Stay Away From That White Boy...

By simpllyty

107K 1.8K 397

Elizabeth Reynolds is an African American girl who has lived in Denton Heights(a hood neighborhood) her whole... More

Chapter 1 *Edited*
Chapter 2 *Edited*
Chapter 3 *Edited*
Chapter 4 *Edited*
Chapter 5 *Edited*
Chapter 6 *Edited*
Chapter 7 (Part 1) *Edited*
Chapter 7 (Part 2) *Edited*
Chapter 8 *Edited*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 *Repost* (Read A/N for info)
Chapter 19 (Part 1)
Chapter 19 (Part 2)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Long time no see...
Chapter 23
Sooo it's been almost a year... A little update on me?

Chapter 11

3.4K 75 14
By simpllyty

A/N: Well, well, well. Look who has an update within two weeks time! That is a record for me :3 Well here is a new chapter. Enjoy it and the picture of June that I never put up. Oh and the song I used for the chapter is on the side. I suggest you play it when you see the *


Just sayin :)


Chapter 11


(Lizzie’s P.O.V.)


Who would have thought the next day would have been better than the last. There was no sign of Kim, and the girls around me had lightened their stares.


I was the happiest I had been in two days.


Yesterday after I woke up from my nap, I had gotten more messages from James. So me and him stayed up till past midnight texting each other. I have to say, he’s quite the flirt when you aren't standing face to face with him.


But it wasn't a creepy kind of flirting, it was really adorable actually.


I got a “good night” from him and then a “good morning”. So you can see how happy I really was.


The text still made me smile:


“Good morning! Hope you have a good day. Won't be able to make it to school. Bri's daycare is closed for cleaning. But we will see you after school! I’ll be ready to paint for sure! xx”


Simple but wordy. It’s just like him to be that way.


Thankfully it was the end of the day and we were all carpooling. Josh and June rode with me and then it was Ricky and Kelly in his car.


Soon enough we all made it to my apartment and I saw James leaning on his truck with Bri jumping in the bed of it.


We all hopped out of our vehicular devices- yes I just said that- and James looked up at the sound. His smile was really addicting, I can’t get enough of it.


I was the first one to run over to him and give him a hug. He gladly accepted it and wrapped his arms around my shoulders bringing me closer into him. He smelt really good, like apples and cinnamon. A great combination in my opinion.


I looked up and met Kelly’s eyes. She had a smirk on her face. She knew something that I didn’t. I gave her a confused look but she only shook her head dismissing my look.


I'll get her to talk sooner or later.


"Hey Liz. How was your day?" James asked me removing his arms from around me but leaving one arm on my shoulder.  


I dropped my arms from his waist and looked up at him. Can I just say that he is gorgeous?


“It was really good. I feel ten times better than I did yesterday.” I smiled at him before looking back to a cheerful Bianna. I missed this little girl.


“Hey Bri bug!” I said enthusiastically while picking her up out of the bed of the truck and placing her on my hip. She giggled wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.


“Hi Lizzie Pooh!” She shouted- probably a little too loud- into my ear. I chuckled and placed her down on the ground, leaving her to run to Ricky and Kelly. I smiled and told everyone to follow me. I was about to reach the door when I heard my name being called. Looking back I saw Mike smiling in my direction. I smiled back and turned to Ricky.


“My apartment is the first door on the left, give me a minute.” I placed the key in his palm as he nodded.


I jogged over to Mike who was waiting on the sidewalk. His smile was bright as can be. I don’t know what it is about today, but it sure is cheerful.


“What’s up?” I asked him when I was in front of him. “Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing after yesterday. Again I am really sorry about that.” He apologized again. I only smirked and shook my head.


“It’s not a big deal. My dad was reasonable and he let me off the hook. But look I will text you later. I kind of have people waiting for me.” I smiled, but before I could turn around Mike caught my arm.


“Oh yeah I meant to ask. What’s with all the white people?” He asked. I looked at him a little shocked. Did he just ask that? I shook it off for now and began to answer him.


“They are my friends. Is that a problem?” I gave him a slight glare before snatching my arm out of his grasp. I swear to all the bands that I love, if he is racist then I will drop kick him into the next millennium


“No not a problem at all. I’ll see you later Liz.” He said with a small smile before heading down the sidewalk towards the tennis courts. Those damn courts. I will never set foot on those things again. I sighed and made my way to my apartment.


Of course the minute I step inside Ricky and Josh have nearly destroyed the place. I can’t leave them alone for two minutes, I swear.


“HEY!” I shouted. They both stopped in the middle of chasing each other. I have no idea why they were chasing each other, but it had to come to a stop before they knocked over something breakable.


“I tried to stop them.” James soon came into view with Bri’s hand in his. “They just don’t listen.” I shook my head and chuckled.


“It’s fine as long as they didn’t break anything.” I looked over to see June and Kelly on the couch watching T.V. June looked up and nodded. “Your dad would kill you wouldn’t he?” “Possibly.” I responded.


