how to make the world not suck

By BandomLyfee

8.2K 665 171

I have decided to create a new era with this book, and start creating my own little advice column for you guy... More

a new beginning
get some pets
be anti-grudge
bring out your inner weird. always.
no one falls for fake sob stories
it's okay to be funny
do good things for good friends
ignore people who are too lazy
have a healthy obsession
learn new things
try things you don't think you'd like, too
play games to relieve anxiety
listen to warnings in a dream
have some social interaction in your life
motivate yourself with food
create a story in your head for every song you hear
stay in touch with your friends
be safe online
the four steps to getting better
how to improve your grades
how to get out of doing the dishes
make some new year's resolutions
look forward to stuff in 2017
what to do when you're bored
how to write during a block
five youtube channels that will make you laugh
tackling exam stress
appreciate people's hard work
take a day for yourself
caffeine is not a substitute for sleep
the tea trick

tips on falling asleep easily

101 14 6
By BandomLyfee

-wash your face with something icy

-eat something healthy before you go to bed

-keep yourself hydrated, too, because you'll feel sick when you wake up if you don't

-drain your phone battery before it's time to go to bed so that you won't be on it all night

-try not to work on anything creative about an hour before you go to bed, because creative ideas are the things that keeps your brain awake the most

-don't fall asleep listening to something, because it will keep waking you up

-try to make your room as dark as possible

-make yourself comfortable

-don't overthink getting to sleep if possible, because again that's what will keep you awake

-try to do something other than watching TV or being on a device (reading a book sometimes will make your eyes tired)

-stay away from caffeine before and right after sleeping

-stay away from medication before and after sleeping

-don't give up when trying to fall asleep, because chances are you'll fall asleep without knowing it

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