Star Wars Imagines/Preferences

By finnspilot

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The title is self explanatory but I'll be taking requests for imagines/one shots/ preferences for any charact... More

{My Love} - Anakin Skywalker
{Blame} - Kanan Jarrus
{When you kiss} - Preference
{Don't} - Kylo Ren
{Rest} - Captain Rex
{Falling asleep} - Preference
{Finally} - Luke Skywalker
{Safe} - Ezra Bridger
{He wants your attention} - Preference
{Rules} - Obi Wan Kenobi
{Him} - General Hux
{You get caught kissing} - Preference
{Help} - Finn
{Handsome} - Han Solo
{He's jealous} - Preference
{Yes} - Poe
{Hiding} - (Pt.1) - Ezra Bridger
{What he loves about you} - Preference
{Code} - (Pt.2) - Ezra Bridger
{Okay} - (Pt.3 Final) - Ezra Bridger
{[You Think] He's Cheating} - Preference
{Secret} - Obi Wan Kenobi
{Love} - Anakin Skywalker
{Fights} - Preference
{Gone} - Kylo Ren
{Pretend} - Captain Rex
{You Two First Meet} - Preference
{Old} - Poe Dameron/Finn
{Sweet} - Kanan Jarrus
{Your Favorite Candy} - Preference
{Dance} - Obi Wan Kenobi
{Safety} - Anakin Skywalker
{He Asks You Out} - Preference
{Fighter} - Luke Skywalker
{Angry} - General Hux
{Your Favorite Drink} - Preference
{Dark} - Han Solo
{Fall} - (Pt.1 ) - Obi Wan
{You Fall Asleep on Him} - Preference
{Alright} - (Pt.2) - Obi Wan
{Trance} - (Pt.1)
{What He Calls You} - Preference
{Decisions} - (Pt.2)
{Christmas} - Preference
{Rebels} - General Hux
{Spy} - Ezra Bridger
{Please} - Kanan Jarrus
{Jokes} - Anakin Skywalker
{Training} - General Hux
{[You Think] He's Cheating} - (Pt.2) -Preference
{Accident} - Obi Wan Kenobi
{Whatever} - Luke Skywalker
{What You Call Him} - Preference
{Trust} - Luke Skywalker
{Therapy} - Stormpilot
{Favorite Disney Song} - Preference
{Beast} - Luke Skywalker
{Droids} - Captain Rex
{Favorite Season} - Preference
{Jedi} - (Pt.2) - Luke Skywalker
{Embarassing} - Poe Dameron
{Safe} - Anakin Skywalker
{Respect} - General Hux
Final A/N

{No More} - (Final- Pt. 3)

3.1K 42 8
By finnspilot

I got so invested in this oh my god I want to kms but I hope you guys are having a great week. I was going to post this on Monday but yikes couldn't help myself. Remember to request !!!

Dedicated + requested by: steppysay618 💖

Word count: 2696 words

It was a few days later when the battle against the Tantive IV had been raged yet it was anything but a battle, already an Imperial victory.

As I lead the troopers into Leia Organa's ship, I slashed my lightsaber through every Rebel who tried to fire back at us. I threw others against the walls or waved my hand for them to kill themselves with their blasters. My training with my Master was more vigorous and my mentality centered itself at the task at hand and how powerful the dark side had made me.

I smirked when I held my lightsaber dangerously close to Leia Organa's neck," Caught in your little game, Rebel."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I was on a diplomatic mission to Tatooine."

"Diplomatic mission to talk to the Hutts?" I snorted," I highly doubt that."

"Are you planning on intimidating me with your laser sword?" She looked down at my lightsaber, so close to her that she could hear the buzzing from it

I chuckled," Oh no, darling. I'm more than intimidating for you. How I wish to spill your blood on these floors that you've walked on with your rebel scum. Nonetheless, you have valuable information dear to us."

"Is that so?" She asked

I left that comment to hang in the air before I turned to a stormtrooper after sheathing my lightsaber," You. Get the intel that we need. Every single peace of evidence. Do not disappoint me."

"Yes, ma'am." The trooper said, getting to work right away

"You two, take the prisoner away." I pointed to two other troopers and they hurried up to cuff Leia Organa then taking her away into the Imperial Star Destroyer

I frowned slightly, feeling a disturbance in the Force, not too far away but not close either. I stared out the window and down at the planet of Tatooine. I pressed my lips into a thin line and narrowed my eyes when I saw an escape pod heading towards the planet. I didn't feel the presence of life forms in that escape pod but rather droids in it. I cocked my head to the side, wondering as to why droids were sent to Tatooine.
"I need troopers scouting Tatooine. There was an escape pod ejected probably in the midst of the battle." I said as I presented my case to the commanders, my Master, and Admiral Griff as I did days earlier," I made sure that there were no survivors on that ship except the princess like my Master had ordered but two droids were in that pod. I'm assuming those two droids have the information that we're looking for."

"And how did the Rebels get this information?" Griff asked

I turned towards him with a malicious glint in my eye," I caught a transmission the other day on the Devastator, Admiral Griff. You have some very important allies don't you?"

