The star that brightened my d...

By Storylover2016

3.1K 255 56

Annabelle is a twenty four year old curvy ebony woman. Who's mother died two years ago in a car accident, tha... More

Chapter Two: This was going to be interesting!
Chapter Three: What was my dad thinking!
Chapter Four: Maybe. Just maybe it could work!
Chapter Five: How could you not tell me?
Chapter Six: But maybe I dreamt it! Did I?
Chapter Seven: Why don't emotions have an off switch?
Chapter Eight: No one said life would be this hard.

Chapter One: You have got to be kidding me!

804 40 11
By Storylover2016

Annabelle's Prov: 


I groaned as I heard this. I am definitely not a morning person. I have had people tell me that as you get older your more use to waking up early. Well let me tell you right now that is a lie. I am now twenty-four years old and I don't feel any more inclined to get up early, then I did twenty years ago. And I honestly don't think I ever will. I reached over and pushed the off button on my clock. I took a deep breath before removing my blanket from my body. I got off of my bed and walked into my bathroom starting the shower. 

I got undressed and stepped in. I moaned in pleasure as the hot water warmed my body. I loved the way a shower made me feel. I felt like a snake shedding it's skin. I was getting rid of all the things that happened yesterday, and was making room for what was going to happen today. I showered and got out quickly. Because even though I love showers, I didn't like to stay in them for to long. I hated having wrinkly fingers. I walked back  into my room and got dressed. It looked like today was going to be a long hot one, so I definitely wanted to wear something that I could work comfortably in. I decided on a pair of jean shorts, and a blue shirt, omething simple and comfty. I put my curly hair into a french braid and called it good. 

I wasn't someone who usually dressed up. Maybe it was just because it wasn't something many of the people I was around did. You see I lived in a small town, the kind of town you would see in Gilmore girls. A place where literally everyone knew everything about you. And you knew everyone, and everything about them. Which meant I never had any reason to dress up. And even if I did, I wouldn't want to. I wasn't a dressy kind of girl. I was a tom boy kind of girl. I mean I wore lip gloss and mascara here and there. And when it was needed I wore a dress. So I was pretty much in between girly girl, and tom boy. 

I walked down the hall until I reached my father's door, and knocked on it. "Dad are you up?" I asked as I knocked. I waited a moment before knocking again. "Dad."

"You know I am always up before you." I quickly spun around clutched where my heart was. 

"Dad really, damn." I took a deep breath calming my nerves. 

"Come on sweet heart, you know that I am up with the birds." My father explained to me. I only rolled my eyes at his words. 

"Yes dad I do know this, but your usually in your room until I come by." I countered. He smiled at my words. 

"Well you see I just have a feeling today is going to be a good one. So I got a head start on it, let me show you what I have worked on, and finally finished." I followed my father as he lead me down the hall back to where my room was. He opened the door that was across from me. I walked in and was surprised to see the room we had used for storage, had been turned into an extra bedroom. 

"Wow dad, this looks amazing. I haven't even noticed you doing this. How long did it take?" I asked him as I walked in the room.

"About a week." I nodded my head at his words. I was really impressed, this wasn't something my father usually did. I mean  he was a hard working man, and very handy. But to just up and change  a storage room into a guess room? Wasn't something I could ever see my father doing.

"What made you want to do this. It's great really dad, just not something I knew you really wanted to do." I questioned him as I turned back to look at him.

"Well sweet heart I thought it would be nice to have an extra bedroom up here. Your never know what is going to happen. We may need it one day." I nodded my head in agreement with him. It was nice to have an extra room.

"Well you did great dad. I still can't believe I didn't notice you doing this." I admitted to him. He laughed at my words and shook his head.

"Your just like your mom, a complete space cadet. You watched me bring in the bed the other day, don't you remember?" He questioned me. I stood there for a moment thinking about what he said. Shit! He was right, I did see him carry the bed in.

"Oh yeah your right. I asked if you needed help, and you told me no."

"There you go." I rolled my eyes at his words. I looked at the clock and it read six.

