Cold Canary AU

By Snartsass

24.1K 1.1K 555

Where Sara is a barista, going to CCU (Central City University) and is living with her mom for the the time b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Last Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 12

767 39 14
By Snartsass

Wednesday, Sara's apartment 12pm

"Okay," Sara stepped into the kitchen, where her mother was currently eating a bowl of grapes. "Are you free....tomorrow night?"

"Hmmm," Dinah pretended to think. "What time?"

"Around 6 or 7?" Sara said standing next to her mother.

"For what?" Dinah said popping another grape into her mouth.

Sara scoffed. "To meet Len!"

"Oh!" Dinah exclaimed suddenly, causing some grape juice to trickle out the corner of her mouth. "Yeah! I thought you were going to want me for help on your homework."

"You're free if it's to meet Len, but not if I need your educational use?" Sara said in disbelief.

Dinah just shrugged.

"Oh my god.." Sara mumbled.

Dinah laughed at her daughter's annoyance and Sara took the last grape from her mother's bowl.


Leonard's apartment, 7pm

Leonard returned to his home from grocery shopping with Lisa, with her picking out all her favorite foods.

When Leonard was on his way up the stairs, bringing up the last of the bags, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle.

He stopped in his steps and quickly looked around.

No one at the bottom of the stairs, nor the top.

He went back down the stairs to see if anyone was watching him.


He went back up the stairs, looked both left and right down the halls, and still. No one.

Leonard took a few steps down the hall.

"Lenny?" Lisa called from his apartment nearby.

Leonard returned to his apartment, shut, and locked the door.

"You okay?" Lisa asked, noticing her brother was a little off, well more than he usually is.

"Peachy," He said placing the last of the bags on the counter and helped his sister put them away.

When they were done, Leonard grabbed two beers from his fridge and sat down at the table.

He popped open both of them and handed one to his sister.

"Thank you," Lisa smiled and sipped her beer.

"I'll get you your new battery tomorrow," Leonard told his sister, taking a swig from his beer.

Lisa nodded and grabbed a bag of Doritos from her brother's cabinet and sat down across from him.

"What's up with you and Sara?" Lisa was practically dying to ask.

"What do you mean?" Leonard sat back.

"What're you guys?" Lisa said crunching down on a chip.

Leonard was about to answer her, but he didn't really know the answer himself. Yeah, they've kissed, they've gone on 'dates', they weren't official dates but they ended being, they act and do couple things. But Leonard had had always thought it odd to call someone his 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend'. He never really had anything in his life that lasted very long, besides Mick or Lisa.

"We're...." Leonard said trying to assess the situation. "Together."

Lisa shrugged and offered her brother a chip, which he kindly shook his head no.

It was quiet, besides Lisa's crunching and the occional sloshing sound of the beer bottles when they drank from them.

"You're really not going tonight?" Lisa asked remember what day it was.

"Nope," Leonard said setting down his beer.

"Does this 'change of heart' have something do with Sara?"

Leonard slowly nodded. "I want to be better. For her."

"Awww," Lisa smiled.

"What am I gonna do?" Leonard groaned. "I've literally known her for less than a week and yet it feels like, like,..."

Leonard ran his right hand down his face.

"Am I falling for her too soon? Too hard?"

"Aye!" Lisa kicked her brother's leg under the table. "This is a good thing, it may have only been like," Lisa thought back to last Thursday, when they met Sara. "Almost a week, but I've seen how much this week has done for you." Lisa put her hand atop her brother's. "Let it happen, Lenny."

Leonard gave a small smile.

"And don't you dare try to talk yourself out of this!" Lisa pointed a finger at her brother. "I know how you are!"

Leonard removed his hand from his sister's grasp and wiped it on her shirt. "You got Dorito powder all on me,"

Lisa rolled her eyes and checked the time.

"Ugh, it's 7:26." Lisa stood.

"It's actually 7:27," Leonard stated.

"No, it's no-" Lisa checked her phone again. "Shut up."

Lisa opened the cabinet to put the left over Doritos back when Leonard closed the cabinet before she can put them back in.

"That's yours now" He said pointing to the bag. "You didn't wash your hands before you stuck your dirty hands in there."

"You're unbelivable," Lisa mumbled and headed to the door.

Lisa opened the door and was on her way down the stairs when Leonard stopped her.

"I'll walk you to your car," Leonard said remembing the feeling he got earlier.

"Oh..kay," Lisa said confused.

❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ ❄ ❄

Next day, 12pm.

Leonard was on his way out of his building and picking up his mail when his phone begun ringing.

He answered it.


"Are you free tonight?" Sara said immediately.

"Another date already?" Leonard teased. "Don't you think your being a bit too obvious here, Sara?"

"It's with my mom," Sara explained.

"Than I'm definitely not free," He joked.


"Kidding," He opened his car door. "I'm free."

"Okay, good because my mom wants-" There was a pause. "God damn it,"

"What's wrong?" Leonard worried.

"Iris' dad, Joe, was suppose to give me some sweet Intel for this journalist class I'm taking, but something came up." Sara said. "You might not know of something cool to write about, do you?"

"Watching paint dry is pretty exciting,"

Sara could actually hear the smirk in his voice.

Sara gave a very audioable sigh.

Leonard laughed at Sara's frustration.

"My life's over," Sara over exaggerated and said in monotone. "All because you won't help me with my homework,"

"Just write about global warming," Leonard started his car. "That always seems to get people's attention."

"Thank you," Sara said gratefully.

"What time tonight are we meeting up?"

"5?" Sara questioned, seeing if it was a good time for him. "My mom doesn't want to eat so late, faults of being old."

Leonard shook his head realizing Sara's mother was probably not that far ahead of him in age.

"Sounds good,"

"Alright I gotta go," Sara said. "I got to start this and you're distracting me."

"You called me," Leonard chuckled.

Sara laughed with him.

"I'll see you later," Leonard said.

"Bye, Len." Sara said softly.

They both hung up.

Leonard's smile stayed on his face a while before he sighed, and than it returned again a few moments later and he gave a small laugh before pulling away from the curve and driving to the auto store.

Sara sat her phone down, jumped in her seat, threw her arms in the air, and squeeled.


Leonard got to the auto shop, purchased the battery he needed, and turned to leave the store.

On his way out he ran into someone causing the person to drop the paperwork they had in hand.

"Watch it!" The man shouted at Leonard while the man picked up his papers.

The man was older, was balding, and wore a police uniform with a badge saying "Quintin," on it.

Leonard just glared at the man, mumbled. "Stupid name," and walked out, leaving the man to pick up his own papers.

Len's in deep shit... Any theories on who might be watching Len?
Tomorrow guys!!!!! Ugh I'm so excited! I can't watch it till Friday, but still! #CaptainCanary is a ship I'm happy to be sailing on.

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