Capturing Oliver (BoyxBoy)

By beautiful_and_damned

413K 22.8K 4.3K

{Completed} After a handsome stranger stumbles into his photoshoot, Aiden Collins decides to do something abs... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Eight

14.8K 878 185
By beautiful_and_damned

Aiden checked that he was at the right address before he left his car. He was halfway between the city and where he lived, in a small suburb, where houses were placed far from each other on relatively large spaces of land. He got out of his car and walked towards the house. It was quite simple looking, with red brick walls and a large metal roof that sloped slightly downward. The archway windows which faced the street were huge, with thick wooden borders around them. Aiden walked over the bright green grass and found the path leading to the door. It was made up of large grey pavers that were haphazardly placed against the grass, creating an intricate path to the front door. To Aiden, it reminded him of the kind of house that an artist would live in, someone who collected abstract art and sculpted clay in their living room.

Aiden knocked on the large wooden door that seemed to tower over him. He waited for a few moments before the huge door slowly opened. It seemed heavy, the way it slowly pulled away from him with resistance. Oliver stood in the entryway. He wore a maroon coloured sweater and jeans. His expression was hard to read. Aiden felt overcome with a strange emotion. He wanted to know what Oliver was thinking but he knew that he would probably never know what the boy was thinking. Oliver was a closed book. He had been from the moment that they had met, and yet, Aiden felt like it was his duty to open him up and have a look at what made him tick. It was a weird feeling and it intrigued Aiden.

"You came," Oliver said. His tone was just as unreadable as his face was. Aiden wasn't surprised.

Aiden nodded. "I said I would."

Oliver bit at his lip for a few seconds. "I wasn't sure if you would."

There was a silence between them. The cold air hit Aiden from behind, making him want to walk into the house. Oliver, however was still standing in the doorway. "I'm not mad at you, if that's what you think," Aiden replied.

Oliver nodded in understanding. He stepped out of the doorway and motioned for Aiden to enter.

Aiden almost gasped when he stepped inside the house. The floors were shiny timber that made deep noises when his shoes hit them. The inside of the house was simple but stunning. The house was almost one huge room, with the living room and dining room all in front of Aiden and a huge kitchen to the side. The colours were darks and lights, a few grey tones mixed in. Aiden glanced to his right, where he saw a huge staircase that led up to the second level which was only half the size of the first level and hung over them, held up by beams.

"This place is amazing," Aiden exclaimed. He practically spun around to get a better look at it all. He wanted to ask Oliver how he could afford a place like this, but he wasn't sure if he would get a truthful answer.

"Do you want a coffee? Oliver asked. Aiden nodded. "Follow me."

Aiden followed Oliver through the room and across to the kitchen. He sat down at the huge marble bench and folded his arms across it. The marble was cold against his skin. He looked up towards Oliver, who was playing with some fancy looking coffee machine. It was probably the most expensive thing in this place. Aiden could understand why he had spent so much money on the coffee machine, Oliver did love a good coffee.

"I'm really glad you texted me today," Oliver said. He was facing away from Aiden. The coffee machine in front of him started making noises.

Aiden sat back into his seat. "I'm really sorry it took me so long to message you."

Oliver turned towards him. Aiden was surprised to see sadness in his eyes. "I understand completely."

"You should be mad at me. I kicked you out of my apartment. I had no right to do that," Aiden told him. He looked down at his hands. "I really hoped I haven't screwed this up."

Oliver stepped towards Aiden. He placed his hands against the marble bench. "You didn't screw anything up, I did. You had every right to kick me out of your apartment. I was a dick."

Aiden shook his head. "You were being nice."

The coffee machine stopped and Oliver reached over and grabbed the cup. He placed it in front of Aiden. "Come sit with me," he said.

Aiden held the warm cup in his hands as he followed Oliver to the grey couch that faced a very old looking television. He sat down and curled his legs up under him. He turned towards Oliver, who sat down next to him, and waited.

Oliver's expression was still sad. "I shouldn't have offered to pay your bills, let alone insist. It was none of my business."

"Oliver," Aiden said but something in Oliver's expression told him to listen.