"We should probably go and get things started." I nudged my dad slightly.

"Yes we should, Marco is already down there." My father and I both headed down the stairs which lead to our restaurant. The lights where already on, and I could hear Marco in the kitchen.

"Good morning Marco." I said to him as I rounded the corner.

"Good morning Anna, Brittany is out back stocking the shelves. She wanted me to tell you that."

"So basically she is doing her makeup in the bathroom, because she didn't have enough time before she got here." Marco laughed at my words.

"God you know her so well."

"Well she has been my friend since I was born basically. I am going to get the princess now. Hey prep some extra home fries for today. Mrs. Chambers is going to be by with her group of gossips today. They all love your home fries." Marco smiled at my words.

I walked to the back to where the storage and bathroom for employees were. And sure enough there was my best friend putting on her mascara om the bathroom with the door open." I shook my her actions.

"You do know your going to get all gross and sweaty in a few hours?" I asked her causing her to jump some, making her mascara brush the side of her face. She groaned and turned to face me. She had a huge black mark on her face from where I had scared her.

"God damn Anna, you scared the hell out of me."

"Well maybe if you were actually doing work, then you wouldn't have been scared." I teased her as I walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet in there.

"Hahaha you're so damn funny." She replied to me as she wiped the mascara off of her cheek.

"Why do you get all dolled up anyway. Are you trying to impress me?" I fake flirted with her.

"Oh you know it babe. I come into work everyday thinking, I hope I can make my best friend fall in love with me with my hot looks." I found myself laughing at her words.

"Well I have to say I think it is working." I joked with her. She laughed at my words and shook her head. She looked in the mirror looking herself over to see if she looked good, Then she added some more lip gloss.

"In all seriousness why do you get all dolled up for work, when your just going to get gross in about two hours?" I questioned her.

"Because I get more tips when I look good." I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Oh and your boyfriend is okay with that?"

"Come on Anna, do you really think Marco has any say in what I do. You know I am the one who calls the shots in the relationship." I laughed at her words. It was true, I loved Marco but he was a big softy. You wouldn't think so looking at him, you would think he would call the shots. But in reality Brittany has him wrapped around her finger. She is deinfiely the  boss. "Plus he likes the fact that I bring home some good money." She said to me as she as she put her  makeup back in her bag.

"I can get just as many tips as you, and I don't wear makeup." I said as I got up. Brittany moaned at my words.

"Oh come on Annabelle you are literally gods gift to men. Men fall at your feet. I mean everyone loves you, I don't know one person who doesn't." I rolled my eyes and continued to walk until we were at her locker.

"They do not."

"Yes they do." She put her makeup away and shut her locker door. "The problem is your to sweet and humble to notice it."

"Yeah okay, whatever you say. Come on girl it's time for work." I said to her as we walked out of the back room and into the front. All my staff was there waiting for us. I walked into the room and smiled at them.

"Hey guys, it's gonna be another busy day. So let's try to keep ourselves stocked up on things. On a sad note, Chris had to leave us."

"Why?" Angie one of my workers asked. I knew she was curious because her and Chris had a thing going. She was definitely more attached then he was. I loved Chris but he was a player.

"Hey decided to leave for college after all. So were going to be short staffed until I find someone else to take his shift fully. Until then if anyone is interested in getting some more hours, then take a look at his shifts and just put your name down okay?" Everyone in the room nodded their heads at my words. "Okay then that's it guys. Oh and Mrs. Chambers and her group is coming in today. Where ever Destiny seats them, you need to be right on it. They bring it some good money. With that said, let's get some work done."

Everyone disappeared into different directions at my words. I walked over to the sign and unlocked the door, then switched the sign from closed to open. As I did so Mr. Rogers and Mr. Samson were there. Just like clock work, I thought to myself. I opened the door and smiled at them.

"Good morning gentlemen, you are looking mighty fine today." I flirted with them. They laughed at my words.

"I swear if I was forty years younger." Mr. Samson said to me as he winked at me. I laughed at his words.

