Obsessions | A Zuko Love Stor...

由 OriginalReh

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Discontinued. Disclaimer, I do NOT own Avatar the Last Airbender, only the characters I create. ... 更多

Chapter One: A new begining ✨
Chapter Two: The Banished Prince 🔥
Chapter Three: The Avatar Returns 🌬
Chapter Four: The Southern Air Temple 💥
Chapter Five: The Warriors of Kyoshi 🌅
Chapter Six: The Spirit World (Solstice Pt. 1) 🐉
Chapter Eight: The Waterbending Scroll 🌊
Chapter Nine: The Storm 🔥
Chapter Ten: The Blue Spirit👹
Chapter Eleven: Bato Of The Water Tribe🗺
Chapter Twelve: The Waterbending Master💥
Chapter Thirteen: The Siege Of The North Pt 1✨
Chapter Fourteen: The Siege Of The North Pt 2🌕
Book Two: Chapter One: The Avatar State⚡️
Chapter Two: The Cave Of Two Lovers🍜
Chapter Three: The Swamp/Avatar Day🎶
Chapter Four: Grey Alone/The Chase🔥
Chapter Five: Bitter Work⚡️
Chapter Six: The Desert🌵
Chapter Seven: The Serpent's Pass⛴
Chapter Eight: The Drill☕️
Chapter Nine: City Of Walls And Secrets⚔️
Chapter Ten: The Tales Of Ba Sing Se💋
Chapter Eleven: Lake Laogai⛓
Chapter Twelve: The Earth King🐲
Chapter Thirteen: The Guru♥️
Chapter Fourteen: The Crossroads Of Destiny ⚡️
Book Three: Chapter One: The Awakening🌕
Chapter Two: The Headband💃🏻
Chapter Three: The Painted Lady🌙
Chapter Four: Sokka's Matser/ The Beach🌊
Chapter Five: The Avatar And The Firelord🕯
Chapter Six: The Runaway
Chapter Seven: The Puppetmaster
Chapter Eight: Nightmares And Daydreams
Chapter Nine: The Day Of Black Sun Pt. 1: The Invasion
Chapter Ten:The Day Of Black Sun Pt. 2: The Eclipse
Chapter Eleven: The Western Air Temple
Chapter Twelve: The Firebending Masters
Chapter Thirteen: The Boiling Rock Pt. 1
Chapter Fourteen: The Boiling Rock Pt. 2
Chapter Fifteen: The Boiling Rock Pt. 3

Chapter Seven: Avatar Roku (Solstice Pt 2) ☄️

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由 OriginalReh


I can't believe I ratted the Gaang out. I mean it's not like Zuko wouldn't have found out anyways...

I was just worried about Zuko and Iroh. They had even less sleep than I did. I was also worried about Roku being stuck in the room too long with food or water. It turned out that I didn't need to worry about him, he had gotten into the bag of dried fruit—eating almost half of it and one of the guards I made friends with had brought him water for me. I just hope I made the right choice and didn't majorly mess up anything.

When we reach the ship, Zuko told the helmsman to head for Crescent Island before going to bathe. I went straight to the room to see Roku, who attacked me with kisses and cuddles the instant I stepped in. He calmed down enough when Zuko came into the room.

Zuko fell asleep almost instantly after he laid out on the floor. I knew he was exhausted. It didn't take me long to do the same once I got comfortable, though I did end up jerking awake twice from my nightmares, but at least I didn't fall on him again. After the second time, I rolled over, facing the sleeping prince and placed me hand on his arm before falling back to sleep.

Now, I'm standing on deck next to Iroh while Zuko is in the front, looking through a high powered spy glass. A guard is behind Zuko to the left and we are to the right. I gaze up at the sky, seeing nothing but the white, fluffy clouds.

I'm wearing a dark red, almost black long sleeved crop top that fits like a corset around my ribs. I wanted to make sure my arms were covered when we ran into Zhao; I didn't want him to see that my burn was gone. I'm also wearing some tight red pants with a gold sash belt and some black Fire Nation boots that reach my calves—they are a little big, but I didn't want to chance my other boots getting burnt.

Iroh is both concerned and frustrated, "Sailing into Fire Nation waters... of all the foolish things you have done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish."

"I have no choice, Uncle." Zuko replies without turning around.

I wish I could talk him out of this, but I know there is nothing I could say that would change his mind. I'm also not in the mood to fight with him today, it's already stressful enough.

Iroh can barely contain his anger. "Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you?! What if you're caught?"

Zuko turns around from the spy glass, his tone is determined. "I'm chasing the Avatar. My father will understand why I'm returning home."

