baekmi | king & queen

By FairyHeartz

2.4K 141 63

gotten a scholarship to study at an elite school with my friend,Krystin. who knew that going to this school w... More

author's note
chapter 1 - king & queen
chapter 3 - prom
chapter 4 - kissed
chapter 5 - a bet
chapter 6 - being his slave for a day
chapter 7 - confession
chapter 8 - engagement
chapter 9 - him
chapter 10 - jealousy HAHAHAH
chapter 11 - broken off engagement

chapter 2 - living together

210 11 25
By FairyHeartz

Bomi's POV:
The contents of the flyer shocked me the most.It was a flyer saying :

King and Queen

Both of you will be attended to a room upstairs,at the highest level


• Both of you will be sleeping and staying together in the same room

• Neither of you can oppose to this arrangement as it is final

Have A Nice Day :)

What?Wait,me and him,in the same room?

I asked Krystin while being puzzled.

Yup,that's what it says

But why?Why must I live with him?

I don't know.You can't oppose to it,Bomi.Just accept it

Huh?You expect me to accept this.This can't be real.Tell me that this a dream

It's not

She said that and pinch me.I felt the pain which totally means that this is reality.How I wished that my eyes were playing a prank on me.I stare blankly to outer space.I was lost in outer space that Krystin had to shake me up and call my name a thousand times for me to come back to Earth.

Why is this happening?Why do we need to do this?I don't want this

Don't worry,I won't touch you

Your words are utterly suspicious

Can't Kyung Soo stay with him while I stay with you?

I begged even though knowing the outcome will be unchanged.

No,it has all been decided.Both of you go now

She said as she pushed me to Baekhyun.

Eh,Krystin?Don't leave me alone

Even though i said that,she soon walk further away till i can see no sign of her.

Haiss,this is the worst.Why do I need to stay with you?

That guy just doesn't reply to my question and just continue climbing the stairs to the room.Within minutes,we arrived in front of the room.I opened the door knob.It looks like a high class hotel to me.It's more bigger than my room at my house.

Wow,so spacious

You never been places like this before?

Nope,i'm plenty happy right now

Oh,then,savour this moment as you might never get this chance again

I looked at the places around the room.I put my clothes at a closet.Luckily,there were two rooms for closet for Baekhyun and I.I was quite happy,looking around but not until I see that there is one bed in the bedroom.

Baekhyun,there is only one bed in the bedroom

Huh?One bed?What are you talking ab-

He said,not finishing his sentence,upon looking at the room,especially the bed.

I guess we got to share the bed together

Are you kidding me?Be a gentlemen and sleep on the couch

I said or probably begged him to do it.

Depends if I want to.Don't worry about those stuff right now.Just spend this time to enjoy

Yup,i should enjoy this time

I said and switch on the television.Changing channels until i saw a korean drama of my favourite,Emergency Couple.I watched it with full attention.I was too focused on the television and does not realise the time has gone by.I thought of showering a bit but showering here seems to be not the right choice but i don't really like to be stinky so i guess i have no choice.I wrote "SHOWERING NOW" on a paper,with capital letters and paste it on the door of the bathroom before entering to shower.

-about 10-15 minutes later-

Baekhyun's POV:
I went out to the living room,finding that no one was there.

Where did that girl go?

Then,I saw a piece of paper lying on the floor.I pick it up and read it.

Showering now?Did she write this?Is there someone in the bathroom right now?

Due to my curiousness,i opened the bathroom door.I saw a girl covering herself with a towel right in front of my eyes.I could not believe what I was seeing.That girl just noticed that I was looking at her.


I close the door as she commanded and blushed redly.

"Wow,that body of hers.I want to touch it," i thought.

"Wait,Baekhyun.You really is a byuntae.Get her out of my mind.Don't think about dirty fantasies of her," i said in my head.

-in the meanwhile-

Bomi's POV:
That guy is really a byuntae.What was he doing?Was he peeking on me?Wait,the most important thing,did he see my body?I will kill him later

I changed to my normal home wear before coming out.As I came out,I went to search for Baekhyun so that I could kill him this instant.


No one answered.I searched almost three to four rooms already and yet,there were still no signs of Baekhyun.I checked the last room,the bedroom.That room was locked.

Eh?Why is this room locked?I was sure this was unlocked just now.Could it be that he is hiding inside?

Well,i will never find out unless this door is opened.I do not want break down the door.Is there keys for the rooms here?

I looked around and saw many pairs of keys hanged near the entrance door.I took it and test all the keys on the lock.After trying out some keys,finally,a key worked and lead me inside the bedroom.There was no one inside.

That's weird,if he is not here,where would he be?Could he be hiding somewhere not visible for me to see?

I checked under the bed,behind the curtains and others.Left with a big wardrobe at the side.I opened it.

Wow,you are really here.Come,come out now

Baekhyun came out from the closet.I was in offense stance.He was shocked by action

YAH,why are you in that stance?I wouldn't do that if I were you

Don't worry,i'm in this stance,on the way to kill you,so can you stay still there?I'm a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo

I said as i threw a high kick to him.To my surprise,Baekhyun blocked it.

