Bobby's Neice.

By IsabellaGrace18

2.8K 76 4

You haven't seen your uncle bobby in 13 years. After his wife, your aunt. Passed away your family moved away... More

Chapter 2 - playing bait.
Chapter 3 - old memories.
Chapter 4 - I miss you too.
Chapter 5 - road trip
Chapter 6 - Family drama
chapter 7
chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
chapter 9.

Chapter 1 - Hey, uncle Bobby.

567 12 1
By IsabellaGrace18

You hadn't seen your uncle bobby since you were 6 years old, you were 19 now and decided it was time to find out the truth. After your aunt Karen had died your mother wouldn't let you have any contact with your uncle Bobby. She blamed him for your aunts death. So that's what brought  you to Sioux Falls, south Dakota. 

You were about 10 minutes away from Bobby's place. 'you owe him this, you need to find out the truth' you kept repeating to yourself. You had never felt this nervous before. You pulled into Singers auto repair's, you sat in your 1969 black Chevy Camaro  convertible. A car you had inherited after your father passed away. You sat there for a while mentally debating with yourself whether to get out of the car or not. 'its now or never (y/n)' you said to yourself for what felt like the 100th time. 

you got out of the car and walked over to the front door, taking in the scene in front of you. This didn't look like the place you had spent most of your childhood, where some of your fondest memories were made. This place was different, more dull and sad. You thought. 'Aunt K would have a fit if she seen this place' you said quietly before chapping the door. 

A tall, rather handsome man in his mid 20's opened the door. "Can i help you?" the tall stranger asked. You stared at the man for a few seconds before answering him. "Does Bobby Singer still live here?" your voice coming out more nervous than you would have liked. 

"can i ask why you want to know?" the tall stranger in front of you asked. 

You started playing with the bracelet on your wrist. A nervous habit you had picked up some time ago. "its personal, can you just answer my question please?" your voice sounding rather quiet. 

Before the stranger could answer your question you heard a familiar voice speak. "who is it, Sam?". Sam, that must be the strangers name you thought. Before you knew what you were doing you had pushed past Sam and into the kitchen. You came to a stop when you seen a man in front of you. He had a scruffy appearance to him, was wearing a trucker hat and holding a shot gun. You recognized him instantly. 

"uncle Bobby" you breathed out nervously. The man in front of you that you know as uncle bobby took in your appearance. He looked shocked, nervous and happy all at once. "(y/n) is it really you?" Bobby said quietly. Before you could reply Sam, the tall stranger from before had poured water over you. 

"What the hell" you all but screamed to Sam as you turned around to face him. 

"Sam! ya idjit" you heard bobby shout. 

" uh" Sam looked at you as a grim expression took over his face. "im so sorry" he managed to stutter out. 

"well i should think so" you said to him trying your best to wipe the water off your face. "(y/n)" bobby said quietly. You turned round to face him you were too busy trying to wipe the water away from your eyes you didn't realize he was right in front of you. Until you came face to face with him. "hey, uncle bobby" you said giving him a small sheepish smile. You seen Sam wearing a shocked expression from the corner of your eye before the words "uncle" left his mouth. Before you could say anything more to either of them Bobby had pulled you into a hug. It felt good, familiar. It felt like home. "I've missed you, kid" he whispered in to your ear. You tightened the hug. "I've missed you too" you said before bobby pulled out of the embrace. 

He looked you up and down, taking in your appearance properly for the first time since you arrived. He gave you a small smile, "what you doing here, kid? is everything alright? he asked the worry clear in his voice. Your hand reaching for your bracelet for the second time since you had arrived, "everything's fine. I just needed to see you. I'm going to get changed and then we can talk if that's alright?" He gave you a strange look before nodding. "of course, you still remember where the  bathroom is?" he said giving you a small smile.  "of course" you said giving his hand a small squeeze before you left to go get a change of clothes from your car. 

"you have a niece?" Sam asked his voice still carrying the same tone of surprise from before. Bobby looked as if he were having a mental discussion with himself before turning his attention back to Sam. "Yeah, That's (y/n). I haven't seen her since she was a little girl" bobby said taking a large drink of his beer before sitting down. Sam didn't reply right away, he studied bobby for a moment. "How come we never knew about her? we thought all your family was dead" Sam said mimicking bobby's actions from before. 

Bobby's facial expression turned sad and angry. "they are" he said quietly. "After Karen died her sister blamed me and didn't want (y/n) to have anything to do with me so one day she just up and left. Moved all the way to New Orleans. 