"My father, he used his money to buy love. He did it to me and my sister and my brother. Money used to be such a negative thing to me and so now I try to use it in the most positive ways I can. I donate to charities, I buy my friends lunch, I offered to pay your bills. I thought that I was doing a good thing but a couple of days went by and you didn't call me and I realised that I was solving problems with money, just like my father did."

Aiden couldn't speak for a few moments. That was the first real thing about his past that Oliver had said. It touched his heart in ways that he couldn't express. Oliver was so secretive, in ways that, at times, a person could only do unconsciously. Oliver didn't trust people, it was deep in his bones and hidden in his actions. Yet, today, Oliver had trusted Aiden enough to reveal this piece of himself. Aiden reached over and clasped Oliver's hand for a few seconds and squeezed firmly. "I appreciate what you're saying. You had the best of intentions." He paused for a moment and let go of Oliver's hand. "I'm sorry your father did that to you."

Oliver nodded. His gaze stayed firmly on Aiden's. "What can I do to make things right between us?"

"Nothing," Aiden told him. "We are fine. Can we please just move on?"

Oliver smiled. Aiden couldn't keep his eyes off of that smile.

"Do you want to give me a tour of the place?" Aiden asked as he placed his mug down on the coffee table.

"Sure," Oliver replied. He looked around the room. "You've already seen ninety percent of it though."

"It's an interesting layout, very open plan," Aiden replied. He couldn't help but think of his own crappy apartment with the peeling paint and tiny rooms. He wondered again how Oliver could afford a place like this. The rent wouldn't have been cheap.

"Yeah I designed it myself."

Aiden did a double take. "You own this place?"

Oliver nodded. "Yeah?" he asked like it wasn't even a question.

You must be rich, Aiden thought. What kind of low level IT worker owns his own house at twenty-two?

"Come with me." Oliver motioned towards the staircase.

Aiden followed after Oliver. He linked their hands as they walked. Oliver smiled sweetly over at him. They ascended the staircase and ended up on a small balcony that overlooked the kitchen and living room. There was three doors to their right.

"Bathroom," Oliver pointed towards the first one. "Storage room," he pointed towards the second one. "My room," he said as he opened the door.

Aiden entered the room and a huge smile found its way onto his face. The room was quite simple, a plain king sized bed with black and grey linen was pushed up against the wall, a black desk against the other wall. A build in wardrobe with mirrored doors was next to a door which Aiden assumed led to a bathroom.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Oliver asked, confused. Aiden let go of Oliver's hand and climbed up onto his bed. "What are you doing?" Oliver laughed as he looked up at Aiden who was standing on his bed.

Aiden laughed and pointed towards the wall where one single photo was hung. Aiden's photo. Aiden bounced on the bed with the biggest smile on his face. "You really do like my photos!"

Aiden laughed as Oliver jumped up onto the bed too and tackled him down. They ended up on their sides, limbs wrapped around each other's in a mess of arms and legs. Aiden looked up at the photo. It was a photo of the beach, a boat in the horizon on bright blue water with a deep orange sun rising in the distance. It was the only colour in the entire room. The sight of it made Aiden's heart soar. Suddenly, Aiden was reminded where he was and his gaze flickered quickly down to Oliver's. Oliver was looking at him with the brightest eyes Aiden had ever seen him have. He looked so happy.

"I love your photo," Oliver whispered. "You're the most talented photographer I've ever known."

Aiden kissed him. It wasn't chaste or small, it was deep and loving and Aiden fell into the kiss with everything he had. He wrapped his arm around Oliver and slipped it under his sweater. He felt a tingle in his stomach as his hand felt its way around Oliver's scrupled abbs. He felt Oliver's fingers slide into his hair.

"Please tell me you don't have anywhere to be this afternoon," Aiden muttered against Oliver's hungry lips.

Oliver pulled back for a moment. "I have all the time in the world."

Aiden rolled on top of Oliver, his face hovering just over Oliver's. He couldn't help but think of the bright photo that hung above them, the only piece of true colour in Oliver's world. He felt the same way about Oliver. All the darkness around him, the dead end jobs and lack of money, and then Oliver, a brightness that he hadn't known existed. He felt so complete with Oliver, like he didn't have to care about making rent or if his photos would ever sell again. Yet, there was a piece of him that wondered if Oliver felt the same.

