Business Deal (Camren)

Oleh BobieBigDino

473K 12.8K 4.3K

Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui are two successful woman in two different industries. Camila Cabello is... Lebih Banyak

Camila left Fifth Harmony!


14.6K 400 83
Oleh BobieBigDino

Camila's POV

I woke up with the annoying knock in my door, I moved my body to reach out for my phone but that was a pretty bad idea. I felt my head is going to explode. Damn how much drink did I get last night? How did I even gotten home? The last thing I remember was dancing with Dinah and Normani after making out with Lauren on the VIP lounge. That thought woke me up I sat up from my bed instantly then regretted doing it. "Ouch! Fucking hangover!" I groaned to myself and open the doorknob of my room and went back to my bed.

"Good morning to you my friend!" Ally entered my room almost screaming, I flinch from her high pitch greetings. It's not helping lessen my hangover. "Or should I say noon since it's almost 12 o'clock?" Ally said stretching her hand with a glass of water and a pill. "Here, take this I know you also have hangover like Dinah."

"Thanks sunshine, you're such a life saver" I got up and took the pill. Ally is the sweetest sweetheart in all human being I've actually known.

"Are you coming with us back in New York today?" she ask me with a concern look.

"I think I'm staying for a little, I still have things to settle here." I answered Ally thinking back to the reality about my marriage arrangement. "I still need to talk to my parents and to decide about the marriage thing. I don't want to give up what we were doing Ally but I don't want to disappoint them, especially dad. It will hurt them both badly I can't be selfish this time Ally." I lean my back in the head board; I grab the pillow lying beside me and brought it to my face "Ugh!" I groan on it letting my frustration out.

"Sofia told me about it yesterday after we had lunch, I may not understand what you are feeling right now Mila but get it." She extended her hand and reached mine squeezing it lightly. "I know you're not yet ready, and will never be ready to give up what you've worked so hard for. But at the same time you can't deny your parents wish."

I sigh and stared at my pillow blankly. Ally was right I can't deny my dad's wish especially knowing it would affect his health. I need to give them my decision today but before I will talk to them I will make a good deal first with Lauren Jauregui!

"What time you need to be at the airport?" I look up at Ally as she glances on her watch.

"Well, our flight is 3:30pm so we need to be there in an hour."

"Okay, I'll just take a shower then drop you in the airport." She nodded in agreement then I hopped from the bed and headed to my bathroom.

I take off my shirt and my underwear, as all you know I only go to bed with an oversize shirt and underwear. I find it the most comfortable piece to sleep with. I turn on the shower and let the hot water run down to my body. The thought of last night's event went in to my consciousness; I remember the taste of Lauren's lips on mine. It was like French vanilla that was mixed in vodka with a good combination of electrifying bolt that strongly affected my inner nerves.

The aggression she showed me last night was very much tempting, it had me thinking of doing so many bad things to her right on that moment but it would be so easy for her and I won't give her that. Lauren will be different from the other woman I had slept with. She'll be my wife soon and...could I even though this? Could I even be a good wife? I've never even tried to fully commit to a serious relationship, how can I tell this thing would work? What if we won't ever have that connection? What if I end up cheating on her? What if she will never love me? What do I even know about love?

Taking this long shower had my thoughts come up with a lot more questions. I turn off the shower and step out off the tub. I grab the tower folded in my open cabinet and wrap it around my torso then walks to my closet. I open my closet and look for a perfect outfit. I decided to go to Lauren's office after I drop Ally and Dinah in the airport. I picked up my blue faded ripped jeans and raised it up to see if it would be good. It isn't that appropriate to wear inside a promising office but I think it would be great in Lauren's eyes. I could live my day teasing that woman, her reaction every time lifts up my confidence in the highest level.

I put on my jeans and picked a white turtle crop top with fit slit at my stomach. I applied a light makeup, pink shade lipstick and let my wavy hair fall along my shoulder. I put on my black boots and grab my purse then headed out of my room.

