standing on the side of the stage, I knew the show was going to be awesome. I was starting to think that Jacky was pretty young when she said she had to call her mom, but I wasn’t sure I should ask. I mean, I did really like her and I could see us as a couple, but I wanted to be able to keep my crush a bit longer without knowing her age. I was ind of afraid that I would ask and she would be underage and my dream of us getting together would be stomped on. I just really wanted her to like me back.

“Were we terrible?” I questioned sarcastically when I was backstage after we played. Jacky gave me a grin as I gulped down some water.

“Well…” she trailed off, looking up at me playfully. By the smile on her face, I could tell  she was only joking, which was good since I was trying really hard to impress her.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, putting on fake hurt. My mouth formed a dramatic O shape, making her giggle. She had the cutest laugh.

“I’m just kidding. You guys were great,” she told me after she was done laughing. She still had that beautiful smile on her face when I looked back down at her. My eyes locked on her gorgeous chocolate eyes and I suddenly had this strong urge to kiss her, but I knew I couldn’t. Not only could it be illegal, I had just met her. Who’s to say she didn't already have a boyfriend?

“Good,” I replied, wiping the sweat off of my face with a nearby towel. I knew if I didn’t break eye contact, I would end up giving in to my temptation.

“So, we’re gonna be in town tomorrow. Do you maybe want to, uh, do something together?” I questioned after a long pause. I looked down at her hopefully. It didn’t have to be a date. I just wanted to see her again before we left.

“Yeah, sure. That’s sounds nice,” she replied with a smile and a nod. I smile back after letting out a sigh of relief. I knew I would really regret it if we left town before I saw her again.

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