Fate Of The Twelve (Completed)

By thebadgirl05

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Completed 'Big sister... I'm scared.' A little one whispered as we hid in a cramped alley, trying to escap... More

Chapter 1: Blacker than the night
Chapter 2: Portal
Chapter 3: Trouble
Chapter 4: the council
Chapter 5: first day
Chapter 6: Dumb
Chapter 7: the fallen
Chapter 8: Collapse
Chapter 9: Battle Start
Chapter 10: Battle for the throne
Chapter 11: Demon
Chapter 12: Oh no
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: Fall
Chapter 15: Generals
Chapter 16: encounter
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: Unravel
Chapter 19: Nightmare
Chapter 20: white
Chapter 21: Visit
Chapter 22: please let me
Chapter 23: amidst the palm
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Zephyr's Best friend
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Waking up
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29: A dip in the 'pool'
Chapter 30: not again!
Chapter 31: scary kid
Chapter 32: Agony
Chapter 33: Painful goodbye
Chapter 34: fly
Chapter 35: Idris
Chapter 36: Snowmen
Chapter 37: Shall we?
Chapter 38: Imperial King
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42: cave?
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: the demon queen
Chapter 45: heart beat
Chapter 46: not over yet
Chapter 48: Reflection
Chapter 49: the void
Chapter 50: Carving
Chapter 51: depart
Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow
Chapter 53: Three pairs
Chapter 54: Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: forgiveness
Chapter 57: yet another revelation
Chapter 58: merpeople
Chapter 60: attacked

Chapter 59: visitor

119 28 5
By thebadgirl05


"I'm sorry but please take cover for us for now." Leo stated in exhaustion while they slowly descended on the ship so Mikael, Ryouta and I stood up, more than relieved that we could finally fight the same and relieved that they decided to rest now after their hard efforts.

"We'll take care of it." I answered him curtly while Antoinette approached the tired Muriel, Leo and Violet. We nodded to them and they did the same in return before the three of us took off into the air to take their positions and fend off the monsters of the sea and stop them from wrecking the ship nor having the captain and his men as their meals.

Muriel, Leo and Violet had been fending off the monsters that seemed to have no end in number as they kept on appearing one after the other and they were all battling them for more than hour already which had obviously tired them out given the long time that they had used their wings to fly which was pretty much energy draining and the hard part was that we could only watch from the ship and obey the first ranker's orders.

However, Raziel and Cyan had no problem in flying for so long since they were used to that it was like they were only breathing and they still had much energy to spare. The same couldn't be said for the others though. They we're a different case.

Leirum and the duo----the two kids namely Rex and Shingu were both just monsters like their other best friend, Raziel. They were constantly fighting the sea beasts easily one after the other.

From where they get so much power I do not know off. They were simply monsters, that was enough to explain why they were all so strong and at the given situation we were in, I can pretty much say that is one of our advantages.

Antoinette stayed by the ship, not in the physical battle but she was just as tired as the other three for she was supporting them whilst being there. She channels her own energy to them to make them stronger and I can even feel her energy pumping through my veins already.

Ryouta and Mikael headed towards the south of the ship which was originally the post of Violet and Leo while I flew towards Raziel which was northern of the ship to take Muriel's place.

East of the ship a mile away was where Cyan and Rex were, currently fighting off a giant monster. Why did I say that it was a giant? It was because I could see the tentacles above the surface of the water, trying to catch the two and its size was at least one third the size of the ship WHICH already said much.

I stopped behind Raziel who was calmly flying in the air, sweating profusely but excitement and amusement was written in his orbs. Obviously, fighting of these sea creatures managed to entertain him and occupy him as of the moment to keep his boredom away.

Without any warning, another sea serpent broke the surface of the water and aimed to snap us shut in its mouth as its meal but Raziel and I quickly evaded and flew sideways, the serpent snapping nothing but thin air before it snuck back into the sea, splashing droplets of water like a shower onto us.

What the hell does he find in entertaining in such thing? Tsk! So damn unfair of him!

He was freaking immortal so he need not worry for his life and he only fights only for his entertainment while we fight for our life!

"Being immortal has it's price too Alfreed." He suddenly spoke up and I cussed under my breath for being such an idiot after remembering that he could read minds.

"Stop invading my privacy you twerp." I snarled but he merely laughed in mockery.


I was so drained from fighting those monster so I instantly sat down as soon as we landed on the ship and I wasted no time and leaned my back against the wooden life lines, shutting my eyes while I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

The others were battling outside to keep the monsters away from the ship but heck the five of those guys. Cyan, Rex, Leirum, Shingu and Raziel were all fighting continuously without any rest. Damn! Don't they run out of energy at all?

I sighed before opening my eyes only to see two of the crew, Marcus and Axel who were both headed our way.

