Truth or Dare? A PJO fanficti...

Von lilmonkey13

110K 2.4K 1.1K

Well, this is something I have on my FF account and I really like it. So I'm putting it up here. Hope you lik... Mehr

Truth or Dare? A PJO fanfiction
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

New Years

4.6K 175 116
Von lilmonkey13

A/N: So I know that you guys have been asking for a continuation or a sequel, so for the New Years I'm going to do one final chapter just one that wraps up the story and also there is a final round of Truth or Dare, hope you guys enjoy the final chappy! Enjoy guys :)

PS: Hope you have a happy new year (as in entire year) and hope this isn't totally terrible!

~~Percy's POV~~

New Year's Eve, it was one hour from the new year and it was almost a year after playing the first round of Truth or Dare we decided to end the year on that note. We all sit in a circle in the Poseidon cabin and smile at each other, we've all changed so much in this year, but its the same game and the same people so it's still going to be good. The only thing that has really changed is that Travis and Conner have gotten a fancier set up, we were surrounded by cameras and mikes every sound and move was being tapped, maybe it was about the poor quality of the last video and the gods complaining about it or maybe they just wanted to get better footage, I don't know.

" who wants to start?" I ask looking around at the group of people.

"I'll go!" Leo chirps.

We all nod and an elfish grin creeps up on his face. "Okay," He eyes around at his prey and I notice that many are not making eye contact with the son of Hephaestus. What ever, I'm not scared of the kid. "Percy, truth or dare?" Crap. I sigh then smile, "Okay, truth." I knew it was a bad idea the second it slipped from my lips.

"Okay," His grin becomes a devilish smirk and I know I'm going to have to punch this kid in a minute. "The first time you saw Aphrodite who did she resemble?" He was trying to get punched wasn't he, but I had the upper hand on this one.

"Actually she looked like Annabeth," I says smiling. Leo's eyes narrow, "No really."  I roll my eyes, "She looked like Annabeth," I say smiling. Leo rolls his eyes and sighs leaning back on his palms, "Okay your turn."

I smirk at my target, "Pipes, truth or dare?"

~~Piper's POV~~

Wow, that's kinda cute that even at twelve Percy saw Annabeth when he saw my mom. I look around our group of kids, the Stolls sitting across from me and Jason, Leo on the left, Hazel and Frank on the right then next to Frank is Percy and Annabeth, then Thalia, then me, and then Jason next and finally Nico.

Percy's eyes land on me and I know what's coming, "Pipes, truth or dare?" I give him a smile lifting my head, "Dare."

"Okay, I dare you to go around the room and smell everyone and then rank them best to worst." Percy smiles at me and I can almost feel myself turn red. "And if I don't?"

"You lose one article of clothing." Everyone in the room eye's grow wide. "Fine." I say swallowing hard.

I go around the room and begin to awkwardly smell everyone, then come to the conclusion that demigods smell terrible. I keep a mental list of best to worst and then go back to my seat. "So what's the order?" Percy asks cheekily. I sigh and look at him.

"Worst to best would be: Travis, he smell like dirt, and rotten fruit, Connor, he smells just like rotten fruit, Leo, he smells like old oil and burnt hair," Leo huffs at this blowing on of his curls out of his face, I roll my eyes, "Jason smells like burnt...well everything, Thalia smells like burnt sweat, if that's possible, Annabeth smells like musty books, Percy smells like musty books, sweat, burnt hair, and other gross stuff," I have to shake my head and shiver at that, "But he also smells a lot like the ocean and that hides most of it so that's why he is higher up, then there is Nico, I have to say you smell the best." I look at them all and glance over at Nico who looks shocked.

"What do you mean I smell worse than death breathe?!" Leo shouts after a moment of silence.

"You always smell terrible, shut up." Jason retorts.

"Okay, I think that would make it my turn to ask," I look around the circle land my eyes on Thalia. She looks at me and I feel the I'm going to kill you vibe coming off her.

"Truth or dare, Travis?" I see out of the corner of my eye that he jumps.

"Dare!" He yelps.

