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I just flopped back in the bed and stared at the ceiling while Everest and Nicklaus give me pitiful looks. What actually made me upset is how stupid I was before, all those people who left me in the past did t care about me, and I was always sticking on that thought, being the idiotic female I am, But for me as an assassin to do that, it's just a disgrace! I smiled at the ceiling and then looked toward Nicklaus who was still looking at me, but then Looked to the ground while clenching his fists. I just giggled, causing Everest to flinch as if she is scared, I wonder why. I walked over toward Nicklaus and hugged him and whispered in his ear

"Baka, Do I look that gullible to you? I know Shinra set this up because he cares about me and wants to fake our 'break up' "

He looked up to me with a shocked face and I held his shoulders and smiled at him.

"Besides, knowing izaya's Bitch ass probably had that idea from the start after I called his sisters that day about him reading 50 shades of grey, Mairu practically went crazy!"

I saw Everest slightly giggle and walk over to me and Nicklaus.

"Come on, are we gonna sit here moping all day or are we gonna find a way to kick some ass"

Everest said while smirking and I noticed a glint of excitement in her eyes. Nicklaus and Everest practically dragged me into the living room where there were chips and candy all over the table and I noticed that there was...

I smiled like an idiot while the twins just looked at me smirking. Everest noticed all the food everywhere, she panicked then just did a little Tsh to the side and said

"Tsh!What, a girls gotta eat, got a problem brat!"

She came up to me and Nicklaus with this death glare and then just yelled again


Me and Nicklaus just flat out started laughing, I mean, who wouldn't? That was legit a golden Levi Hecheiu moment


Nicklaus said while holding his stomach while I did the same. Everest eventually started laughing with us. Once all the laughing died down, Everest sat on a seat by herself while me and Nicklaus sat on the couch.

"So Everest, since you were the one who dragged us here, did you have a plan"

She slightly jumped as her eyes widened, she then jumped out of her seat and went into her room, only to come back with a huge box. She set it on the Coffee table and took out a postcard with the picture of a hotspring on it


She then started rambling about how the hotspring a were amazing there and how it was a nice and small area with friendly people. I sweatdroped and raised my hand, I don't know why, it's just that id feel guilty if I cut her off without her letting me. She noticed me then pointed at me.


"Uhhhh, by any chance, did you figure out the base of our problem"

She then got a straight face and took out a map.

"Since Verona is coming from Russia to japan, she will mostly start from Ikebukuro since that is where your public information said that it is where you have last been documented. And since you are an assassin you aren't dumb enough to stay in the same place for long after hearing the news was out, so it would be wise to be out of the country, Buuuuuut~"

I actually was surprised at her sudden change of attitude when it came to battle mode, and it seems that I'm the only one that's shocked because Nicklaus is just smirking at her, as if it was the normal for her. I smiled and let her continue.

"Since hasetsu is writhing japan but far enough from ikebukoro, it's the perfect place to go! Besides, it's small and fragile like an elderly person, there aren't any big company's over there and gangs, more so of the 'country side' Kind of thing, ya know? Soooo what do you think?"

Everest looked toward me with hopeful eyes an Nicklaus just put two thumbs up agreeing 100% with her idea, but since the focus it the plan is me, it was all on my word....

"I say we......



*ohohoh I see you coining connections with Nicklaus I see

Jkjk he's got a boyfriend

Shit did I write that, oh well

More spoilers for you!




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