"In the Empire? Yes, of course." I could tell he was lying

"You made the mistake to lie in front of my Master and I, Admiral Griff, as well as the mistake to leave the transmission on for more than a minute, allowing me to figure out that you were banding with the Rebels and giving them our information."

"I haven't-" He couldn't continue his sentence because I narrowed my eyes at him and he was slowly being lifted up off the ground, clawing at his neck at an invisible hand that was choking him. I glared at him harsher and he continued choking until a few seconds later, his airway was sealed off completely and he fell limp on the ground

"Continue, young one." Vader stated, wanting me to continue with what I was saying before

"Yes, Master." I responded," The troopers will report back to us once they have found the droids. It is imperative that you find them. There is only so much information we have on the Rebels."

Commander Collins, Griff's second in command, spoke up," I'll send a squadron of troopers to pinpoint those droids, Nefar. It won't be a problem for you or Vader on the Death Star."

"Very much appreciated, Admiral Collins." I nodded at him

He looked taken aback for a moment but he then eased, almost smiling at his new title.

"The meeting should conclude now. Our ship awaits us to depart for the Death Star, young one." My Master concluded

I nodded," Yes, Master. We cannot be behind schedule."
"Vader, Nefar, I'm glad to see that your journey went smoothly." Admiral Piques nodded at me

I looked up at the Admiral and at Sebastian. My Master had reminded me of what I was to do yet I opted to do it preferably without Admiral Piques being there. Sebastian smiled at me warmly but I stared back at him expressionless, my eyes possibly looking stone cold. He frowned slightly but his smile remained.

I knew what that meant. He expected me to talk to him later about what was troubling me. He was not Force sensitive nor a Sith. He couldn't read my thoughts or have glimpses of the future. Nonetheless, we've been dating for over five years and he knew almost everything about me. Almost.

"The princess, Admiral." My Master said simply, getting to the point and wanting to divulge into his plan

"Ah, yes, the princess." The Admiral nodded, looking over at Sebastian

"She's being held in the western block section of the prison ward at the moment." Sebastian stated, flickering his eyes to Darth Vader for a few moments before looking back to me

"Has she revealed any information?" My Master asked

Sebastian shook his head," She's been very reluctant and stubborn, sir. We've interrogated her multiple times each day in the past week or so but she is unrelenting."

"Have her escorted here, General."

"Yes, sir." Sebastian left for a few moments to speak with two stormtroopers before rejoining our group

"Is the Death Star fully functional, Admiral?" I asked him, turning my focus away from my Master's and my boyfriend's conversation to the Admiral

"We have yet to try it on planets, Nefar but other than that, we are fully functional of our newest weapon."

"Alderaan is our test, then. We will see whether or not the princess decides to finally relieve us of our struggle to find the Rebel base." I smirked softly

Involuntarily, I sneaked a glance over at Sebastian who was smirking widely at me, pride for me shining in his eyes. He moved from his spot beside Admiral Piques to stand beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my temple. I stiffened from this motion, a deep scowl on my face as I moved away from him and towards my Master who was turned to us, watching us silently. Sebastian frowned, his smile disappearing. He possibly realized that something was actually wrong with the way I was distancing myself from him.

Sebastian bit his lip, extending his hand out to take mine in his," My love, is something wrong? You are acting quite strangely."

"Who would have thought that the malicious Nefar had a lover?" I turned away from Sebastian to Princess Leia who had been escorted into the central command room by the stormtroopers Sebastian had called to get her

I raised my eyebrow at her and pulled my hand away from Sebastian's, ignoring the way how his face fell," I doubt you're at any position to come up with a remark like that with your situation right now. You wouldn't want to make matters worst than what they already are."

I saw how she struggled to refrain from answering back to me so she opted to speak to Tarkin instead," Governor Tarkin, I should've expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."

He stiffened and turned to her,"Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life."

I watched silently as they both spoke, tensions high between them. I dismissed Sebastian's look of longing towards me. Nonetheless, I looked back at him with a soft smile. He smiled back at me, looking at me with love in his eyes as he always did. I smirked softly as Princess Leia finally admitted to the location of the rebel base yet Tarkin proceeded with the plan. I watched, excitement high inside of me, as the Death Star projected its laser beam towards the planet of Alderaan and blowing it to mere pieces.

"No!" Leia shrieked as my Master held her back with his hands on her forearms," They had no way to defend themselves!" She cried out

"They couldn't have defended themselves either way, princess." I smirked over at her," Nothing can get past our laser alive."

Everyone turned to look at the remnants of the former planet in awe. They then began clapping at how effective the Death Star's laser was. Sebastian took this opportunity to talk to me, unfortunately for him.

"(Y/N), I-"

"I committed adultery." I cut him off, finally turning to him to stare at him straight in the eyes," With a stormtrooper. I enjoyed every moment of it while I thought of you."

Sebastian frowned," I don't understand. You had sex with another man while thinking of me?"

"I formed an emotional connection with him as I have with you."

A light dawned in his eyes as he finally realized what I was saying," I-its fine, darling. We can put that behind us. I love you."