Marcus is a guy with a short built made of bulging muscles and he looked at least in his mid thirties to me. Axel on the other hand was a scrawny guy but had intelligent eyes and my stomach grumbled shamelessly and loudly when I caught sight of the trays of food in their hands, obviously for us.

I smiled shyly due to my stomach but I was seriously hungry that I almost drooled but what can I do? I am seriously hungry and I've spent too much energy in battling those monsters.

They laughed at the noise of my shameless stomach before placing the trays of food down before Leo, Violet and me who all sat in a circle.

"Eat up. You need to replenish your energies." Axel stated with a smile and we nodded mutely before reaching out for the food and we dug in without another word.

I began eating, my eyes darting from the south, to the east and west then to the north all the time just to make sure that the others were alright. I know that they're all strong but I just couldn't stop worrying. It's normal for friends to worry for each other after all.

I was so delighted when they even served each of us the nectar of the atropa belladona mixed with Ambrosia since I've grown to love it so much. I learned that it was expensive but then, Captain Sparrow stated that he'd gladly let us have of those fairly every time we wish to have it since he has plenty of them. Weird. He looks like a pirate, opposite of the Captain Sparrow I knew from Earth.

As soon as I filled my stomach with food and sipped some of the nectar, I was feeling a lot more better already. The nectar helped too since it was said to heal the tired body and relax it.

After eating, we took back our posts and looked out for anything that may have passed the others or something just to be cautious about everything and to make sure that the ship won't be attacked nor will the captain and his crew be harmed. We simply can't allow such.

Time seemed to pass by slowly as we watched our friends fight and fend off the enemies, that's when we felt strong energies and our attention was drawn to the south of the ship at once, to where Ryouta and Mikael were.

My eyes soon widened at the sight when I saw a blaze of yellow and another one of dark blue creating a visible tornado that appeared out of thin air!

It was Ryouta and Mikael with their wings!

Ryouta's wings did great to symbolize his personality since it was the color of the sun, a fierce but gentle yellow color and the edges of his wings we're surrounded by red that looked like fire but they were more like visible auras around his wings and his form.

Mikael's wings on the other hand was a deep blue color that made him look much more powerful than he already was, a span of at least eight feet just like Ryouta's as he manipulated the tornado he had formed.

They were far from us for us to clearly see their faces but their wings tell all that we needed to know about who was who. Their wings told it all. I watched the fast moving pair of colors move around and fight off another large dinoshark or whatever it was called when I suddenly felt another presence.

It was so faint and I looked around to see if the others noticed but none gave any indication of noticing the demonic presence.

I concentrated and tried to find where it was coming from and felt that it was coming from our room. I took a deep breath and slowly turned around, staring at the door that led down below and led to where... He was...

"Excuse me for a moment guys. I'll just go to my room and get something for a moment." I declared after I made up my mind and they turned to look at me while I tried myself to appear composed before them.

I don't know why I planned to go to where the demon was, alone when I was actually terrified of them after the demon queen incident and why I didn't tell the others but it was like someone was whispering the words to me to go there alone.

They nodded at me before averting back their gazes to the ongoing battles and I walked away slowly, heading off to our room where no one else was. If things got complicated, I could always use my powers to protect myself or I could either just scream for the others to come and help me.

I took heavy steps towards where the demon was until I stopped just in front of the door and stood there staring at the door for a few moments.

Should I really face it alone or should I inform the others?

After fighting inwardly with myself, my hand reached out and I pushed the door open and I saw who the demon was that made my eyes go wide.

"S-Samael?" I stuttered in utter surprise when I saw him standing by the window and gazing outside at sea.
I caught my breath as he slowly turned towards me and his eyes bored into mine...


Even though the others couldn't sense the energy, I knew for sure that Rex, Shingu and Leirum did for they had keen senses.

"Leirum. Leave them alone." I stated in my mind when I sensed that he planned to go back to the ship and go to Muriel on impulse at the presence of a demon.

"Why should I leave them alone? It's a demon we're talking about!" He retaliated back pathetically, making me shake my head before I delivered a final wave of lighting towards the sea monster that Alfreed and I faced, making it sink back into the depths of the ocean, merely unconscious due to the shock.

"Sammael won't harm her. He can't and he won't." I stated firmly and I caught Rex,Shingu and Leirum look my way after what I had stated for only them to know.

They were in doubt. That I knew but I couldn't be more thankful enough when they decided to just listen to me and let things happen. Neither did they ask for any explanation and I know that they know that they will get none from me.

Time itself will reveal and let the things unfold. Even if they weren't patient people, they were wise enough to know that they could only wait for the right time I am speaking off.