You were looking through the bag of clothes you had in the trunk of your car trying to find a T-shirt to put on. You grabbed your favorite Led Zeppelin t-shirt. It was worn out and had a few holes in it but you couldn't bare to part with it. You walked back in to the house and straight to the bathroom, t-shirt in hand. You took in your appearance in the mirror, your hair was wet and it had started to curl a little. The mascara you had applied earlier was now all over your face. You let out a sigh and wiped the mascara away and pulled your (H/L) (H/C) in to a messy pony tail. Good enough. You thought to yourself. You quickly pulled the Led Zeppelin T-shirt over your head and exited the bathroom making your way to the kitchen. 

"hey" Sam said getting out of his chair. "i'm sorry about the water thing" he said giving you a nervous half smile and stretching his hand out. "i'm Sam". You looked at him for a few seconds. "Its okay, just don't do it again" you said stretching your hand out to meet his. "(y/n)" you said giving him a smile. You walked over to your uncle Bobby you were about to ask him a question when a guy  came running in shouting for a shotgun. Before you could get a good look at the guy or ask what was going on Bobby had pulled you away and told you to lock yourself in the bathroom and stay there. You stood for a minute trying to understand what was happening. 'like hell i will. Im not trained in martial arts, karate and have army training for nothing' you thought to yourself. 

You managed to get through to the sitting room unnoticed. You watched as Sam, bobby and the guy that came running in earlier tried to fight there way through what seemed to be 4 people with black eyes. One of the black eyed people had managed to get the better of Bobby. He was lying on the floor, knocked out. You didn't have time to think of a plan before you saw someone pull a gun on Bobby. You had the element of surprise, you jumped over the table and got the better of the person. You kicked them as hard as you could in the head. You must have hit them pretty hard because you knocked them out. Before you had time to do anything else you had been grabbed and flung across the room. You hit your head off the table, you tried to stand up but you were dizzy. You grabbed on to the table to help balance yourself, you blinked a few times trying to focus your vision. When your vision stopped being blurry and you got your balance back you took in the scene in front of you. 2 of the black eyed people lay on the floor, dead. Bobby was just starting to stand up and Sam had tackled another person with black eyes. The person who came in shouting about a shotgun wasn't in view, you couldn't see him. 'wait, that's only 3. Where is the 4th' you thought. Looking around quickly you turned to your right seeing a guy with black eyes coming right at you. You flipped him over your shoulder. Before you knew it something had pushed you out the way, the next thing you heard was a gunshot and then the room was filled with black smoke. You stood up only to be pinned to the wall by shotgun guy. 

"What are you doing here, demon?" shot gun guy sneered in your face. You tried to loosen his grip on you but it was no good. "Demon! What? are you insane or something?" he seemed surprised by your response but quickly regained his composure. "dean, let her go" Sam said putting a hand on dean's shoulder. "shes human". Dean released you from his grip instantly just as bobby walked in. "(y/n), i told you to stay in the bathroom. What were you thinking?" he half shouted at you. You took a couple of steps towards bobby. "Well, standing by and watching some freak with black eyes kill you was not how today was suppose to go. So, i was thinking i was gonna save your life. Which i totally did by the way" you said with a smirk. he looked at you in disbelief, shaking his head a little. "idjit, are you hurt?" Bobby asked with concern in his eyes. Dean came to stand in between you and Bobby before you could say anything back. He looked between you and bobby. "Am i missing something here, who are you?" Dean questioned, his eyes looking you up and down. Sam came to stand beside you. "Meet (y/n), Bobby's niece" Sam said with amusement in his voice and a small smile on his face. You turned you attention back to Dean. "his what?" dean shouted looking between the 3 of you. 

Bobby asked you all to come in to the kitchen. The 3 boys sat down at the table while you leaned against the fridge. "This is my wife's sisters daughter, (y/n). I haven't seen her since she was 6 years old. She turned up here today to speak to me" bobby said looking between the 3 of you. You gave Bobby a soft smile waiting for someone to say something else. "(y/n). If you don't mind me asking where did you learn to fight like that?" Sam said pulling his gaze away from Dean for the first time since he had pinned you. You let out a small sigh your hand finding its way to your bracelet again. You didn't look at anyone in particular as you spoke, in fact you tried to avoid there gazes. "My dad, he taught me a lot of survival things. He also taught me martial arts, karate and all sorts of army training. He trained with me everyday for 7 years, he was really big on safety and demanded that i learned how to protect myself. guess he just wanted me to be safe". You said finally looking up at the people in front of you, they were all looking at you wearing the same expression, shock. "Bryan taught you all that?" Bobby said his voice sounding heavy. You nodded your head and shifted uncomfortably under there gazes. (y/n), can i have a minute alone with Sam and Dean in private" bobby said. You started to make your way out of the kitchen. "sure, i'll be outside" you said. 

