By OluwayemisiRose

104 22 0

OVERVIEW Have you ever felt like you don't know where you belong or what you want to do with your life w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

chapter 4

7 3 0
By OluwayemisiRose

We walked to the cafeteria, paid for our food, and went to our seats to eat with the rest of our friends who were already sited arguing among themselves. I was staring off into space while shoving food into my mouth until Rita literally, slapped me in the face to get a response from me which basically brought me out of my shock state.

I dropped the spoon I was holding and looked at her in shock along with our friends and the entire cafeteria.

"What the hell." I yelled.

"sorry, but it was getting annoying watching stay in shock. get over it, so Ryan and his clown of a best friend are going to be in our group, you don't see me freaking out because I have to have an actually conversation with smith hunt without trying to choke the guy."

"Oh my gosh! Did you say Ryan and smith her going to be part of your chemistry project?" Vivian said and squealed making me cover my ears.

She has dirty blonde hair with blue eyes and tan skin, 5'6, and a total bomb shell. She's a friend I met through Rita and although she is the most nauseating person sometimes she's not so bad.

most of the time.

author note: the picture is of her.

"pipe down you banshee, I could lose my hearing thanks to you." an African American friend of mine Shantel with black curly hair, brown eyes and a figure 8 body (hot nerd). She came to sit beside me smirking at the glare Vivian was sending her way. she's in my math's, drama, French, and astrology class. while candy and Kelly high-fived her.

they are my other friends, there's -

David (basket ball captain) - dark skin, short dark brown hair, brown eyes and slim physique with a definite six pack which I can attest to because we all went to the beach once and he removed his shirt showing off the lovely body. He's in my drama, math's and French class. A really close friend who has always been there for me no matter what. He can get really protective but that's just because he sees me has a loving little sister.

Dale (football captain) – brunette hair, fair skin, and pale violet eyes which is kind of strange but he works it and a rocking bod from the football team. He's in my drama, home.ec, and French class. Tends to be more conservative, prefers to observe and calculate. Lightweight so he can get pretty wild when given just one beer.

Kelly (prep and dance captain) - Asian with pale skin, short brown hair, grey eyes and has a slim figure from French, home.ec, and drama class. Yoga addict, its the only thing she cares about besides, Justin, us, social life, studies, dance and her parents.

Justin (swim captain) - shoulder length dirty blonde head Italian, tan skin and brown eyes from drama, astrology, and biology class. Jedi freak and tends to give advice in Jedi quotes only.

Candy (Goth and music geek) – brown hair with bangs, pale skin, blue eyes, and heart shaped lips. She's from my art, drama, and music class. Loud, rude and can throw a mean punch but overall she's a softy on the inside.

If you're wondering about the different categorizes of friends we have, its because we don't discriminate, plus its our way of telling cliques they can shove it up theirs.

Though we can barely stand each other most of the time. We're all good friends since junior year and part of student body counsel plus its easier to do our meetings here or on the phone or in each of our houses.

We can have our meetings anywhere because they also come from rich families who thought it was fun to stick their kids in the stupid counsel just so they can brag. The school is in our parents control, well mostly my mum's because she inherited it from grandma when she married dad.

Too long a story to talk about people if you're curious.

"Excuse me, what did you just called me?" Vivian said glaring at Shantel. I rub my temples because they do this every single time they're in the same room.

"Banshee, you know the spirit." Shantel said slowly like she was talking to a child.

"Why you little-." Viv started but Shantel cuts her off.

"Am sorry, dumb blonde says what?" Shantel asks interrupting her.

Vivian being dumb then says "what?" making everybody laugh living her more confused. Shaking my head at her, I wonder how most times she can be really smart then switch to being dumb in a second. I roll my eyes at their same old routine.

"That's what I thought." Shantel says before facing me.

"Hello feisty! Guess who the talk of the school is?" Shantel says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"So what I yelled at Ryan this morning, old news." I shrug nonchalantly to which David laughed at and I throw my apple at him. He caught it mid-air then took a big bite winking at me.

"Who says am talking about this morning." she brings out her I-Phone.

"I received a text not so long ago that our innocent little student body president went bonkers on poor Miss Kelly demanding for a change in her group."

I could hear gasps and choking from both my sides but I just rolled my eyes at them and their behaviour.

"Shit! Is that true?" Dale asked staring at me in shock.

"Nice one." Candy said and we fist bumped.