I breathed out a little, glancing at the ship where I know my brother was in, still a demon and talking to the fourth ranker who used to be my sister when I was still Kevin.

Sammael was in doubt and confused but I am not worried. He is strong and he will learn of the things he needed to know and I know that it won't be long. He is after all, a big part of the prophecy. He is as important as everyone else are and they will know when the time comes.

I gazed off around and I can see no land from miles around. The enormous body of water was the only thing I could sea. This world had the same structure of Earth, three fourths of Azeroth was made up of water, one fourth of land only that this world was twice larger than Earth.

This part of the vast oceans was undoubtedly the most dangerous. So many large and harmful monsters reside in it's depths. However, no matter how dangerous they were, all the kingdoms had placed death as a penalty over the head of someone who dares kill any of these sea monsters.

It is crucial for mortals to keep their treaty with the merpeople or the queen will sink the continents with her power over the seas and bodies of water.

Though it may be troublesome for us, no one can disobey the imperial king's orders nor anyone can betray the treaty for they all know the doom that will follow after it if they do.

I narrowed my eyes towards a certain direction when I felt the familiar presence and I quickly flew higher, trying to discern what creature the presence belonged to and a smile plastered itself when I confirmed what I speculated.

Looks like helps here.

"Alfreed. Stay here. I'll get help in a moment." I stated and flew away, not giving her any chance to speak or ask about what I was up to or where I was headed to. She could only shout after me but not leave her place due to the reason that she can't leave that part unguarded.

I flew on towards the speck of black that soon grew larger and larger in my eyes as I approached him sitting on top of a rock.

"Raziel!" He beamed at me and I was glad he remembered while I swooped low and landed beside one of the first mortals that I had met after escaping my damnation... Hell...

"Sammael?" I asked softly, closing the door after me while he wearily watched me slowly approach him but I knew there was no need to fight for he looked like he didn't intend to harm me, if anything, I was weirded out because I felt love for him as how I feel towards Raziel. Love for a brother.....

"What brought you here?" I asked, strangely not feeling any fear towards our visitor when I always felt dread from every demon that I face. He was different from the last time I have faced him.

"Why?" He growled and I took a step back, startled at his harsh tone and my eyes widened when he suddenly snatched me by the shoulders so roughly that it hurt.

"Why is it that I see your face and your face since the boy spoke of me being his brother?!" He shouted at me with a tone full of fury while I stood there astounded at his remarks.

"I-I don't underdtand-----"

"You and your first ranker. Why do I see you?!" He growled as if not hearing what I was saying and I couldn't help but wince in silent pain when his claws buried through my clothes and cut my skin, drawing my blood.

"Who are you?" He asked me and I shook my head. Having no answers for him after seeing the confusion and hate in his eyes. Why is he so mad at me? What did I do?

"I don't know Sammael. If you're talking about the me in my past life...I don't know. We are just clueless as you." I replied, startled myself when I managed to push him back while he stared at me with a confused expression on his face and all my frustrations came back rushing to me like a wave.

After hearing Raziel's declarations Yesterday about each of us having our own past lives, I wanted to cry and curse everything. Everything was already so damn complicated and what he stated only made things more complicated than they already were.

I was so frustrated that he knew about my past life when I didn't even know it myself. I wanted to cry but I couldn't when everyone else did there best to not do so even though we were all on the same boat. Deprived of the truth and shunned in the darkness, not knowing anything.

"We still haven't attained the memories that you're brother was talking about. We are all in the same boat." I cried out, slumping on my bed and glaring furiously at the floor as I bit my lip.

Being the chosen ones, bearing the burden of the two worlds and lives upon lives... We have too much on our plates and we still had our memories to worry about?! Isn't that too much?!

"I apologize if I don't have the answers to your questions. I don't have my memories yet." I bitterly stated, the words leaving a bad taste in my mouth and I grimaced, my hands balling into fists as every negative emotion welled inside of me.

The ship gently rocked due to the waves outside and I sighed, looking up at Sammael and I felt pity when I saw the look on his face. He looked like a lost child... Not knowing what to do anymore and I felt that love towards him once again, the feeling that I get whenever I see Raziel looking exactly like he does. They both felt like little brothers to me and I don't know why but it felt so nostalgic.

Before I could stop myself, I grabbed his hand,pulled him down and hugged him, encasing him in my arms as I spoke the words.

"I still can't believe that you are Raziel's brother whom I've always assumed as my brother but... Please do consider that he's patiently waiting for you-----"

My eyes flew to the door when I heard it open and damn... I didn't expect whom I saw....

Ughhhhhhh.... I'm runnin' out of ideas. Geez. I don't think this chapter is that okay but I'll just make up for it in the next coming chapters.

Anyway, please vote, comment and follow!
-thebadgirl05 at your service!

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