Aesthetically (3)

By typotropolis

1.8K 289 349

hi im reyna i hate candy corn and tumblr More

team mystic ftw
this app
christmas thing again
the outsiders fucked me up
is,, is anyone else getting this???
school memes
i shouldnt make a joke about this but i mean look at him
its my party and ill cry if i want to
shit man
oh gosj
fricken frick
wicca wicca woo, where are u
I love online shopping, i say, tears running down my cheeks
im kinda curious
✨ i made myself temporarily colorblind ✨
its 5 am
dear lord
quick question
the vibe i get from social medias
whoops lmao
hey hey
happy new years (eve) nerds
cry me a toaster, helen
"i love instagram," i lie, pain in my eyes
palms out, lys

its lenny

30 5 10
By typotropolis

I'm here in reybae's acc to give you this thing I wrote months and months ago

..."Too big of a coward to stand up to me," the woman muttered under her breath. Supposedly remembering why she was there, she turned to meet Thalia's face, holding out a hand for her to take. "You alright?"

"Granted, you did have a gun in your hand," Thalia half-laughed, tears of fear still latching onto her eyes. "I'm just a bit shaken, to answer your question. I'm alright though. Thank you."

"I did what I should have."

Thalia didn't reply, and the other said nothing else, letting an awkward silence grow between them for a moment before the former picked the conversation back up again. She changed the topic as quickly as possible, not wanting to think about what just happened. "Anyways, what would you be doing around here, uh, Harper, was it? I remember you, but why are you back, especially so late? Not that I don't like you, I actually really enjoyed our small-talk from yesterday! Don't get the wrong idea, please. Was something wrong with the flowers?"

"No, they were perfect, to be honest," The taller sighed as she swept a hair behind her ear, "The problem is, they were for my girlfriend, but-" she paused to bring her mind back together. "She stood me up. I found out she was cheating on me too. It was like a horribly cliche romantic film. It's even worse because I hate those."

The florist had no idea on how to comfort this person who was hardly an acquaintance. "Oh, um, I'm really sorry to hear about that," Thalia mumbled under her breath. She was glad that her skin was dark enough to at least partially hide her hot face, or else it would have been much more awkward than it already was. She couldn't help it - pretty girls disoriented her. "Are you sure you don't want to keep them? Y-you can have your money back if you'd like."

"I couldn't. You can keep the bouquet. I don't need it anymore."

"At least take back your money. Wouldn't be right for me to have it."

"I can do without it," Harper declined politely, just as Thalia rushed to open her purse and pull out a twenty dollar bill, "I'm just try'na be nice."

She walked over to her bike not a few yards away to grab the bundle of flowers. Thalia followed suit and reluctantly took the flowers back from the motorcyclist. "Well, uh, I've gotta go. Hope to see you around. Maybe we could hang out sometime?"

Thalia was shocked. A girl she only met yesterday was asking about hanging out. It was highly likely she meant platonically, since she didn't think herself all that attractive or worthy of her, yet she was still smiling like an idiot on the inside in hope. All she could bring herself to answer with was a nod. Good enough apparently, because Harper smirked and sped off.

The next day Thalia was jingling her keys around, trying to find the right ones to unlock the store's front. It wasn't even opening time. She hadn't a reason why, she just felt the need.

"Come on," she hissed at the keychain. "Where are you?"

"Where's who?"

Thalia could've sworn she jumped out of her skin in its entirety when she heard that voice. She was surprised to see it was the same girl from last night leaning up against her parked bike, staring right at her. The same smug grin that made the shorter want to kiss her so much was plastered on her face. Wait, kiss her? What was she thinking! It's hardly been two days since she met this chick and she was already thinking about how the foreplay would go down.

"I was just talking to my keychain. It's a pesky thing," Thalia managed to stutter out with a giggle. "I can't seem to find the right key."

"No need," Harper assured her, "You won't be opening up today."

Blood rushed to Thalia's face in that split second. "Wh-what do you mean by that?"

"You're coming with me. How're you on motorcycles, by the way?"

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