"How many times have I told you to always channel out your anger through yoga." Kelly said looking at me in disappointment.

Justin nodded saying "yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the force. But beware of the dark side because Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the force are they. Easily they flow, quickly to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wans apprentice." He nodded his head looking at me thoughtfully while we all just stared at him blankly.

"You should listen to him instead of letting the dark princess wannabe influence you." She sneered and we all held our breath waiting for the inevitable drama about to go down. you see candy and Kelly share a love-hate relationship ever since candy ex-boyfriend on which the theory is Kelly was jealous because she liked him also and couldn't stand the two of them together. no matter how much we ask them about what is wrong they never let up, and though I think just like everyone else it has to do with candy's ex. the only thing we're not sure is if it was because she liked him or not.

"What did you just say you little hippy yoga addicted bitch?" she hissed standing up.

Unfazed by her insult Kelly merely looked at her hands admiring her nails "its no wonder jack dumped you. So unrefined and such a fowl temper." She looked up at her shaking her head and we all widened our eyes knowing that was a soft topic for candy.

"When the poor block came to me lost after dating a soul sucker for an entire year, I told him the best thing for him was to cut you off immediately. Now look at him he's so vibrant and full of life or..." She halted smiling evilly seeing her words affect candy little by little "just maybe its because we hooked up right after he. dumped. you." She stood whispering drawing nearer and we all gasped.

Candy grabbed her by the hair and pulled punching her on the face several times before she also retaliated turning it into some serious girl fight. While we all tried to separate them, there were a series of chants going fight, fight, fight.

"Stop!" Christy yelled shutting everybody up in the cafeteria.

Taking a deep breath she turned to the gathered crowd and hissed "dismissed immediately." And everybody scattered going back to their lunch. Like I said tough has nails. But also scary has shit when she wants to be.

Facing us "can you guys not go a day without fighting for one second?" She yelled.

We all looked away not facing her "you guys can leave, seeing all of you is giving me headaches." Knowing better than to argue they all left.

I waved goodbye to David and Shantel telling them quietly I will see them later. We stayed at our table sitting in silence for some minutes before I remembered what she said before about smith which made my earlier anger return.

See Rita and I used to be friends with smith since we were kids and the both of them had been going out during middle school. we were still going through puberty because me and Rita were late bloomers. Smith had grown out of his awkward stage and started hanging out with, now that I think about it, it was Ryan and his friends totally shutting us out and ending his relationship with Rita and our friendship which crushed us.

Rita had tried not to let it show at the time because if there was one thing she hates its being weak and showing her vulnerability. That's how her mother had raised her after her parents divorce.

She got over it after a while because smith had moved and we both grew out of puberty and well she became a cheerleader and a female player because she couldn't maintain another relationship after smith. she says its because she doesn't want to get hurt but I know its because she hasn't been able to love anyone after smith, I mean she was already planning their wedding.

"Wait! That was smith next to Ryan in chemistry? Wow he looks even hotter than before, but I thought he moved to New York in junior year? Is he back already?" I throw one question over the other at her.

She looked at me raising her eyebrows "now you ask!" I shrugged at her.

"I was distracted okay, am sorry." I said letting giving her my best puppy dog face which didn't cut it at all.

"Yeah! because whenever Shantel's in the picture I seem to always be out of it. Some friend!" She remarked snidely.

Looking at her incredulously I scoffed "well excuse me for having a friend. Its not like when Viv is here you don't do the same to me." She at least had the guts to look ashamed.

"Am sorry babe about the attitude, am just not sure how to feel about him moving back to finish the rest of his senior year here. I heard his parents had sent him here to leave with his grandma because he was a trouble maker there, but that's not the point. The point is I have to actually talk to the jerk face again and you know we haven't spoken since he dumped me, I mean us in middle school."

Ignoring her little slip I asked "Why is it a big deal? I thought you had already gotten over him." I smirked and she blushed trying to feign indifference at my question but I knew her better than anyone.

She looked at me and her eyes widened "Not to alarm you but he and Ryan are heading this way." she said making me literally choke on the water I was drinking.

"Why the hell are you so calm? you said smith is coming here also." I asked confused by her calm exterior.

"It's not just them but it seems Derek and Christy are heading here has well. And am not calm about smith, am just hiding my emotions. Am going to deal with him has much has I can, so this stupid project can be done with." she said and I was surprised that she actually admitted that she is still affected by smith that I almost and I mean almost forgot about the people who were heading this way.