Sure he will and I'm the queen of Neptune.

"You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type." He's anger has turned to worry.

Zuko turns back to the spy glass. "There they are!" I gaze up at the sky and just barely make out Appa. "Helmsman, full steam ahead!" He commands before looking back at the object of his obsession.

Before they even take out the catapult, I already have my hand over my nose. Iroh gives me a confused look until the catapult is raised from below onto the deck of the ship. The catapult is loaded with a steaming and smoldering projectile.

Iroh begins fanning himself as he wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Really, Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?"

Zuko shoots a fire ball at the projectile and it ignites. He raises his arm in the the air as he turns to look back at Appa. "On my mark......... Fire!"

A Fire Nation soldier cuts the catapult's rope and the fiery projectile is hurtled into the air. I begin playing with my nose ring, something I tend to do when I'm filled with anxiety. Appa swerves just in time and the fire ball sails over his head.

Suddenly, I remember what happens next and I step closer to Zuko. "Umm... we are going to have a problem." I say as I point ahead and three seconds later it comes into view.

His golden eyes widen. "A blockade!" We can see a double line of Fire Nation war ships stretching over the horizon.

Iroh is pulling on his beard thoughtfully. "Technically you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you." Zuko glares at his Uncle and I just want to reach over and slap him. His uncle is only trying to help him. Why can't he see that?

"He's not turning around." Zuko asserts firmly.

If I didn't know what was going to happen, I'd say he is going to get us killed. I decide to just keep my mouth shut.

"Please Prince Zuko, if the Fire Nation captures you, there is nothing I can do." He pleads. "Do not follow the Avatar." Iroh raises his voice, sounding angry again. "What about Grey? Are you really going to put her in danger? After all she has done to protect you?" Zuko gazes over at me and his eyes look sad.

I reach out and place my hand on his shoulder. "Iroh, it's okay. There is absolutely nothing either of us can say to change his mind. You know how stubborn he is." I look a Zuko with a sad smile.

Zuko bows his head, and his shoulders tense. "I'm sorry, Uncle, Grey." Turning to his helmsman, he points forward, "Run the blockade!"

After a moment, I walk over and grab his hand, he looks down at me in surprise. I reach up with my free hand and gently touch his cheek, just under his scar as I stare into his topaz eyes. "You're already forgiven. We are in this together."

All of the anger is wiped away from his face and he looks at me with an expression I can't place. The static pull is so strong that I have to be closer, I place my head on his chest as I hug him. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other in my loose hair as he hugs me back.

After several seconds, I pull away before we get too close to the blockade. I don't want Commander Weasel to see how much I care for Zuko. I'm sure if he knew, he'd use it to his advantage like he does with everything else.

Fire balls begin sailing towards Zuko's ship, crashing into the water around us. A soldier is trying to keep his balance as the ship is rocked by waves created by the fireballs hitting the water close to the ship. One fireball lands extremely close to the ship and generates a wave that breaks across the deck.

Another fireball hits the back part of the ship. Prince Zuko braces himself against the catapult as I go flying into the railings. Ouch. That will be a bruise tomorrow, but at least I didn't fall overboard. Zuko looks back to make sure I am okay before he turns towards the front of the ship.

The engine master calls to Zuko, pointing to the billowing fire and smoke behind him. "Prince Zuko, the engines are damaged! We need to stop and make repairs!"

Zuko turns back towards the front of the ship. "Do not stop this ship."

I walk forward, standing next to him and Iroh again. Prince Zuko's ship is approaching the Fire Navy's blockade. We travel closer, the ships of the blockade move towards each other in order to bar our way.

"We're on a collision course!" Iroh states, worried.

Zuko exclaims in a driven tone. "We can make it!"

I clench my fists at my sides as we move closer. The ships in the blockade come to a halt, allowing Zuko's ship to slide easily through. I can see Zhao staring at us as we quickly pass by. I glare at him until he is behind us. Dark black smoke billows from the back of the ship.

Iroh looks at the blockade fading into the distance, his expression is pensive and strokes his beard. I feel like my anxiety is going to choke me as I begin to twist my nose ring again. The worst has yet to happen.

"What's he up to, Uncle?" Zuko's hand clenches the rail hard, looking to his uncle. "Why didn't Commander Zhao arrest me?"

"Because he wants to follow you. He knows you'll lead him to the prize you're both after... the Avatar." Iroh answers after another moment of thought.

"If Zhao wants to follow our trail of smoke, then that's exactly what I'll let him do." He says confidently before he glances at me, but when he sees that I'm already looking at him, he quickly looks away.