"Shes trained to be a hunter isn't she?" Sam said quietly breaking the silence. Bobby looked uncomfortable, he let out a very audible sigh. "Yes, After my Karen died and Rufus told me about the supernatural world. I told (y/n) dad, Bryan about it. He knew the death was Supernatural  he was raised in the life but left when he met (y/n) mother. But he wasn't stupid, he trained (y/n) in case she ever landed herself in some sort of supernatural danger. (y/n) doesn't know her dad is a hunter and i don't want you 2 telling her, ye hear?" Bobby paused for a second looking at the boy's. "she will have question's about this and we will answer her truthfully. She doesn't need some bullshit story that she will figure out eventually is lies". Bobby said standing up and making his way over to the window. "she deserves to know about her dad" Sam said. Bobby didn't turn around all he said was "no". It was silent for a few minutes before dean broke the silence "Why didn't you tell us about her?" he said with hurt in his voice. Bobby let out a sigh and dropped his head. "because it was too damn painful, she was like a daughter to Karen and me! I thought i would never see her again" 

You were sat in the living room next to Sam, you could see Dean throwing you the occasional glance out of the corner of your eye. You were watching your uncle Bobby pace about the kitchen nervously. You sat back on the couch, "so, let me get this straight. Demons, hell, angels and heaven are all real?" you said looking between the 3 of them. "don't forget vampires, werewolves, witches, gods, windigos and everything else that goes bump in the night" he said giving you a sarcastic smile. "oh, of course" you said giving out a nervous laugh. You looked at the 3 of them again and let out a sigh. "okay" you said. 

Your uncle Bobby had stopped pacing around the kitchen and stood still, turning his attention to you. "okay, that's all you have to say?" 

you let out a sigh. "right now, yes. I'm sure i'll have questions later but right now i only have one" you said sitting forward. They all looked at you. Worried, nervous. You couldn't tell what expression it was that was playing on their faces. "What killed auntie K" your hand instantly coming up to your bracelet before you had even got all the words out. 

"i did" Bobby said, his voice breaking, he wouldn't even look at you. "why, what made you do it" you asked, your gaze never leaving him. "Demons" he said quietly. "she was possessed and i had to kill her" he stuttered out. 

You stood up and walked over to your uncle Bobby. You saw all 3 of them visibly stiffen. They weren't sure what you were going to do. You reached Bobby and looked at him for a moment before pulling him in to a hug. "im so sorry, you lost her and had to go through it all on your own, im sorry i wasn't here" you spoke quietly into his ear. He gripped you tighter "your here now, im sorry i couldn't save her" he spoke quietly, you could here his voice breaking with emotion. "maybe you weren't meant to" you said it so quietly you weren't sure if he heard you. 

You walked out the house and sat on the hood of your black Chevy and looked up at the night sky. You were lost in thought you hadn't realized Dean had approached you. "hey (y/n). I just want to apologize for earlier" dean said sitting next to you and handing you a beer. You gave him a small smile in return. "i'll forgive you this once, i suppose" you said taking a sip from your beer and nudging his shoulder. "thanks for the beer". He gave you a smile in return and nodded. "nice t-shirt" he said. You let out a small chuckle "Thanks" it was silent for a few minutes before you broke the silence. "Can i ask you something?" Dean must have noticed the change in your voice because he looked at you and studied your face. "sure" he said. You didn't look at him, you kept your eyes on the night sky. looking at the stars. "how long have you known Bobby?" you asked quietly. "all my life, basically" he stopped for a moment debating whether or not to go in to detail. "He would look after Sammy and me when our dad was on a hunt near here" he said looking deep in thought. You nodded your head "He was a hunter too" you said more to yourself than to Dean. "yeah, my mom and her folks too" he said quietly. You looked at him for a few seconds. "family business". You said.  He let out a small chuckle "i guess so" he said. There was a comfortable silence for a few seconds before you turned around to face him. "Do you want to do it?" you asked genuinely curious. He thought for a few seconds before answering you. "It's what I'm good at" he said, if you weren't looking you would have missed the sadness that crossed his eyes. "That's not what i asked, dean" you said quietly. He looked as if he was about to answer you but you were both distracted when Sam came running over to you's. "uh, guys we have a problem" he said.  

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