Story of My Life ~slow updat...

By UncommonCommoner

141 3 0

~A story about a boy who's seemingly afterlife and life will change when he stumbles in to a certain book of... More

Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 3: Surprise~!
Chapter 4: Meeting the Boss. First Day of School
Chapter 5: Hi?

Chapter 2: My Birth?

21 1 0
By UncommonCommoner

I settled myself nicely on the unexpectedly comfy gold floor. “Wow, this place surely knows how to amaze me”, I said to myself.  I began to read “my” book that I assumed to be the story of my life. Hmm, Chapter 1. It’s a little dusty, I better blow it out.

 As the dust clears, I coughed and looked around. I noticed that I’m not in the library anymore. With the book in hand, I scanned the book but there’s nothing written on it! Strange! Then I hear people talking.

“Hello! Nice to see you again Mr Robertson!”, a doctor said. Oh, it appears that I’m in a hospital room. “Nice to see you again Doc. We’re here again for my wife’s screening”, a tall, brunet haired man said accompanying his wife. It’s Dad! And Mom!! Hey dad! Hey mom!!! Hey!! But as soon as I come near them, they just walk through me! ME! As if I-I’m a-a g-ghost! Maybe it’s because of the book. I opened the book, searched for an explanation. There I read the preface, and it has a warning. “There are scenes in this book that might not be suitable to very young readers. Reader’s discretion is advised!” Oh, what a load of bull. I sighed.

Well, I have no choice but watch the scene before me then. “Hello, Mrs Robertson! Please lie here so we can start our test”, the doctor said as she motions my mom on a hospital bed. My mom makes her way to it, lies down and a nurse adjusts her top to reveal her bulging stomach. Oh, it seems mom’s pregnant! But who is she pregnant with? Me or my brother? “Okay, now please relax as the ultrasound scans your womb”, the doctor says as she applies what seems like jell-o on her and places the device. On the screen next to her, an image appears. It looks an already formed fetus. “Here, sir, you can do the scanning.” The doctor gave the device to my dad. And stands up next to the screen and explains “Well, what we have here is a healthy baby boy! And it’s seems to me that we be seeing him very soon!”. “When would that be doc?”, my mom asked with a glint of excitement written all over her face. “In about a month or so. Please, when the water breaks come as soon as possible or call us immediately!” The doctor says as she instructs the nurse to turn off the machine, signalling the test done. “Okay then! Thank you doc. We’ll surely be in touch.” My dad said as he assists my mom off the bed. “No problem. We’ll be ready when the big day arrives!” The doctor says as she leads my parents out the door and waves them good bye.

I followed my parents home. Hmm, the house seems different. This doesn’t look like our house. My parents walk in and close the door as I was entering. Thank God, it passes through me! If it didn’t, it would seriously hurt! I hear my mom talk, “Oh honey, I’m so excited!! We’ll be having him very soon!!!”. “Yes of course! I will have a son”, my dad replies,” and I hope, Rosa, I really hope that I’ll be a good father to our boy…” “Aww, dear, I know you will be”, my mom comforts my dad and places a kiss. Ugh, I don’t have to see any of that. I looked away with flushed cheeks, but seeing them so happy I smiled as I went outside.  

The neighbourhood begins to blur. What the-? Is there something wrong with my eyes? I examined my hands to check, but I can see them so clear. I hear a shout inside the house. Crap! I rushed inside seeing my mother, and… she is BLEEDING! Oh my God, My mom’s bleeding! Help!! Somebody! Help! But all my efforts were futile. Then I see my dad rushed down the stairs, seeing my mother, he gasped. He grabbed his keys, and carried my mom. I hear the car roar and they sped towards the hospital. I followed them.