I knock on the door where Dinah stayed "come in" I heard her screamed from the other side. I turn the knob open seeing the blonde girl frantically running around the room. "This is your fault Mila, you got me drunk really bad last night! I have planned on packing this morning but I haven't done that because obviously my hangover got in the way. Now Ally is giving me death threat if we'll miss our flight to New York!" she poses from her rant and looks at me "are you coming with us, back in New York?"

I finally let out the laugh I've been holding from all the rant and blames of her hangover, I move towards the chair, the only vacant space inside the room. "First, your hangover is not my fault. You're the one insisted on going to a club. Second, you are the one who ordered different kind of drinks last night and lastly, I won't be able to come with you guys. Since, we don't have incoming project yet I've decided to stay here for awhile. I have to settle everything and I still need to talk to Lauren with regards to the arrangement."

"Based from last night's event, I think you too will be good partners. I mean in business and in 'couple marriage thing' life" she continued putting her stuff in her suitcase.

"You think so? I'm not confident with this one D, you know I haven't been in real relationship yet. I haven't submitted myself to commitments yet. Do we even have connection? What if she won't ever fall in love with me or I won't be able to fall for her? What if I mess up and disappoint her and our parents?" I sigh heavily and looked down at my hands playing my ripped jeans.

"What are you even worrying? Maybe you haven't noticed but I did saw how the two of you connected in so many ways. Over the weekend we've spent on their house I saw how you and Lauren stare each other. You look at her with full of interest and don't even try to deny it. And for your question if she could possibly fall for you, is Camila Cabello, the famous charmer seriously doubting herself now? C'mon no one had ever turned down Ms. Camila Cabello! And definitely not one Lauren Jauregui." she kinked her eyebrow and cross her arms in her chest tapping her one foot on the floor.

Dinah really knew how to build up my confidence when I feel get insecure. I smiled pushing my body up to stand up with confidence. "You are right! I'll make Lauren Jauregui fall for Camila Cabello!" I can do this I just need to step up my game a little. I smirk at the thought and excitement I'm feeling to this new challenge.

"Damn right!" Dinah raised her hand to give me a high five. We heard Ally's voice coming in the room "what are you two idiots doing? Come on Dinah Jane we're gonna be late! Damn Mila you look hot!" Dinah rolled her eyes and grab her suitcase.

"Awwe thanks Allycat." I come up to and hug my little sunshine. "C'mon vamonos three idiots!" I raised my hands and marched out of the room passing Ally at the door followed by Dinah. We all walked down the stairs and found my mom telling Lorenzo to help Ally and Dinah put their bags on my car.

Ally and Dinah said their goodbyes to mom while I wait for them outside the car tossing my keys lightly in the air. After seeing Lorenzo closed the compartment of the car he walks towards me "Ms. Karla, would you like me to drive them with you? So you can have someone to unload the luggage in the airport?" Oh! I haven't thought about that.

"You're a genius Lorenzo." I smiled at him and throw him the key. "Vamonos amigas!" I called for my two friends and ask my mom to borrow her driver "Mom, I've changed my mind I'll let Lorenzo drives us, would that be okay?"

"No problem mija, take care girls. Come back anytime okay?" she waves her hands to us before we all hopped in in the car.


After dropping Ally and Dinah at the airport, I ask Lorenzo to drop me off in the Jauregui building. A few minutes of silent ride, Lorenzo stopped the car in front of a tall building. I stepped out from the car and ask Lorenzo to wait for me assuming I won't be long.

I made my way to the lobby information and offered the receptionist in the counter a polite smile "Hi, good afternoon, I'm here to see Ms. Lauren Jauregui."

"Good afternoon Ma'am, do you have an appointment with Ms. Jauregui?" she politely answered me a question.

I pause for a while thinking what would be the best way to easily pass through. "No I haven't, actually I'm here to surprise her. Can you tell her, her fiancée is here?" I'm sure her employees knew we were engage but yeah whatever!

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. I'm just new here I didn't know" she said nervously and I felt guilty for causing this lady trembled.

