So you think you can Skate?

By Seokmedaddy

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" I want to skate" "And how do you plan on doing that?" "Easy, work my ass off till I do it" (Yuri P. x Yuri... More

See you again
This is why i dont smoke
Cant let go
Left behind
New adventure
Settleing in
Dancing in The Chains of a broken Promise
New Arrivals
Yuuri Time

New Day, New Life

246 9 12
By Seokmedaddy

Present day~

I ran away from Russia even though I knew that I would be hated for it, especially by Yuri....

I looked down at the gold Chain I had on my neck under my school shirt, Yuri has the silver one. I gave him that before I left 2 years ago, our way of promising each other that we'd meet again. I quit skating when I left, I remember exactly how the press took it

Flashback again~

"Miss (y/n) Miss (y/n)!"

A female reporter called out to the 13 year old female after the news being out about her early retire

"Do you have any inspiration left in your brilliant mind"

"Ha, more than you know"

"Have you all of a sudden gotten bored of the sport?"

"I would never"

"Is it because being in the ice is a burden to you"

The (h/c) female turned around looking furiously at the crowd of cameramen and reporters. The last comment she heard was the last straw, the words she said blew the whole worlds mind

" I DIDNT QUIT BECAUSE IT WAS A BURDEN! ITS THE OPPOSITE GODDAMNIT! Pochemu ty tak DENSE! Neuzheli ty ne vidish', chto im pytayutsya skazat'?!? IM SLOMAN!"

She ended her words with a single tear down her face, showing the sorrow she felt, even if she was speaking in Russian, she walked out the rink and swore to never compete again, the world could never understand her reasons....

Flashback end~

I wiped my tears at the memory once I heard that oh so familiar voice that I smile at Everytime.


I smirked while running toward the sound of metal clashing against things.

" Hello~ fine gentlemen how might be your morning today~"

I said in a random accent, but the two automatically stopped fighting at the sight of my sarcastic good mood that sent a shiver down there spine, I could smell it.

"Oh, hey (y/n)!"

I smiled wickedly toward one of my best friends shinra, at told him in the most polite voice I could muster.

"Shi-chan, what time is it?"

He gasped after checking his phone and started sweating a lot and started throwing his arms everywhere.

"I-I told them to stop before we were late I-I swear hehehe...."

I just took a deep breath and patted Shinra's shoulder and gave him a genuine smile

"Shinra, of course you did"

I then walked away toward the two curious boys

"Oi, why'd you stop me, I was about to to get a hit on the flea!"

"Oh, hello (y/n)-chan I didn't see ya there, Shizu-chan tried to kill me again~"

I heard izaya said with his infamous smirk and his bottom lip poking out to give himself a fake pouty face, which got Shizuo even more irked then he already was.

"So what are you going to do (y/n)-chan, hmm~"

I swear sometimes I want to kill him, that Baka knows I can, I told all three of them around the end of the school year last year about me being an assassin and the daughter of a Russian Hitman

"Oh, so you want to know"

I jumped toward the two with my hands out ready to punch them both at the same time, they both dodged but I smirked at izaya and came up behind him hand grabbed him by the ear. He seemed shocked but got over it and put on his usual cool face

"Well played (y/n)- ch-"

I pinched his ear even tighter and heard a grunt from him

"Well played"

I looked back to see a pissed off Shizuo


I let go of izaya knowing that he would stay put since I beat him in one of his little games. I walked up to Shizuo and grabbed him by the chin and put his face mere inches from mine and started deep into his eyes, I smirked at this

"I thought you were the one who didn't like violence Heiwajima~"

I saw him lightly blush and look away in embarrassment. I took a step back and giggled at the state he was in.

"Ahhh, the seduction trick never gets old"

I heard shinra say as he put his elbow on my shoulder and smiled at me,

" uhh I think it would be a good idea to get going, we're already late"

Shinra said looking at his watch again disappointedly

" well better get going huh"

Shizuo said while holding his Raira acadamy uniform blazers with his index finger on his back

"Yup! Last thing we need is another one of those baka's to diss us"

Izaya said smirking at the tik mark on my forehead. He knows I'm an otaku and he's trying to get on my nerves by using these terms, I don't know how he does it, but damn, I really hate the fact that I can't bring myself to kill him already.

Time skip to lunch on the roof top brought to you by 'the popular girls'. Fuck every single one of your rached ass Bitches~

"Oh look, it's the whore again~"

"Tsh, look at her, dressed up to fuck or what"

I heard giggles and laughed at the last comment they made. I was making my way up to the rooftop for lunch with izaya since we were in the same class

Izaya stopped walking and looked at me while smirking. Being his weird sadist ass self he wanted me to crack their necks. Yes, our sadist ass selves made out oven hand signals on ways to kill or torture people.