"Hey clumsy! we met again. Oh! and nice friends you got, they seem so spirited." the jerk said mockingly has he sat down next to me smirking and damn if the dude wasn't hot.

I didn't bother responding to him already conscious of the others who had settled at our table, and this pretty much draws every ones attention and it was making me so uncomfortable.

Feeling a vibration through my purse I picked it up and opened it bringing out my phone. I unlocked it to see a message notification from Shantel.

From black beauty - What the hell are they doing over there?

From shy queen - I have no idea but I will talk to you later about it k.

From black beauty – oh you better! We will talk later in math's class. P.s tell Rita though I hate her guts, kudos on controlling things. Didn't know she could be a feisty bitch.

From shy queen - :< stop cursing! And I will relay your message.

From black beauty - muahhhh love you too bitch ;). I chuckled and put down my phone only to look up and see everyone was staring at me.

"Excuse me, but it seems you lost your way to your table, it's next to the cheerleaders." I said slowly pointing to the table behind which earn me a glare from Christy, a kick from Rita under the table, a smile from Derek and a smirk from both smith and Ryan.

"Oh really! we didn't notice." Christy said with her voice dripping with sarcasm and rolled her eyes.

At least am off the limelight, so it was totally worth it. I thought smiling.

"Chill Katie, I don't know about Derek and Christy but I and Ryan just wanted to discuss our project with you." smith said has he smiled like we were old friends to which I just glared at him.

"Yeah chill clumsy, we come in peace." the jerk face said has he brought out his phone and handed it to me.

"Your number so we can meet about the assignment." Has I collected the phone typing my number Rita faced Derek and Christy and asked why they were here and what they said shocked the rest of us.

"I wanted to ask Kate on a date."

"I want to ask you girls if you wanted to go shopping with me on Thursday."

They both said at the same time with straight faces, well Christy had a straight face while Derek was simply smiling adorably at me. We were all in shock by Christy's invite because even though she and Rita are both cheerleaders and co-captains they have had this stupid rivalry and hate for each other since elementary. Don't know why, don't care why, but what shocked me more was Derek asking me on a date.

"Why?" I asked and to be honest I wasn't sure who I was asking that question.

I mean I had a crush on Derek but it wasn't to the point of wanting to date him. I don't know why but for some reason when I tend to like a guy and they ask me out instead of being excited I get turned off.

"Don't ask why?" I gave up trying to understand myself long ago.

Rita just gave me a look and smith smiled, they both know my behaviour, seen it for themselves and also gave up trying to change me though Rita was really the only one trying to change my mind at the time. Smith just accepted I was different and he didn't need to beat up guys for messing with his best friend so he just went with it. Derek looked shocked probably not expecting the abrupt question, Christy and Ryan just smirked at my response for some reason though I know Christy's reason, I wonder why Ryan smirked.

"Well you know me and Rita have hated each other since elementary-" Christy said and she turned to me.

"-I just didn't like you because you picked to hang out with Rita but now things have change, I have no desire to continue our rivalry and want us to hang. As for the reason you can come to my place later today and I will tell 'why?'."

She stood up to leave but stayed and turn back to us and said "wait for me after school in the parking lot since we are all neighbours I will be your ride." she went back to join her friends.

Ryan and smith also stood up to leave and said they would catch us at Ryan's house for the assignment and left to their seat at the cheerleaders table.

"Hey! I will call you about the date later and we can talk a bit more okay." Derek said and also left for his seat at the cheerleaders table.

"Did that just happen?" I turned to face Rita who also appeared as shocked as I was.

Rita just nodded and we both turned back to our food with a lot to think about. The bell rang for the end of lunch and we both picked our bags and left the cafeteria headed to our lockers.

Reaching our locker we took out our books and I turned to Rita and said "so see you later in the parking lot after school plus we kind of need to talk and I need some serious advice." I said still confused about what happened at lunch.

"Sure babe, today has been crazy and I need some serious unwinding. we will see what Christy has to say about her strange act of friendship and then focus on our assignment with the guys. And when we get home we are talking about Derek, and you are not going to turn him down yet without giving him a chance." She said giving me a stern look and I just nodded knowing better than to argue with her.

We hugged and went to our classes, she has biology, and I have math's. Has I walked to my class I could already feel a migraine forming, I signed knowing today was far from over.

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