~~Travis's POV~~


"Okay, I dare you to kiss the first person who walks through that door." I stare at her, and take off the long sleeved shirt I had on over my CHB shirt, I toss it into the middle of the circle and stare at her. "If Katie ever found out about that she would cut my head off with a strawberry vine or a rose stem or something." She rolls her eyes and the group laughs, "Chicken." Connor says flapping his arms and bobbing his head.

"Fine dare or dare Mr. Connor Stoll?!" I say bucking at him. He rolls his eyes, "Dare, and I'm not chicken like you HA."

"Oh really? I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in this room." I smirk at his now, extremely pale, face. His eyes were bugging and I half expected him to have a heart attack.

~~On Olympus~~

"Hey Hermes!" Zeus yells from his thrown.

"What?!" Hermes screeches back from the Olympian kitchen. "One of your kids is about to be murdered, wanna watch?" Zeus calls back, hold his silver laptop that is live streaming the entire game.

"Yeah sure, just hold on I'm getting a sandwich." Hermes yells back, but it's slightly muffled by the BLT between his chompers.

~~Connor's POV~~

In my head I'm writing my will. Percy and Jason are shooting daggers at me, if I kiss Annabeth Percy will choke me to death without moving from his seat because, well there is a freaking salt water fountain in his cabin that will drown me so fast I won't even be able to blink. Jason will most likely electrocute me if I even take a step near Piper. If I kiss Thalia, well she'll kill me, then Artemis will bring me back from the dead and kill me again. So I sigh and take the best choice of action.

I lean over and peck Hazel on the cheek. Everyone looks at Frank, then at Nico, then at Hazel herself. I sit down and try to give a small smile. She is blushing like a mad woman, Frank has balled fists but I wasn't planning on one hard fist flying and socking me right in the eye. I fall straight back on my head and groan. Nico is standing over me and his face is freaking terrifying. His eyes are crazed and I kind of want to run. Then I see it, his lips break the hard line they were in and become a small smirk. "You might want to go change your pants." He says in a low tone.

The entire room busts out laughing, and I can't help but join in. Go figure that I would forget that Hazel's brother was in the room, I guess I was more worried about her extremely muscular boyfriend who can turn into a lion and eat me. "Hahaha, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"What did you expect?" Percy asks one eyebrow raised.

"Well, I decided that I was least likely to die if I kissed Hazel than any of the other girls." I laugh to myself.

"You do realize that she is the daughter of death, right?" Jason says with a smirk.

"Yeah, well... I don't know." I laugh shaking my head, "So, Frank truth or dare?" I say loudly over the chatter chatter.

~~Frank's POV~~

I am going to kill him. I am honestly going to kill him. Yep I'm going to turn into a giant animal and maul him to death.

"So, Frank, truth or dare?" He yells over the cabin's nose. I smirk at him, shaking my head and clicking my tong. "Why not mix it up, truth."

"Okay, what's one thing you could never tell your godly parent?" Travis asks with a laugh.

"Well, that's a tuffy, favorite animal form is a white rabbit." The room is silent for a minute and I look around at everyone. I can physically see that it is hurting Percy to not laugh.

"Go ahead, say it," I say with a shake of my head.

"Very cool to know Peter Cotton Tail, now please ask the next question!" Leo announces after a long round of laughter.

~~Percy's POV~~

We're all laughing at Leo's comment when Frank says, "Percy, truth or dare?"  I laugh, and nod, "Dare me up man!"

He smiles and walks over to me whispering the dare in my ear. I laugh and nod, "Will be an honor sir." The room gets quiet. "What did you dare him?" Leo demands, but he quickly stops when I walk over and pick up Nico. I hold him over my head and yell, "Prize!" then run around the room three times I then hold him bridal style and smile down at him. He is blushing so badly I thought he had turned into a tomato. His hand covers his mouth and his eyes are bugged out. I smile and put him back down at his seat. I hear him mumble something in Italian but I can't help but just smile at him, and at the extremely shocked Leo...and well everyone....

"So who's next?"

~~On Olympus~~

"What the Di Angelo is wrong with your kid Hephaestus?" Hera demands. The god rolls his eyes, "I don't know, he's crazy... maybe he takes to much after his grandmother." He says pointedly.