You might have learnt Taekwondo but I learnt Hapkido so don't ever try to underestimate me

I was agitated,hearing what he said so i planned to give him another kick to him but without knowing,he had tackled me,resulting both of us,in such of a position on the bed.

Yoon Bomi,you should know a boy's strength is usually stronger than a girl's strength

So,what?I will train harder to kill you

Good luck with that but why are you wanting to kill me when i did not do anything to you?

Don't act so clueless,you byuntae.You peeked on me when i was showering,right?

When did I?Who would look at a body like yours?I was just opening the door just now cause i was curious

Curious of what?

I asked and he took something out from his pocket.

Curious of this paper.I found it,lying,on the floor

But,it writes there that "SHOWERING NOW" in those big capital letters.Can't you see?

I can see those words,you know?I can read it.I was just curious if there was someone in the bathroom

If you can read it,why did you still bother opening the door?Curious?As if!Such lame excuses

Aish,i don't care anymore.Trust it or not.It's your choice


Hmph?!Anyways,girl,are you planning to stay in this position forever?Do you want to continue arguing in this position?I don't mind

He said and smirked.

Who would stay in this position with you?A girl that falls for you must be very unlucky as that girl has to pleasure you byuntae

Byuntae?!I am not.It might be you that is a byuntae

What?!Are you planning to pick a fight with me?Urghhh,anyways,can you let me go?

I don't want to

He said as he leaned closer to me.I was shocked upon his action that i hit his d*** in reflex.He ultimately let me go and sobbed.I took this chance to run away as i took a pillow with me.


I heard him shout.I ignored him as i rest on the couch outside in the living room.

-a few hours later-

I woke up suddenly for an urgent business in the toilet.I looked at the time.It was just 3 am.I was half-asleep and walked to somewhere i could lay down after going out from the bathroom.I fell asleep back in seconds.

-a few hours later-

The sun shine bright onto my eyes.I slowly opened my eyes,to see a room which was not the living room.

"Eh?I thought i was sleeping at the living room.How did i end up at a different room?" i thought.

I wanted to move but something is stopping me from doing so.I look below to see an arm laying on my chest and a leg over my leg.I took a turn to the other side to find a sleeping Baekhyun,right beside me.My eyes almost popped out.I try very hard to remember what happened yesterday.

"Okay,Bomi,remember.Okay,you were woken up for an urgent business in the toilet then came out from the bathroom and head to somewhere to lay myself on.Oh no,I went to the wrong room.What should I do?Okay,i should not wake him up and leave quietly.Yup,that's what you should do,Yoon Bomi," i said in my head.

I try lifting his arms and move his legs but he held me more tighter.He was practically hugging me like a teddy bear.

"What does this guy thinks he is doing?" i said in my mind.


What?What do you want?

Can you just open your eyes and see what you are doing?

Okay,okay.So troublesome

He wake up.Upon he seeing me,he pushed me to the floor.

YAH!BYUN BAEKHYUN!What is your deal?Pushing me to the floor

I was shocked.Anyways,why are you here?Did you assault me when I was alseep?

What?!Me assault you?In your dreams.I mistake this room as the living room as I was half-asleep

Half-asleep?Are you kidding me?Don't make up excuses

I did n-

I said it incomplete due to a ring of a message.I took my phone amd read the message that says :

From: Park Hye Krystin
To: Yoon Bomi

Just a reminder,we have no school lessons held today.Our homeroom teacher told me to send it to the other students in the class.By the way,Bomi,if you are seeing this now,did you just wake up?

I replied to her message.

From: Yoon Bomi
To: Park Hye Krystin

Thanks for the reminder.Ya,i just woke up.Do you want to meet later?

From: Park Hye Krystin
To: Yoon Bomi

You are such a sleepy-head.Okay,i will meet you later.See you later!Bye for now

From: Yoon Bomi
To: Park Hye Krystin

Okay,i will see you later,bye 👋

-end of messages-

Eh?Who message you?

Krystin.She informed me that today,we have no school.Luckily,we don't or not,we will be super duper late

Ohh,thanks for the information

He said as he left the room.Soon,i left the room to shower and get changed before meeting Krystin.When i finished changing,i didn't see Baekhyun.

I guess he went out already

A few minutes later,i arrived at the place where I'm meeting with Krystin.



Have you gotten ready?

Gotten ready?For what?

I predicted that you will forget and you really did,Bomi.Let me refresh your memory.Today,we have a prom,near the evening

Prom?I'm not going

You must go.It is compulsory for all students to go.Also,you are the Queen.You definitely need to be there

Krystin,if i did go,won't i just make a fool of myself?I don't have clothes for a prom

That's why,I will help you

Help me?Don't tell me that you ar-

Yup,I am so be prepared for it

- to be continued -

a/n: hi,author-nim has just posted a new chapter

how's this story progressing?

do you like it or some other opinions?

also,if you have time,please check out my other books

i would really appreciate that

thanks =)

i'm sorry if there is grammatical or spelling errors (╥_╥)

anyways,have a nice day ahead,everyone!


i hope that there will be exopink moments on 15 September >_<


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