"It's fine Ms.Ella," as I read her nameplate hang on her uniform. "It's also my first time visiting the building so no need to be too much formal and nervous" I gave her a comforting smile which she reciprocated.

"You're so nice. Thank you. Please, come with me," we headed to the elevator separate from the common ones. "She did not leave the building today so she might be on her office. This elevator is direct to her office."

"Thank you Ms. Ella, have a good day" I waved at her before the elevator closed. I waited for a couple of minutes before it was opened again. I stepped out of the elevator and saw a fine woman with her hair tied in bun sitting on the desk facing her computer.

I walk forward to approach her "Hi, good afternoon, I'm here to see Ms. Jauregui. Is she here?" I greeted her with a smile as she looks at me from head to toe. Oh! I mumbled behind my mind. She might have known me.

"She might be a bit busy for the moment, may I know your name please?" or maybe she doesn't know me at all. Maybe it's because of my outfit, I shrug and smiled at her offering my hand for introduction "I'm Camila Cabello," she looked at me like she was shocked? This woman is weird! I withdrawn my hand and spoke "I assume you're her secretary. I haven't called her before coming her but I needed to talk to her so can you tell her that I'm here?" she nodded and stood up from her chair. She knocks on the door before opening it and enter the room. I followed her instantly before she could even say another word.

"Hi gorgeous," I said before her secretary could let Lauren know my presence.

I saw Lauren's confused expression "Camila, what are you doing here?" then she turns her gaze to her secretary. Maybe indicating her to leave? But her secretary didn't move rather walk closer to Lauren's table. Lauren stood up from her chair and I walk towards her and kissed her cheeks. She was stiff in surprise of my unexpected approach I smirked at her as I pulled away.

"Can't I visit my fiancée?" I said playfully noticing her secretary still standing inches away from me.

"You should have called first I'm a bit busy today. By the way, this is Lucy my secretary, Lucy this is Ms. Camila Cabello."

"Nice to finally got your name." I fake my smile at her and did not bother extending my hands again. She rejected me once so why bother being nice? I don't know what her problem with me is and I could care less. I turn my gaze back to Lauren and sat down in the chair in front of her table "I have a proposition to make and I'd love to talk to you about it in private if I may" purposely turning my gaze to her secretary.

"You can leave us now Lucy, I'll call you later if I need anything." Lauren said calmly to her secretary

"Ok Ms. Jauregui and nice to meet you too Ms. Cabello. I'll just be in my table if you need me." She turns her back and headed out of the office.

"Is she always that grumpy?" I ask Lauren sarcastically.

"No, she's nice. Maybe she just got infected with my bad mood. I snapped at people when I'm not in my best morning."

"And why were you having a bad mood if it's not too much for me to ask?"

"Maybe because of some persistent charmer who got me drunk last night and leaves me with hangover this morning." I kinked my eyebrows on her preferred word as she chuckled.

"You're cute, but it wasn't my fault you'd immediately gulped everything I put in the table" I said defensively.

"Who wouldn't if you had someone dance intensely in front of your face?" I drop my jaw on her bluntness. Shit! I did not expect her to remember that and intentionally tell it to my face. I suddenly find it funny and laugh at the memory of teasing her constantly last night.

"From what I remember you had enjoyed my little show." I smirked at her confidently as she shook her head and smiled before signing the papers in front of her.

"I did have fun last night. Thank you by the way."

"No need to thank me Ms. CEO we could do it some time again, but as for now let's talk about business." I repositioned my chair and sat properly.

"Okay, let me hear your proposition" she now put down her pen giving me her full attention. She looks really hot when she wears her serious attitude.

"As we you all know, I really don't have a choice other than to agree with this marriage but that doesn't mean I will agree on what you want me to do in the future." I pause as she nodded and waited for me to continue. "I have to clarify that if we get married my dad would agree on the merging and you will agree on giving me my video production company. Of course that includes the financing since marketing won't be a problem. I already have enough connections in Hollywood industry."