What? We were bored.

I turned around and faced them with a smile on my face.

"Hello girls, how is your day going?"

One of them whispered to her freinds then walked up to me

"Hey miss whores-a-lot how's your side Bitch doing?"

"OHHHH (Y/N) "

I head izayas voice in the background


I yelled back while holding back a laugh

" exactly, so say it back"

I just turned around and saw her 'ACCIDENTALLY' Spill grape juice on my white swatshirt

"Whoops, sorry I forgot that you wernt a wall"

I looked at my cloths that they called 'slutty'

Blue skirt

White and blue striped thigh socks

Blue converse

White sweatshirt and blue beanie

And black glasses

Yeah suuuure, I'm a complete slut

I then Bitch slapped the girl in the face without holding back.

"Whoops, I forgot you weren't a pigs ass"

I sad wile smirking and taking off my sweatshirt revealing my now soaking wet school shirt

The girl gasped the walked away to her friends while I just smiled walking back to the staircase and greeted with a slow clapping izaya

"Congrats (y/n)-chan, you took the bitchs back in the dog house"

I smiled as I went up to the roof too only to be greeted by sunlight and shinra running up to my face and hugging me.


I looked down to where shinra was pointing and noticed my sports tape was coming off revealing my actual chest size

"Hey izaya do you have my bag?"

He tossed it to me with the attempt of hitting the back of my head but I caught it in time

"Nice try, but try harder"

I opened the back and then unbuttoned my shirt, shura quickly looked away with a nosebleed and started yelling at me


I took off my shirt and bandages and put my bra on and extra schoolshirt

"Shinra's right on this one (y/n), changing your uniform twice a day shouldn't be a norm for you, besides, four eyes over here might die from blood loss if you keep showin him your Double D's"

He laughed at the statement he made and then looked at me.

"I swear I sometimes wonder how many times you would have been raped in your lifetime by now if you didn't know how to assassinate people"

I have him a weird look while putting on my blazer

"What do you mean?"

I said while trying to keep shinra in check

"Well, I mean just think about it, remember what happened last year"

I stopped while remembering what happened, I chuckled at the thought of it

Flashback to a few months ago~

"So Shinra got sick from trying to treat shizuos sickness"

I said while walking down the sidewalk with izaya

"Yup, so that just leaves us for the day..."

"Maybe we should go and visit them later, I kinda feel bad..."

As I said that I heard a group of kids from Raira started at us and laugh .
Izaya was confused as to why they were laughing until i stopped walking.

"Hey (y/n)-chan what's wrong "

I looked up to him and saw something I didn't see in him for a long time, a genuine feeling of worry

"Can you kiss me"

Izaya was taken back by this statement

"But I though a girls first kiss was preci-"

"This isn't my first kiss, I already had mine with Plesetsky"

He started laughing

"Wow, I knew you guys were partners but I didn't know That you were loves too!"

"We weren't, I was just tired of the girls teasing me for not having my first kiss yet "

I said bluntly

"Ahh okay I see now, you don't want to tell everyone your true identity so you want to keep it a secret and you want to kiss me instead"

He said while nudging me

"Not nessicerally, but according to everybody else, you are probably the most attractive male at school, not to me though. So I thought 'hey since he's one of my best friends maybe I'll kiss him and the girls at school will Stop teasing me' and so here I am asking you"

I said while coming to a complete stop waiting for his response

"So are you going to help me or no-hmp-"

He grabbed my chin and kissed me passionately On my lips while the other kids across the street halted to the sight of our little make out session.
We then deprecated from the kiss for some air and we were both panting
I wiped my mouth with my sleeve while smirking

"Wow izaya, I had no idea you were a good kisser"

"Heh, that was my first too"

I looked over to him with a smile

"Well then congrats! Your first kiss was by a the best female junior ice skater in the world!"

(Y/n) said while laughing and running ahead to school which was now across the street. Izaya moved his head back and forth while chuckling at his best friends childish habits

Flashback ennnd~

"Yeah I remember that alright, and you were one hell of a kisser"

He laughed at my choice of words understanding the reference that I made

"I bet you kiss like a sloppy drunk now"

I said while laughing out loud at the thought of it. He smirked at that, heh, of course he did

"Wanna make that bet happen? 20 dollars says I'm better"

I turned around at his request and walk towards him, leaning on the fences of the roof. I saw him pull out his money and I started to pull out mine

"Let's shake on it"

He nodded and took my hand to shake it but instead he yanked me toward him and made me kiss him off guard, crap, he has an advantage

Goddamnit that sly fox won.

After out little argue meant I could hear shinra in the background mumbling some thing

"Jeez, Shizuo really needs to see what happens while he's in detention...."




Are you all prood of me or what?!?

Lel I spel lek a chick-FUL-a kow


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