“Alright, come on. Let’s get painting!” The rest of them nodded and James left Bri in front of the T.V. Can’t have a 4 year old running around with paint.


After I changed into clothes I could paint in, we all got to work.  It was quiet for about ten minutes and Ricky finally had enough of it.


“Okay it is too quiet in here. Liz do you have any speakers?” I nodded and told him that it was in my bathroom.


“It?” James questioned. I nodded. “Yeah I have a bluetooth speaker. My dad spoils me.” I shrugged and kept on painting.


Soon enough Ricky had his music playing. It was mostly R&B, but I didn’t have an issue. It was all kind of calming. As long as I didn’t hear rap then I was good.


About halfway through Kelly stopped and sat in the middle of the floor on her phone. I looked back at her and raised my eyebrow.


“What is she doing?” Everyone turned back to see what I was talking about. June rolled her eyes and went back to painting. Josh let out a small chuckle and looked at me.


“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that one of the members of One Direction is online. By the looks of it, Zayn is online.” “Finally! Gosh he takes like weeks at a time before he comes online.” Kelly spoke after Josh was done.


“Oookayy.” I said not bothering her. I mean hey whatever floats her boat. Everyone else laughed a bit and besides the soft music playing, it got quiet once more. Me and James were working on one wall and Josh and June were working on another. Ricky pulled his phone out and skipped the song and the next song that came on caught my attention.


“Hey I know this song.” I said turning around and looking at Ricky. “What’s it called?”


“So Beautiful by Musiq Soulchild.” I was surprised when it wasn’t Ricky who answered me. I looked back at James and he smirked at me. “What? Just because I’m more indie rock doesn’t mean I can’t like R&B.” He winked at me and turned around back to painting. I blinked at his back in amazement. Okay if that wasn’t one of the hottest things I have ever seen then I don’t know what to believe.


I walked back next to him and began to paint again. I am still amazed by his sudden boost of confidence. First last night with the texts, then today with the wink and the R&B comment. I don’t know how to feel.


What surprised me most was when he began singing along quietly. He knew the damn words? This boy is full of surprises. The only bad part about him singing this song was that I was starting to get thoughts. Bad thoughts at that.


I took a deep shuddering breath trying to rid my mind of these thoughts and began painting again. The thoughts came back with a jolt when his side rested against mine. I looked at him out the corner of my eye. He was still singing and painting as if he wasn’t aware of the closeness.


‘Maybe he was.Maybe he just meant to stay there.’


My thoughts rang true when he switched the paintbrush to his other hand and moved his now free hand to run down my back and around my waist. I looked back to see if any of the others were paying attention.


Of course not.

I turned my head back to the wall and continued painting . I probably should move his hand, but I really don’t want to. I soon felt his hand run along the curves of my waist, leaving tingles running through my body and butterflies to jump all about my stomach. This is not helping the thoughts I am getting.


Once the song was coming to a close, I felt his hand leave my waist and run across my back for a few seconds before being removed fully. My breathing was ragged but it wasn’t enough for anyone to hear.


I looked at him from the corner of my eye once again to see him with a smirk on his face.


Oh boy this is gonna be a long day.




It hit 8:00 and everyone was beat. Thankfully we finished my room, but not without Ricky creating a paint fight. It was all fun regardless.


Ricky offered to take home Josh and June which left me and James as the last ones. Besides Bri of course.


I avoided him the rest of the day after what happened. I could still feel his hand on my waist, and I loved every second of it.


I looked back after closing the door seeing James placing Bri on the couch. He sighed and ran a hand on the back of his neck.


“There is no way I can get her in her car seat without her waking up and crying all night long.” I looked at his distressed look. Judging by the look of it, he has been through this situation before. I didn’t want the poor boy restless because I sent him home with a crying child.


I sighed walking over him. I placed my hand on his shoulder getting his attention. He looked at me with tired eyes.


“If you want, you could stay here tonight.” I offered “I mean, I wouldn’t want her to keep you up on a school night.”


He looked back at Bri and nodded. “Yeah, okay. I just need a shower and I doubt you have a change of clothes for me.” He chuckled.


I held up one finger and went to my room and to my closet grabbing an old oversized band t-shirt and huge pajama pants.


I handed them to him and he raised an eyebrow. I shrugged. “I like to get comfy.” He nodded and headed in the direction of the bathroom while I made my way to my dad’s bathroom.


Once I was all showered and dressed I took the sleeping bags out of the closet. I remember when my dad bought these in hopes that I would have friends over to stay the night. I never did. I just didn’t like anyone.


Since my room still reeked of paint, I refused to stay in there.


I made myself comfortable in my sleeping bag and watched a little bit of T.V. It was only 9:00 at best and I wasn’t about to fall asleep that early.


Just as I began watching, I heard the bathroom door open and close. I only looked up when I saw him enter the living room. Big mistake.