"Hey, I also new people in Hollywood." She exclaimed in contradiction, I raised my eyebrow.

"Even I doubt that I wouldn't mind accepting the extended help. And also, the company should be in New York therefore we will live in New York."

"NO! I agree on all of your condition except for that last one. There's no way I will live in New York if my company is in here in Miami." She said sternly in disagreement. There is no way also I could put up my company here and leave everything I have in New York.

"Okay look, there's no use if I put up the production company here in Miami if all of the good opportunity is in New York. Fashion, art, entertainment and famous magazines, all potential clients are there. You're a businesswoman, you know all this facts." I looked at her and hoping she'd consider the idea. I lean my back again in the chair and cross my legs.

"Besides, you have a branch there. You can bring your work there and all of your meetings there 'cause if we get married there's no way my parent would agree if we live separately. They may have opened their mind in me being gay but they still live in traditional way and believes strictly in married couples should leave together under one roof and stick with each other." She looks at me very seriously which I find intimidating that I want to shrink from this chair. She's scary and hot! We stayed quiet for a minute and just stared each other intently like she was just literally looking straight to my eyes while thinking. I didn't blink and stared back at her showing my determination and persistency. I could win this! I uttered behind my mind.

"Okay, if I agree to all of this, we should do the merging the soonest time possible before moving everything in New York. I'll talk to my dad with regards to this and try to convince him, keep your fingers cross that he'll take it positively." I smiled at her and finally breathed. I knew I could win this thing.

"I'm sure he'll agree, he trusts you fully so it's no sweat on you convincing him. I'll talk to my parents that we'd already agreed on the marriage so they can pick up the date and whatever stuff my mom planned on doing. Or do you want to plan the wedding? 'Cause I'm sure myself won't be. I'm not into those stuffs."

"No, my mom will probably manage it all. Maybe our moms will gladly manage it all." She chuckled and I laugh at the thought.

"Well, I guess it's settled." I pushed myself up to stand from the chair and extended my hands playfully. "It's nice doing business with you Ms. Jauregui, I'm hoping for positive feedback on my proposition" she shook her head and extended her hand as well reaching mine and shakes it lightly. Her hands are so smooth and soft without thinking twice I brought my hand to my nose and smelled it. I closed my eyes and inhale her scent.

"You're such a dork!" I saw her smile and shook her head moving away from her chair.

"Your hands smells sweet but not as sweet as your neck though," I winked at her and purposely bent down a little to pick up my purse placed on the other chair. I can feel her staring at my bum which is the purpose of this outfit I've chosen. Good job Camila! I praised myself silently and turning myself showing her my big smirk.

"How did you come up here with that outfit? We definitely have a strict dress code on this facility" she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll take your stare as a complement. I could enter in any facility if I wanted to Ms. Jauregui," I said with confidence and walks towards the door. "Thank you for your time," I said as she opens the door for me.

"No need to thank me, you can come here anytime just call or text me first" she smile and ask her secretary to escort me to the elevator. Lucy immediately stood up from her chair and walks ahead of me.

I step forward but pauses as an idea comes up in my mind, I called back on Lauren "wait Lauren I forgot something." She turns back at me but before words could come out from her mouth, I attached our lips and give her a sweet soft kiss. Her body stiffen, I caught her off guard again but I felt her hand touches my waist. I pulled away and brought my thumb to wipe her lips and smile at her "see you later princess." I walk pass through Lucy who's standing outside the elevator stunned at the scene. She may not used to seeing her boss kissed by someone on her office. I shrug and laugh of the thought, my stepping up game had worked successfully today. My adrenaline is rushing thru my veins and the determination to make Lauren Jauregui fall for Camila Cabello is my main goal now.

I'll try to make it longer on the next chapter... been caught up with work 😡

But let me know what you think on Camila and Lucy's first meeting...😜

Credits to the awesome Manip king and queens for the photo existence! 😃
-love lots-poke that star if y'all like it-

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