"We can't. You know that and I know that. I love you too." He tried walking to me but I kept him in place by using the Force, shaking my head at him, tutting at him," That is unwise of you, Sebastian."

I could practically feel the fear rolling off of him and that powered me even more to continue. To make my Master proud. I smirked softly as I waved my hand and watched as he began clawing at his throat, his airway beginning to get blocked.

"Help him!" Leia widened her eyes at what was happening," You can't kill him!"

"Careful girl, before I continue with you." My smirk widened as I looked over at her with a malicious glint in my eyes

"He's your lover! That's not right!" She tried to reason with me but to no avail. I just simply applied pressure on Sebastian's airway, turning back to him and watching as he struggled to formulate breaths

Everyone was watching us silently, all former forms of elation disappeared from their faces as they observed expressionlessly Sebastian's nearing death.

"Please! Spare his life!" Leia tried once more

I turned to Sebastian, my face slack but my eyes staring deep into him, hoping he'd forgive me for what I was doing. I searched and searched into his mind but there was no resentment towards me. His eyes shone brightly with love at me. He didn't hate me for doing this to him. He understood that this was my job. I had to do it.

I sent him a telepathy link, I love you. He stopped his struggling and he looked back at me, rasping out," I love you." Back to me

At that moment, I balled my hand into a fist and Sebastian stopped struggling, falling on the ground limp. Leia watched in horror, not believing the sight before her eyes. My heart sunk into a deeper hole but I ignored it and put on a prideful face as if I was proud of my accomplishment. Even so, I looked down at Sebastian with wonder flooding my mind. I could still feel his presence. I just hoped my Master didn't suspect anything.

"I, unlike you, know my place and my duties."I turned to Princess Leia who was still in Darth Vader's strong hold

"No. You're a monster." She looked at me, her face horror and shock stricken

I smirked proudly at myself. Now that was a first.

"I have trained you well, my young Apprentice. Another well-put performance." My Master commented

I bowed at him,"Thank you, my Lord."

"Well-put performance?" Princess Leia seemed as if she was going to retch at the events that have been unfurling in front of her," You think this is just a spectacle?" Her voice was filled with disgust and disbelief.

I turned to her and smirked," I know of my duties. This was one of them."

A few days later, I had been called to question Princess Leia in her cell. I was honestly not in the mood to do anything. I had been sulking in my bedroom for the past couple days, my thoughts always lingering back to Sebastian and his eyes full of fear yet still so much love for me. I heard Leia at the back of my head- He's your lover! That's not right!

I didn't understand how much of an effect Sebastian's death had on me. It felt as if all the happiness and care in me had just seeped away. His image haunted me day and night, clouding my thoughts and stalking me in the shadows of my mind.

I interrogated Leia impassively, dully noting what she answered back, wanting to get out of this cramped cell and back to my quarters where I could wallow in my misery (no matter how melodramatic that sounded.)

As I stood up and strode to the door, Leia said softly," You miss him, don't you?"

"What?" I turned to her, raising my eyebrow

"Sebastian. I can see the misery and pain in your eyes." She stated

"Rest assured, I have no ounce of misery or pain in me. I am a powerful Sith."

"It's okay to at least mourn for him. He was the love of your life, wasn't he?"

"I don't have to tell you anything, Rebel scum." I narrowed my eyes at her

"I can see the longing in your eyes, Nefar. You didn't want to kill him, did you?" She asked sympathetically," I saw that even though you were killing him, his eyes never stopped shining with the love he had for you."

I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall for support, her words getting to me. I loved him. I still do. I still couldn't bear to think that I was the reason he was killed. He was killed by me.

"You're suffering yet you still hold yourself up for everything else." Leia said softly

"And you aren't? You lost a planet of the people you love for no reason." I shook my head," I would be devastated."

"I am." Leia sighed, her fingers fiddling with each other, demonstrating her nervousness," But I must fight for my cause."

"And I must fight for mine. He would want that." I said the latter part quietly, trying to reassure myself," I can't believe that happened."

"You didn't want for it to happen." Leia smiled sadly

I closed my eyes and let out shaky breaths," I've lost him." I realized," He's gone. But.."

"But?" Leia pondered

"I still feel his presence. I don't want to believe that he survived but I wish that he did. I wish I can turn back time."

"If he survived, then you will find a way back to him."

I looked over at her, tilting my head to one side to express my confusion," Why are you helping me? I was one of the reasons why your planet was destroyed."

"I believe in the good in people. I don't think you'd like to be trapped for the rest of your life without happiness, especially now when you believe that your lover is possibly still alive."

I shook my head," My loyalties lie with the Empire and my Master, Leia." Nonetheless, I felt my voice quiver at that. A chance at happiness.

Your lover is possibly still alive.

I resumed to walking out of the cell. I then stopped before the door opened and turned to her," When they arrive, the garbage chute is the only way to escape this cell block. If you get in any trouble at any time or place, call for me." I didn't wait for her response and I walked through the hallways, back to my quarters, leaving Leia with a puzzled expression on her face

The ending is ((: bc now confusion and idk I'm planning something maybe but yayayayay the end of this imagine 💖 hope you guys enjoyed it

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