slow it down // zayn malik

Von perksofbeingaweirdo

1M 29.7K 6.6K

♫ I never, she never, we never looked back. That wasn't what we were good at. ♫ The Ragstock Music Festiva... Mehr

slow it down
chapter one // home sweet home.
chapter two // loathing.
chapter three // too close.
chapter four // what you didn't know.
chapter five // give it up to the dj.
chapter six // helpless.
chapter seven // gonna let it burn.
chapter eight // no lies.
chapter nine // maybe i'll get drunk again.
chapter ten // battlefield.
chapter eleven // harder to breathe.
chapter twelve // like we only go backwards.
chapter thirteen // adjustments.
chapter fourteen // pressing pause.
chapter fifteen // in the zone.
chapter sixteen // harmonizing.
chapter seventeen // reconsideration.
chapter eighteen // pillow talk.
chapter nineteen // lies spread like wildfire.
chapter twenty // fire in our bones.
chapter twenty-one // come together.
chapter twenty-two // do i wanna know?
chapter twenty-three // terrified.
chapter twenty-four // constant state of confusion.
chapter twenty-five // painful confliction.
chapter twenty-six // burning fires in this room.
chapter twenty-seven // comrade.
chapter twenty-eight // sunflowers.
chapter thirty // loss of presence; loss of grace.
chapter thirty-one // out of breath.
chapter thirty-two // floating devices.
chapter thirty-three // lost & found.
chapter thirty-four // learning to speak with kisses on cheek.
// epilogue //
// music //
teaser // 'fix you'

chapter twenty-nine // droplets.

19.6K 797 261
Von perksofbeingaweirdo

 zayn's pov

We spend our entire day hidden in crowds, watching bands come on stage and leave all the same. Though our attention was far from occupied by the performers, instead we were stuck on one another; the best place to be stuck.

Linley reveals more and more layers to herself as she answers every and all questions I have, concerning everything. I want to know every little detail about her. I want to know her more than anyone on this entire world. 

And in that process, I end up falling deeper and deeper in love with her. Those three words sit on the tip of my tongue the entire evening, but never quite make an appearance. The moments I share with her are far too delicate to shake it with something that heavy. 

I'd rather just show her; words don't mean all that much when it comes down to it. 

"You know what I'd kill for right now?" Linley murmurs as she rests her head against my chest, allowing the current band to continue to serenade us into oblivion. I think the person performing at the moment is Passenger? Whoever he is, he has a really lovely voice. 

"What?" I ask as I continue running my fingers through her silvery bleached hair, my eyes glued upon her, as they always are. 

"A shower," She says, letting out a small chuckle. 

I laugh in agreement, actually thinking the same thing myself. I've never felt so dirty and disgusting in my entire life. I just prayed that Linley hadn't noticed, though I'm sure that was impossible. 

She smiles back at me, wearing amusement on her face. As I look deep within her dark eyes, an idea hits me. An idea that causes all the blood to rush beneath my flesh just thinking about it. 

"So let's do it," I whisper quietly, as if it were the biggest secret in the world. 

Linley's eyebrows knit together in confusion as she stares at me. I can see the doubt running behind those charcoal eyes of hers. 

"One little thing," She laughs, holding up the pair of handcuffs that bind us together. 

"Let's save the Earth," I sit up, causing her head to tumble into my lap, "Shower together," I challenge her, a cheeky grin plastered on my face. 

Linley tilts her head back to let out a beautiful, loud laugh. She just smirks back at me, finding my suggestion rather humorous. 

"I'm serious," I tell her, carefully pulling her off my lap as I get to my feet. 

She never stops laughing, continuing to look so god damn beautiful that the idea of a shower with her at this moment sounds like heaven on earth. I'm not sure I can just sit here with her much longer. 

"You're crazy," She laughs, shaking her head at me. 

"No," I shake my head, as she gets to her feet as well, "This is crazy," I chuckle, bending down to take her by surprise. She lets out a little squeal as I throw her over my shoulder in one swift move. 