“Nurse, hurry! Help the patient on the stretcher now!” The doctor instructs and looks at my mom, “Don’t worry Mrs Robertson, everything will be alright. Isn’t that right, Mr Robertson?” she looks up at my dad for confirmation, and my dad nods and kisses my mom’s cheeks. “It will be alright honey.” They were rushing into a room, the Delivery Room. I went inside as well. They stopped my dad and said that he has to wait outside and told him my mom is in good hands. Then curiosity strikes. Who could it be? I went outside the room and crept close to my dad who’s practically pacing back and forth. When he finally sat on the waiting bench, I peeked over his watch to see the date. I gasped. 9 Sep. My birth date… It was me? The baby to be born is going to be me? I sat near my dad, shocked. I place my hands on my face to calm myself down. I was witnessing my birth all this time! I peeked through my fingers, eyeing the book on my lap. What the heck is this book?! Is it some kind of movie recorder or something?  Then it hit me. Of course! No wonder the words faded! I was snapped back into the current situation by my mother’s screams. I see my dad startled and looked over the window on the door to see what is happening inside. I just went through the door.

The scene before me was horrifying! There was blood everywhere. “Nurse”, the doctor calls, “we need to stop the bleeding!” I walked out of the room and my body quakes in fear. Did… did I caused my mom so much pain while giving birth to me? Then my headache is back again. I dropped the book and fell on my knees, clenching my head. I groaned in pain and my eyes start to blur, and I see a flash. A memory when I was alive? I can see myself shouting at… at my mom… I saw her teary eyes as I went up to my room and slammed the door shut. From there, the memory starts to fade. Wait! No, not yet!!! Mom! No, please! The sharp pain in my head dies down little by little. I pick myself up and the book, my eyes red with tears flowing. I sat on the bench and instantly break down. Then I realized no one could comfort me… I’m all alone… I-I’m a ghost in this world.

“Ehem” I looked up to my side and saw my dad sitting next to me, eyes full of concern. He places a hand on my shoulder and asked, “A-are you alright?” Huh? “W-wait, y-you can s-see me?” I replied. “Uhm, of course. Are you, by the way, a patient here? Since you’re dressed in white. And why’re you crying? Is there something wrong?” I shook my head, and replied, my voice hoarse, “Y-yes, I’m alright thanks”. “Are you sure? Are you perhaps that woman’s son?” He says. As a nurse hurries outside, I saw that there were two women in the delivery room. One was my mom, and the other was the woman my dad was indicating. I lied and nodded. “Oh , it’s alright. She and my wife are fine.” He says with a smile on his face. Wait… he… he doesn’t recognize me? “Uh uhm…” I stuttered. “Yes?” he turns to me with a brow raised. “N-nothing” Then I heard a baby cry. I jumped when my dad heard it too and rushed inside! I followed him and saw a beautiful sight.

Wrapped in linen, the baby sleeps soundly on my mother’s side. Aww, it’s me… weird… I see my dad sit on a stool at my mom’s bedside, with a huge smile on his face and eyes filled with tears of joy. I hear my dad say, “Rosa, he’s beautiful!” “I know dear”, she giggles. “And”, my dad continues, “He will do great things! I’m sure of it!” I felt my eyes tear again. I sobbed at the sight before me, knowing that it won’t be long that their smiles will turn into frowns and hearts filled with disappointment.

 All of a sudden everything starts to blur again, and the scene before me starts to fade. Hey, wait a minute!! No!! Mom, dad!!! Hey!! I gasped real hard. I am now panting, on the golden floor. I looked around and noticed that I’m back at the library again. Weird. I glanced at the book, and saw that the words are back! Weirder. I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding. My, I’m stressed! Remembering what happened earlier. I gulped as I reached out on the page and flipped it to read the next one. I hope the next one will be better… There goes my sarcasm again, but I really do hope it would be better. Fingers crossed.


Author's notes:

Finally, I finished chapter 2. Been busy with the Christmas parties and New Year's.

I hope you liked it. Please review and critique! They are highly welcomed!  Vote if it deems worthy~! Follow me if you'ld like~! ;)

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