"Oh shut up or I'll throw you off Olympus again." Hera says exasperatedly. "Hey, did he just actually carry around my son?!" Hades demands over Skype on Hermes flat screen. "Yeah he did dude, that was hilarious!" Hermes says through rolling cackles on the floor.

~~1/2 Hour Later, Nico's POV~~

This truth or dare game has developed way to far. We have wound up playing a stranger game. It's where you have to say 'I like you' until the other person blushes. It's Annabeth and Piper's turn right now, and well I have to say it is kind of funny.

Annabeth blushes first, of course, the daughter of Aphrodite makes freaking everyone blush. That is until she gets tagged up with Thalia. Now that I'm not going to go over, mostly because I was sworn, along with everyone else (even the tapes were turned off) to never tell, but lets just say that Thalia won that round.

"Nico, come on you me lets go!" What.

I sit down at the table brought in from the Hermes cabin. Percy sits at the other end and he smiles at me. That stupid, perfect smile.

"Nico I lik-"


"But I really li-"


"Then you start! Say you l-"


"C'mon, I know you like m-"

"Just--" I stand up ready to leave buy my mouth betrays me. "I just can't say I love you. You asshole!"

Percy leans into the table pointing at me, "You lost!" I want to scream at this idiot.

We go another few rounds and finally it's ten minutes till midnight, but there is one pair left. Percy and Jason. We figure it'll be a quick round and that they would both be blushing immediately. We didn't think that this would happen...

Percy sits down across from Jason and they both smirk at each other. Looking down at each other both thinking I'm so going to win.

Percy starts, "Man, I like you,"

"Actually I love you." Jason rebuttals.

"I'm so freaking in love with you too," Percy says leaning in a little.

"I love your eyes, so green."

"I would kiss you right now if I could."

"What's stopping you?"

"Did I tell you that I like your butt? Must be all that flying."

"I love your abs, so hot." Jason says leaning in towards Percy his smirk matching Percy's toe to toe.

"Dude, Just marry me already." Percy bargains.

"Of course, but can we skip the weeding thing and go to the honeymoon first?" Jason replies.

"You. Me. Bed. Now."

"Sure I'll show you something you'll never forget."

"You won't resist, Jackson"

"I'm sure I will, Grace." There inches apart by now and look ready to slap each other, or kiss, or maybe rip out each others throats. You can't really tell, but neither was blushing. There temples were bulging and then Jason started to say something, "Then I'm going to--"

"OKAY! STOP! ENOUGH! WHAT THE HELL, YOU TWO?!" Connor and Travis finally scream.

They look up at us, all of us standing there extremely uncomfortably, seriously what the hell?!

They laugh and shake hands, but then they start a gripping war and Piper and Annabeth have to pull them apart. I swear they are either in love with each other or going to kill each other. I don't know which half the time though.

We hear the counting outside, "Five!" The couples pull each other into hugs. "Four," They start to lean in. "Three!" they close their eyes. "Two" seconds. "One!" Landing.

Thalia, Connor, Travis, Leo and I stand there in a line awkwardly watching the couples. "Where's Katie?" Thalia asks nonchalantly.

"Parents' place. She goes to school during the year, sometimes comes to visit but she had to study for back to classes, so yeah not here." Thalia nods.

We hear Chiron's whistle and Mr. D calling everyone back to their cabins and we file out, leaving the daughter of wisdom and son of the sea alone, well till Chiron catches them.

"Thalia, Happy New Years." I call after her. She waves goodbye and walks into the hunter's cabin.

Travis and Connor help carry their crazy amount of equipment back to the Hermes cabin and with a wave leave me walking in the dark. Frank gives Hazel a final kiss and a nod towards me, I send a short wave goodbye and Leo 'flames on' running around screaming Happy New Years, Mr. D has to start chasing him and it has everyone in a laughing fit by the time the flaming boy is captured by strawberry vines. Jason and Piper wave a goodbye and we see them kissing in the moonlight. I put an arm around Hazel and we walk into the Hades cabin.

And maybe, maybe it won't be such a bad year, has had a pretty good start so far.


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I see a lot of people doing this so I decided to make my own. This is just a story filled with silliness and such. Hope you enjoy!
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