---------Time skip brought to you by stinky, fiery projectiles---------

Smoke is still pouring out of the damaged rear engine. Zuko has instructed the crew to open the back hatch of the ship. A smaller vessel is being lowered into the ocean. I follow behind them to the smaller boat.

"Uncle, keep heading north. Zhao will follow the smoke trail while I use it as a cover." Zuko instructs as he looks at the thick smoke.

He grunts, strokes his beard and shakes his head, disapprovingly. Then he looks over at me. "Grey, go with Zuko. It will be safer for both of you to be together."

Zuko is about to object but I hold my hand up to him. "I wouldn't have it any other way!" I smile at him and give I'm a hug as I whisper in his ear. "Don't worry, I'll keep him safe." Ignoring Zuko's look of anger, I jump into the smaller boat.

"Hmmmm." Iroh hums with a ghost of a smile on his face as the smaller ship is being deployed.

It lands safely in the water and we disappear into the smoke. I hold the sleeve of my shirt against my nose, trying to filter the air as we travel towards Crescent Island. The two of us remain silent the entire way to the shore. When he docks the vessel, I stand and walk to the side, reading myself to exit when Zuko stops me.

He grips my arm firmly and his voice is hard. "I want you to stay here."

I glare up at him, "Uh, no. I'm coming with you."

He glares back at me. "You are staying here even if I have to tie you to this boat!" He snaps at me with anger. Ugh! Why does he have to be such an asshat?

"Fine! But you will regret making me stay here!" I snap and turn my back to him. I'll just go anyways.

He doesn't say anything as I feel the boat rock with his departure. I turn back a watch him disappear up the stone stairs towards the tall temple. When I'm sure he's gone, I jump out of the boat and follow him. I've only taken a handful of steps when I feel like someone behind me. I start to turn around, but everything goes black.

Someone slaps me hard, waking me and I realize I have a guard on each side of me, each holding one of my arms in a tight grip. I can see Commander Shithead walking purposely in front of me, leading us up the staircase inside of the Fire Temple. I really want to hurt this fucking man!

I can now hear Zuko speaking. "Why did you help the Avatar?"

"Because it was once the Sages' duty. It is still our duty." A rough male voice replies.

I hear Zhao's hands clapping. "What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him."

One of the Fire Sages bows. "Commander Zhao..."

"And Prince Zuko, it was a noble effort. But your little smoke screen didn't work. Two traitors, in one day, the Fire Lord will be pleased. I believe you left a little something outside." Zhao says smugly as he moves out of the way to reveal me.

I see Zuko's eyes grow huge with... fear? I look away and see Sokka and Katara chained to the middle pillar, both of them are staring at me as well. I give them a slight smile.

"Let her go Zhao, she has nothing to do with this!" Zuko says in a dark, demanding tone. Sokka looks between Zuko and I before it appears as if he has figured something out.

Oh, lord, I wonder what crazy idea he has now.

"Oh, Prince Zuko, I find that very hard to believe. Besides," he pauses, looking over at me with an evil grin, "I still need to teach her a lesson." I see both Zuko and team Avatar's eyes grow huge as the prick approaches me.

When he's in reaching distance, I use the two idiot guards as leverage and kick him in the chest with both of my feet. He's stumbles back a few steps. The guards tighten their hold on me as Zhao strides enraged, back in front of me and slaps me hard across the face.

"When I leave here, I'm taking you with me, little girl. You're going to wish I killed you!" Fear and fury shoot throughout me. Little girl? I glare at him, determined not show fear to this sorry excuse of man.

One of the Fire Nation soldiers moves towards Zuko and grabs him. Zuko struggles against him, but he is forced to the large pillar that I'm being lead to. They place me in between Katara and Zuko before chaining us up as well.

I turn my head towards the Water Tribe siblings and whisper. "It's good to see you again Team Avatar."

"You're too late, Zhao. The Avatar's inside and the doors are sealed." Zuko barks, drawing my attention.

"No matter." He replies confidently and walks over to the sealed doors. "Sooner or later, he has to come out."

"Good luck with that," I mutter under my breath. Sokka and Katara exchange worried glances and I whisper to them again. "Don't worry, he'll be fine."

All of a sudden I have this strange, intense tingling feeling shoot through me and I let out a gasp. I see Zuko look down at me just before I involuntarily close my eyes.

When I open them again, I'm in a standing on a large cliff that's surrounded by white fog and standing in font of me is Avatar Roku and Aang.