"You wouldn't know what to do with a beautiful young thing like Annabelle here. She's out of you league." Mr. Rogers said causing us all to laugh. I walked them over to their usual spot on the bar stool and handed them two menus.

"Melissa will be helping you guys today." Their faces fell at my words.

"But we like it when you serve us." Mr. Samson pouted.

"I know boys, but unfortunately duty calls, and so does a stack of paper work on my desk."

"Fine we will let you off the hook today." Mr. Rogers explained. "But..."

"But tomorrow I am all yours." I finished for him. He nodded his head at my words. I smiled them. "You have yourself a deal." I gave them some coffee before I started to walk to my office. "I am going to be in my office for most of the morning guys, if you need anything, just come get me." Everyone nodded their heads at my words.

I walked into my office and shut the door behind me. I sat down at my desk and started to dive into all the paperwork I had. About an hour into me doing my paperwork someone opened my door. I looked up to see my father standing there with a smoothie in his hands. He walked in and placed the smoothie on my desk.

"Thank dad, I am so thirsty." I admitted to him as I took a hearty sip. He smiled at me as I did so.

"Your welcome sweet heart. I was just about to leave to do some errands, and I thought I would make you a smoothie before I left. Considering you won't leave this office for hours." I smirked at his words. My father knew me all to well.

"Where are you going?" I questioned him as I took another sip.

"I'm gonna get a few more things for the room, and maybe a few other things."

"Okay, well I've got it here. You go and get what you need."

He walked back over to the door and turned to look at me. "I should be back soon. An hour or two at the most."

"Okay dad, sounds good. I love you."

"I love you to sweet heart." He said to me before he shut the door behind him. I took a few more sips of my smoothie, before quickly getting back to work. I hated being in my office, I would rather be on the floor and talking to people. Instead of being stuck in my office doing paper work. I reminded myself that if I didn't do the paper work then I wouldn't have a place to go to after I was done doing my paperwork. And somehow that made doing the paperwork worth while.


Two hours later and I was finally done all of my paper work. I sighed as I filed the last of the paperwork. I was so glade I was finally done everything. My father was lucky I loved him. I always took care of the bills and paper work. Otherwise he would forget about them, or wouldn't file the paperwork right. It was just better for everyone if I took care of those things.

"Annabelle are you busy?" Melissa questioned me as she opened my office door. I smiled up at her and shook my head.

"No I am just finishing up here. What's up Melissa?" She looked nervous. I liked Melissa, I mean I liked her so far. She just moved here two weeks ago. And so far she has been great, but she the shyest person who works here. And sometimes the slowest.


"Melissa hun, get on with it."

"Yeah so ummm there is a guy here to see you." I gave her a questionable look.

"Someone is here to see me? I didn't have anyone scheduled for today." I got up from my desk and walked around it. "Who is it?" I questioned her. She only shrugged her shoulders.

"I have no idea, he didn't say his name. All he asked for was to see the person who owned the restaurant. And since your father and you both own the restaurant, and he isn't here, you the only one for him to speak to." I nodded my head at her words.

"Alright then, let's go see who it is." I waked out of my office with Melissa quickly behind me. I was happy to see a room full of happy people. I loved seeing this, it meant we were doing something right. And with summer just starting, business was going to be booming. I looked around trying to find who Melissa was talking about. "Who is it who asked for me?" I asked her. She came up so she was standing beside me.

"It's that man over there." She said as she pointed to a man who was standing in front of the back door. I could only see the back of his head, so I still didn't know who it was.

"Okay thank you Melissa." She nodded her head at my words. I maneuvered my way around the people and staff that were in there. Saying my hello's and how are you's as I passed people. I walked until I was all the way near him. As I got closer I realized how tall this man was. I felt like a little kid compared to him. I tapped on his shoulder causing him to turn and look at me.

"Hi, I heard you were looking for me." The minute he turned to face me I felt my insides turn inside out. This couldn't be, this really can't be him. There is no way Carter Walkerson was actually standing in front of me right now. I found myself having a hard time breathing.