He looked down, into Oliver's wide, open eyes and suddenly knew that Oliver did feel the same. There was a happiness to Oliver's face that he somehow knew wasn't seen by other people. Oliver may not have been totally honest with him, but he was being himself. He had opened up more today than before, and Aiden saw that as a good sign. He lent down and kissed Oliver, pressing their bodies together and was absorbed in the unique feeling of being whole that he only got when he was around Oliver.

An hour later Aiden found himself staring at the celling, Oliver's arm wrapped over his bare stomach. Aiden rolled towards Oliver and watched him. He was so peaceful, his eyes closed with long lashes curled up towards the celling and rosy lips that were just itching to be kissed. Aiden pressed a kiss to his cheek. When Aiden's lips hit his skin, Oliver's bright blue eyes opened.

"Can we just lie here all day?" Aiden asked. His eyes stayed connected with Oliver's.

Oliver started to nod but the rumble of his stomach gave hint to other intentions. "Perhaps I can make us some lunch and then we can get back in bed?" he offered.

Aiden's fingers created intricate patterns against Oliver's tanned skin. "In five minutes," he pled. He wanted more time in this simple embrace, wrapped in Oliver's world. He pressed light kisses to Oliver's neck. "I'm so glad I met you," he whispered between gentle kisses.

Oliver laughed softly. Aiden felt his stomach move under his hand. "I'm glad too. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Aiden paused his kisses. "I am?" he said. He pulled his face back so that he could see Oliver more clearly.

Oliver looked so contented. Aiden felt Oliver wrap his arms around him slowly. "You are."

Aiden pressed a soft kiss to Oliver's nose. "You're too cute, Mr Clark."

Oliver laughed. "Are we on a last name basis now?"

"Yes we are," Aiden replied with a smile.

"Well, in that case, Mr. Collins," Oliver rolled on top of Aiden, causing Aiden to laugh in surprise. "You are way cuter than me."

Aiden tried to tickle Oliver but Oliver saw what he was doing and quickly grabbed his hands. He pressed kisses to Aiden's palms. "Okay, let's go get some food before I starve to death."

Aiden rolled his eyes. He was sure that wasn't five minutes. "Okay," he said.

Oliver got out of the bed and grabbed some clothes. Aiden soon followed. When he was fully dressed he grabbed his phone from where he had left it on the nightstand. He followed Oliver out of the room and into the hallway. He swiped open his phone to see that he had a missed call from Chase. He paused in his steps. "I just have to make a phone call I'll see you down there."

Oliver nodded and continued down towards the staircase.

Aiden pressed the phone to his ear. He watched Oliver walk into the kitchen. He lent with his arm resting on the railing, his eyes cast downwards towards the giant room below him.

"There you are," Chase said as soon as he answered the phone.

"Hey," Aiden replied.

"I called you an hour ago, where are you?" Chase asked.

"I'm just with Oliver, is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah it's all good. I just wanted to see what was going on with you two."

Aiden looked down at Oliver in the kitchen. He didn't want Oliver to hear him. He turned around and opened the closest door, the door to the storage room. He stepped inside, quickly turning on the light. He faced the door. "Yeah we are good. We had a good conversation about everything and we really are okay now. He opened up to me a little bit, which is amazing. I feel like we are finally getting somewhere."

"I'm so glad!" Chase told him. Aiden could tell how sincere his words were.

Aiden smiled into the phone. He turned around so that he could see the room he was in. The room was the size of a spare bedroom, but there was no bed in sight. It was filled with storage boxes and a few old pieces of furniture. He walked around the room a little as he spoke. "I'm so relieved that he and I are finally okay." It was then that he saw it. Aiden's hand flew to his mouth in a gasp. "I have to call you back," he told Chase moments before hanging up on him. Aiden ran from the room, betrayal and disbelief the only emotions that he had left in him as he ran down the stairs, towards Oliver.

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