I'm the Princess of Wales; He...

By kells04

100K 1.5K 74

It's the Summer of 2012 in England. Fifteen years have passed since Diana, Princess of Wales' tragic death. H... More

And Her Tale Begins
Under the Gaze of the World
Once Upon an England Dream
Moonlight on the Thames
The End of a Beginning
When the Clock Strikes
A Little Prince
Summer 1999
The Party Prince Settles
A Royal Night Out
A New Year in Italy
Turn the Page


4.7K 68 0
By kells04

Chapter 7

Belgium (March 2013)

Fall rolled into winter, and winter rolled into spring as the months passed. The young princess returned to Cambridge after the wedding in Luxembourg while her beau returned to Milan. She celebrated her twentieth birthday quietly in Cambridge on November 12. Caroline and Joachim were able to meet at Kensington for a couple days in the first week of December after finals. The couple were able to celebrate Joachim's twenty-first a couple days early at Windsor as the Belgian prince would be with his family on the 9th. However, the reunion was brief as Caroline was expected to spend the holidays at Sandringham House with her entire family.

That was William's and Caroline's first Christmas without Harry. Moreover, it had also been Caroline's first birthday without both of her brothers; Will and Catherine had come and made her dinner, but Harry was still deployed.

Thankfully, Captain Harry Wales returned safely home from deployment at the end of January 2013, having shown great bravery and courage. He had stayed with his fellow soldiers after the Taliban had made a direct threat on his life. Caroline had counted down the days until he returned, always anxious when there was a period of time when they did not talk.

Catherine was pregnant with her and Will's first child and the pregnancy was taking its toll on the Duchess of Cambridge. Unfortunately, the mother-to-be suffered from a complication called hyperemesis gravidarum that was worse than morning sickness. Caroline hated seeing her sister in such a state when the pregnancy should have been a joyful time.

In other news, wedding preparations for Harry and Maria-Anunciata commenced a couple of weeks after his return. The announcement of the engagement and upcoming royal wedding was met with fervor and anticipation in not just England and Liechtenstein, but around the world. People were excited to see another British royal wedding take place just over two years after the last.


It was March 2013 now and spring break found Caroline in the midst of Brussels. The young princess currently stood in the bustling Brussels airport, looking for signs to point her to baggage claim. Several people bumped into Caroline in a rush to catch their flights and Caroline smiled despite it. Apparently, the old Team GB cap that she had donned with simple capris and a blouse, worked wonders to cover up her identity.

Yet, she knew that this would have been the case without the hat; Belgian press, unlike British, did not crowd their royals when they ventured around the city. Caroline had even been permitted to come without the protection of Joe.

So, Caroline fixed the strap to her bag that hung on her shoulder and dodged her way through the airport, following the signs for baggage claim. Waiting for her suitcase at baggage claim, Caroline bounced on the balls of her feet, barely able to contain her excitement to see Joachim. She was also looking forward to being in the city again as her last visit had been before William's wedding in 2011.

Finally, Caroline's suitcase appeared on the belt. Once the luggage got to her, she struggled to lift it off the belt, used to her one of her brothers doing it for her. Thankfully, a nice man next to Caroline saw her struggle and lifted the suitcase off the belt for her.

"Wonderful to see you here, Your Royal Highness," The man quietly said to Caroline as he placed her suitcase on the airport floor.

Well then. She wasn't as incognito as she thought. It was her hair. It was always the dead giveaway—her blonde curls were unique and almost iconic. Caroline stared at the man for minute more, watching as he collected his family to leave. He did not turn back to look at her.

Wheeling her suitcase, Caroline followed behind towards the exit. She pulled her cell from her bag and checked to see if she had any new messages. She had one from Harry, asking if she made it to Brussels in one piece. Caroline replied to her older brother in the affirmative. She had no new messages from Joachim, worrying her slightly as she had texted him before she boarded in London, informing him the time her flight was scheduled to land.

Caroline stepped out into the fresh Belgian air and didn't have to worry any longer. The man and his family passed another man leaning on a gray Audi S5 Coupe with a license plate that had a lone 8 on it. They glanced at the man who wore sunglasses and had a hat pulled low over his blonde curls and held a sign that said: Lina Mountbatten.

As if Caroline needed the sign to know who the man was. The excitement that Caroline had kept bottled up rushed out; she unceremoniously dropped her luggage and ran to the incognito prince.

Joachim saw Caroline running to him and leaned back further on his car, enjoying the view. She was more beautiful each time he saw her. Seven months. Seventh months they had been dating and they had been the best of his life.