Those around us glance at us as if the two of us were both clinically insane. I give them all a polite smile and wave before marching my way out of the crowd, weaving through clusters of people. All while Linley grumbles complaints and hits me in the gut. 

"Zayn, what are you doing?" She demands in her sassy tone that I've grown so accustomed to. 

"The whole festival a favor," I chuckle as I head in the direction of the showering huts that I've passed multiple times in envy. 

I wait for Linley to continue fighting against me, but soon she quiets down - a rarity when it comes to her. My grin can't help but to spread across my face as I think about the fact that she isn't throwing a fit to get naked with me - for the second time. 

I open my mouth to tease her for it, but it shuts immediately, knowing better than to screw with this opportunity. It's not very often I get this opportunity from a girl like Linley. Who am I kidding, I wouldn't want this opportunity with a girl like Linley.

I'd only want it with Linley.

We reach the coin operated showering huts within a matter of minutes, finding them completely empty. I place Linley carefully on the ground, staring down at her wide, innocent-looking eyes as they stare back at me. 

Gone is that humored sass that she was displaying for all to see just a few moments ago and back is that vulnerable tenderness that only comes out in rare occasions. 

I do all in my power to keep myself from her, but it doesn't last long. Soon my lips are finding salvation against hers as we swiftly occupy the showering hut, locking it behind us. 

My hands search through the dimly-lit room to find the knob of the shower. I turn it on, full blast as Linley creates poetry with our lips. The sound of the water starting and the steam that fills the enclosed space makes us both let out a pleased moan. 

Pulling my lips free of hers, I watch her carefully. The only source of light allowing me to see Linley streams in from the small window at the top of the shower stall. It rests against Linley's pale skin, causing her to look even more ethereal than she already does.

The corners of my lips turning up, I skim my fingertips against Linley's bare thighs. Bending down, I get a fistful of her shirt, gripping it tightly as I pull it up, exposing bare skin to the warm summer evening.

Linley doesn't take her eyes off me as she allows me to carefully and gently undress her, leaving her in nothing but perfection. I can't help but to leave small little freckle of kisses against her flesh, not being able to find a flaw anywhere.

Next Linley reaches out to undress me, her fingers trembling in the most endearing way possible. I'm not sure which side of Linley I adore more; her strong, confident side or her anxious, vulnerable side.

I suppose the reason I love her most is because she's a mixture of everything.

I find myself bare beneath her soft gaze, allowing her fingertips to venture over the valleys of my flesh. We study one another, absorbing the work of art in front of us, allowing it to stain on the inside of our eyelids.

Gently, I pull Linley inside the shower stall, letting out a gasp for air as the water hits me, feeling like pure ecstasy. Linley moans, closing her eyes as she tilts her head back, allowing the water to pulse against her bare chest.

The water pours against us as my lips find comfort in hers, pressing my body against her, creating one being beneath the droplets of heaven.

My mind is tossed around with a whirlwind of emotions as the steam coming from my contact with Linley contrasts with the icy shower beating down upon us.

I can feel the dirt being washed away along with my sense of self-control, being replaced with this new clean, refreshed type of love; one that I'll never, ever forget.  

*   *   *   *   * 

I carry Linley on my back, allowing her to whisper velvet secrets into my ear, causing us both to let out deep chuckles. The closer we get to the camper - and our bed - the deeper my fingers dig into the flesh of her thighs; I can't help it.

Our damp bodies start to dry off beneath the warm summer evening. Linley's hair no longer soaks my flannel as she clings to my broad shoulders, nuzzling the cold tip of her nose into my warm neck, forcing me to let out a deep shiver. 

We reach the camper to find it pleasantly abandoned. We were expecting everyone to be lazying around the bonfire like they have been since the festival began. I let Linley down off my back gently, displaying for her a cheeky grin, sharing her gratitude over the fact that we don't have to face everyone else for another day.

It's just us, perfectly alone; the way I love it. 

