I'm sorry... (Kyoyas Twin S...

By shameofmine

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Its been seven years and that day still haunts my dreams. When will I see her again? When will my other half... More

chapter 1: she's gone...
chapter 2: hello again
chapter 3:
chapter 4: character profile
chapter 5: meeting the rest...
chapter 6: trying to scare me?
chapter 7 : first assignment
A/N sorta
chapter 8: Roses and introductions
Chapter 10: Over dramatic tamaki.
Chapter 11: Moive stars

Chapter 9: the encounter!

4.7K 125 59
By shameofmine

Well I hope this extra long chapter helps with that I will try really hard to update more often from now on. Now please have a good time with this chapter.

Eyes. Eyes everywhere judging me, studying me. 

"Please take a free seat for today miss okuma," 

Giving a curt nod I start down the aisle towards a free seat near the back of the room. 

*time skip ;P*

so far the days gone smoothly and I still haven't met tamaki yet. My last class for the day is art, before i can finally go to the 'famous' host club and met tamaki.

Walking through a doorway like every other at this school the comforting sent of chemicals hits me. Unlike a normal class room this one is full of easels and paint covered benches, the messy organised feel to the room is comforting until a pair of eyes meet mine.
He looked like every other guy here rich and snob-ish but the difference between him and the others is that this one is staring at me like im some sort of ugly commoner that just walked in off the streets. Finding a bench on the other side of the room from him I place my books down and open a sketch pad taking a lead pencil out before i start doodling anything that comes to mind.
A small tap on my shoulder makes me turn and acknowledge the presence of someone behind me.

"Hey your new right, you have some really nice drawings."
Just great i had to come face to face with the only person in the room i didn't want to talk to.

"Yeah thanks and yes i just started today," I reply with a smile before turning slightly to keep drawing, hoping he would get the message and leave. Unfortunately I dont think he's the brightest because he tried talking to me again.

"whats your name? Im jin tomoyato by the way," he says with a obvious forced smile. Rolling my eyes before turning back to him, I decided its best not to make any enemy's yet.

"I'm kana, kana okuma."

"Okuma don't think ive every heard of a company with that name, say what does your family do?" Jin asked with a fake confused look. It seems jin is one of those people that think they need to know everything, just like my dear kyoya.

"My father owns a large entertainment production company called star nine and my mother was a famous singer before she passed away."
Im thankful that the higher ups have created a new company with that name for this assignment, if i had gone around telling everyone im an ootori then this assignment would have been a lot harder.

You see the ootori's are very powerful and wealthy but after I was sent away my father was forced for the safety japan that I be dead. If I suddenly came back from the dead then other companies would eventually go digging and probably find some sketchy stuff, which is the reason im undercover now. That still doesn't explain why kyoya went and told his friends but knowing him, he has warned them thoroughly about the consequences.
Ok back the the creep jin.

"Right well im sorry about your mother," jin says with an ashamed face, and not forced this time.

"Its ok it happened a long time ago," i respond. At this moment I'm wishing the bell would just go I've had enough socialising with this guy. As if i could control the bells a chime was heard throughout the school.

"Well I guess i should go then, I hope to see you again kana," jin says over his shoulder before walking off.

"Yeah bye," I say before packing my things and rushing to the third music room.

*Time skip*

Making it to the third music room i realise something i should have picked up ages ago, since im protecting tamaki suoh im in all his classes and i haven't seen him all day. BIG rookie mistake at this thought i start worrying what if I've failed my first assignment.
Suddenly the door I have been leaning on this whole time opens and i start to fall.

Catching myself I also find that someone tried to catch me first.
Feeling a hand around me waist I look up to find one of the hitachiin twins.

"Are you ok," he asks with a concerned look. By simply those three words and how he acted i could tell it was kouru.

"Um yeah im fine thank you for catching me," I  say as I step away from him and glance behind him to find his twin hikaru looking at me with a smirk.

"Hey haven't I seen you before?" Kouru asks as hikarus smirk turns evil. Before I can answer hikaru confirms kourus suspicion.

"Hey kouru she's the one that came looking for tamaki senpai this morning."

"Oh I remember," kouru smirks,

"welcome to the ouran host club we're the hitachiin twins,hikaru-," he says while wrapping a hand around my shoulders.

"And kouru," his twin finishes and copies his brother.

"Um hello I'm kana," I reply while trying to gently get out of his grip.

"Why are you trying to leave?" Hikaru asks.

"Look if you dont let me go I wont be the only thing leaving you," I whisper gesturing to there downstairs. With a obvious swallow the both let me go and i give them a sweet smile before turning around and walking into the room.

The first person i see as i walk in is my brother talking to tamaki. Wait so tamiki's been at school this whole time why wasn't he in class with me? Now im slightly annoyed. Just as im about to speak up haruhi does.

"Hey are you a new customer?" She asks me and also catches attention of tamaki, kyoya, honey and mori.

"Customer?" I ask with a confused look. Wait did they think I was here to pay for their attention.

"Oh princess I have been waiting for someone with your beauty to walk through the door and capture my heart, now do tell which one would you like?" Tamaki asks while dramatically walking up to me and holding my waist lightly.