"Oooff," Joachim's breath came out in a whoosh when Caroline jumped into his arms.

"Joachim!" Caroline happily breathed in his ear, cutely kissing his nose. A real kiss could wait until they were in private.

Joachim set Caroline down and said, "I missed you so much, Lina. How was your flight?"

The couple held hands as they went to retrieve Caroline's luggage. Caroline replied, "I missed you too, babe. It was fine. The seat next to empty and there were no annoying toddlers to kick my seat, so it was a good time."

Joachim lightly chuckled and placed the suitcase in the trunk of his car. Ever a gentleman, he then helped Caroline in the car before getting in the driver's seat. As Joachim turned on the ignition, Caroline looked out the window and was pleased to see that their reunion had attracted no more attention than the everyday reunions that occurred in an airport. Oh yes, she liked Belgium.

Joachim drove to the center of the city, his hand intertwined with hers on the center console. Caroline filled Joachim in on the most recent happenings that she had not had the chance to tell him.

"Maria-Anunciata and Harry have decided on a date and location: October 7th at Westminster Abbey. Maria's asked Alexandra and Marie-Astrid to be her bridesmaids. Wills and Philippos will be Harry's groomsmen."

Marie-Astrid was Maria's younger sister and the middle child of the family—Maria was the oldest and Josef-Emanuel the youngest. Joachim merely nodded at the specifics having expected something of the sort.

Caroline changed topics. "Classes are going good but we talk about that all the time." She paused and watched the passing city. Joachim drove through the crowded streets, filled with locals and tourists alike. "This is a nice car, babe. But, why is your license plate only one number?"

Joachim smiled. "It was my birthday present from all of the family. Maman got together with Uncle Philippe and Grandpapa, and they decided to give me a car as my present." He then teased, "Can you not guess what the 8 stands for?"

Caroline fondly rolled her eyes. Joachim continued, "It's my position in succession. The family only has one number on our plates. Uncle Philippe has 1, Maman has 5, Amedeo has 6, and so on."

Caroline pouted, speaking of the British royals, "We should do that, too."

Joachim laughed and sweetly reached over to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. He pulled into the gates of his childhood home, Villa Schonenberg, stopping at the guard.

"Welcome back, sir," The guard greeted Joachim and to Caroline. "Bonjour, Your Royal Highness."

Caroline smiled brightly at the man and Joachim said, "Thanks, Pierre."

Joachim pulled the car next to the front door and the couple climbed out. Joachim's family appeared in the doorway as Joachim opened the trunk.

Maria-Laura ran to greet Caroline. "Car! You're here!"

The two girls hugged and laughed in delight. They had not seen one another since the London Olympics. Caroline exclaimed, "Maria-Laura!"

Luisa-Maria and Laetita-Maria also excitedly greeted Caroline. Amedeo and Lorenz kissed her cheeks while Astrid offered a warm hug.

Caroline said, "It's wonderful to be back here. Thank you for letting me visit, ma'am."

Astrid waved the gratitude away. In her mind, Caroline had always been welcome in their home since she had been a little girl. Astrid had been friendly with Diana before her untimely death and been more-than-willing to also open her home to Caroline two years later.

Astrid replied, gesturing Caroline to follow her. Caroline did, looping her arm through Maria-Laura's. "You're staying in your usual room, Caroline. I believe that my son has planned the rest of your day so we will not see you until tomorrow. Here it is, of course."

Astrid opened the door to the room and left the two princesses. Joachim set Caroline's luggage next to the wardrobe as the two girls collapsed on the bed. He smiled at his sister and his girlfriend.

"I thought we could walk around the city tonight. Go eat at your favorite café?" Joachim asked, affirming the plans that his mother had mentioned.

Caroline smiled back, more than happy to do whatever he had planned for the two of them. "I would love to!"

Maria-Laura ordered her younger brother, "Get out, Joachim! I want to help Caroline get ready."

Caroline fell into a fit of giggles when Joachim childishly ruffled his sister's hair before dodging a swat and running from the room.

The door closed with a snap as Maria-Laura huffed in annoyance, fixing her blonde hair. "I know I helped put you two together, but I can't believe you fancy my little brother."

Caroline raised an eyebrow at the statement and snickered, "Like how you fancy my brother?"

Maria-Laura stilled and laughed, "I do not fancy Will or Harry, Car!"

"I wasn't referring to Will or Harry, Maria-Laura. You fancy Philippos," Caroline giggled in excitement.