Linley grabs my hand, biting down on her bottom lip to try and suppress her giddiness, but it's no use. The two of us can't help but to exchange kisses, unable to even wait until we get back into the camper. I fumble around, my mind far too concentrated on Linley's perfectly plump lips to open the door without a struggle. She's not much help either as she runs her fingers through my damp hair, distracting me. 

"Oof," I let out a huff of air as we nearly fall to the ground the moment we enter the camper, causing Linley to let out an adorable giggle. 

But before I can latch my lips to hers in my usual impatient manner, a sound rings out in the camper, causing us both to freeze. We look at each other with wide eyes, our heart pounding over the fact that we're not alone as we thought we were. 

We hold our breath, listening carefully for the sound. After about ten seconds, we hear it again; a heart wrenching sob. 

Instant concern washes over Linley's face as she looks up at me. Whoever is in our camper is seriously hurt. I wrap an arm around her as I glance down the hall, looking to where the sound is coming from. She grips my waist tightly as the two of us make our way down the hall.

The sobbing continues, making me feel sick to my stomach. I've never heard such a heart breaking sound before in my entire life. Out of the corner of my eyes, I catch Linley biting down on her bottom lip, keeping it from quivering.

The sound is coming from the bedroom, where it's completely dark; not a single light is on. I give Linley a quick concerned glance before reaching out to push the door open. 

My eyes widen, and my heart breaks in two shattered pieces as we look upon the person lying in bed; Liam.

He quickly looks up to lay eyes on the two of us, looking like a complete mess. His eyes are bloodshot, and his face is completely soaked with tears. He wears this look of utter despair, a look of sadness that reaches out and paints your soul black. 

I can tell he tries to pull it together for a moment, for our sake, but he fails miserably. His face crashes into a twisted look of agony as a sob is released from his chest. 

"Mate," I speak up, my voice sounding choked up as well. 

I rush to my best mate's side, and Linley tags along, unable to do anything else. Though by the look on her face, she wishes she could give us this moment. My mind travels away from Linley quickly as I stare at the pained expression on Liam's face.  

I wrap him up in a warm embrace, hoping that it'll be enough to give some sort of comfort to him. I'm not all that great at consoling, Liam is the one that has the special skill. It makes me feel like a shit excuse for a friend. 

"What happened?" I finally ask, my voice soft, gentle, and sincere. Liam hiccups over his sobs as he tries to sniffle it all back. 

"She... She..." He stutters over his words, his bottom lip quivering ever-so-slightly, "She cheated on me," He manages to whisper before crumbling in my arms once again. 

My eyes widen as I stare at Liam in complete disbelief. Rosalie cheated on him? They were the one couple that I thought would make it through this shitty situation we're all in. They were the one couple that didn't let the hate and media get to them. 

They had the type of love that I was envious of. I hoped and prayed that others would see Linley and I the way they saw those two. 

But now it's completely gone. 

Liam buries his face in my chest as he clutches my flannel tightly in his grip. I can feel the fabric being soaked with his tears, making me feel sick to my stomach. I blink rapidly, trying to get rid of the droplets that have welled up in my eyes. 

"If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay," I tell him, letting him know that I won't pry for any answers. I'll just sit here and hold him all night if that's what he needs. It's the least I can do for the number of times he's been here for me. 

I remember when my break up with Summer was still fresh, and I would get set off by anything. I had punched a wall at some venue, breaking my knuckles, and it was Liam that had helped me, calming me down back into some sense

"She said that she was sick, so she left halfway through the concert yesterday, a little bit after you and Linley left," He ignores my words, telling me anyways, "She was gone all night, so I was really worried. I sent Alicia out to see if she was alright. That's when she came back to tell me what had happened. Apparently she met some guy here and - " He fills me in on most of the story, but can't quite finish it.

I rub comforting circles on his back as he continues to sob, a single tear escaping from my eyes to roll down my cheek.

I feel a soft hand reach out to touch my lower back. I look over to meet eyes with Linley, catching tears running down her own face.  She runs her fingers up my spine, trying her best to comfort me. 