"I have something very important to tell you, Aang. That is why, when you were in the spirit world, I sent my dragon to find you." He pauses and looks at me. "Ahh, this is important for you as well, Grey." Aang turns to look at me with surprise as I walk up and give him a hug.

"It's really nice to see both of you again." I reply as I stand besides Aang.

Aang turns back to Roku, "Is it about that vision? The one with the comet?"


"What does it mean?" Aang asks almost desperately.

The light from the mountain range fades into a beautiful starry night. The comet slowly crosses the sky behind Avatar Roku as he begins to speak. "One hundred years ago, Fire Lord Sozen used that comet to begin the war. He and his firebending army harnessed its incredible power and dealt a deadly first strike against the other nations."

Aang furrows his eyebrows. "So the comet made them stronger?"

"Yes. Stronger than you could even imagine." Roku answers ruefully.

"But that happened a hundred years ago. What does the comet have to do with the war now?" Aang ask, sounding confused.

"Listen carefully." Roku's voice becomes severe. "Sozen's comet will return by the end of the summer. And Fire Lord Ozai will use its power to finish the war once and for all." His eyes flicker to me for a moment before returning back to the boy next to me. "If he succeeds, even the Avatar won't be able to restore balance to the world. Aang, you must defeat the Fire Lord before the comet arrives."

Aang's voice is full of stress. "But I haven't even started learning waterbending, not to mention earth and fire." I place my hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

The movement doesn't go unnoticed by Roku as he speaks. "Mastering the elements takes years of discipline and practice. But if the world is to survive, you must do it by summer's end. Grey will be there to help you along the way, she will be of great use to you in time."

Roku's eyes settle on me now. "Grey, I know you have many questions. I don't have enough time to answer them all, but here's what I can say. By now, I trust you know that you are no ordinary firebender—you can do things that even firebending masters can't do."

I smirk, and my tone is knowing. "That may have came up."

"Your fire can heal yourself and others if that's what you intend." He pauses and looks at both of us. "Part of your destiny in this world is to protect the Avatar," we glance at each other, both surprised. "But as of now, your destiny is to stay with Prince Zuko. You must complete your firebending training in order to do what you must when the time comes. You are connected to the Avatar, Spirit World, and Prince Zuko. In time you will understand, now it is time for you to go back and prepare your escape."

I bow to Roku. "Thank you, Avatar Roku." I hug Aang one more time, "Good luck Aang."


I hear a gasp, my head immediately snaps towards Grey and I can see her eyes close and begin glowing behind her eyelids. Is she okay? Is she in the spirit world again? I whisper her name, trying not to draw attention to her, but she doesn't reply. All I can do is stare at her, feeling powerless.

Grey was right, I really did regret leaving her in the boat the instant I saw her restrained by Zhao's soldiers. I was terrified that he would hurt her again and worse than before. I have to get her out of here.

From now on, I plan on keeping her in eye sight or arms reach so I can protect her. I admit it, I really like her. There is something about her that calls to me. Somehow she has become important to me. She is unlike anyone I've ever met, kind, fierce, and absolutely trustworthy.

I look over at Zhao as he gives out a command. "When those doors open, unleash all your firebending power."

The waterbender next to Grey asks, "How's Aang going to make it out of this?"

"How're we going to make it out of this?" The guy asks in return.

I roll my eyes at them, then I look back at Grey, staring at her symmetrical face, hoping for her beautiful, smoky gray eyes to open. Almost a full minute later, they finally reopen and I am the first thing she looks at, a small smirk crosses her face. I can't help but smirk back at her. Good, if she's smirking, then she's okay.

We all see a bright light coming from under the doors and Zhao begins to yell. "Ready..."

The light fades rapidly as the doors begin to fully open, two large glowing eyes are visible in the dark of the sanctuary. Smoke emanates from the sanctuary into the room.

"No! Aang!" The water tribe girl screams.

Grey turns to her. "Don't worry, he will have Avatar Roku, he will be safe."

Is she insane? There is no way he will be safe.

"Fire!" Zhao orders.

He shoots a fire blast into the sanctuary along with all of his men. The fire blasts are not entering the sanctuary; instead, they are being held at the door and manipulated into a gigantic ball of swirling fire. It slowly begins to open and at the heart of the fire ball is Avatar Roku, his eyes glowing. Grey was right... Again. I glance at her and she has an angelic smile on her face.

Avatar Roku draws the fire ball back towards himself, then shoots it out into the room. Zhao and his soldiers are knocked rigorously to the floor. The heat of the blast melts the chains, releasing us from its hold. I instantly reach over, grabbing Grey's hand, pulling her to me. I lift her up easily and sling her over my shoulder before I take off running the way I came.