Maria-Laura bounced back on the bed in contentment at the thought of the Greek man. She made no effort to deny the claim as they both knew it was true. If Maria-Laura had to pinpoint when she started to fancy Philippos, it would have to be during the Olympics. While she was helping to put her brother and Caroline together, she harbored an intense liking for Philippos. His dark-brown hair and intense brown eyes captivated her. He was smart, a bit of a jokester but loved his family and friend fiercely.

Caroline had no idea if the exiled Greek prince held a fancy for Maria-Laura. But, Caroline was positive that he could if Maria-Laura gave hints that she did. Thinking back to the London Olympics when Philippos and Maria-Laura last saw one another, Caroline was pleased to remember that Philippos seemed to enjoy Maria-Laura's presence.

"I have an idea!" Caroline exclaimed. "I'll ask Grammy if you can visit a couple weeks this summer! I'm sure she'll love the idea when I tell her why—she views Philippos as another grandchild."

Maria-Laura nodded in agreement. The two princesses then spent the next several minutes dressing Caroline for her date. Caroline met Joachim outside, with a new shirt on and flats. The gate was opened and Joachim drove them into Brussels. Two guards followed at a distance as the couple climbed out of the car once parked at a square.

When a couple of people saw the license plate, it was already too late. Joachim and Caroline walked hand-in-hand to her favorite café. They snagged a table outside in the corner. Coming to take their order, the waiter briefly paused in surprise.

"Brussels is so pretty," Caroline mused as they enjoyed their meal a few minutes later.

Joachim smiled and said, "I'm glad you were able to come over the break. I was afraid that you would have had royal engagements this week."

Caroline smirked. "Oh, I did. Aunt Sophie offered to go in my place so I could come."

Joachim mentally thanked The Countess of Wessex. A long distance relationship is not easy by any means but he and Caroline made it work. They had stuck to the plan they made when Joachim was leaving London after the Olympics.

Joachim switched topics, "Would you like to go explore the city after lunch, Caroline?"

Caroline nodded, saying, "Sure! It's been a while since I've seen the touristy places."

After a shared dessert, the couple left, Joachim intertwining their hands together. They opted against the car, deciding to stretch their legs.

Though Caroline had been around Brussels before, she still pointed like an excited child at all the beautiful and magnificent monuments and buildings. Joachim could not have enjoyed himself more as he watched his girlfriend skip ahead down the crowded sidewalk, not having a care concerning the stares.

"Lina! Wait!" Joachim laughed, gently pushing through the people.

"Hurry up, slowpoke!" Caroline gasped and pointed once again. "Joachim! Can we go in that store? Oh please, Joachim! Please. Please!"

Joachim at last rejoined her side, placing his hand on her waist. Caroline was transfixed at the lovely clothes and accessories on display in the window.

A travelling whisper stilled the couple along with the flash of a camera. "Oh my. Is that Prince Joachim and Princess Caroline? What on earth are they doing here?"

Joachim quickly ushered Caroline inside the shop. "Pick something out, Lina."

And she did, indeed. Joachim paid for the bracelet and they continued on their way. The happy couple stopped and sat on a bench in a nearby park. They were content to watch the passerby and enjoy the beautiful day.

But then, Joachim stood, saying, "Come on, belle!"

Caroline let him pull her across the street to a flower shop. A bell sounded as they entered. An older woman walked out from the backroom and stopped at the sight of who entered her family store.

The woman curtsied. "Your Imperial and Royal Highness! And Your Royal Highness! What can I do for you today?"

Caroline breathed in the mesmerizing smells of the different flowers that permeated the small shop.

Joachim smiled at the woman. "A bouquet of tulips, s'il vous plait."

The woman chose a bouquet with both white and orange tulips. She walked around the counter to stand in front of the couple. "I think this one is perfect, Monseigneur."

Joachim agreed. "How much, ma'am?"

The woman was aghast. She pressed the bouquet in Joachim's arms. "No charge, Monseigneur. I had the urge to randomly piece this bouquet together this morning; and now I see why. I hope you have a wonderful day! I hope I see you more often, Mademoiselle!"

She shooed Caroline and Joachim out of the shop. The pair giggled at the incident.

Joachim handed the bouquet to Caroline and pecked her lips. "For you, belle princesse. They resonant your beauty and sunshine."

Caroline found herself a pool of mush, blushing pink, on a crowded sidewalk in Brussels.

She said, "I hope Belgium sees me more often, too."

It was the ideal beginning of Spring.

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