He ditched the shirt and only came in with the pajama bottoms on. My father always said staring was wrong. But why can’t I stop? I’ll give you one good answer. I have a boy, that I have developed a crush on, was about to lay down next to me on the floor in a sleeping bag while he was shirtless. Who wouldn't stare?


He noticed me staring and gave me another wink. I looked away with a blush and kept my attention on the T.V.


“Psst.” I looked over to see him with his hand on his head and his elbow on the floor giving him a support. I mimicked his actions, causing us to face each other.


“What?” I asked with a smirk. I was still embarrassed that he caught me staring at him but I always ignore my embarrassment.


“Nothing. I just wanted to see your face.” He smiled. I gave a small chuckle. What did I tell you. When he isn't in the public eye with a lot of people, he is a discrete flirt.


We sat like that for a while before I felt the sudden urge to ask him about earlier. I need to know what that was about.


“James.” I said. He raised his eyebrows, pushing me to go on. “What was that whole thing about earlier?” He let his eyes roam around as if he was thinking about it. He looked back at me and shrugged once he looked like figured out what I was talking about.


“Don’t know. Just felt like the right thing to do.” He said simply. I looked back at him and nodded, brushing off the situation for right now. I was starting to get really tired, so I closed my eyes and laid down, still facing James.


“Goodnight James.” I whispered, and right before sleep came over me I heard the faint sound of James’ voice.


“Goodnight beautiful”






That is all I can see. Not a sound to be heard.


Where the hell am I?


I looked around trying to see if my eyes could make out anything, but no luck. It was too dark.


Without warning, a spotlight was shone on me. I still couldn’t see anything farther than the light but I could still see something.

I was startled when I heard music beginning to play but relaxed once I figured out what it was. *The beginning of the song began to play and I started to get nervous.


I had no idea what was going on but the minute someone started singing I had an idea.


‘You're my baby, my lover, my lady
All night you make me want you, it drives me crazy’


I looked up and saw James appearing from the shadows in nothing but black boxer briefs. It was then I realized that I was in nothing but my underwear as well.


‘I feel like you were made just for me, babe
Tell me if you feel the same way’


The closer he got made me more nervous. My breathing became faster as his bare hand made contact with the skin on my waist.


‘'Cause it just feels so right, I don't wanna waste no time
If I had to choose, I know I'm gon' always choose
To be with you, 'cause girl, don't you know’


By this time we were chest to chest and his mouth was by my ear. The hotness of his breath as he sang ran down my neck, causing me to shiver at the sensation.


‘Girl, don't you know, you're so beautiful?
I wanna give all my love to you, girl
Not just a night but the rest of your life
I wanna be always here by your side’


His hands running up and down my waist in the lightest way possible, had to be the best feeling in the world. His arms wrapped around me in an embrace, pulling me closer to him.


‘When you're not here, you don't know how much I miss you
The whole time on my mind is how much I'm gonna get’


His lips trailed down my neck to my shoulder as slow and as lovingly as possible. He made his way back up to my neck and gave it a playful nip.


‘To make you feel so good like you know I could
Tell me if you feel the same way’


The way his touch was affecting me was ridiculous. It left me wanting more and to never want to let him go. The more his hands roamed my body, the more my hands became more active. Running them through his golden brown hair, stopping at the nape of his neck when kissed more of my neck. He was affecting me in the worst way possible. Or so I thought.


‘'Cause it just feels so right, I don't wanna waste no time
Girl, if I had to choose, I know I'm gon' always choose
To be with you, girl, don't you know?’


I was soon lifted off of the ground and my legs wrapped around his waist. He moved his head so he was looking me in my eyes.


‘Girl, don't you know, you're so beautiful?
I wanna give all my love to you, girl
Not just a night but the rest of your life
I wanna be always here by your side’


I leaned in and placed my lips on his in a quick motion. His kiss was like a drug. I needed more the minute I had a taste. Sadly the kiss was broken and I was placed on a soft surface. James placed his hands on either side of my head, giving himself support. As the song played on in the background James finally spoke.


“You are so beautiful. Ignore what all the others say about you. Just because they are different doesn't mean a thing.” He leaned forward only leaving a small amount of space between our lips.


“What about my dad?” I asked. “Forget him. He can’t separate us even if he tried.” That was the last thing he said before his lips hit my own. He was so gentle with me. I just wanted more.


His lips made their way down my neck and to my chest sending a wonderful sensation through my body.


As he continued, I gasped the only thing that could escape my mouth:




I sat up in the sleeping bag as quick as I could. My breathing was quick and my mind was racing. I looked at the time seeing it had only been two hours since I had fallen asleep. I made sure I didn’t wake up Bri or James and stood up. Just looking at him made the dream even more vivid than it already was.


I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. As I drank I couldn't help but continue to think:

‘What the hell was that?”


So this is it!

You know the drill!

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Love you all! ♥

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