She barely knows Liam, yet she can sit here and cry along with him. I don't think there's a single thing about Linley that I don't completely adore. She's perfect.

"Why don't we all lay down?" Linley speaks up, softly so not to upset Liam. I know she had been trying to stay hidden in the background, but seeing Liam like this, I'm sure she felt the need to help in some way as well. 

Liam looks up at Linley, sniffling and wiping his eyes - although it's no use. He gives her a small, sad smile and nods. 

The three of us crawl into the queen sized bed, having to squeeze. Liam is snuggled from both sides as he lies inbetween Linley and I. He closes his eyes as soon as his head hits the pillow, being both physically and emotionally exhausted, I'm sure. Linley reaches out to play with his messy brown hair, lulling him deeper into an exhausted state. I can feel him relaxing as the moments pass. 

"You don't think I should give her another chance, do you?" Liam speaks up, his voice sounding scratchy and hoarse from all the crying. 

"Absolutely not," I shake my head, vowing right there at that moment if I ever saw Rosalie again, I would let her know how dead she is to me. Here I had trusted her with my best mate, and she ripped him to shreds. 

It's going to be damn near impossible for me to trust another girl with Liam's heart. He's too loving for his own good. He just gives, gives, gives and hardly ever receives in return. And when he does get something in return, it's a heart break. 

"It's her loss. Any girl would be so incredibly lucky to have a guy like you, Liam. You'll find someone some day that deserves you, I promise," Linley says softly, her voice sounding like silk in the darkness. 

"Thank you guys, really," Liam says, his eyes still squeezed shut. It's very rare that Liam gets any help from others, so I'm sure he's rather uncomfortable on the receiving end. But it makes my heart swell twice the size knowing I was there for him for once. 

It doesn't take long for him to start dozing off, small snores coming from the exhausted boy. He looks so incredibly young; like a small boy inside a man's body. He lays with his head against my shoulder, causing the corners of my lips to turn up.

I just stare over Liam's head at Linley, staring into her eyes with a look of appreciation. And here I was starting to worry that what Linley and I shared was purely physical. But looking into her dark eyes at this moment, I know that what we share isn't just lust; it's a connection deep inside our souls, as awfully cheesy that sounds. 

"Thank you," I whisper softly, being sure not to wake up Liam. 

I watch as Linley's eyebrows knit together in an adorable manner as confusion is drawn upon her gentle looking face.

"For what?" She asks, whispering just as softly.

"For being you, for everything, I guess. I just... I just like everything about you," I fumble over my words, sounding like a complete and utter idiot. I mentally kick myself in the arse for sounding like such a wanker. 

But Linley just laughs, getting that damn crinkle on her nose that makes my head spin, making it hard to breathe. The hand that was busy scratching Liam's scalp reaches out to gently touch my cheek, practically forcing me to lean into her embrace. She's got me wrapped around her dainty little finger of hers. 

 "You're not so bad yourself," She chuckles, her thumb running over my bottom lip gently, making me want to kiss her more now than ever. 

But as Liam's snores grow louder, I'm pulled out of that little trance I go under when I'm around Linley. I just shoot her a cheeky grin and plant a kiss against each of her fingertips before we both snuggle into Liam, trying to waddle him in our own happiness, wishing it were transferable. 


an: wow this chapter was loaded with stuff. i hope you guys enjoyed the little zinley shower scene. i know you all were bugging me about the fact that they haven't showered. don't worry, i had been planning that since the beginning. ahah.

but poor liam, huh? </3 maybe he'll find another lady soon? [wink wink nudge nudge] hahaha leave your thoughts, yeah? 

this chapter is dedicated to @jessiecalderonn for leaving me multiple comments, messages, etc. telling me how much she's enjoying this story! i'm glad! thank you again <3

ps. i just barely mentioned passenger, so i decided to put my favorite song by him on the side! he's the best!

love always,


[pps. if you haven't followed my instagram @moniquescheidler or my 8tracks @macklemonique yet, you definitely should, yeah? ily]


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