"Hey! I can run, you know." She shouts, but I just keep running.

I don't stop until I reach the boat. Once I'm inside, I set her down and navigate us back towards my ship. As we are sailing away I look up to see the Avatar and his friends flying away.

I turn back to Grey, she's just watching me with intense eyes. "You were right. I do regret leaving you, I should have listened to you. I'm sor–" she throws her arms around me tightly and I return the gesture. "I guess this means you forgive me?" She nods into my chest.

She looks up at me after several seconds. "From now on, wherever you go, I go. Understand?" Her velvety voice is serious.

I use her words from earlier, as I smirk down at her. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

She smiles and she cups my right cheek this time. I lean my face into her hand a fraction, she blushes and bites her low lip. My eyes focus on her soft looking, pink lips. Should I? What if she only sees me as a friend? What if I try and ruin our friendship? A friendship that I don't want to lose now that I've found it. But... what if she likes me too? Could she feel that electric pull like I do every time I'm near her?

Just as I decide to lean down towards her mouth, she glances away and speaks. "Look, there's your ship." She points.

I reluctantly pull away from her slightly and look to where she's pointing. My gaze finds it without difficulty, is still spewing black smoke. I should have just kissed her. I mentally punch myself as she moves to the other end of the boat.

Then I remember something. "Did you go into the Spirit World back there?" I walk over to stand next to her. Her hair has come out of the braid she put it in before we left my ship and it's dancing in the wind. She is so beautiful.. enough! Time to focus on something else. I shout at myself.

"Yes, Roku told me a little bit about my destiny." She turns her head and looks up at me again, meeting my gaze. "He said I must complete my firebender training to be able to complete my destiny. That with my fire, I can heal myself and others if that how I intend to use it. That I'm connected to the Spirit World, the Avatar, and..," she lets her sentence die off as she looks away.

"And what?" I ask, turning her head back to me.

She takes a deep breath before her ash colored eyes clash into mine. "And you. I'm connected to you and I am to stay with you. He said in time, I will understand." She says faster than normal.

Shes connected to me? Is she nervous? Do I make her nervous? Or does this information upset her?

Before I could do or ask anything else, we reach my ship. The back is still down waiting for our return. She jumps out of the boat and runs up the ramp of the ship and picks up Roku—who is waiting for her.

"I'm going to go see if Uncle has some tea." She looks back at me with a small blush staining her cheeks. "Want me to make you a cup, Ponytail?"

I shake my head no. "After your tea, we are going to work on your bending." I inform her. If it's her destiny to master her firebending, I will help her master as best as I can. Maybe we could master it together.

She smirks, rolling her eyes. "Yes, your highness." She laughs as she walks away.


What is wrong with me? I almost embarrassed the hell out of myself today. I almost kissed him. When he leaned his head into my hand the static pull became so strong that it was almost tangible. He probably would have fried me on the spot.

I really want to kiss him, though. But if I did, would that mess up his destiny? Would that mess up my own destiny? Destiny, destiny, destiny... Ughhh. I need to get a fucking grip.

I put out my cigarette and walk back to the room. When I step inside, he's still asleep. I carefully kneel down next to him and lightly touch his cheek. "The Avatar is on deck." I whisper to him and there's no reaction. Then I say what I've been wanting to say for the past few days. "If only you knew how much I like you, Ponytail." I bend down the rest of the way and gently kiss his cheek.

I get up and crawl back into the bed, Roku jumps up on her chest and looks at me. "What Roro? Are you going to try to keep the nightmares away?" I smile at him as he curls up on my chest and close my eyes.

It feels as if I was asleep for ten minutes before I wake up screaming. Zuko flies up off the floor, searching for danger. When he doesn't find any, he looks at me.

"Nightmare?" He asks softly, his eyes are warmer than usual.

I nod as he sits on the bed next to me and I wipe my face. "Will you... will you sleep with me?" When I realize what I asked, I backtrack. "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to... I shouldn't hav.." he puts his forefinger to my lips, silencing me.

"Yes." He lifts the blanket and lies down beside me, pulling me into his strong arms. I rest my head on top of his chest and wrap my arm around his waist. Having myself wrapped in his arms like this is the most comforting thing I've felt in a very long time.

"Thank you, Zuko." I say sincerely, entirely grateful he is doing this for me.

He slides his fingers through my hair, setting a soothing rhythm and I drift into a nightmare-less sleep for the first time since I could remember.

October 29, 2017. This chapter has been edited and I've added a few new things but not much. Vote and comment my lovelies!



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