"Annabelle Black as I live and breathe. Time had definitely been good to you." He spoke to me with his southern charm. If he wasn't who he was, I might swoon, or even flirt back. But he was Carter Walkerson, so that was something I could never find myself doing.

"Carter. What are you doing here?" I asked him in the best bitch voice I had.

"I am here to see your father. I asked the girl for the owner."

"Well you're looking at half the owner." I said gesturing to myself. "And since my father isn't here at the moment there is no reason for you to stay." I said to him as I pointed at the door.

"Well aren't you a feisty little thing." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at his words. "But congaduatlations on owning half the place, that is amazing."

"It is, did you need anything?" I asked him just wanting him to get out. Being near him made me sick to mu stomach. I was having a hard time just looking at him. And not because he wasn't a good looking guy. Carter was absolutely a Greek god. He had to be about six feet tall, and had a buzz cut as a hair cut. He was built, not in a way where he over did it so he was all muscle. But he was definitely fit and you could tell he had a six pack under those clothes. And he had this beautiful blue eyes that made the sky jealous. He was beyond beautiful, but it was because of who he was that made me sick to my stomach.

"I wanted to see your father before I left." I looked down and noticed he had some bags on the floor near him. I was about to respond when I was interrupted.

"Carter the military was good for you. You have grown into yourself." My father said as he walked over to where we were. 

"Thank you Roger. I have you to thank for that." Carter responded as he hugged my father. I rolled my eyes at their actions. I couldn't believe my father was so warm to him. So nice to a person who was apart of such a horrible family.

"That was all you son, I'm really proud of you." I rolled my eyes at his words.

"While you to get reunited I am going to work." I walked away from them before either one of them could say anything. I had to get away from Carter, my head was spinning just being around him.  

"Actually I was hoping I could talk to you both about something." My father said to me causing me to stop in my tracks.

"What could you possibly need to talk to the both of us about?" I questioned him.

"Let's go to my office, and we can talk about it." I sighed some at his words. I watched as my father made his way to his office, I stood there dumbfounded. I didn't wan to walk with my father, because  for some reason I felt like I wasn't going to like what he was going to say.

"After you." Carter said as he gestured for me to walk in front of him. I only glared at him before I walked after my father. We both entered his office and Carter closed the door behind him. I walked over to the left side of the room and sat in the chair that was there. While Carter sat in the chair that was beside me.

"Before I even say what I wanted to say I have a question for you Carter." My father said as he sat in his chair behind his desk.

"Of course Rodger, what do you want to know?"

"Well I was wondering where do you plan on staying son, I mean your family isn't here anymore." I stiffened at my fathers words and he turned to look at me. I nodded my head some letting him know I was okay.

"Well considering my family is gone now, I really don't know. I will probably rent a place in town somewhere and get a job." His words surprised me. I mean Carter's family was one of the richest families in the world. The guy really didn't have to work, hell his kids, kids, kids didn't have to work.

"You are not going to do that." My father said. I turned to look at him.

"Well why not?" I asked my dad.

"Because  he is going to live here and work at the restaurant. Well I mean if you want to Cart of course." I sat there shocked at his words, I couldn't believe he had actually just said that. He did not just ask Carter to live her and work here.

"You have to be kidding me." I spoke not being ashamed to sound like a bitch. My father completely ignored me and turned to look at Carter.

"Carter what do you say. I just remodeled the storage room we had up stairs to a room. And you have always loved to work here." My father said to him. Carter nodded his head at my fathers words.

"I honestly would be honored Rodger. But only if it is okay with Annabelle." He said as he turned to look at me. Ha well then I guess he wasn't going to be staying her. I went to tell him no, but before I could speak my father spoke up.

"Carter can you please give me and my daughter?" I quickly tuned to look him, giving him a death glare. He completely ignored me, he only had his eyes on Carter.

