Opposite love

By PiperJistic

396 9 38

Love is strange isn't it? Especially between a scientist and a guardsman. This is a story about how 2 opposit... More

2- Deal
3- Captured
4- Boss
6- Date?
7- Date.
11- Taken
12- Locked away
13- Found you
14- Final stand
15- Epiolgue

1- Normal day

116 4 13
By PiperJistic

It was a normal day, Science Gem was just going to Underfell to check on something. Sci, her friend/science companion wanted her to go there for a simple task. She agreed but then thought about it and tried to deny it. "Sci I changed my mine, I don't want to go."

"Too late." She was about to rebuttal but he shoved her into a portal that lead to Underfell. She screams and starts flailing around because she was falling.

She groans and wakes up in bushes. "I-It must o-of broke m-my fall..." Her head hurt as she sits up. In her lap was a book bag with supplies and a note.

Dear Gem,

I know that once your realize and look at the AU you would deny. So I knew what I had to do, shove you in a portal. Sorry but I prepared  a bag for you. It has all of what you need, food, supplies and more. The portal will appear again in a month, so I suggest that you do your task.

Sincerely, Sci

"A-A month?! But this AU is super aggressive and-and- ugh!!! I regret agreeing to it, I should of searched it up before agreeing." Gem sighs in frustration and gets up then looks down at herself. She was covered with snow and dirt as she puts the backpack on. Wiping it off, she cleans the snow and dirt away then look around. "So there's snow...... Looks like I'm between the Ruins and Snowdin. Time to go to Snowdin for a place to stay." She starts walking to Snowdin, it was snowing. Trying to keep herself warm, she wraps her arms around herself tightly to conceal any warmth she has. All she had was her lab jacket and the clothes under it. The clothes under it really didn't do any good so she digs through the bag and finds a warm coat. Putting it on, she instantly felt warm as well as arrive to Snowdin. Science Gem notices  a inn that could be shelter right now. Few people glances then look away, some watch or either continue what they were doing. She doesn't notice them and when to the front desk of the Inn. "Hello Miss." The Innkeeper was a female woman but red and had black long hair. She had pointy ears on top of her hair and claws, as well as a tail with spikes. "Hello, how are you?" The Innkeeper smiles, they reveal large, sharp teeth. A bit fazed, she smiles back awkwardly.


"Good, now would you like to get a room in my Inn?"


"Well that will be 100G." Looking through her bag, she finds a pouch of 1000G and gives her 100G. The keeper goes under the counter and grabs a key then gives it to the scientist. "Room 245, upstairs and down the hall." She nods at her and goes to her room. It was a basic but comfortable room. It was clean and had everything you would need but had 2 colors. Red and yellow, the gem could live with it but felt like it needed more. She shrugs it off and locks the door. Throwing her backpack off, she plops onto the bed. Sighing, she reflects what happened today. "This is really a normal day... Assignments, strangers, notes, getting hurt..... yep, a normal type of day..."

Eventually, Gem gets up and takes a shower. It was a nice soothing shower that cleaned her and all the dirtiness on her. She puts on her pjs and takes out a notepad. She sits on her bed as she opens it up. There was already one note, it was about her assignment.


Map out the AU and writes note on it. Give out any details, thoughts, sketches and more.


She sighs and flips the page and jots down her first day.

Day 1

Underfell is like the original AU, Undertale but more negative. The main colors are red, black and yellow but really red and black. The monsters seem more hostile and fazed.... I haven't actually used any matters but it seems that they're fine with it. I'll continue with my notes, I haven't met the main Undertale crew. I think they're hostile just like the rest of Underfell so I'll stay clear of them. Signing off, Gem.


She relaxes as she puts the notepad to the side and cuts off the lights. Laying under the covers, she looks out the window and falls asleep.

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