"We already know she wants you tamaki," one of the twins said.

"Yeah she came in earlier looking for you," the other one says. Those two twins better watch it or there going to be on my bad list. I decide now is as good time as any to explain myself

"No I..." I start.

"Oh I am over joyed your highness as I am only a lowly man not high enough to be in the presence of you, although if that is what you truly want I will try my hardest to make you happy," tamaki says wiping tears from his eyes then getting down on his knee to kiss my hand lightly.

"Im sorry you have the wrong idea, I'm  here because today is my first day and Mr. Suoh asked me to stop bye and meet his son, which is why i've been looking for tamaki suoh," I reason while pulling my hand away just before his lips meet it.

"Well here I am," tamaki says.

"Gosh your flamboyant aren't you," I roll my eyes at him, "and why weren't you in class all today?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"My princess im very sorry to upset you but i had some important club duties to attend to," that explains why my brother wasn't at his first class either, but im not in all his classes.

"Its fine," I say.

"So what is your type?" The twins ask in sync.

"Excuse me?" I ask confusion playing on my face once again.

"Your type, here at the ouran high school host club all of our member has a type that caters to the interests of our clients," my brother explains while looking in his death note *cough* excuse me black journal.

"Yes let me introduce you to the ouran host club, do you like the little devil type," tamaki says gesturing towards the twins as they strike quite a intimate pose.

"The natural type," this type gesturing to haruhi, who i already know is a girl, but I have a feeling that is a secret here so I'll keep quiet for now.

"How about the cool type," he gestures to kyoya who at the time posed like he was trying to seduce someone but unfortunately all it made me do was almost laugh.

"Maybe the boy Lolita, or the wild type," honey was in very cute pose while mori was standing behind him protectively and ... blushing?

"Or maybe even you would like the princely type?" Tamaki asks while handing me a pure white rose.

"Thank for the options but do you have a rebel type?" I ask only for the pure enjoyment of watching there confusion. As i thought it went perfectly.

"Um ... well ... no ... but um..." tamaki stutters while trying to think of something to say.

"Im sorry if we have no one that interests you, but if its rebel type your looking for the closest to that description would be mori-senpai."

Damn you kyoya why you gotta ruin my fun, well i cant hate him for it though hes just doing his job.

"Yes well I will leave now i must be getting home," I say.

"No wait stay for today a see us in action if your not interested you can leave then," tamaki suggests. Why did this mission have to be so bothersome I ask myself.

"Ok," I say simply before sitting on the nearest couch as the boys go and get ready to open the doors. Kyoya was holding a piece of string connected to a piece of fabric hanging on top of the doors, that seemed to camouflage well with the wall. While I was preoccupied with what kyoya was doing I didn't notice mori had left the group until he returned with a fan and a portable spotlight which were both placed in front of the door but somehow out of the way and partly hidden. What are the boys doing??

"Quick men places, the doors are about to open," tamaki says and all the hosts stand in there place just in front of the door.

The door creaks and kyoya pulls the rope while mori pushes two buttons causing a flash of bright light and rose petals to go flying, as the hosts welcome there guests in.

Well that was um magical? I'm confused the people are going to be a hand full.

*time skip*

I've been here for half an hour and im wishing so badly I could leave. Walking around looking at all of the boys excluding haruhi in action and i have to say out of all of them haruhi is the best.

Walking by the twins table i get a little concerned for them.

"Hikaru do you like the coffee I made for you," kouru asked while looking at hikaru sipping his coffee.

"It's ok but it doesn't have much flavour to it," Hikaru critiques.

"I'm sorry hikaru i tried my hardest i really did but it wasn't enough," kouru says almost in tears as he turns away.

"Kouru its alright how about next time we try together?" Hikaru asks as he pulls his younger twin into a hug.

"OK hikaru I'll like that," says kouru looking in his brothers eyes. The girls there entertaining go wild and almost pass out. I walk away quickly before the screaming gets to loud and bursts my ear drums. While turning quickly I run straight into someone causing them to trip and hold onto me as we go tumbling towards the ground.

The impact of hitting the ground didn't hurt as much because the person I bumped into acted as a pillow and was none other than the host clubs wild type mori-senpai.

The room went silent as everyone watched to see what would happen. Tamaki rushed over and started gushing about how mori was my knight in shining armour or something, I just ignored him.

"Uh, sorry for bumping into you mori-senpai," I apologise. With a small 'hmm', a pat on the head and a small blush on both our parts, mori walked away to check on honey.

"Kana, are you ok?" Kouru rushes over with the hikaru on his tail.

"Yeah im fine thanks for checking on me," i say with a closed eye smile. When i open my eyes both the boys in front of me are blushing but kourus is nothing compared to hikarus.

"Are you ok, you look a little warm?" I ask kouru.

"I'm fine," he says before turning and walking away dragging his brother along to return to their guests.

Whats with all the boys blushing today, I ask myself.

(That was a scream of happiness btw XD )  anyway I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and if u saw any mistakes please tell me so i can correct them. ;D

- Ambular (author-chan)

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