"Yeah of course. I'm going to get something to eat while you guys talk. I haven't eaten in a while." Carter got out of his seat and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Dad you are not serious. Please for the love of god tell me that you are not serious." I could feel my blood boiling as I said this. My father knew how I felt about the Walkerson's. He knows what his family did to me. How could he even offer Carter a place to work and live.

"Annabelle I know how you feel about the Walkerson's. But Carter isn't like them, and he has nothing to do with what happened."

I got up at his words. "Dad it doesn't matter if he ha nothing to do with what happened. He is their son. He is apart of that family. And that family is pure evil in the worst form. You can't let him stay here dad. He looks so much like all of them, it gives me anxiety attacks just looking at him." I admitted to him. I could feel myself starting to get short of breath as I spoke. Just thinking about them freaked me out.

"Annabelle this is your home and work as well. So if you really don't want Carter to stay here then I will understand. But think about this, for the last eight years he has fought for our country and out freedom. He returns home and his whole family has uprooted. He technically has nowhere to go. Dig deep into that big heart of yours. You know that this is the right thing to do." I sighed at my fathers words.

I hated Carter with everything in me. I hated his family even more. But I knew that my father was right. Carter has been gone fighting for our freedom. And he didn't have anywhere to go at the moment. I just didn't know how I was going to deal with the how I felt when I saw him.  I guess ignoring him would be the best option.

"He can stay." I said to my father with a sigh.

"I knew you would make the right decision." My father said as he walked around his desk and kissed me on the top of my head.

"It's just gonna be hard dad. Having him here is going to bring back so many bad memories." I admitted to him as I wiped a few tears.

"I know sweet heart. But know you have all of us here to help you." I nodded my head at his words. One day at a time, take it one day at a time. I repeated in my head. I really needed to get this whole situation out of my head. And the only way to do that was to do some work, my favorite thing to do.

"I am going to do some work, I need to." I said to my father. He nodded his head at me knowing what I meant.

"Oh let Carter know it is okay for him to stay will you?" My father asked me. I cringed my nodded my head at his words. I walked out of my dad's office and shut the door behind me. I walked into the restaurant area and looked around. Carter was of to the side talking to Marco and eating a sandwich. I walked over to where they were.

"Yeah man it is going to be sweet having you work here. I mean we are outnumbered by women." I am Marco by the way. Marco said as he shook Carter's hand.

"Carter. It's nice to meet you man."

"Carter." I said getting his attention. "You can stay." I said to him while looking anywhere but at him. He smiled widely at my words.

"Wow that's amazing thank you." He said to me as he went to give me a hug. I quickly stepped back and gave him a questionable look.

"Let's get one thing straight Carter, I hate you. I hate you and your family. I want nothing to do with you. But you mean a lot to my dad, he has always liked you. And considering you have fought for my freedom. So I have to agree to giving you the job, and a place to say. So in order for this to work, you stay out of my way, and I will stay out of yours." I said to him. He looked dumbfounded at my words. Like he was shocked that I couldn't like him. I rolled my eyes at his actions.

"Ummm okay." Was all he could seem to say.

"Annabelle, nice to see you out an about." Brittany said to me. I turned to her and gave her a look that said this is not the time. She nodded her head at me.

"Brittany could you please show Carter here the ropes. He will be taking on the extra shift we had open." I said through clenched teach. She looked shocked at my words. She knew who Carter was related to.

"Yah, I mean yes I can."

"I pretty much know how everything runs. I don't think that much has happened or changed happened since I was last here." Carter said to me.

"A lot can happen in eight years, so you probably don't. And a lot has definitely happened." I walked away from where they were and back to where my office was. I walked in, shut the door, and locked it. I never usually locked my door, but I honestly didn't want to be bugged at the moment. I sank down to the floor and found myself starting to cry. What happened two years ago suddenly came crashing down on me at once. I didn't know how I was going to deal with Carter living here and working with me. Because every time I looked at him, it made me think about every reason I hated him and his family. This wasn't going to be fun.


So I know I still have two other books to finish but this idea has been in my head for forever and I honestly needed to get it out there. So let please let me know what your thinking, by voting and commenting!!!

I love you all!!

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